20th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Agenda Item South Pacific albacore operating models


Following SC19's advice, the reference set of the operating models was further developed to allow for the continued progress and evaluation of candidate management procedures. SC20 will consider formally adopting the reference set of operating models for management strategy evaluation, noting the potential for other changes in light of the 2024 South Pacific albacore stock assessment.

Working Papers

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC20-MI-WP-04 Selecting and Conditioning Operating Models for South Pacific Albacore - Rev.01
R. Scott, F. Scott, N. Yao, P. Hamer, and G. Pilling
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
A5.1.2.2 A5.1.2.2 Selecting and Conditioning Operating Models for South Pacific Albacore
R. Scott, F. Scott, N. Yao, P. Hamer, and G. Pilling