20th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Agenda Item South Pacific albacore stock assessment


SC20 will review the results of the 2024 South Pacific albacore stock assessment, noting the Commission’s request that SC20 refer to the adopted iTRP in its assessment of stock status and in reporting to the Commission on management advice and implications for the stock.

Working Papers

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC20-SA-WP-02 Stock Assessment of South Pacific Albacore: 2024 - Rev.03
T. Teears, T. Peatman, C. Castillo-Jord´an, N. Davies, J. Day, J. Hampton, A. Magnusson, G. Pilling, H. Xu, T. Vidal, P. Williams and P. Hamer

Information Papers

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC20-SA-IP-03 Analysis of longline size frequency data for the 2024 South Pacific albacore and WCPO striped marlin assessments
Joanne Potts, Claudio Castilo-Jordan, Jemery Day, Paul Hamer, Thomas Teears
SC20-SA-IP-04 Spatial structure and regional connectivity of SP-ALB tuna stocks in the WCPO and EPO
Jed Macdonald, Giulia Anderson, Kyne Krusic-Golub, François Prioul, Charles Cuewapuru Malo Hosken, Vanille Barthelemy, Simon Nicol, Taiana Raoulx, Peter Grewe, and Afaiture Panapa
SC20-SA-IP-05 Background Analyses and Data Inputs for the 2024 South Pacific Albacore Tuna Stock Assessment
T. Teears, J. Hampton, T. Peatman, T. Vidal, P. Williams, H. Xu, and P. Hamer
SC20-SA-IP-07 Trends in the South Pacific albacore longline and troll fisheries
SPC-OFP and the WCPFC Secretariat
SC20-SA-IP-20 Historical trends in catch and effort of south Pacific albacore in Japanese longline fishery
Yoshinori Aoki and Naoto Matsubara
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
A4.2.1.1 A4.2.1.1 Stock Assessment of South Pacific Albacore: 2024
T. Teears, T. Peatman, C. Castillo-Jord´an, N. Davies, J. Day, J. Hampton, A. Magnusson, G. Pilling, H. Xu, T. Vidal, P. Williams and P. Hamer