21st Regular Session of the Commission

Suva, Fiji
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
More Information

Instructions and online support for registrations and using Zoom is available from Online Meeting Resources.

For NGO observers attending in person, the fee is US$500 for the first two, and US$350 for each subsequent attendee. For those observers attending virtually, the fee is US$250 for the first two and US$150 for each subsequent virtual attendee.

The HOD meeting will be held at the meeting venue (Vodafone Arena) on the 27th November at 4:00pm (Fiji time UTC+12). A Provisional Agenda for the HOD meeting can be found here.

A separate registration is required to participate in the 18th Session of the Finance and Administration Committee.

Please send any document submissions or meeting inquiries to: WCPFC21@wcpfc.int.

Screen shared from: https://screenleap.com/wcpfc 

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated Sort descending
Circ 2024-63 WCPFC21 Provisional Agenda
WCPFC21-2024-01 Provisional List of Documents
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated Sort descending
Circ 2024-55 Arrangements for WCPFC21 and Associated Meetings
Document Template for WCPFC21
Ind. Sched. Indicative Schedule (as of 31 October 2024)
HoD Agenda Provisional Agenda for Heads of Delegation
Opening Programme WCPFC21 Official Opening Programme | 28 November
SWGs Provisional List of SWGs
OrderSpeakers Order of Speakers for Opening Statements
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated Sort descending
WCPFC21-2024-29 Recalibration of the Adopted South Pacific Albacore Interim Target Reference Point and Review of WCPFC20 Requested Options
WCPFC21-2024-10 Reference Paper Covering SC20/SMD02/TCC20 Recommendations relating to Harvest Strategies
WCPFC21-2024-03 Status of the Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
Government of New Zealand
WCPFC21-2024-02 2024 Annual Report of the Executive Director
Executive Director
WCPFC21-2024-08 WPEA-SPF Project Update
Lars Olsen - WPEA Project Manager
WCPFC21-2024-25 International Developments and Implications for WCPFC
WCPFC21-2024-11a WCPFC IUU Vessel List for 2025
WCPFC21-2024-24 Updates on Cooperation with Other Organizations
WCPFC21-2024-15 Reference Paper Covering Outcomes from NC20/SC20/SMD02/TCC20 Relating to Climate Change
WCPFC21-2024-05 Co-operating Non-Member Requests for 2025
WCPFC21-2024-14 Updates on Climate Change Activities at WCPFC and Other International and Regional Fishery Bodies
WCPFC21-2024-11b Routine Updates to WCPFC’s VMS Standard Operating Procedures (TCC20 Recommendations)
WCPFC21-2024-11 Reference Paper for Recommendations from the 20th Regular Session of the Technical and Compliance Committee
WCPFC21-2024-06 Updated Strategic Investment Plan 2024
WCPFC21-2024-19 Progress of the FAD Management Options IWG on Priority Tasks and Discussions for 2024
FADMO-IWG Chair and Secretariat
WCPFC21-2024-11c TCC Workplan 2025 - 2027
TCC Chair and Secretariat
WCPFC21-2024-07 Report from the Intersessional Working Group on the Special Requirements Fund
FAC Co-Chairs
WCPFC21-2024-31 Analyses to Inform Discussions on Candidate Bigeye and Yellowfin Target Reference Points
WCPFC21-2024-21 Review of Conservation and Management Measure to Mitigate the Impact of Fishing for Highly Migratory Fish Stocks on Seabirds (CMM 2018-03)
New Zealand
WCPFC21-2024-11f Review of Expiry Date for CMM 2021-04 Charter Notification Scheme
WCPFC21-2024-17 Report on the Development of Electronic Monitoring Minimum Standards
Chair of the ER and EM IWG
WCPFC21-2024-32 WCPFC Skipjack Tuna Monitoring Strategy Report
WCPFC21-2024-18 Update from the Transhipment IWG
Co-Chairs of the TS-IWG
WCPFC21-2024-11d Draft Audit Points for consideration and adoption by WCPFC21
TCC Vice Chair
WCPFC21-2024-30a Supplementary Management Procedure Evaluations for South Pacific Albacore
WCPFC21-2024-23 Update on the Review of Port State Minimum Standards
Submitted by Fiji
WCPFC21-2024-16 Update from the ROP-IWG
Nominee Chair of the ROP-IWG
WCPFC21-2024-11e Synoposis of pCMR updates
WCPFC21-2024-34 Evaluation of CMM 2023-01: Tropical Tuna Measure
WCPFC21-2024-09_Rev01 Reference Paper for Recommendations from the 20th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee, including 2024 Stock Status Summaries_Rev01
WCPFC21-2024-13_Rev01 A Review of the Scope and Feasibility of an Assessment of CMM Susceptibility to Climate Change Impacts_Rev01
Secretariat and the Scientific Services Provider
WCPFC21-2024-27_Rev02 Overview of Fisheries and Stock Status of Tuna, Billfish, and Sharks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean_Rev02
WCPFC21-2024-27a_Rev02 Overview of Tuna Fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, including Economic Conditions – 2023_Rev02
Tiffany Vidal, Peter Williams, and Thomas Ruaia
WCPFC21-2024-30_Rev01 Evaluation of Candidate Management Procedure for South Pacific Albacore_Rev01
WCPFC21-2024-20_rev01 Development of a Crew Labour Standards Conservation and Management Measure_rev01
Crew Labour Standards IWG Co-Chairs
WCPFC21-2024-35 Information on a project: Monitoring drifting FADs outside fishing grounds (for ISSF lunch seminar, 29Nov24)
WCPFC21-2024-36 Future projection of Pacific bluefin tuna with catch limit increase scenarios
NC Chair Masa Miyahara
WCPFC21-2024-12a_Rev01 Terms of Reference for a CMM Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment_Rev01
Co-Leads of the WCPFC Climate Change Workplan
WCPFC21-2024-12_Rev01 WCPFC Climate Change Workplan 2024 - 2027_Rev01
Co-Leads of the WCPFC Climate Change Workplan
WCPFC21-2024-22_Rev01 Update on the South Pacific Albacore Roadmap IWG_Rev01
SPA-RM-IWG Chair Moses Mataika
WCPFC21-2024-33_Rev03 DRAFT Conservation and Management Measures Recommended by NC20_Rev03
Northern Committee
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated Sort descending
WCPFC21-2024-DP01 FFA Members' Positions on Key Issues for WCPFC21
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC21-2024-DP03 Longline EM Minimum Data Fields Standard
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC21-2024-DP06 Proposed Amendments to CMM 2018-05 (Regional Observer Programme)
WCPFC21-2024-DP07 Proposal to revise CMM 2023-01 related to the high seas purse seine effort limit adjustment for Indonesia
WCPFC21-2024-DP10 Intersessional process to develop voluntary regional guides and best practices for the use of tools in conducting high seas boarding and inspections
WCPFC21-2024-DP13 Proposal for Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Measures for Pacific Bluefin Tuna
European Union
WCPFC21-2024-DP14 Discussion Paper for a WCPFC-IATTC Joint Working Group on South Pacific Albacore
United States
WCPFC21-2024-DP15 Informing the Commission for Trial Authorization-Pilot Program for Freezer Carrier Use in High Seas Pocket No.1 Special Management Area (HSP-1 SMA)
WCPFC21-2024-DP16 Implementation Report for CMM 2022-04 (Sharks)
WCPFC21-2024-DP17 Report of the European Union on Article 30 of the WCPFC Convention
European Union
WCPFC21-2024-DP04_Rev01 Proposed Amendments to CMM 2017-04 (Marine Pollution) - Rev01
WCPFC21-2024-DP02_rev01 Ensuring Sustainable Funding for the Special Requirements Fund (SRF)_Rev01
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC21-2024-DP05_Rev01 Proposed Amendments to CMM 2022-04 (Sharks)_Rev01
WCPFC21-2024-DP09_Rev01 Proposed Amendments to Conservation and Management Measure for Protection of Cetaceans from Purse Seine and Longline Fishing Operations (CMM 2011-03)_Rev01
United States and Korea
WCPFC21-2024-DP12_Rev01 Draft Outline for a South Pacific Albacore CMM that Implements the Management Procedure_Rev01
South Pacific Group CCMs
WCPFC21-2024-DP11_Rev01_Updated Proposed Conservation and Management Measure on a Management Procedure for South Pacific Albacore_Rev01 (Updated)
South Pacific Group CCMs and Australia
WCPFC21-2024-DP14b DRAFT Recommendation for the Process to Establish a Joint Working Group Between IATTC and WCPFC for the Management of South Pacific Albacore Fishery
United States
WCPFC21-2024-DP14a_Rev01 Draft Terms of Reference for a WCPFC-IATTC Joint Working Group on South Pacific Albacore_Rev01
United States

WCPFC21-2024-DP08_Rev03 Proposed Amendments to Conservation and Management Measure for the North Pacific Striped Marlin (CMM 2010-01)_Rev03
United States
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated Sort descending
WCPFC21-2024-OP02 Update on FAO Common Oceans Tuna Project II
Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
WCPFC21-2024-OP01 WWF Position Statement
World Wide Fund for Nature
WCPFC21-2024-OP03 Earth Island Institute Position Statement for WCPFC21
Earth Island Institute
WCPFC21-2024-OP04 Te Ipukarea Society Position Statement for WCPFC21
Te Ipukarea Society
WCPFC21-2024-OP05 BirdLife International Position Statement to WCPFC21
BirdLife International
WCPFC21-2024-OP06 ISSF Position Statement to WCPFC21
International Seafood Sustainability Foundation
WCPFC21-2024-OP07 Conservation International - Position Statement to WCPFC21
Conservation International
WCPFC21-2024-OP08 The Pew Charitable Trusts and The Ocean Foundation Position Statement to WCPFC21
The Pew Charitable Trusts and The Ocean Foundation
WCPFC21-2024-OP09 Global Tuna Alliance Position Statement to WCPFC21
Global Tuna Alliance
WCPFC21-2024-OP10 Views of 22 Organizations of Japan which support sustainable production and consumption of tunas
Various Industry and NGO Representatives
WCPFC21-2024-OP11 Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (SBMI) Position Statements and Recommendations to WCPFC21
Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (SBMI)
WCPFC21-2024-OP12 Views of 2 Organisations on Harvest Control Rules and Strategies for Yellowfin and Bigeye Tuna
Industry Representatives from the Philippines
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated Sort descending
A6.1 Overview of fisheries and stock status of tuna, billfish and sharks in the NPO
A6.4 WCPO skipjack MP monitoring strategy
A6.6 Climate and Ecosystem Indicators Update
A6.1_Rev02 Overview of fisheries and stock status of tuna, billfish and sharks in the WCPO_Rev02
A6.4 South Pacific albacore iTRP progress (WCPFC21-2024-29)
A6.1 Evaluation of CMM 2023-01 (Tropical Tuna CMM) WCPFC21-2024-34
A6.4 WCPO Bigeye and Yellowfin TRPs (WCPFC21-2024-31)
A6.4 South pacific albacore management procedure evaluations (WP30)
A6.3 SC20 Recommendations (Not covered under other agenda items)
SC Chair Emily Crigler
A6.2 Outcomes of NC20
NC Chair Masa Miyahara 

A6.6 Climate Change Presentation
A 6.5 Recommendations from TCC20 - WCPFC21-2024-11 and 11a - f
A8 Proposal for a Management Procedure for SPA in the WCPFC Area
SPG and Australia
A8 Draft Outline for a SPA CMM that Implements the Management Procedure
South Pacific Group
SideEvent-ISSF FAD retrieval issues and initiatives in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
SideEvent-MSC Explaining MSC Fisheries Standard

* Secure documents are not included in the zip file

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