8th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Busan, Korea
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
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Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC-SC8-2012-01 Meeting Notice and Information
WCPFC-SC8-2012-02 Provisional Agenda Rev 1 (6 August 2012)
WCPFC-SC8-2012-03 Provisional Annotated Agenda Rev 1 (6 August 2012)
WCPFC-SC8-2012-04 Indicative Schedule Rev 1 (4 August 2012) and reporting and feedback schedule (6 August 2012)
WCPFC-SC8-2012-05 Registration Form (hotel registration form included) (Hotel registration form - 15June2012)
WCPFC-SC8-2012-06 Guidelines for Submitting Meeting Papers
WCPFC-SC8-2012-07 Provisional List of documents Rev 3 (15 August 2012)
WCPFC-SC8-2012-08 Provisional agenda for head of delegation (HOD) meeting (1600-1700, 6 August 2012)
WCPFC-SC8-2012-09 Provisional Agenda of the JTF Steering Committee Meeting
WCPFC-SC8-2012-10 Provisional Agenda of the PTTP Steering Committee Meeting
Oceanic Fisheries Programme, Secretariat of the Pacific Community
WCPFC-SC8-2012-11 Provisional Agenda of the Third WPEA OFM Project Steering Committee Rev 1 - (03Aug2012)
WCPFC-SC8-2012-12 Notes on Reorganisation of the SC Documents List
WCPFC-SC8-2012-13 Preliminary Theme Agendas Annotated with Associated Papers
Theme Conveners
Working Papers
Information Papers
Working Papers
Information Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
ST-IP-01 Estimates of annual catches in the WCPFC Statistical Area.
Oceanic Fisheries Programme (OFP), Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), Noumea, New Caledonia.
ST-IP-02 Status of observer data management
Williams P. and C. Cole
ST-IP-03 Summary of regional observer programme audits
ST-IP-04 Analysis of Purse Seine/Ring Net Fishing Operations in Philippine EEZ
Dickson, A. C. DFT [1], M. Demoos [1], W. S. de la Cruz [1], I. Tanangonan [1], J. O. Dickson, DFT [2] and R. V.Ramiscal [1]
ST-IP-05 Electronic onboard monitoring pilot project for the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery
Piasente et al.
ST-IP-06 Decomposition of Tuna Length Frequency Data from Port Sampling in Papua New Guinea
Kumasi, B., T Usu, L. Baje and L. Kumoru
ST-IP-07 (Rev 1) Assessment of Independent Fishery Data collected from the PNG Purse Seine Fishery between 2008 and 2011 (Rev 1)
Baje, L. B. Kumasi, L. Kumoru and T. Usu.
Working Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SA-WP-01 Independent (Peer) Review of 2011 WCPO Bigeye Tuna Assessment
J. Ianelli. [1] , M. Maunder [2] and A. E. Punt [3]
SA-WP-02 A compendium of fisheries indicators for bigeye, skipjack, yellowfin, and south Pacific albacore tunas and south Pacific swordfish
Harley, S., P. Williams and J Hampton
SA-WP-03 Project 35: Bigeye tuna age and reproductive biology progress report
Nicol, S.
SA-WP-04 Stock Assessment of Albacore in the south Pacific Ocean Rev 1 (29 July 2012)
Hoyle, S, J. Hampton and N Davies
SA-WP-05 Stock Assessment of Striped Marlin (Kajikia audax) in the Southwest Pacific Ocean.
Davies, N., S. Hoyle and J. Hampton
SA-WP-06 Stock Assessment of Oceanic Whitetip Sharks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean Rev 1 (3 August 2012)
Rice, J. and S. Harley
SA-WP-07 Stock Assessment of Silky Sharks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean Rev 1 (3 August 2012)
Rice, J. and S. Harley
SA-WP-08 Progress Towards a Stock Assessment for Swordfish in the southern WCPO including Standardized CPUE for Spanish Swordfish Fleet
Harley, S. [1], P. Kleiber [2], and S. Hoyle [1
SA-WP-09 Yellowfin tuna CPUE standardization of the Korean tuna longline fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean. Rev 1 (6 August 2012)
Lee, S. I., Z. G. Kim, M. K. Lee, J. E. Ku, S. C. Yoon and D. W. Lee
SA-WP-10 Stock Assessment of North Pacific Striped Marlin
Information Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SA-IP-01 Recent developments in the MULTIFAN-CL stock assessment software
Davies, N.[1], D. Fournier [2], J. Hampton [1], Pierre Kleiber [3], S. Hoyle [1], F. Bouyé [1] and S. Harley [1]
SA-IP-02 SPC-OFP Response to the Independent Review of the 2011 bigeye tuna stock assessment
SA-IP-03 Composition, Distribution and Abundance of Fish Eggs and Larvae in the Philippine Pacific Seaboard and Celebes Sea with Focus on Tuna Larvae (Family : Scombridae)
Servidad-Bacordo, R., A. Dickson, L. Nepomuceno and R. Ramiscal.
SA-IP-04 Yellowfin Tuna Fisheries in New Zealand and the Southwest Pacific Ocean.
Holdsworth, J. [1]
SA-IP-05 Spatial dynamics of swordfish in the south Pacific Ocean inferred from tagging experiments.
Evans, K [1]., D. Kolody [2], F. Abascal [3], J. Holdsworth [4], P. Maru [5] and T. Sippel [4].
SA-IP-06 Estimates of the Spatial Distribution of Striped Marlin in the SW Pacific Ocean Using PSAT Tagging Data (Not provided as of 15August2012)
Chambers M., M. Domeier, T. Sippel, J. Holdsworth.
SA-IP-07 Catch per unit effort and size composition of striped marlin caught by recreational fisheries in southeast Australian waters. NSW Department of Primary Industries Rev 1 (11 July 2012).
Ghosn, D., D. Collins, C. Baiada and A. Steffe
SA-IP-08 Characterisation and catch per unit effort of striped marlin in New Zealand.
Holdsworth, J., [1] and T. Kendrick ]2]
SA-IP-09 CPUE Standardisation for Striped Marlin in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
Hoyle, S. N. Davies and G. Pilling
SA-IP-10 Catch per unit effort of oceanic white tip sharks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.
Rice, J.
SA-IP-11 Catch per unit effort of silky sharks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (Rev 1)
Rice, J.
SA-IP-12 Alternative catch estimates for silky and oceanic whitetip sharks in the WCPO
Rice, J.
SA-IP-13 Aggregate and size-based standardised CPUE indices for longline target species caught in the south-west Pacific
Campbell, R.
SA-IP-14 Standardized CPUE for South Pacific albacore
Bigelow, K. and S. Hoyle.
SA-IP-15 Population Biology of Albacore Tuna in the Australian Region
Farley, J.H. [1&2], A. J. Williams, [3], C. R. Davies [1&2], N. P. Clear [1&2],

J. P. Eveson [1&2], S. D. Hoyle [3] and S. J. Nicol [3]
SA-IP-16 Annex 7 Report of the Billfish Working Group ISC 2-9 April 2012
Working Papers
Information Papers
Working Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
EB-WP-01 Progressing adaptation to climate variability and change in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean tuna fisheries.
Evans, K. [1], J. Brown [1], J. Bell [2], S. Nicol [2], P. Lehodey [3], A. Sen Gupta [4] and C. Menkes [5]
EB-WP-02 Progress on Kobe III bycatch technical working group
Nicol, S.
EB-WP-03 A progress report on the Shark Research Plan Rev 1
Rice, J., and S. Harley.
EB-WP-04 Assessment of the whale shark as a key shark species
Rice, J. and S. Harley.
EB-WP-05 Withdrawn (2 August 2012)
EB-WP-06 Review of Seabird Bycatch Mitigation Measures for Pelagic Longline Fisheries.
EB-WP-07 Minimum Data Requirements for Monitoring Seabird Bycatch
EB-WP-08 Withdrawn (2 August 2012)
EB-WP-09 New branch line weighting regimes to reduce seabird mortality in the Australian pelagic longline fishery.
Robertson, G. [1], S. G. Candy [1] and S.Hall [2]
EB-WP-10 Branch line weighting options that reduce the risk of seabird bycatch.
Robertson, G. , S. G. Candy and I. Hay
EB-WP-11 Overview of the ISSF Bycatch Mitigation Research Cruise in the WCPO
Itano, D. [1], J. Muir [1], M. Hutchinson [2] and B Leroy [3]
EB-WP-12 The post-release condition of FAD associated silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) caught in tuna purse seine gear. Rev 1
Hutchinson, M. [1], D. Itano [2], J. Muir [2], B. Leroy [3] and K. Holland [1]
EB-WP-13 Behavior of target and non-target species on drifting FADs and when encircled by purse seine gear.
Muir, J. [1], D. Itano [1], M. Hutchinson [2], B. Leroy [3] and K. Holland [2]
EB-WP-14 Development and testing of a release panel for sharks and non-target finfish in purse seine gear.
Itano, D. [1], J. Muir [1], M. Hutchinson [2] and B. Leroy [3]
EB-WP-15 Review of Japan’s approaches to reduce bycatch of juvenile bigeye tuna by purse seine on FADs in tropical area of the western and central Pacific Ocean.
Satoh, K. [1], S. Hasegawa [2], T. Oshima [3], D. Inagake [4], T. Kawamoto [5], H. Okamoto [1], Miki Ogura [1], Y. Semba [1], Y. Takao [2], T. Akamatsu [2], T. Imaizumi [2], K. Abe [2], H. Iga [3], M. Masujima [4], M. Okazaki [4], T. Watanabe [4], S. Yoshimoto [5], W. Youn [6], Y. Nishimori [6], M. Ito [7] and I. Mitsuo [7]
EB-WP-16 Study on the methods to reduce the by-catch of juvenile Bigeye tuna in purse seine FADs operations Rev 1.
Oshima, T. [1], T. Imaizumi [2], K. Yokota [1], H. Iga [1], Y. Semba [3], Y. Mizoguchi [2], Y. Takao [2], H. Okamoto [3], I. Fusejima [1], S. Hasegawa [2].
EB-WP-17 Study on the methods to mitigate the bycatch of juvenile bigeye tuna by introducing Double-FADs with light stimulus for tuna purse seine fishery in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
Kawamoto, T. [1], S. Yoshimoto [1], E. Asakawa [2], K. Sato [3], H. Okamoto [3], T. Kumazawa [4], T. Oshima [5] Y. Takao [6] and S. Hasegawa [6].
EB-WP-18 Estimation of catches and fate of edible bycatch species taken in the equatorial purse seine fishery Rev 1 (25 July 2012)
Pilling, G. M, S. Nicol, and S. Harley
EB-WP-19 Guidelines for the Safe Release of Encircled Animals, including Whale Sharks
Information Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
EB-IP-01 Bycatch Mitigaation Information System
Fitzsimmons, L.
EB-IP-02 Progress report on the development and testing of the underwater bait setter for pelagic longline fisheries.
Robertson, G. and I. Hay
EB-IP-03 Distribution and trend of abundance for porbeagle (Lamna nasus) in the Southern Hemisphere.
Semba, Y., K. Yokawa and H. Matsunaga.
EB-IP-04 Progress Report on Development of a Seabird Identification Guide for Use by tRFMOs. Rev 2 (31 July 2012)
Beck, N. [1], Y. Inoue [2] and W. Papworth [1]
EB-IP-05 Seabird Bycatch Mitigation Fact Sheets.
Birdlife International and ACAP [1]
P. Lehodey [1], I. Senina [1], J. Hampton [2], S. Nicol [2], P. Williams [2], J. Jurado Molina [2], M. Abecassis [3] and J. Polovina [3]
EB-IP-07 Chondrichthyan Guide for Fisheries Managers
Patterson, H. M. and M. J. Tudman.
EB-IP-08 National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks 2012 – Shark Plan 2
Dept of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry, Canberra, Australia
EB-IP-09 Operational Strategy: National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks 2012 - Shark-Plan 2
Dept of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Canberra, Australia
EB-IP-10 Association of early juvenile yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares with a network of payaos in the Philippines
Mitsunaga, Y.[1] , C. Endo[1], K. Anraku [2], C. M. Selorio Jr.[3], and R. P. Babaran [3]
EB-IP-11 WCPO ecosystem indicator trends and results from ecopath simulations.
V. Allain [1], S. P. Griffiths [2], J. Polovina [3] and S. Nicol [1]
EB-IP-12 Good practices to reduce the mortality of sharks and rays caught incidentally by the tropical tuna purse seiners
Poisson F. [1]], A. L. Vernet [2], B. Séret [3] and L. Dagorn [2].
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
RP-JTF-01 Japan Trust Fund Status Report (2012)
RP-JTF-02 Japan Trust Fund Steering Committee Report
RP-PTTP-01 Report of the PTTP Steering Committee
RP-PTTP-02 Pacific Tuna Tagging and PNG Tagging Project Progress Report and Workplan for 2012-2013
Caillot, S. [1], B. Leroy [1], C. Sanchez [1], D. Kolody [1], S. Nicol [1], J. Hampton [1], A. Lewis [1], T. Usu [2], B.

Kumasi [2], L. Kumoru [2]
RP-WPEA-01 Information on WPEA OFM Project Steering Committee
RP-WPEA-02 Summary Report on 2011-2012 WPEA OFM Project Activities
RP-WPEA-03 WPEA OFM Project Financial Statement
RP-WPEA-04 (Rev 1) WPEA OFM Project: Progress Report – Indonesia (Rev 1)
RP-WPEA-05 (Rev 1) WPEA OFM Project: Progress Report – Philippines (Rev 1)
RP-WPEA-06 WPEA OFM Project: Progress Report – Vietnam Rev 1 (31 July 2012)
RP-WPEA-07 Report of the third session of the WPEA OFP Project Steering Committee (August 2011)
RP-WPEA-08 Key points reported to UNDP for the 2012 APR /PIR FOR PIMS 4084
RP-WPEA-09 Report of the fourth session of the WPEA OFM Project Steering Committee
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
AR-CCM-01 Australia
AR-CCM-02 Canada
AR-CCM-03 China
AR-CCM-04 Cook Islands
AR-CCM-05 European Union
AR-CCM-06 Federated States of Micronesia
AR-CCM-07 Fiji
AR-CCM-08 French Polynesia
AR-CCM-09 Japan
AR-CCM-10 Kiribati
AR-CCM-11 (Rev 1) Korea Rev 1 (6 August 2012)
AR-CCM-12 Marshall Islands
AR-CCM-13 (Rev 1) Nauru (Rev 1) (20 July 2012)
AR-CCM-14 New Caledonia
AR-CCM-15 New Zealand
AR-CCM-16 Niue
AR-CCM-17 Palau Rev 1 (30 July 2012)
AR-CCM-18 Papua New Guinea
AR-CCM-19 (Rev 2) Philippines Rev 2 (24 August 2012)
AR-CCM-20 Samoa
AR-CCM-21 Solomon Islands
AR-CCM-22 Chinese Taipei
AR-CCM-23 Tokelau
AR-CCM-24 (Rev 1) Tonga (Rev 1)
AR-CCM-25 Tuvalu
AR-CCM-26 United States of America
AR-CCM-27 Vanuatu
AR-CCM-28 Wallis and Futuna
AR-CNM-29 Belize
AR-CNM-30 Democratic People's Republic of Korea
AR-CNM-31 Ecuador
AR-CNM-32 (Rev 1) El Salvador Rev 1 (21 July 2012)
AR-CNM-33 (Rev 1) Indonesia Rev 1 (6 August 2012)
AR-CNM-34 Mexico
AR-CNM-35 Panama
AR-CNM-36 St. Kitts and Nevis
AR-CNM-37 Senegal
AR-CNM-38 Thailand
AR-CNM-39 Viet Nam
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
Statement to the WCPFC SC8
PEW Environment Group
Greenpeace Statement for SC8
Letter on behalf of and in coordination with Shark Advocates International
WWF in coordination with Shark Advocates International, Project AWARE and Wildlife Shark

Advocates International Project AWARE Humane Society International
SEAFDEC Statement to WCPFC SC8

* Secure documents are not included in the zip file