12th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Kuta, Bali, Indonesia
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
More Information

12th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-SC12-2016-01 Meeting notice and information (05May2016) - Rev.01
WCPFC-SC12-2016-02 Provisional agenda (5May2016) - Rev.04
WCPFC-SC12-2016-03 Provisional annotated agenda (5May2016) - Rev.04 / Provisional theme agenda
WCPFC-SC12-2016-04 Indicative schedule (05May2016) - Rev.01
WCPFC-SC12-2016-05 Registration form (Individual/Group)
WCPFC-SC12-2016-06 List of documents Rev 2 (18 July 2016)
WCPFC-SC12-2016-07 Provisional agenda for heads of delegation meeting - Rev.02
WCPFC-SC12-2016-08 Provisional agenda of the Japan Trust Fund steering committee meeting
WCPFC-SC12-2016-09 Provisional agenda of the Pacific Tuna Tagging Programme steering committee meeting
Working Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC12-GN-WP-01 Overview of tuna fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, including economic conditions - 2015 Rev 3 (15 July 2016)
Williams P. [1] and P. Terawasi [2]
SC12-GN-WP-02 Tunas, billfishes and other pelagic species in the eastern Pacific Ocean in 2015
SC12-GN-WP-03 Issues arising from the Commission
SC12-GN-WP-04 Intersessional activities of the Scientific Committee
SC12-GN-WP-05 Process for the independent review of stock assessments
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC12-HSW-01 Report on the Harvest Strategy Workshop (MOW4)
Ian Cartwright
SC12-HSW-02 Potential target reference points for the south Pacific albacore fisheries
SC12-WCPFC12-01 Evaluation of CMM 2014-01 for bigeye tuna
SC12-WCPFC12-02 Information Paper: data summaries in support of discussions on the CMMs on tropical tunas (CMM 2013-01 and CMM 2014-01)
SC12-WCPFC12-03 First Meeting of the FAD Management Options – Intersessional Working Group - Summary Report

SC12-WCPFC12-04 placeholder
SC12-WCPFC12-05 European Union proposal for an Amendment of the "Scientific data to be provided to the Commission”
European Union

Working Papers
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC12-ST-IP-01 Estimates of annual catches in the WCPFC statistical area
SC12-ST-IP-02 Status of observer data management Rev 2 (21 July 2016)
Williams P, I. Tuiloma and C. Falasi
SC12-ST-IP-03 Annual estimates of purse seine catches by species based on alternative data sources
Hampton J. and P. Williams
SC12-ST-IP-04 Update on the Implementation of electronic monitoring (EM) and Electronic Reporting (ER) technologies in the WCPO
Hosken M., P. Williams and N. Smith
SC12-ST-IP-05 Symbionts of bigeye and yellowfin tuna as potential stock markers for tuna in Indonesia archipelagic waters
Lestari P [1], R. J. G. Lester [2] and C. Proctor [3]
SC12-ST-IP-06 Characteristics of tuna fisheries associated with Indonesian anchored FADs in waters of the West Pacific and the Indonesian archipelago (25 July 2016 reformatted)
Widodo A. A. [1], Wudianto [1], C. Proctor [2] , F. Satria [3] , Mahiswara [3], M. Natsir [1], I. G. B. Sedana [1], I. T. Hargiyatno [1] and S. Cooper2.
SC12-ST-IP-07 Group Seine Operations of Philippine Flagged Vessels in High Seas Pocket 1 (HSP1)
Ramiscal R. V., A. C. Dickson, I. Tanangonan, M. Demo-os and J. Jara

SC12-ST-IP-08 Pilot Test of MARLIN(Electronic Logsheet) Operation in High Seas Pocket 1
Dickson A. C., DFT [1], M. Demo-os [1], I. Tanangonan [1], J. S. Jara [1] and R. V. Ramiscal [2]

SC12-ST-IP-09 Purse seine fishing activity in PNA waters
PNA Office
Working Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC12-SA-WP-01 Population structure and provenance of tropical tunas: recent results from high throughput genotyping and potential implications for monitoring and assessment.
Grewe P. M [1]., H. E. Irianto[2], C. H. Proctor [1], M. S. Adam [3], A. R. Jauhary [3], K. Schafer [4], D. Itano [5], A. Killian [6] and C. R. Davies [1].
SC12-SA-WP-02 Retrospective forecasting of the 2014 WCPO bigeye tuna stock assessment
Scott R. [1], N. Davies [2], G. M. Pilling [1] and J. Hampton [1]
SC12-SA-WP-03 A compendium of fisheries indicators for tuna stocks not assessed in 2016 (bigeye and yellowfin tuna)
Pilling G., R. Scott, P. Williams and J. Hampton.
SC12-SA-WP-04 Stock assessment of skipjack tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean
McKechnie S. [1], J. Hampton [1], G. M. Pilling [1] and N. Davies [2].
SC12-SA-WP-04a Additional analyses to support the 2016 stock assessment of skipjack tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean
S. McKechnie [1], J Hampton [1], G. M. Pilling [1], N. Davies [2]

SC12-SA-WP-05 Skipjack catch per unit effort (CPUE) in the WCPO from the Japanese pole-and-line fisheries
Kiyofuji H.
SC12-SA-WP-06 Trends in the south Pacific albacore longline and troll fisheries
Pilling, G.M.[1], P. Williams[1], and WCPFC Secretariat

SC12-SA-WP-06a Excel: SPA vessel number latitude flag
Pilling G. and P. Williams
SC12-SA-WP-06b Excel: SPA catch proportion latitiude flag
Pilling G., and P. Williams
SC12-SA-WP-07 2016 Pacific Bluefin Stock Assessment
SC12-SA-WP-08 Assessment of blue shark in the southwestern Pacific Rev 1 (22 July 2016)
Takeuchi Y., L. Tremblay-Boyer, G.M. Pilling and J. Hampton
SC12-SA-WP-09 Catch and CPUE inputs to the South Pacific blue shark stock assessment Rev 1 (16 July 2016)
Tremblay-Boyer L. and Y. Takeuchi.
SC12-SA-WP-10 Reassigned SA-IP-17
SC12-SA-WP-11 Determination of swordfish growth and maturity relevant to the southwest Pacific stock
Farley J., N. Clear, D. Kolody, K. Krusic-Golub, P. Eveson and J. Young
SC12-SA-WP-12 Stock Assessment Update for Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the Pacific Ocean through 2014
ISC Billfish Working Group
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC12-SA-IP-01 Report from the SPC pre-assessment workshop, Noumea, April 2016
Pilling G. and S. Brouwer
SC12-SA-IP-02 Evidence of discrete yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) populations demands rethink of management for this globally important resource.
Grewe P.M. [1], P. Feutry [12], P. L. Hill [1], R. M. Gunasekera [1], K.M. Schaefer [3], D. G. Itano [4], D.W. Fuller [3], S. D. Foster [1] and C.R. Davies [1]
SC12-SA-IP-03 Innovative Technologies for Tunas’ Assessment for Compliance Across the Oceans (ITTACA-OCEANS) NO PAPER SUBMITTED
Rico C
SC12-SA-IP-04 Standardized CPUE for skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis ) from the Papua New Guinea archipelagic purse seine fishery
Tremblay-Boyer L [1], G. Pilling [1], B. Kumasi [2] and T. Usu [2]

SC12-SA-IP-05 Construction of tagging data input files for the 2016 skip jack tuna stock assessment in the western and central Pacific Ocean
McKechnie S. [1], D. Ochi [2], H. Kiyofuji [2], T. Peatman [1] and S. Caillot [1].
SC12-SA-IP-06 Summary of fisheries structures for the 2016 stock assessment of skip jack tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean
McKechnie S.

SC12-SA-IP-07 Comparison of MULTIFAN-CL and Stock Synthesis platforms for the 2014 skipjack assessment
Takeuchi Y. and A. Langley

SC12-SA-IP-08 A re-consideration of growth pattern of skipjack on the western central Pacific. Rev 1 (19 July 2016)
Ochi D., H. Ijima and H. Kiyofuji.

SC12-SA-IP-09 Proposal of alternative spatial structure for skipjack stock assessment in the WCPO.
Kiyofuji, H. and D. Ochi.
SC12-SA-IP-10 Developments in the MULTIFAN-CL software 2015-2016
Davies N [1], D. Fournier [2], F. Bouyé [3], and J. Hampton [3]
SC12-SA-IP-11 Timeline of fleet and management changes in Australia’s tropical tuna longline fishery Rev 1 (16 July 2016)
Campbell R.
SC12-SA-IP-12 Relative abundance of skipjack for the purse seine fishery operating in the Philippines Moro Gulf (Region 12) and High Seas Pocket #1
Bigelow K. [1], E. Garvilles [2] and N. Barut [2].

SC12-SA-IP-13 Analysis of tag seeding data and reporting rates
Peatman T.[1], S. Caillot[1], B. Leroy[1], S. McKechnie[1] F. Roupsard[1], C. Sanchez1], S. Nicol [2], N. Smith[1]
SC12-SA-IP-14 Towards a Tropical Tuna Buoy-derived Abundance Index (TT-BAI)
Santiago, J [1]., J. Lopez [2], G. Moreno [2], H. Murua[2] , I. Quincoces [1] and M. Soto [3].

SC12-SA-IP-15 Connectivity of tuna and billfish species targeted by the Australian Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery with the broader Western Pacific Ocean.Rev 1 (15 July 2015)
Evans K [1], P. Grewe [1], D. Kolody [1], R. Hillary [1], S. Foster [2], T. Timmiss [3], M. Lansdell [1] and P. Hill [1].
SC12-SA-IP-16 A summary of blue shark (Prionace glauca) and shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) tagging data available from the North and Southwest Pacific Ocean
Sippel T, [1], J. Wraith [1], S. Kohin [1], V. Taylor [2], J. Holdsworth [3], M. Taguchi [4], H. Matsunaga [4] and K. Yokawa [4].
SC12-SA-IP-17 Pacific-wide bigeye thresher shark (Alopias superciliosus) sustainability status assessment:introduction, datasets and methodology
Fu D [1], M. J. Roux [1], S. Clarke [2], M. Francis [1], A. Dunn [1] and Simon Hoyle [3]

SC12-SA-IP-18 Stock Assessment for south Pacific albacore tuna using stock synthesis
Cao J. [1], Y. Chen [1], X. Dai [2], J. Zhu [2]
SC12-SA-IP-19 Genetic analysis of stock structure of blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the north Pacific ocean
King J. R [1]. , M. Wetklo [1], J. Supernault [1], M. Taguchi [2] , K. Yokawa [2], O. Sosa-Nishizaki [3] and R.E. Withler [1]
Working Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC12-MI-WP-01 Biological and economic consequences of alternative trajectories to achieve a candidate south Pacific albacore target reference point
Pilling G.[1], M. Skirtun [2], C. Reid [2] and J. Hampton [1]
SC12-MI-WP-02 Biologically reasonable rebuilding timeframes for bigeye tuna
Pilling G., R Scott and J. Hampton.
SC12-MI-WP-03 Proposal for adopting interim acceptable levels of risk for breaching limit reference points of four key tuna species in the WCPO
SC12-MI-WP-04 Performance statistics and monitoring strategies for skipjack and South Pacific albacore commensurate with: candidate management objectives for the Tropical Purse Seine and Southern Longline Fisheries
Scott R., G. Pilling and J. Hampton.
SC12-MI-WP-05 Report of the Expert Consultation Workshop on Management Strategy Evaluation
Scott R. [1], G. M. Pilling [1], J. Hampton [1], C. Reid [2] and N. Davies[3]
SC12-MI-WP-06 Evaluation of candidate harvest control rules for the tropical skipjack purse seine fishery
Scott R., G. M. Pilling, S. Brouwer and J. Hampton
SC12-MI-WP-07 2nd ISC Management Strategy Evaluation Workshop - ALBWG Chairman’s Report on Outcomes for North Pacific Albacore
SC12-MI-WP-08 Examining indicators of effort creep in the WCPO purse seine fishery
Pilling G [1], A. Tidd [1], PNA Office [2], W. Norris [3], and J. Hampton [1]

SC12-MI-WP-09 Examining a management measure of key purse seine vessels for recovering bigeye tuna stock in the western and central Pacific Ocean
Satoh K. and H. Ijima.
Information Papers
Working Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC12-EB-WP-01 Predicting skipjack tuna dynamics and effects of climate change using SEAPODYM with fishing and tagging data
Senina, I.,[1], P. Lehodey [1], B. Calmettesa [1], Simon Nicol [2,3], S. Caillot [2], J. Hampton [2], and P. Williams[2]
SC12-EB-WP-02 Ecosystem indicators: moving forward to design and testing
Smith N, V. Allain, and G. Pilling.
SC12-EB-WP-03 Monte Carlo simulation modelling of purse seine catches of silky and oceanic whitetip sharks
Tom Peatman and Graham Pilling

SC12-EB-WP-04 Reassigned EB-IP-15
SC12-EB-WP-05 Elaboration of technical details regarding shark targeting and shark management plans for CMM 2014-05
Clarke S.
SC12-EB-WP-06 Potential implications of the choice of longline mitigation approach allowed within CMM 2014-05 Rev 1 (13 July 2016)
Harley S. [1][2] and G. Pilling [1]

SC12-EB-WP-07 Assessing shark bycatch condition and the effects of discard practices in the Hawaii-permitted tuna longline fishery Rev 1 (19 July 2016)
Hutchinson M.
SC12-EB-WP-08 Review of available information on non-key shark species including mobulids and fisheries interactions
Tremblay-Boyer L and S. Brouwer

SC12-EB-WP-09 Distribution of highly at-risk New Zealand seabirds in the Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission area Rev 1 (14 July 2016)
Igor Debski, Freydís Hjörvarsdóttir and Kirstie Knowles
SC12-EB-WP-10 Improving tori line performance in small-vessel longline fisheries
Pierre J.[1], D. Goad [2], I. Debski [3] and K. Knowles [3]
SC12-EB-WP-11 Results from the First Workshop on Joint Analysis of Sea Turtle Mitigation Effectiveness
Clarke S. [1], T. Peatman [2] and S. Caillot [2].
SC12-EB-WP-12 Trial Application of the BDEP Template for Summarizing Bycatch Data
Williams P. [1], N. Smith [1], I. Tuiloma [1], C. Falasi [1] and S. Clarke [2].
SC12-EB-WP-13 Examination of effectiveness of seabird bycatch mitigation measures for small-scale longline vessels fishing north of 23ºN specified in CMM 2015-03
Katsumata N., K. Okamoto, D. Ochi, Y. Inoue, H. Matsunaga, H. Minami and K. Oshima

Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC12-EB-IP-01 Individual-based methods for simulation of movement by WCPO skipjack and other pelagic species
Scutt Phillips J. [1], A. Sen Gupta [1], E. van Sebille [2], I. Senina [3], P. Lehodey [3] and S. Nicol [4]

SC12-EB-IP-02 Data Available to the Commission to Address the Implementation and Effectiveness of CMM 2010-07 regarding Shark Finning
Clarke S. [1], L. Manarangi-Trott [2] and ‘A Taholo [2]

SC12-EB-IP-03 Withdrawn
SC12-EB-IP-04 A cross-taxa assessment of pelagic longline bycatch mitigation measures: Conflicts and mutual benefits to elasmobranchs
Eric Gilman [1], Milani Chaloupka [2], Yonat Swimmer [3] and Susanna Plovano [4].
SC12-EB-IP-05 ACAP advice for reducing the impact of pelagic longline fishing operations on seabirds
Favero M., A. Wolfaardt and N. Walker
SC12-EB-IP-06 Development and testing of a novel seabird mitigation option, the Hook Pod, in New Zealand pelagic longline fisheries
Walker N [1], B. Sullivan [2], I. Debski [3] and K. Knowles [3]
SC12-EB-IP-07 Observer coverage to monitor seabird captures in pelagic longline fisheries
Debski I.[1], J. Pierre [2] and K. Knowles [1]
SC12-EB-IP-08 CITES Pacific Shark Workshop Report on Non-detriment Findings for CITES Appendix II Sharks and Rays
Simpfendorfer C. & C. Rigby
SC12-EB-IP-09 FAO Report of the fifth FAO Expert Advisory Panel for the Assessment of Proposals to Amend Appendices I and II of CITES Concerning Commercially-exploited Aquatic Species REPLACED with final (5 August 2016)
SC12-EB-IP-10 Investigation of fin to body weight ratio for blue shark (Prionace glauca) caught by Japanese longline fisheries in the North Pacific
Semba Y., H. Okamoto, K. Shiozaki and Y. Fujinami
SC12-EB-IP-11 Evaluating potential biodegradable twines for use in the tropical tuna fishery
Lopez, J.[1], J.M. Ferarios [2], J. Santiago [2], O.G. Alvarez [3], G. Moreno [4], H. Murua [1].

SC12-EB-IP-12 Annual WCPFC Report: Joint Tuna RFMO Bycatch Technical Working Group
Smith N. and S. Nicol.
SC12-EB-IP-13 Drivers of catch and biodiversity around Western and Central Pacific Seamounts
Dunn D. C. [1], T. Morato [2], P. I. Miller [3], S. Nicol [4], and N. Smith [5]
SC12-EB-IP-14 SEAPODYM review with an update about ongoing developments and preliminary results.
Nicol S. [1,2], N. Smith [1], P. Lehodey [3] and I. Senina [3].
SC12-EB-IP-15 Evaluating the effectiveness of large-scale marine reserves on wide-ranging sharks
Jessica Cramp [1,2,3], R. L. Pressey [2], M. Heupel [1,4] , C. Simpfendorfer[1]
SC12-EB-IP-16 Progress on the WCPFC stock assessments and shark research plan

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC12-AR-CCM-01 Australia
SC12-AR-CCM-02 Canada Rev1 (5 June 2016)
SC12-AR-CCM-03 China
SC12-AR-CCM-04 Cook Islands
SC12-AR-CCM-05 European Union Rev 1 (5 July 2016)
SC12-AR-CCM-06 Federated States of Micronesia Rev 1 (4 July 2016)
SC12-AR-CCM-07 Fiji
SC12-AR-CCM-08 French Polynesia
SC12-AR-CCM-09 Indonesia
SC12-AR-CCM-10 Japan Rev 1 (4 July 2016)
SC12-AR-CCM-11 Kiribati Rev 2 (4 July 2016)
SC12-AR-CCM-12 Korea Rev 1 (4 July 2016)
SC12-AR-CCM-13 Marshall Islands
SC12-AR-CCM-14 Nauru
SC12-AR-CCM-15 New Caledonia
SC12-AR-CCM-16 New Zealand
SC12-AR-CCM-17 Niue
SC12-AR-CCM-18 Palau
SC12-AR-CCM-19 Papua New Guinea Rev 1 (26 September 2016)
SC12-AR-CCM-20 Philippines
SC12-AR-CCM-21 Samoa
SC12-AR-CCM-22 Solomon Islands Rev 1 (30 June 2016)
SC12-AR-CCM-23 Chinese Taipei Rev 1 (4 July 2016)
SC12-AR-CCM-24 Tokelau
SC12-AR-CCM-25 Tonga Rev 1 (28 June 2016)
SC12-AR-CCM-26 Tuvalu
SC12-AR-CCM-27 United States of America Rev 2 (1 July 2016)
SC12-AR-CCM-28 Vanuatu Rev 3 (2 July 2016)
SC12-AR-CNM-30 Ecuador
SC12-AR-CNM-31 El Salvador Rev 1 (25 June 2016)
SC12-AR-CNM-32 Liberia
SC12-AR-CNM-33 Mexico
SC12-AR-CNM-34 Panama
SC12-AR-CNM-35 Thailand
SC12-AR-CNM-36 Vietnam
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC12-RP-ABNJ-01 Update on the ABNJ (Common Oceans) Tuna Project’s Shark and Bycatch Components
Clarke S

SC12-RP-JTF-01 Japan Trust Fund Status Report (2016)
SC12-RP-JTF-02 Japan Trust Fund Steering Committee Report (2016) Rev 1 (8 August 2016)
SC12-RP-P35-01 Project 35: Bigeye biology, and Project 35b: WCPFC Tuna Tissue Bank
Smith N. [1], C. Sanchez [1], F. Roupsard [1], S. Calliot [1], V. Allain [1], D. Brogan [1], J. Farley [2], S. Fukufoka [1], M. Hosken [1], B. Leroy [1], S. Nicol [1,3], T. Park [1], T. Peatman [1] and E. Vourey [1].
SC12-RP-PTTP-01 Draft PTTP Steering Committee Report SC12
SC12-RP-PTTP-02 Project 42 Pacifc Tuna Tagging Project report and workplan for 2016-2017
SC12-RP-WPEA-01 WPEA Project Progress Report
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Pew Statement for WCPFC SC12
WWF Statement to WCPFC SC12
WWF Statement SPALB TRP CMM (English)
WWF Statement SPALB TRP CMM (Chinese)
Greenpeace statement to WCPFC SC12
Scientific Process NGO Intervention
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Sec-2016-01 For WCPFC staff only
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Agenda 2.1 Overview of WCPO fisheries
Agenda 2.2 Overview of EPO Fisheries
Agenda 3.1.1 Data gaps of the Commission
Agenda 3.1.2 Review of Project 60 Outputs
Agenda 3.1.3 Potential use of cannery reciept data for the work of the WCPFC
Agenda 3.6 Fad Management Options IWG
Agenda 3.7 Analyses and projections of economic conditions in WCPO fisheries

Agenda 3.7.a Analyses and projections of economic conditions in WCPO fisheries

Agenda Population structure and provenance of tropical tunas: recent results from high throughput genotyping & potential implications for monitoring & assessment

Agenda and A Compendium of fisheries Indicators for tuna stocks not assessed in 2016 (BET and YFT)
Agenda Retrospective forecasting of the 2014 WCPO bigeye tuna stock assessment

Agenda Skipjack catch per unit effort (CPUE) in the WCPO
Agenda Stock Assessment of skipjack tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean
Agenda Trends in the South Pacific Albacore Longline and Troll Fisheries
Agenda 4.2 The 16th Meeting of the ISC: Activity Report
Agenda ISC Pacific Bluefin tuna Stock Assessment 2016

Agenda Catch and CPUE inputs to the South Pacific blue shark stock assessment

Agenda Stock assessment of blue shark in the southwestern Pacific

Agenda 4.4.4 Pacific Blue Marlin Stock Assessment Update in 2016
Agenda 5.1.2.a Biological and economic consequences of different SP Albacore trajectories to a TRP

Agenda 5.1.2.b Biologically reasonable rebuilding timeframes for bigeye tuna
Agenda 5.1.3 Proposal for adopting interim acceptable levels of risk for breaching limit reference points of four key tuna species in the WCPO

Agenda 5.1.5 Performance statistics and monitoring strategies for skipjack and south Pacific albacore commensurate with:candidate management objectives for the tropical purse seine and southern longline fisheries

Agenda 5.1.5 Report of the expert consultation workshop on management strategy evaluation

Agenda 5.1.6 Evaluation of harvest control rules for the tropical purse seine skipjack fishery

Agenda 5.1.7 Development of MO/HCR for northern species: Input from the NC
Agenda 5.1.7 Recent ISC activities on Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE)
Agenda 5.3.2 Examining a management measure of key purse seine vessels for recovering bigeye tuna stock in the western and central Pacific Ocean

Agenda 5.3.2 Examining indicators of effort creep in the WCPO purse seine fishery
Agenda WCPFC SC meeting2016_Bali_SEAPODYM-SKJ
Agenda Ecosystem Indicators
Agenda 6.2.1 Monte Carlo simulation modelling of puse seine catches of silky and oceanic whitetip sharks

Agenda 6.2.2.e.1 shark targeting and management plans (CMM 2014-05)
Agenda 6.2.2.e.2 Potential implications of the choice of longline mitigation approach allowed within CMM 2014-05

Agenda 6.2.3.a Quantifying post-release mortality & identifying best handling practices in a tuna longline fishery
Agenda 6.2.3.b Review of available information on non-key shark species including mobulids and fisheries interactions
Agenda 6.3.1 Distribution of highly at-risk New Zealand seabirds in the Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission area
Agenda 6.3.2 Examination of effectiveness of seabird bycatch mitigation measures for small-scale longline vessels fishing north of 23°N specified in CMM 2015-03
Agenda 6.3.3 Improving tori line performance in small-vessel longline fisheries
Agenda 6.4 Mitigation of sea turtle bycatch in longline fisheries
Agenda 6.6 Trial Application of the BDEP Template for Summarizing Bycatch Data
PTTP 2 Spatial Variability in Bigeye Vertical
PTTP 3 Individual-based Methods for Simulation of WCPO Skipjack
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Agenda 3.5 - 3.7 Data Theme - SC 12 Recommendations - (draft)
Agenda BET V 3 Final Draft Recs 10 August
Agenda WCPO bigeye tuna Status and trends

Agenda Yellowfin Tuna V3 Final Draft Recs 10 August
Agenda WCPO yellowfin tuna Status and trends

Agenda 4.1.3 WCPO Skipjack V4 Draft Recs 11 August
Agenda 4.1.3 Skipjack Recs FINAL 11 August PM
Agenda WCPO skipjack tuna Draft Recommendation
Agenda Final Draft Recs South Pacific Albacore Tuna (Thunnus alalunga)
Agenda South Pacific albacore tuna Provision of scientific information

Agenda 4.2.2 Pacific Bluefin Tuna Recs FINAL 11 August PM
Agenda Draft Pacific Bluefin Tuna V3 Draft Recs 10 August
Agenda Draft PBFT recommendation_2016

Agenda 4.3.3 South Pacific Blue Shark Recs FINAL 11 August PM

Agenda South Pacific Blue Shark V2 Draft Recs 10 August
Agenda Agenda SP Blue Shark Draft Recs
Agenda 4.3.5 Other Sharks NP Shortfin Mako Recs FINAL 11 August PM

Agenda 4.3.5 Pacific BE thresher (other sharks) Recs

Agenda 4.4.4 Pacific Blue Marlin Recs FINAL 11 August PM
Agenda Pacific Blue Marline V2 draft recs 10 August
Agenda 5.0 SC12 - MI Theme Recommendations 10th August EU Text Added
Agenda 5.0 Sc12 management Issues Theme - Draft Regulations for the Commission

Agenda 5.1 and 5.3 SC12 - Management Issues Theme DRAFT recommendations for the commission
Agenda 6 EB Session 4_draft recommendations
Agenda 6 Outstanding issues_EBM theme
Agenda 6 CCM combined recommendations_EBM theme_version 1_rev1
Agenda 6 FINAL EB Recommendations 11 Aug_JHA

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