20th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Manila, Philippines
Meeting Dates:
Submissions Due:
More Information

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SC20 Email: SC20@wcpfc.int

Browse SC20 photos here: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBE1NW

View Full Annotated Agenda
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-SC20-2024-01 Meeting notice and information (16May2024) - Rev.03 (additional info about Airport Transportation) / Opening Program / Manila Tour Itinerary / WCPFC Fellowship Night Program
WCPFC-SC20-2024-02 Provisional agenda (16May2024) - Rev.02 / Provisional agenda with associated documents
WCPFC-SC20-2024-03 Provisional annotated agenda (16May2024) - Rev.02
WCPFC-SC20-2024-04 Provisional online discussion forum (ODF) topics - Rev.03
WCPFC-SC20-2024-05 Indicative schedule (Rev.04)
WCPFC-SC20-2024-06 List of Documents (Rev.02)
WCPFC-SC20-2024-07 Provisional agenda for Heads of Delegation (HOD) meeting (Rev.04)
WCPFC-SC20-2024-08 Provisional agenda for the WCPFC Pacific Marine Specimen Bank Steering Committee Meeting
WCPFC-SC20-2024-09 Provisional agenda for the Pacific Tuna Tagging Programme Steering Committee Meeting
WCPFC-SC20-2024-10 Provisional agenda for the Japan Trust Fund Steering Committee Meeting
Working Papers
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC20-GN-IP-01 Issues arising from the Commission
WCPFC Secretariat and SPC-OFP
SC20-GN-IP-02 Intersessional activities of the Scientific Committee
WCPFC Secretariat and SPC-OFP
SC20-GN-IP-03 Cooperation with other organizations
SC20-GN-IP-04 Guidelines for the Development of Scientific Committee Recommendations
Working Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC20-ST-WP-01 Scientific data available to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission - Rev.01
T. Vidal and P Williams
SC20-ST-WP-02 Project 60: Progress Towards Achieving SC19 Recommendations
T. Peatman, P. Williams, and S. Nicol
SC20-ST-WP-03 Evaluation of activities within the purse seine fishery through time
Tiffany Vidal, Peter Williams, Paul Hamer and Steven Hare
SC20-ST-WP-04 Update from the Intersessional Working Group for the Regional Observer Programme
IWG-ROP Chair and the Secretariat
SC20-ST-WP-05 Development of interim Electronic Monitoring (EM) standards for WCPFC
ER-EM-IWG Chair S. Harley
SC20-ST-WP-06 FAD Minimum Data Fields to be Recorded by WCPFC Vessel Operators
PNA and Tokelau
SC20-ST-WP-07 Summary of bycatch in WCPFC purse-seine fisheries at a regional scale, 2003–2022
Tom Peatman, Nick Hill , Joanne Potts, Simon Nicol
SC20-ST-WP-08 Proposal from Australia for additional WCPFC data fields - Rev.01
SC20-ST-WP-09 Interim steps for evaluating increases in bigeye longline catch limits under CMM 2023-01 - A discussion paper
Secretariat and SPC-OFP
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC20-ST-IP-01 Estimates of annual catches in the WCPFC statistical area
SC20-ST-IP-02 Coverage Levels for Operational Data Fields Submitted to the WCPFC
SC20-ST-IP-03 Status of observer data management
A. Panizza, P. Williams, C. Falasi, E. Loganimoce and E. Schneiter
SC20-ST-IP-04 Project 90 update: Better Data on Fish Weights and Lengths for Scientific Analyses
J. Macdonald, L. Bell, E. Schneiter, M. Ghergariu, C. Sanchez, R. Contreras, P. Judd, M. Hosken, J. Potts, J. Day, T. Vidal, and P. Williams
SC20-ST-IP-05 Project 114 Update: Progress in improving Cannery Receipt Data for WCPFC scientific work
SC20-ST-IP-06 Training observers for elasmobranch biological sampling (Project 109)
Tim Park
SC20-ST-IP-07 Additional Oceanic Environmental Data
The FFA and SPC-OFP Secretariats
SC20-ST-IP-08 Progress report of the research survey for 2023 by Chinese fishery research vessel “Song Hang” in the WCPFC Area
Xiaodong Li, Zhe Geng, Xiaojie Dai, Feng Wu, Jiangfeng Zhu
SC20-ST-IP-09 Modifications to the Scientific Data to be Provided by the Commission to support the submission of FAD Minimum Data Fields to be Recorded by WCPFC Vessel Operators
PNA and Tokelau
SC20-ST-IP-10 Group Seine Operations of Philippine Flagged Vessels in High Seas Pocket Number 1 (HSP1)
Isidro C. Tanangonan, Marlo B. Demo-os, Jeric S. Jara, Rafael V.Ramiscal and Alma C. Dickson
SC20-ST-IP-11 Relative Catch Rates and Species Abundance of Philippines Purse Seine Fleet Fishing in High Seas Pocket 1 and in Exclusive Economic Zone - Rev.01
Isidro C. Tanangonan, Princess M.A. Roque, and Bobby Matubang
SC20-ST-IP-12 Data Collectable Using Electronic Monitoring Systems Compared to At-Sea Observers in the Hawaiʻi Longline Fisheries
J. Stahl, J. Tucker, L. Rassel, and L. Hawn
Working Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC20-SA-WP-01 Scoping the Next Generation of Tuna Stock Assessment Software: Progress Report and Outline of Options (Project 123)
A. Magnusson, N. Davies, G. Pilling, and P. Hamer
SC20-SA-WP-02 Stock Assessment of South Pacific Albacore: 2024 - Rev.03
T. Teears, T. Peatman, C. Castillo-Jord´an, N. Davies, J. Day, J. Hampton, A. Magnusson, G. Pilling, H. Xu, T. Vidal, P. Williams and P. Hamer
SC20-SA-WP-03 Stock Assessment of Striped Marlin in the Southwest Pacific Ocean: 2024 (Rev.02)
C. Castillo-Jordan, J. Day, T. Teears, N. Davies, J. Hampton, S. McKechnie, A. Magnusson, T. Peatman, T. Vidal, P. Williams, and P. Hamer
SC20-SA-WP-04 Stock Assessment of Silky Shark in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean: 2024 - Rev.02
Philipp Neubauer, Kyuhan Kim, Kath Large and Stephen Brouwer
SC20-SA-WP-05 Scoping study on longline effort creep in the WCPO (Project 122) - Rev.01
Day et al
SC20-SA-WP-06 Exploring evidence and mechanisms for a long-term increasing trend in recruitment of skipjack tuna in the equatorial Pacific and the development and modelling of defensible effort creep scenarios (Project 115)
Paul Hamer, Inna Senina, Patrick Lehodey, Naoto Matsubara, Makoto Nishimoto, Yoshinori Aoki, and Yuichi Tsuda
SC20-SA-WP-07 A compendium of fisheries indicators for target tuna stocks in the WCPFC Convention Area - Rev.01
S. Hare, G. Pilling, R. Scott, T. Vidal, and P. Williams
SC20-SA-WP-08 Stock Assessment of Pacific Bluefin Tuna in the Pacific Ocean in 2024
SC20-SA-WP-09 Progress towards a Close-Kin-Mark-Recapture application to South Pacific Albacore (Project 100c)
SC20-SA-WP-10 Reporting WCPFC SC Status and Management Advice: Findings and Recommendations from WCPFC Project 113b - Rev.01
Philipp Neubauer
SC20-SA-WP-11 Analysing Potential Inputs to the 2025 Stock Assessment of Western and Central Pacific Oceanic Whitetip Shark (Carcharhinus longimanus) (Project 124) - Rev.02
T. Hill-Moana, P. Neubauer, K. Large, and S. Brouwer
SC20-SA-WP-12 Western and Central North Pacific Striped Marlin Assessment Consensus Peer Review
SC20-SA-WP-13 ANNEX 9 – Report of the ISC Billfish Working Group Workshop
SC20-SA-WP-14 Stock Assessment of Shortfin Mako Shark in the North Pacific Ocean through 2022
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC20-SA-IP-01 Summary Report from the 2024 SPC Pre-assessment Workshop
Paul Hamer
SC20-SA-IP-02 Developments in the Multifan-CL software 2024
Nick Davies, Fabrice Bouyé and John Hampton
SC20-SA-IP-03 Analysis of longline size frequency data for the 2024 South Pacific albacore and WCPO striped marlin assessments
Joanne Potts, Claudio Castilo-Jordan, Jemery Day, Paul Hamer, Thomas Teears
SC20-SA-IP-04 Spatial structure and regional connectivity of SP-ALB tuna stocks in the WCPO and EPO
Jed Macdonald, Giulia Anderson, Kyne Krusic-Golub, François Prioul, Charles Cuewapuru Malo Hosken, Vanille Barthelemy, Simon Nicol, Taiana Raoulx, Peter Grewe, and Afaiture Panapa
SC20-SA-IP-05 Background Analyses and Data Inputs for the 2024 South Pacific Albacore Tuna Stock Assessment
T. Teears, J. Hampton, T. Peatman, T. Vidal, P. Williams, H. Xu, and P. Hamer
SC20-SA-IP-06 Background analyses for the 2024 stock assessment of southwestern Pacific striped marlin
C. Castillo Jordan, J. Day, T. Peatman, and P. Hamer
SC20-SA-IP-07 Trends in the South Pacific albacore longline and troll fisheries
SPC-OFP and the WCPFC Secretariat
SC20-SA-IP-08 Tuna Assessment Research Plan (TARP) for ‘Key’ Tuna Species Assessments in the WCPO, 2024-2027
SC20-SA-IP-09 Progress against the 2023-2030 Billfish Research Plan - 2024 - Rev.02
S. Brouwer and P. Hamer
SC20-SA-IP-10 Progress against the 2021-2030 Shark Research Plan - 2024 - Rev.01
S. Brouwer and P. Hamer
SC20-SA-IP-11 Reproductive Biology of WCPO Yellowfin Tuna (Project 120)
S. Gislard, J. Scutt Phillips, J. Macdonald, J. Farley, J. Morrongiello, and S. Nicol
SC20-SA-IP-12 A Short Note On The Development Of Biological Sampling Plans For Tuna & Billfish (Projects 117 & 118)
T. Peatman, J. Scutt Phillips, S. Nicol
SC20-SA-IP-15 Rebuilding Scenarios for Striped Marlin in the Western and Central North Pacific Ocean
J. Brodziak
SC20-SA-IP-16 Examining Indicators of Effort Creep in the WCPO Purse Seine Fishery (Project 115)
P. Hamer, T. Teears, and the PNAO
SC20-SA-IP-17 Striped marlin catch and CPUE in the New Zealand sport fishery, 2019-20 to 2021-22
J. C. Holdsworth
SC20-SA-IP-18 Characterisation, CPUE and length-composition analyses of the New Zealand albacore fishery
P. Neubauer and T. Hill-Moana
SC20-SA-IP-19 Effort creep in longline and purse seine CPUE and its application in tropical tuna assessments
S. Hoyle
SC20-SA-IP-20 Historical trends in catch and effort of south Pacific albacore in Japanese longline fishery
Yoshinori Aoki and Naoto Matsubara
SC20-SA-IP-21 Development of Dynamic Energy Budget model of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and its potential applications using archival tagging data
Takaaki Hasegawa, Yoshinori Aoki, Hirotaka Ijima, Kei Okamoto, Keisuke Satoh, Joe Scutt Phillips, Daniel W. Fuller and Marko Jusup

SC20-SA-IP-22 A preliminary analysis for age estimation of yellowfin tuna using near infrared spectroscopy
Kei Okamoto, Keisuke Satoh and Takashi Kimiya
SC20-SA-IP-23 Characterisation of the fisheries catching Oceanic whitetip sharks (Carcharhinus longimanus) in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean - Rev.01
Stephen Brouwer, Tyla Hill-Moana, Kath Large and Philipp Neubauer
SC20-SA-IP-24 Updated design models informing the sampling strategy for a Close-kin mark-recapture application to South Pacific albacore
Laura Tremblay-Boyer, Mark Bravington and Campbell Davies
Working Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC20-MI-WP-01 Re-evaluation of the Skipjack Management Procedure Estimation Method - Planned Approach
Rob Scott, Graham Pilling, Finlay Scott, Paul Hamer, Nan Yao
SC20-MI-WP-02 Skipjack monitoring strategy report
SC20-MI-WP-03 Recalibration of the Adopted South Pacific Albacore Interim Target Reference Point and Review of WCPFC20 Requested Options (Rev.01)
G. Pilling, R. Scott, P. Hamer, F. Scott, and N. Yao
SC20-MI-WP-04 Selecting and Conditioning Operating Models for South Pacific Albacore - Rev.01
R. Scott, F. Scott, N. Yao, P. Hamer, and G. Pilling
SC20-MI-WP-05 Testing and developing an estimation method for South Pacific albacore
F. Scott, R. Scott and N. Yao
SC20-MI-WP-06 South Pacific albacore candidate MP evaluations (Not available due to unresolved technical challenges)
SC20-MI-WP-07 Analyses to Inform Discussions on Candidate Bigeye and Yellowfin Target Reference Points
G. Pilling, R. Scott, P. Hamer, and F. Scott
SC20-MI-WP-08 {Placeholder}
SC20-MI-WP-09 Evaluation of CMM 2023-01: Tropical Tuna Measure
G. Pilling, P. Hamer, R. Scott, P. Williams, and T. Vidal
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC20-MI-IP-01 South Pacific albacore dry run analysis (Not available due to unresolved technical challenges)
SC20-MI-IP-02 {Placeholder}
SC20-MI-IP-03 Retrospective Forecasting of the 2022 WCPO Bigeye Tuna and Yellowfin Tuna Stock Assessment
N. Yao, R. Scott and F. Scott
SC20-MI-IP-04 Update on capacity building and stakeholder engagement activities for WCPFC harvest strategies
SC20-MI-IP-05 Catch and effort data summaries to support discussions on Tropical Tuna CMMs
WCPFC Secretariat and SPC-OFP
Working Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC20-EB-WP-01 Ecosystem and Climate Indicators (Project 121)
SC20-EB-WP-02 Commission’s Climate Change Work Plan and TOR for the Assessment of CMMs Susceptible to Climate Change Impacts
K. Kryc and B. Muller
SC20-EB-WP-03 Progress Report of Project 110: Non-entangling and Biodegradable FAD Trial in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean - Rev.01
L. Escalle, G. Moreno, I. Zudaire, J. Uranga, D. David, and P. Hamer
SC20-EB-WP-04 Progress of the FADMO-IWG Priority Tasks for 2024 - Rev.01
SC20-EB-WP-05 Oceanic whitetip and silky shark in longline fisheries between 20 N and 20 S and outside the area to evaluate CMM 2022-04 (Project 116)
Keith Bigelow, Aurélien Panizza, Tiffany Vidal and Peter Williams
SC20-EB-WP-06 Review of Conservation and Management Measure to mitigate the impact of fishing for highly migratory fish stocks on seabirds (CMM 2018-03): informal intersessional process, key findings, and management options - Rev.01
New Zealand
SC20-EB-WP-07 A review of the scope and feasibility of an assessment of CMM susceptibility to climate change impacts
Secretariat and SPC-OFP
SC20-EB-WP-08 Proposed Amendments to Conservation and Management Measure for Protection of Cetaceans from Purse Seine and Longline Fishing Operations (CMM 2011-03)
USA and Korea
SC20-EB-WP-09 Potential interactions between deep-sea mining and tuna fisheries
D. Amon, B. Dobush, J. Drazen, D. McCauley, N. Nathan, J. van der Grient, Bobbi-Jo Dobush

SC20-EB-WP-10 An update on the New Zealand large-scale seabird monitoring and tracking programme with improved insights into trends, distribution, and overlap with pelagic longline fisheries
Johannes H. Fischer , Olivia Rowley, Ana Carneiro , Te Arawhetu Waipoua, Graeme Elliott, Grahem Parker, Kalinka Rexer-Huber, Kath Walker & Igor Debski

SC20-EB-WP-11 Meta-analysis of standardised interaction rates reveals relative performance of seabird bycatch mitigation methods for pelagic longline fisheries in the light of the review of CMM 2018-03
Johannes H. Fischer, James Bell & Igor Debski
SC20-EB-WP-13 Proposal for undertaking research analyses to inform discussions of mitigating impacts on cetaceans in the WCPFC purse seine tuna fishery
D. Phillips and S. Elzea

SC20-EB-WP-14 Deep Seabed Mining Activities in the WCPFC Convention Area
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC19-EB-IP-02 Green Climate Fund Regional Tuna Programme Proposal – Adapting tuna-dependent Pacific Island communities and economies to climate change
SC19-EB-IP-03 A Fisheries Science Vessel for the Pacific – A tool to manage and preserve our common resources and ecosystem
SC20-EB-IP-01 Green Climate Fund Regional Tuna Programme Proposal – Adapting tuna-dependent Pacific Island communities and economies to climate change (Refer to SC19-EB-IP-02)
SC20-EB-IP-02 Update and Workplan on FAD Research
L. Escalle, J. Mourot, and P. Hamer
SC20-EB-IP-03 A Fisheries Science Vessel for the Pacific – A tool to manage and preserve our common resources and ecosystem (Refer to SC19-EB-IP-03)
SC20-EB-IP-04 Bycatch Management Information System (BMIS) Update and Introducing the New Bycatch Data Explorer
L. Fitzsimmons, J. Potts
SC20-EB-IP-05 Tuna fisheries’ impacts on non-tuna species and other environmental aspects: 2024 summary
V. Restrepo, H. Murua, A. Justel and H. Koehler
SC20-EB-IP-06 Potential interactions between fishing and mineral resource-related activities in areas beyond national jurisdiction: a spatial analysis
International Seabed Authority
SC20-EB-IP-07 Inputs for Comprehensive Bycatch Management Strategy Evaluation in Tuna Fisheries
SC20-EB-IP-08 Synthesizing a network of evidence on a seabird bycatch mitigation measure
E. Gilman, M. Chaloupka, I. Debski, Mi Ae Kim, E. Kingma, and D. Ochi
SC20-EB-IP-09 Leatherback Sea Turtle Interactions in Western and Central Pacific Deep-Set Longline Fisheries - Rev.01
Irene K. Kelly, Melissa Snover, and Rob Ahrens
SC20-EB-IP-10 Shark bycatch mitigation project and Scientific activities on Depredation in New-Caledonia
M. Lercari, F. Prioul, P. Doherty, B. Godley, T. Horton, R. Enever,T. Day, P. Tixier, M. Mollier
SC20-EB-IP-11 Pacific Tuna and Ecosystem Research Cruise Project
Tawa, A., Ishihara, T., Matsubara, N., Hasegawa, T., Yamaguchi, T., Nagatomo, Y., Okazaki, M., Kusaka, A, Hidaka, K., Kiyofuji, H., Allain, V., Nicol, S., Hamer, P., Pilling, G.
SC20-EB-IP-12 Towards, continuous monitoring of the echo-sounder buoy attached to AFADs around Japanese coastal areas
Naoto Matsubara, Makoto Nishimoto, Yoshinori Aoki, and Yuichi Tsuda

SC20-EB-IP-13 Evaluation of the Use of Multiple FADs Sets by Philippine Purse Seine Fishery in HSP1 and EEZ (Withdrawn)
I.C. Tanangonan, P. M. A. L. Roque, B. F. Matubang
SC20-EB-IP-14 Final results of the jelly-FAD performance in the EPO with Ugavi fleet
G. Moreno, I. Zudaire, J. Uranga,M. Roman, M. Grande, J. Salvador, J. Murua, A. Salgado, J Lopez, H. Murua, J. Santiago, and V. Restrepo
SC20-EB-IP-15 Enhancing sustainable practices in the use of biodegradable Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) in the EPO
J. Luis García, J. Carlos Quiroz y Guillermo Morán V., and FUNDACION TUNACONS
SC20-EB-IP-16 Biodegradable drifting fish aggregating devices: Current status and future prospects
Iker Zudaire, Mariana T. Tolotti, Gala Moreno, Jefferson Murua, Paul Hamer, Hilario Murua, Gorka Merino, Marlon Roman, Martin Hall, Jon Lopez, Maitane Grande, Maria Lourdes Ramos, Lauriane Escalle, Oihane C. Basurko, Manuela Capello, Laurent Dagorn, Santiago Deniz, Francisco J. Abascal, Jose Carlos Baez, Pedro J. Pascual-Alayon, Josu Santiago
SC20-EB-IP-17 First International Workshop on FAD retrieval, Galápagos 2024
G. Moreno, G. Morán, and P. Guerrero
SC20-EB-IP-18 Progress in addressing key research to inform Mobulid ray conservation in the Pacific Ocean
M. Cronin, G Moreno, J. Murua, and V. Restrepo
SC20-EB-IP-19 Assessing the Impact of Artificial Bait on Target Catch and Bycatch in Experimental Longline Fisheries
Shintaro UENO, Daisuke OCHI and Daisuke SHIODE
SC20-EB-IP-20 New best handling and release practice guide for vulnerable bycatch tropical species in tropical tuna purse seiners
Murua, J., Ferarios, J.M., Grande, M., Ruiz1, J., Cuevas, N., Krug, I., Onandia, I., Zudaire, I., Erauskin-Extramiana, M., Lopetegui-Eguren, L., Salgado, A., Santiago, J.
SC20-EB-IP-21 Silky shark post-release survival evaluation in tropical tuna purse seiners using hoppers with ramps
Murua, J., Ferarios, J.M., Grande, M. Nagore, C., Salgado, A., Lopez, J., Hutchinson, M., Moreno, G., Murua, H., Santiago, J.
SC20-EB-IP-22 A probabilistic time geographic approach to quantifying seabird-vessel interactions
J. Rutter, S. Borrelle, S. Bose, A. Carneiro, B. Clark, I. Debski, G. Elliott, J. Fischer, K. Walker, and S. Pittman
SC20-EB-IP-23 Predicting albatross bycatch hotspots across the North Pacific Ocean
. Clay, S. Shaffer, J. Adams, D. Anderson, S. Bograd, J. Felis, Y. Guzmán, E. Hazen, R W. Henry III, M. Hester, D. Hyrenbach, J. Montoya, F. Jordan, F. Sánchez, B. Nishizawa, R. Orben, K. Ozaki, E. Rojas-Mayora, F. Sato, R. Suryan, J-B Thiebot, L. Thorne, H. Welch, L. Young, and G. Carroll
SC20-EB-IP-24 Straddling Sets: Clarification of RFMO seabird bycatch mitigation requirements for timing of longline setting
BirdLife International and Humane Society International (Australia)
SC20-EB-IP-25 Updated ACAP Advice on Reducing the Bycatch of Albatrosses and Petrels in WCPFC Fisheries
Dimas Gianuca
SC20-EB-IP-26 Antipodean Albatross multi-threat risk assessment
Y. Richard, K. Berkenbusch, E. Crawford, M. Tornquist, K. Walker, G. Elliott, and L. Tremblay-Boyer
SC20-EB-IP-27 Distribution and trends of reported observed seabird bycatch mitigation use in the WCPFC Convention Area
Johannes H. Fischer and Igor Debski
SC20-EB-IP-28 Assessing inter-annual variability in Antipodean Albatross distribution
Y. Richard, L. Tremblay-Boyer, K. Berkenbusch, N. Wilkinson, K. Walker, and G. Elliott
SC20-EB-IP-29 Diving ecology of selected seabird species from the Southern and Northern Western and Central Pacific Ocean
M. Düssler, R. Orben, H. Wittmer, O. Rowley, I. Debski, S. A. Shaffer, and J. H. Fischer
SC20-EB-IP-30 Overlap between pelagic longline fisheries and Black Petrels in the WCPFC Convention Area
Jamie Darby, Olivia Rowley , Igor Debski, Graeme Taylor, Elizabeth Bell , Maria Düssler , Johannes H. Fischer
SC20-EB-IP-31 The FAD Watch Program
Kydd Pollock
SC20-EB-IP-32 Origin and fate of mercury in tunas
A. Médieu, D. Point, V. Allain, and A. Lorrain
SC20-EB-IP-33 SEAPODYM: Integration of new data to inform modelling of tuna’s early life stages dynamics
L. Bonnin and I. Senina
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC20-AR-CCM-01 Australia
SC20-AR-CCM-02 Canada
SC20-AR-CCM-03 China
SC20-AR-CCM-04 Cook Islands (13July2024) - Rev.01
SC20-AR-CCM-05 European Union
SC20-AR-CCM-06 Federated States of Micronesia
SC20-AR-CCM-07 Fiji
SC20-AR-CCM-08 French Polynesia
SC20-AR-CCM-09 Indonesia (10 July 2024) - Rev.01
SC20-AR-CCM-10 Japan
SC20-AR-CCM-11 Kiribati
SC20-AR-CCM-12 Republic of Korea (5July2024) - Rev.01
SC20-AR-CCM-13 Republic of Marshall Islands
SC20-AR-CCM-14 Nauru
SC20-AR-CCM-15 New Caledonia (12 July 2024) - Rev.01
SC20-AR-CCM-16 New Zealand
SC20-AR-CCM-17 Niue
SC20-AR-CCM-18 Palau
SC20-AR-CCM-19 Papua New Guinea
SC20-AR-CCM-20 Philippines
SC20-AR-CCM-21 Samoa (6 July 2024) - Rev.01
SC20-AR-CCM-22 Solomon Islands
SC20-AR-CCM-23 Chinese Taipei
SC20-AR-CCM-24 Tokelau
SC20-AR-CCM-25 Tonga
SC20-AR-CCM-26 Tuvalu (7July2024) - Rev.01
SC20-AR-CCM-27 United States of America (6 July 2024) - Rev.01
SC20-AR-CCM-28 Vanuatu
SC20-AR-CCM-29 Wallis and Futuna
SC20-AR-CCM-30 {Placeholder}
SC20-AR-CCM-31 Curacao
SC20-AR-CCM-32 Ecuador
SC20-AR-CCM-33 El Salvador
SC20-AR-CCM-34 {Placeholder}
SC20-AR-CCM-35 Nicaragua
SC20-AR-CCM-36 Panama
SC20-AR-CCM-37 Thailand
SC20-AR-CCM-38 Vietnam
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC20-RP-JTF-01 Japan Trust Fund Status Report (2024)
SC20-RP-JTF-02 Japan Trust Fund Steering Committee Meeting Report (2024)
SC20-RP-P35b-01 Project 35b: WCPFC Pacific Marine Specimen Bank
SC20-RP-P35b-02 [DRAFT] Report of the Pacific Marine Specimen Bank Steering Committee - Rev.01
PMSB Steering Committee
SC20-RP-PTTP-01 Project 42: Pacific Tuna Tagging Project Report and Work-plan for 2024-2027 - Rev.01
SC20-RP-PTTP-02 [DRAFT] Project 42: Report of the Pacific Tuna Tagging Project Steering Committee - Rev.01
SC20-RP-WPEA-01 WPEA-ITM Project Update
Lars Olsen
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC20-OP-01 BirdLife International Statement to the 20th session of the WCPFC Scientific Committee (SC20)
BirdLife International
SC20-OP-02 MSC harvest strategy milestones for Pacific Ocean principal market tuna stocks
Caroline Fisheries Corporation, China Southern Fishery Shenzhen Corporation, Da Yang Seafood, Inc., Fishing Industry Association – Papua New Guinea, Hawaii Longline Association, LianCheng Overseas Fishery FSM Corporation, LianCheng Overseas Fishery Shenzhen Corporation, Marshall Islands Fishing Venture, Taiyo A & F Co., Ltd., Tuna Australia
SC20-OP-03 WWF Position Statement for SC20
SC20-OP-04 Appeal for the Development of Harvest Control Rules and Harvest Strategy for Yellowfin and Bigeye Tunas
FFSAP and SARGEN Handline
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
A2.1 A2.1 - Overview of tuna fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, including economic conditions – 2023
T. Vidal , P Williams and T. Ruaia
A2.2 A2.2 - The Tuna Fishery in the Eastern Pacific Ocean in 2023
A3.1.1 A3.1.1 - Scientific data available to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
T. Vidal and P. Williams
A3.1.2 A3.1.2 Project 60: Progress towards Achieving SC19 Recommendations
T. Peatman, P. Williams, and S. Nicol
A3.1.5 A3.1.5 Proposal from Australia for additional WCPFC data fields
A3.1.6 A3.1.6 Summary of bycatch in WCPFC purse-seine fisheries at a regional scale, 2003–2022
T. Peatman, N. Hill, J. Potts, S. Nicol
A3.2 A3.2 - Evaluation of activities within the purse seine fishery through time
T. Vidal, P. Williams, P. Hamer, and S. Hare
A3.3.2 A3.3.2 Update from the IWG-ROP for SC20
IWG ROP Chair and Secretariat
A3.4.1 A3.4.1 - Development of interim Electronic Monitoring (EM) standards for WCPFC
EREM-IWG Chair S. Harley
A3.4.2 Interim steps for evaluating increases in bigeye longline catch limits under CMM 2023-01 -A discussion paper
Secretariat and SPC-OFP
A4 A4 Stock Assessment Theme Introduction
SA Co-conveners
A4.1.2 A4.1.2 Scoping the next generation of tuna stock assessment software (Project 123)
A. Magnusson, N. Davies, G. Pilling, and P. Hamer
A4.2.1.1 A4.2.1.1 Stock Assessment of South Pacific Albacore: 2024
T. Teears, T. Peatman, C. Castillo-Jord´an, N. Davies, J. Day, J. Hampton, A. Magnusson, G. Pilling, H. Xu, T. Vidal, P. Williams and P. Hamer
A4.2.2.1 A compendium of fisheries indicators for target tuna stocks in the WCPFC Convention Area
S. Hare, G. Pilling, R. Scott, T. Vidal, and P. Williams
A4.2.2.2 A4.2.2.2 Exploring evidence and mechanisms for a long-term increasing trend in recruitment of skipjack tuna in the equatorial Pacific and the development and modelling of defensible effort creep scenarios (Project 115)
Paul Hamer, Inna Senina, Patrick Lehodey, Naoto Matsubara, Makoto Nishimoto, Yoshinori Aoki, Yuichi Tsuda
A4.3 A4.3 - ISC24 Activities Since SC19
ISC Chair John Holmes
A4.3.1.1 A4.3.1.1 Stock Assessment of Pacific Bluefin Tuna in the Pacific Ocean in 2024
A4.4.1.1 A4.4.1.1 Stock assessment of Southwest Pacific striped marlin
A4.4.2.1 A4.4.2.1 - ISC WCNPO Striped Marlin Assessment Peer Review
ISC Vice-Chair Robert Ahrens
A4.4.2.2 A4.4.2.2 Rebuilding Scenarios for Striped Marlin in the Western and Central North Pacific
J. Brodziak
A4.5.1.1 A4.5.1.1 Stock Assessment of Silky Shark in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean: 2024 (Project 108)
P. Neubauer, K. Kim, K. Large, and S. Brouwer
A4.5.2 A4.5.2 Analysing Potential Inputs to the 2025 Stock Assessment of Western and Central Pacific Oceanic Whitetip Shark (Carcharhinus longimanus) (Project 124)
T. Hill-Moana, P. Neubauer, K. Large, S. Brouwer
A4.5.3 A4.5.3 Stock Assessment of Shortfin Mako Shark in the North Pacific Ocean through 2022
A4.6.1 A4.6.1 Reporting WCPFC SC Status and Management Advice: Findings and Recommendations from WCPFC (Project 113b)
Philipp Neubauer
A4.6.2 A.4.6.2 Progress towards a Close-Kin-Mark-Recapture application to South Pacific Albacore (Project 100c)
A4.6.3 A4.6.3 Scoping study on longline effort creep in the WCPO (Project 122)
A4.6.6.1 A4.6.6.1 Tuna Assessment Research Plan
A4.6.6.2 A4.6.6.2 and Billfish and Shark Research Plans
A5.1.1.1 A5.1.1.1 Re-evaluation of the Skipjack Management Procedure Estimation Method - Planned Approach
Rob Scott, Graham Pilling, Finlay Scott, Paul Hamer, Nan Yao
A5.1.1.2 A5.1.1.2 Skipjack monitoring strategy report
A5.1.2.1 A5.1.2.1 Recalibration of the Adopted South Pacific Albacore Interim Target Reference Point and Review of WCPFC20 Requested Options
A5.1.2.2 A5.1.2.2 Selecting and Conditioning Operating Models for South Pacific Albacore
R. Scott, F. Scott, N. Yao, P. Hamer, and G. Pilling
A5.1.2.3 A5.1.2.3 Testing and developing an estimation method for South Pacific albacore
F. Scott, R. Scott and N. Yao
A5.1.3.1 A5.1.3.1 Analyses to Inform Discussions on Candidate Bigeye and Yellowfin Target Reference Points
G. Pilling, R. Scott, P. Hamer, and F. Scott
A5.2 A5.2 Evaluation of CMM 2023-01: Tropical Tuna Measure
G.M. Pilling, P. Hamer, R. Scott, P. Williams, and T. Vidal
A6.1.1 A6.1.1 Ecosystem and Climate Indicators (Project 121)
A6.1.2 A6.1.2 - Commission’s Climate Change Work Plan and TOR for the Assessment of CMMs Susceptible to Climate Change Impacts
K. Kryc and B. Muller
A6.1.2 A6.1.2 - A review of the scope and feasibility of an assessment of CMM susceptibility to climate change impacts
Secretariat and SPC-OFP
A6.2.1 A6.2.1 Progress report of Project 110: Non-entangling and biodegradable FAD trial in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
L. Escalle, G. Moreno, I. Zudaire, J. Uranga, D. David, and P. Hamer
A6.2.2 FADMO-IWG-09 Progress Report
FADMO-IWG Chair Jamel James
A6.4.1 A6.4.1 Oceanic whitetip and silky shark in longline
K. Bigelow, A. Panizza, T. Vidal, and P. Williams
A6.5 A6.5 Review of CMM 2018-03: Seabirds
A6.7 A6.7 Proposal for undertaking research analyses to inform discussions of mitigating impacts on cetaceans in the WCPFC purse seine tuna fishery
D. Phillips & S. Elzea (Earth Island Institute International Marine Mammal Project)
A6.7 A6.7 Proposed Amendments to Conservation and Management Measure for Protection of Cetaceans from Purse Seine and Longline Fishing Operations (CMM 2011-03)
USA and Korea
A6.8 A6.8 Deep Seabed Mining Activities in the WCPFC Convention Area
A6.8 A6.8 Potential interactions between deep-sea mining and tuna fisheries
D.Amon, B.Dobush, J.Drazen, D.McCauley, N.Nathan, J. van der Grient
A7.1 Pacific Marine Specimen Bank Steering Committee
A7.2 Pacific Tuna Tagging Project Steering Committee
A7.3 A7.3 WPEA Project Update
Lars Olsen
ISG04 ISG04 - Billfish Research Plan

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