14th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Busan, Republic of Korea
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
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Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC15-2018-SC14-00 SC14 Summary Report
WCPFC15-2018-SC14-01 SC14 Outcomes Document (27Aug2018) - Ver.03
Working Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC14-ST-WP-01 Scientific Data Available to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Rev. 1 (21 July 2018)
Williams P.
SC14-ST-WP-02 Better purse seine catch composition estimates: progress on the Project 60 work plan Rev 1 (22 July 2018)
Peatman T, N. Smith, S. Caillot, S. Fukofuka and T. Park
SC14-ST-WP-03 Summary of longline fishery bycatch at a regional scale, 2003-2017 Rev 3 (15 April 2019)
Peatman T. L. Bell, V. Allain, S. Caillot, P. Williams, I. Tuiloma, A. Panizza, L. Tremblay-Boyer, S. Fukofuka and N. Smith
SC14-ST-WP-04 Analyses and projections of economic conditions in WCPO fisheries Rev. 1 (17 July 2018)
Skirtun M and C. Reid
SC14-ST-WP-05 Requirements for Enhancing Conversion Factor Information
Williams P. and N. Smith.
SC14-ST-WP-06 DRAFT Summary Report of ERandEMWG3
SC14-ST-WP-07 Proposal for a review of the Commission’s data needs and collection programs
Information Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC14-ST-IP-01 Estimates of Annual Catches in the WCPFC Statistical Area
SC14-ST-IP-02 Status of Observer Data Management Rev. 1 (13 August 2018)
Williams P., I Tuiloma and A. Panizza
SC14-ST-IP-03 An update on cannery data with potential use to the WCPFC
Williams P.
SC14-ST-IP-04 Summary of purse seine fishery bycatch at a regional scale, 2003-2017 Rev 1 (24 July 2018)
Peatman T., V. Allain, S. Caillot, T. Park, P. Williams, I. Tuiloma, A. Panizza, S. Fukofuka and N. Smith

SC14-ST-IP-05 Document moved to ST-WP-05
SC14-ST-IP-06 Group Seine Operations of Philippine Flagged Vessels in High Seas Pocket 1 (HSP1)
Tanangonan I[1], M. Demo-os[1] J. S. Jara[1] and R. V. Ramiscal [2]
SC14-ST-IP-07 Purse seine fishing activity in PNA waters
Clark S.
SC14-ST-IP-08 The Use of Electronic Logsheet on Philippine Flagged Vessels Operating in High Seas Pocket 1 Title changed ( 22 July 2018)
Tanangonan I.[1], M. Demo-os[1], J. S. Jara[1] and R. V. Ramiscal [2]

SC14-ST-IP-09 USA ideas on "ROP minimum standard data fields species of special interest”
Working Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC14-SA-WP-01 Update on age and growth of bigeye tuna in the WCPO WCPFC Project 81 Rev 1 (33 July 2018)
Farley J[1], P. Eveson[1], K. Krusic-Golub[2], N. Clear[1], C. Sanchez[3], F. Roupsard[3], K. Satoh[4], N. Smith[3] and J. Hampton[3]

SC14-SA-WP-02 A compendium of fisheries indicators for tuna stocks
Brouwer S., G. Pilling, P. Williams and J. Hampton.
SC14-SA-WP-03 Incorporation of updated growth information within the 2017 WCPO bigeye stock assessment grid, and examination of the sensitivity of estimates to alternative model spatial structures.
Vincent M. T., G.M. Pilling and J. Hampton

SC14-SA-WP-04 Improvements in skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) abundance index based on the fish size data from Japanese pole-and-line logbook (1972–2017) Rev 1 (22 July 2017)
Kinoshita J, Y. Aoki, H. Ijima, and H. Kiyofuji

SC14-SA-WP-05 Stock assessment of South Paci c albacore tuna Rev 2 (29 July 2017)
Tremblay-Boyer L., J. Hampton, S. McKechnie and G. Pilling
SC14-SA-WP-06 Stock Assessment of Pacific Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus orientalis) in the Pacific Ocean in 2018
ISC Pacific Bluefin Tuna WG
SC14-SA-WP-07 Stock Assessment for Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the Western and Central North Pacific Ocean through 2016 Rev 1 (22 July 2017)
ISC Billfish WG
SC14-SA-WP-08 Pacific-wide Silky Shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) Stock Status Assessment (22 July 2018) and Addendum (8 August 2018)
Common Oceans (ABNJ)
SC14-SA-WP-09 Indicators of the spatial distribution of blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the North Pacific
Hampton J
SC14-SA-WP-10 Moved to SA-IP-13
SC14-SA-WP-11 Stock Assessment of Shortfin Mako Shark in the North Pacific Ocean Through 2016
ISC Shark WG
SC14-SA-WP-12 Risk to the Indo-Pacific Ocean whale shark population from interactions with Pacific Ocean purse-seine fisheries Rev 2 (22 July 2018)
Common Oceans (ABNJ)

SC14-SA-WP-13 Progress on yellowfin tuna age and growth in the WCPO WCPFC Project 82
Farley J.[1], K. Krusic-Golub[2], N. Clear[1], P. Eveson[1] and N. Smith[3]

Information Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC14-SA-IP-01 Report from the SPC pre-assessment workshop, Noumea, April 2018
Pilling G and S. Brouwer
SC14-SA-IP-02 Developments in the MULTIFAN-CL Software 2017-18
Davies N.[1], D. Fournier [2] , Y. Takeuchi[3], F. Bouyé[3] and J. Hampton[3]

SC14-SA-IP-03 Placeholder
SC14-SA-IP-04 Connectivity of tuna and billfish species targeted by the Australian Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery with the broader Western Pacific Ocean
Evans K, P. Grewe, R. Gunasekera and M. Lansdell

SC14-SA-IP-05 Annual trend in migration rate of skipjack from spawning grounds to off Japan
Aoki Y., M. Masujima and H. Kiyofuji
SC14-SA-IP-06 Overview and availability of Japanese pole-and-line fisheries data between 1960 and 1971
Kiyofuji H., Kinoshita J. and Aoki Y.
SC14-SA-IP-07 Background Analysis for the 2018 stock assessment of South Pacific albacore tuna
Tremblay-Boyer L , S. McKechnie and G. Pilling

SC14-SA-IP-08 Trends in the South Pacific Albacore Longline and Troll Fisheries Rev 2 (21 July 2018)
Brouwer S [1], G. Pilling[1], P. Williams[1] and the WCPFC Secretariat
SC14-SA-IP-08a Excel: SPA Vessel Number Latitude Flag
Brouwer S., G. Pilling and P. Williams
SC14-SA-IP-08b Excel: SPA Catch Proportion Latitude Flag
Brouwer S., G. Pilling and P. Williams
SC14-SA-IP-09 Historical Catch Estimate Reconstruction for the Pacific Ocean based on Shark Fin Trade Data (1980-2016)
Clarke S.
SC14-SA-IP-10 Testing MULTIFAN-CL developments for multispecies/multi-sex assessments, using SW Pacific swordfish
Takeuchi Y[1], N. Davies[2], D. Fournier[3], G. Pilling[1], and J. Hampton[1].

SC14-SA-IP-11 Estimation of the ratio of spawning biomass of striped marlin above 20°N in the Central and Western North Pacific Ocean using the Japanese Distant Water Longline Fleet and the 2007 Stock Assessment
Piner K. and R. Conser
SC14-SA-IP-12 Stock assessment update for striped marlin (Kajikia audax) in the western and central North Pacific Ocean through 2013
ISC Billfish WG
SC14-SA-IP-13 Stock Assessment and Future Projections of Blue Shark in the North Pacific Ocean through 2015
ISC Shark Working Group
Working Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC14-MI-WP-01 Minimum TRPs for WCPO yellowfin consistent with alternative LRP risk
Takeuchi Y., G. Pilling, and J. Hampton
SC14-MI-WP-02 Technical aspects of a potential South Pacific albacore harvest strategy
Pilling G.M., R. Scott, F. Scott and J. Hampton
SC14-MI-WP-03 Selecting and Conditioning the Operating Models for WCPO Skipjack
Scott R., F. Scott F, G. M. Pilling, J. Hampton and N. Davies
SC14-MI-WP-04 Performance indicators for comparing management procedures using the MSE modelling framework
Scott F., R. Scott, N. Davies, G. M. Pilling and J. Hampton
SC14-MI-WP-05 Key decisions for managers and scientists under the harvest strategy approach for WCPO tuna stocks and fisheries
SC14-MI-WP-06 Consultative Draft Terms of Reference for a WCPFC Science-Management Dialogue meeting Rev1 (19 July 2018)
SPC-OFP and Secretariat

SC14-MI-WP-07 Identifying appropriate reference points for elasmobranchs within the WCPFC
Zhou S.[1], R. Deng[1], S. Hoyle[2] and M. Dunn[3]
SC14-MI-WP-08 Evaluation of CMM 2017-01 for bigeye tuna
Pilling G, M. Vincent, P. Williams and J. Hampton
SC14-MI-WP-08a Evaluation of CMM 2017-01 for bigeye tuna with only new growth
Pilling G,

SC14-MI-WP-09 Report on analyses of the 2016/2018 PNA FAD tracking programme
Escalle L.[1], B. Muller[1], S. Brouwer[1], G. Pilling[1] and the PNAO[2]

SC14-MI-WP-10 Estimates of the number of FADs active and FAD deployments per vessel in the WCPO
Escalle L.[1], S. Brouwer[1], G. Pilling[1] and the PNAO[2]

Information Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC14-MI-IP-01 Work Plan for the Adoption of Harvest Strategies under CMM 2014-06 (WCPFC14 Summary Report Attachment L)
SC14-MI-IP-02 Technical developments in the MSE modelling framework.
Scott F[1], R. Scott[1], N. Davies[2], G. M. Pilling[1] and J. Hampton[1]
SC14-MI-IP-03 Generating Pseudo Data in MULTIFAN-CL
Scott R.[1], F. Scott[1], N. Davies[2], G. M. Pilling[1] and J. Hampton[1]
SC14-MI-IP-04 Catch and Effort Tables on Tropical Tuna CMMs Rev. 1 (27 July 2018)
Secretariat and SPC-OFP
SC14-MI-IP-05 Updating Indicators of Effort Creep in the WCPO Purse Seine Fishery
Muller B.[1], G. Pilling[1] and the PNAO[2]
SC14-MI-IP-06 Framework for Harvest Strategies for Tropical Tuna in Archipelagic Waters of Indonesia

Working Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC14-EB-WP-01 Impact of climate change on tropical Pacific tuna and their fisheries in Pacific Islands waters and high seas areas
Senina I[1], P. Lehodey[1], B. Calmettes[1], M. Dessert[2], J. Hampton[3], N. Smith[3], T. Gorgues[4], O. Aumont[2], M. Lengaigne[4],

C. Menkes[4], S. Nicol[5], and M. Gehlen[5]

SC14-EB-WP-02 Report for Project 78: Analysis of Observer and Logbook Data Pertaining to Key Shark Species in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
Rice J.
SC14-EB-WP-03 A short note on the development of WCPFC seabird bycatch estimates for Project 68
Peatman T. and N. Smith
SC14-EB-WP-04 Progress on the WCPFC stock assessments and shark research plan (Summary table)
WCPFC Secretariat, SPC-OFP, ABNJ and ISC

SC14-EB-WP-05 4th Draft Consolidated Text for the Conservation and Management Measures for Sharks (for review by SC14)
SC14-EB-WP-05a Consolidated Text for the Conservation and Management Measure for Sharks as Reviewed and Revised by SC14 TC version
SC14-EB-WP-06 Catchability of target and non-target species by circle hook size in the Hawaii and American Samoa tuna longline fisheries Rev 1 (24 July 2018)
Bigelow K. and Y. Swimmer
SC14-EB-WP-07 Document moved to EB-IP-13
SC14-EB-WP-08 Review of studies on catch rates of commercial and bycatch species by hook type using in pelagic tuna longline fisheries
Okamoto K. [1], D. Ochi [1], K. Oshima [2], and H. Minami [1]
SC14-EB-WP-09 Preliminary assessment of the risk of albatrosses by longline fisheries Rev 1 (1 August 2018)
Ochi D[1], E. Abraham[2], Y. Inoue[1], K. Oshima[1], N. Walker[3], Y. Richard[2] and S. Tsuji[1].

SC14-EB-WP-10 Hook shielding devices to mitigate seabird bycatch: review of effectiveness Rev 1 (22 July 2018)
Debski I, K. Clements and F. Hjorvarsdottir
SC14-EB-WP-11 Update on bycatch risks to seabirds in the Western Pacific Rev 1 (22 July 2018)
Debski I.[1], K. Walker[2], G. Elliott[2] and S. Bose[1]
SC14-EB-WP-12 Report of the Workshop on WCPFC Bycatch Mitigation Problem-Solving
Common OCeans (ABNJ) Tuna Project
SC14-EB-WP-13 ACAP advice for reducing the impact of pelagic longline fishing operations on seabirds
SC14-EB-WP-14 The conservation status and priorities for albatrosses and large petrels distributed in the WCPFC area
SC14-EB-WP-15 The development of ACAP seabird bycatch indicators, data needs, methodological approaches and reporting requirements
Wolfaardt A[1], I. Debski[1], W. Misiak[2], N. Walker[3], and M. Favero[2]
SC14-EB-WP-16 Draft FAD MO IWG3 Guidelines for Biodegradable and Non-Entangling FADs V2
IWG Chair
Information Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC14-EB-IP-01 Evaluation of dFAD construction materials in the WCPO
Escalle L, S. Brouwer and G. Pilling
SC14-EB-IP-02 An update on Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission shortfin mako and silky shark post-release mortality tagging studies
Lyon W[1], S. Clarke[2], M. Francis[1], C. Sanchez[3], T. Peatman[3] and N. Smith[3]
SC14-EB-IP-03 Safe Release Guidelines for Sharks and Rays
Common Oceans (ABNJ) Tuna Project
SC14-EB-IP-04 Pacific stock structure of the Silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) resolved with next generation sequencing
Kraft D.W[1]., M. Hutchinson[1][2] and B. Bowen[1]
SC14-EB-IP-05 Update on the seabird component of the Common Oceans Tuna Project Seabird Bycatch Assessment Workshop
Abraham E., et al

SC14-EB-IP-06 Blue shark and swordfish catch rates in Hawaii’s shallow-set longline fishery: before and after regulations aimed to reduce sea turtle bycatch DRAFT
Swimmer Y.[1] and C. Barceló [2]
SC14-EB-IP-07 Stakeholder Views on Methods to Identify Ownership and Track the Position of Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices Used by Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries with Reference to FAO's Draft Guidelines on the Marking of Fishing Gear. FAO Fisheries Circular 1163.
Gilman E.[1], B. Bigler[2], B. Muller[2], G. Moreno[3], E. D. Largacha[4], M. Hall[4], F. Poisson[5], J. Toole[6], P. He[6] and W-C Chiang[7].

SC14-EB-IP-08 Effects of pelagic longline hook size on species- and size-selectivity and survival. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 28: 417-433.
Gilman, E[1]., M. Chaloupka[2] and M. Musyl[3].
SC14-EB-IP-09 Discards by global tuna fisheries. Marine Ecology Progress Series 582: 231-252
Gilman, E[1]. , P. Suuronen[2] and M. Chaloupka[3]
SC14-EB-IP-10 Bycatch Management Information System (BMIS): redevelopment update
Fitzsimmons L.[1], N. Smith[2], S. Caillot[2] and S. Clarke[3]
SC14-EB-IP-11 An update on development of new identification materials and enhanced training to observers to support better identification of sharks and rays in observer data
Park T[1] , S. Fukofuka[1], L. Bell[1][2], S. Clarke[3] and N. Smith[1]
SC14-EB-IP-12 2017 Implementation report of the Management Plan for Longline Fisheries Targeting Sharks
SC14-EB-IP-13 Trials of extension of horizontal aerial extent of tori line for the Japanese small longliners operating in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
Katsumata N[1], H. Matsunaga[1], K. Okamoto[1], D. Ochi[1], Y. Inoue[1], K. Oshima[2], and H. Minami[1]

Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC14-AR-CCM-01 Australia
SC14-AR-CCM-02 Canada Rev 1 (28 June 2018)
SC14-AR-CCM-03 China Rev. 1 (9 July 2018)
SC14-AR-CCM-04 Cook Islands
SC14-AR-CCM-05 European Union
SC14-AR-CCM-06 Federated States of Micronesia
SC14-AR-CCM-07 Fiji
SC14-AR-CCM-08 French Polynesia
SC14-AR-CCM-09 Indonesia Rev 2 (6 July 2018)
SC14-AR-CCM-10 Japan Rev 1 (4 July 2018)
SC14-AR-CCM-11 Kiribati
SC14-AR-CCM-12 Korea
SC14-AR-CCM-13 Republic of the Marshall Islands
SC14-AR-CCM-14 Nauru
SC14-AR-CCM-15 New Caledonia
SC14-AR-CCM-16 New Zealand
SC14-AR-CCM-17 Niue
SC14-AR-CCM-18 Palau Rev. 1 (6 July 2018)
SC14-AR-CCM-19 Papua New Guinea
SC14-AR-CCM-20 Philippines
SC14-AR-CCM-21 Samoa
SC14-AR-CCM-22 Solomon Islands
SC14-AR-CCM-23 Chinese Taipei Rev 1 (9 Jul 18)
SC14-AR-CCM-24 Tokelau Rev 1 (9 July 2018)
SC14-AR-CCM-25 Tonga Rev 2 (28 June 2018)
SC14-AR-CCM-26 Tuvalu Rev 1 (9 July 2018)
SC14-AR-CCM-27 United States of America Rev. 1 (7 July 2018)
SC14-AR-CCM-28 Vanuatu
SC14-AR-CCM-29 Wallis and Futuna
SC14-AR-CNM-30 Ecuador
SC14-AR-CNM-31 El Salvador
SC14-AR-CNM-32 Liberia Rev 1 (3 July 2018)
SC14-AR-CNM-33 Mexico
SC14-AR-CNM-34 Panama
SC14-AR-CNM-35 Thailand
SC14-AR-CNM-36 Vietnam
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
Agenda 5.3.1 MI-WP-08a 2017-01 Evaluation only updated new growth
DRAFT Agenda-10.2 FINAL Agenda 10.2 Stock Assessment Schedule Tuna and Billfish [9.57 am 17 August]
DRAFT Agenda-3.3.2 Agenda 3.3.2 ROP MSDF SSI Rev 2
DRAFT ISG-01-01 Placeholder [9pm]
DRAFT ISG-05-01 FINAL EB-WP-05 4th Consolidated Text Shark CMM [Posted 9.31 17 August]
DRAFT ISG-06-01 FINAL Best Practice Shark Release (posted 8.45 am 17 August)
DRAFT ISG-07-01 FINAL ISG7 Shark Research Plan - [posted 8.57 am 17 August]
DRAFT ISG-08-00 ISG-08-00 SC14 Work Program and Budget [12.06 pm]
DRAFT ISG-08-01 Agenda 3.1.5 Project 90 better size data DRAFT PLAN [Posted 6.41pm]
DRAFT ISG-08-02 P60 spp composition [for budget consideration]
DRAFT ISG-08-03 P68 Seabird Mortality for Budget
DRAFT ISG-08-04 P35 Tissue Bank [for budget consideration]
DRAFT ISG-08-05 FFA Proposal on Data Review Rev 1
DRAFT ISG-08-06 P83 Investigating potential for a dedicated WCPFC tagging vessel
DRAFT ISG-08-07 Proposed workshop on YFT and BET age and growth
DRAFT ISG-08-08 P42 PTTP Budget Proposal
DRAFT PTTP Draft PTTP Steering Committee Meeting Report 2018
REC-Agenda-3.0 FINAL Data and Statistics Draft Recommendations Cleaned and References [posted 8.51am]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda BET Stock Status and Management Advice [WITH SPC INPUT 14.00 pm 16 August]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda YFT Stock Status and Management Advice [11.33 am]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda SKJ Stock Status and Management Advice [11.36 am]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda SPA Stock Status and Management Advice [11.31am]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda NP Albacore Stock Status and Management Advice V1
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda PBFT Stock Status and Management Advice [11.45am]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda North Pacific Swordfish Stock Status and Management Advice [11.21 am]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda Oceanic Whitetip Stock Status and Management Advice [1.24pm]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda Silky Shark Stock Status and Management Advice [1.33 pm]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda SP Blue Shark Stock Status and Management Advice [1.27 pm]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda NP Blues Shark Stock Status and Management Advice [1.29 pm]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda NP SF Mako Stock Status and Management Advice [1.20 pm]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda Pacific Bigeye Thresher Stock Status and Management Advice [1.23pm 16 August]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda Draft Southern Porbeagle Shark Stock Status and Management Advice [12.26 pm 16 August]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda Draft Whale Shark Stock Status and Management Advice [1.26 pm 16 August]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda South Pacific Swordfish Stock Status and Management Advice [12.12 pm 16 August]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda SWP Striped Marlin Stock Status and Management Advice [12.01 pm]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda NP Striped Marlin Stock Status and Management Advice [11.58 am 16 August]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda Pacific Blue Marlin Stock Status and Management Advice [12.16 pm 16 August]
REC-Agenda-5.0b FINAL Agenda 5.0 Management Issues Recommendations [3.55 pm 15th and 1.52 16th August]]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda Recs CMM2010-07 (CMM for Sharks) [posted 9.11am 17 August]
REC-Agenda- FINAL Agenda Recs CMM 2013-08 Silky Shark [TC - posted 8.41 am 17 August]
REC-Agenda-6.3.1 FINAL Agenda 6.3.1 Draft Recs Hook Shielding Devices [08.34am 17 August]
REC-Agenda-6.3.1 FINAL Agenda 6.3.1 Draft Seabird Risk [posted 9.18 am 17 August]
REC-Agenda-6.4.2 FINAL Agenda 6.4.2 Sea Turtles Rev 3 [8.36 am 17 August]
REC-Agenda-7.1 FINAL Agenda 7.1 P35b WCPFC Tissue Bank Recommendations [3.27 pm]
REC-Agenda-7.2 FINAL Agenda 7.2 RECs Project 42 PTTP [9.43 am 17 August]
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
PP-EB-IP-01 Evaluation FAD Construction Materials
PP-EB-WP-00 EB Theme session schedule of papers and presentations Rev 1
PP-EB-WP-00a Chairs Introduction
PP-EB-WP-01 Impact Climate Change on Pacific tropical tunas and their fisheries
PP-EB-WP-02 P. 78 analysis shark data WCPO
PP-EB-WP-03 Project 68 WCPFC Seabird Bycatch Estimates
PP-EB-WP-04 Shark Research Plan
PP-EB-WP-05 Consolidated CMM for Sharks DRAFT
PP-EB-WP-06 Catchability target and non-target species by circle hook size in Hawaii and Am Sam tuna LL
PP-EB-WP-08 Catch rates by hook type tuna LL fisheries
PP-EB-WP-09 Preliminary assessment risk to albatrosses by LL fisheries
PP-EB-WP-10 Hook shielding to mitigate bird bycatch
PP-EB-WP-11 Update Bycatch Risk Seabirds WPO
PP-EB-WP-12 Bycatch Mitigation Workshop
PP-EB-WP-13 Reducing pelagic LL interactions with seabirds
PP-EB-WP-14 Conservation Status Albatross and Petrels
PP-EB-WP-15 Development ACAP Seabird Bycatch Indicators
PP-EB-WP-16 Draft guidelines biodegradable and non-entangling FADs
PP-GN-IP-02 Report ISC18
PP-GN-WP-01 Overview tuna fisheries in WCPFC
PP-GN-WP-02 Tuna Billfish Pelagics EPO 2017
PP-MI-IP-02 Technical Development MSE Modelling Framework
PP-MI-WP-01 Minimum TRPs for WCPO yellowfin consistent with alternative LRP risk
PP-MI-WP-02 Technical aspects potential SPA harvest strategy
PP-MI-WP-03 Conditioning OM WCPO Skipjack
PP-MI-WP-04 PIs comparing management procedures under MSE modelling framework
PP-MI-WP-05 Key decisions HS approach WCPO Fisheries
PP-MI-WP-06 Science Management Dialogue
PP-MI-WP-07a Potential Methods for Estimating Fishing Mortality
PP-MI-WP-07b Potential estimation of stock-recruitment steepness
PP-MI-WP-07c Identifying appropriate reference points elasmobranchs WCPFC
PP-MI-WP-08 CMM 2017-01 Evaluation BET MINUS ANIMATION
PP-MI-WP-08a Re-evaluation of CMM 2017-01 for bigeye tuna, updated growth only
PP-MI-WP-09 Analysis of 2016/2018 PNA FAD tracking programme
PP-MI-WP-10 Number of active FAD and FAD deployments per vessels WCPO
PP-PTTP-SCR PTTP Steering Committee Report
PP-RP-P35b--01 WCPFC Tissue Bank Project 35b
PP-RP-WPEA-01 WPEA-SM Project Progress Report
PP-SA-WP-00 Stock Assessment Theme Agenda
PP-SA-WP-00a Stock Assessment Theme Introduction
PP-SA-WP-01 Update BET growth
PP-SA-WP-01a EPO Bigeye Aging Comparison
PP-SA-WP-02 Compendium fishery indicators tuna stocks
PP-SA-WP-03 BET stock assessment update
PP-SA-WP-04 Improved SKJ abundance Japan Pole and Line size data
PP-SA-WP-05 South Pacific Albacore Tuna Stock Assessment
PP-SA-WP-06 Pacific Bluefin Tuna Stock Assessment
PP-SA-WP-07 NP Swordfish SA
PP-SA-WP-08 Stock Status Pacific Silky Shark
PP-SA-WP-09 Indicators spatial distribution blue shark
PP-SA-WP-11 Stock Assessment Shortfin Mako NPO Through 2016
PP-SA-WP-12 Risk Indo-Pacific Ocean whale shark population interactions Pacific Ocean P/S
PP-SA-WP-13 P. 82 Yellowfin age and growth
PP-ST-WP-01 Scientific Information Available to the WCPFC
PP-ST-WP-02 Project 60 better P/S data
PP-ST-WP-03 Summary LL bycatch 2003-2017
PP-ST-WP-04 Analysis and projections WCPO Fisheries economics

* Secure documents are not included in the zip file