20th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee
Agenda Item 4.3 Northern stocks
Annex I of the Commission’s Rules of Procedure defines ‘northern stocks’ to be ‘stocks which occur mostly in the area north of 20° north parallel’ and currently are ‘northern Pacific bluefin[1], northern albacore[2] and the northern stock of swordfish[3]’.
According to the MOU between WCPFC and ISC[4], the ISC’s scientific information and advice will be presented at the annual meetings of the Scientific Committee. The ISC Chair, or his designate, will be invited to brief SC20 on the activities of ISC since SC19, including the ISC’s 2024 stock assessments and future plans.
[1] Pacific bluefin tuna
[2] North Pacific albacore
[3] North Pacific swordfish
[4] International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific Ocean
General Papers
Symbol | Title | Date of Issue | Last Updated |
A4.3 | A4.3 - ISC24 Activities Since SC19 ISC Chair John Holmes |