21st Regular Session of the Commission: Full Annotated Agenda

  • 1. Opening of Meeting

    The 21st Regular Session of the Commission will begin at 8:30am (Fiji time) with opening remarks from the meeting host, the Commission Chair, and the WCPFC Executive Director. 

    • 1.1 Adoption of Agenda


      Indicative Schedule

      The Commission Chair, Dr. Josie M. Tamate (Niue), will call the meeting to order and invite the Commission to adopt the Provisional Agenda. The Commission will agree to establish any small working groups (SWGs) to progress work on certain agenda items throughout the week. Under this agenda item, CCMs may raise issues that will be considered under Agenda Item 13. Other Matters.

      The Provisional Agenda is prepared in accordance with Rule 2 of the WCPFC Rules of Procedure.

      Day 1, morning


    • 1.2 Meeting Arrangements


      Indicative Schedule

      The Secretariat will share information on meeting logistics such as indicative meeting schedule, IT-related logistics including screen sharing and audio platforms, official functions and side events, morning/afternoon tea breaks, and lunch arrangements. It will also provide information on managing of meeting documents, including submitting meeting papers. Protocols to support participants joining WCPFC21 online through Zoom will also be covered.

      Day 1, morning

  • 2. Statements from Members and Participating Territories


    Indicative Schedule

    Delegations may present opening statements or submit written statements for the record.

    Day 1, morning

  • 3. 2024 Annual Report from the Executive Director


    Indicative Schedule

    In accordance with Rule 13 of the WCPFC Rules of Procedure (“The Executive Director shall make an annual report, and such supplementary reports as are necessary, to the Commission at its regular session on the work of the Commission”), the Executive Director will present her Annual Report on the 2024 Activities of the Commission. 

    The report will provide an overview of the Commission's work in 2024, including Secretariat activities in support of the Commission's work programme. 

    Day 1, morning

  • 4. Membership, Observers, and Cooperating Non-Members

    A current list of Members, Participating Territories, and Cooperating Non-Members (collectively "CCMs"), as well as a list of observers is maintained on this page of the WCPFC website.

    • 4.1 Status of the Convention


      Indicative Schedule

      The Government of New Zealand, as the Depositary of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Convention, will prepare a report on the status of the Convention (to be taken as read).

      Day 1, morning

    • 4.2 Update on Observers


      Indicative Schedule

      The Secretariat will prepare an updated list of organizations with current observer status to the WCPFC (to be taken as read).Day 1, morning
    • 4.3 Applications for Cooperating Non-Member Status


      Indicative Schedule

      The Commission will review TCC20’s recommendations with respect to applications for Cooperating Non-Member (CNM) Status and determine which applicants will have CNM status for 2025. Following the Commission’s decision on CNM status, a small working group may be established to consider the participatory rights of each CNM for 2025.

      Day 1, morning

  • 5. Special Requirements of Developing States

    Information on the Commission's implementation of Article 30 of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Convention relating to the Special Requirements of Developing States can be found on this page of the WCPFC website.

    • 5.1 Updated Strategic Investment Plan


      Indicative Schedule

      The Secretariat will present a report on the implementation of the Strategic Investment Plan in 2024, and the updated Strategic Investment Plan for consideration by the Commission. 

      Day 1, morning

    • 5.2 Update on Intersessional Discussions - Special Requirements Fund


      Indicative Schedule

      The Finance and Administration Committee (FAC) Co-Chairs will provide an update on intersessional discussions relating to the Special Requirements Fund (SRF).

      Day 1, morning

    • 5.3 Update on the West Pacific East Asia Project


      Indicative Schedule

      The Secretariat and WPEA Project Manager will present an update of the project activities in the final phase of the WPEA-ITM project, which ended on 30 June 2024. Information will also be provided on planned activities in the new phase of the WPEA-SPF project, which began in July 2024. 

      Background information on the WPEA Project is available on this page of the WCPFC website.

      Day 1, morning

  • 6. Reports from Subsidiary Bodies


    Indicative Schedule

    Reports from the Commission’s 2024 meetings of the subsidiary bodies and the 2nd Science-Management Dialogue (SMD02) (link to SMD-02 Sumary Report) will be presented, focusing on recommendations requiring action by the Commission. 

    Recommendations from the 2024 subsidiary body meetings and the SMD02 will be presented to the Commission for its consideration in Plenary session. The Commission will discuss whether any recommendations require further consideration through a small working group at WCPFC21. Where outcomes of a subsidiary body and SMD02 are related, these will be presented jointly. 

    The order of presentations will be as follows, with opportunities for questions and discussions following each presentation: 

    1. Status of the WCPO Stocks will be presented by the WCPFC Scientific Services Provider (SSP) and International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific Ocean (ISC). 
    2. NC20 Outcomes will be presented by the NC Chair for consideration and adoption by the Commission (link to NC20 Summary Report). 
    3. SC20 Outcomes not covered by other Agenda Items will be presented by the SC Chair for consideration and adoption by the Commission. 
    4. Outcomes from SC20, SMD02, and TCC20 relating to Harvest Strategy issues (SP-ALB, BET/YFT, SKJ) will be presented jointly by the SC Chair, TCC Chair, and Commission Chair for consideration and adoption by the Commission. The Harvest Strategy Workplan will be considered electronically throughout the meeting and adopted under Agenda Item 9. 
    5. TCC20 Outcomes that are not covered by other Agenda Items will be presented by the TCC Chair for consideration and adoption by the Commission.
    6. Impacts of climate change on WCPO fisheries will be presented by the SSP, followed by a presentation from the climate change co-leads on the outcomes from the Commission’s 2024 intersessional work relating to the development of a Climate Change Workplan. The co-leads will also provide an update on the draft Terms of Reference for the assessment of CMM susceptibility to the impacts of Climate Change.
    Day 1, afternoon
  • 7. Reports on Intersessional Activities


    Indicative Schedule

    Reports on the Commission’s 2024 intersessional activities will be presented from the leads of established Intersessional Working Groups and other Commission activities that have taken place since the conclusion of WCPFC20:

    1. IWG-ROP (Regional Observer Programme) - link to IWG-ROP page
    2. TS-IWG (Transhipment) - link to TS-IWG page
    3. EM&ER IWG (Electronic Monitoring and Electronic Reporting) -  link to ERandEM IWG page
    4. Crew Labour Standards WG - link to Labour Standards page
    5. FAD-MO IWG (FAD Management Options) - link to FAD-MO IWG page
    6. SP-ALB Roadmap IWG (South Pacific Albacore) - link to 11 Oct 2024 IWG meeting
    7. Seabirds (Informal) - link to informal consultations in 20 Feb 2024 and 7 May 2024
    8. Port State Measures lead


    In addition to reports from intersessional activities, the Commission will also consider any new proposals and planned activities for future intersessional work. Any recommendations or new proposals requiring further consideration by the Commission at WCPFC21 may be assigned to a small working group. 

    Day 1, afternoon

    Day 2, morning

  • 8. Introduction of New Proposals


    Indicative Schedule

    CCMs with new proposals (not covered under Agenda Item 7) will be invited to present them to the Commission. The Chair will provide an opportunity for limited discussion on clarifying questions, and the Commission will determine a way forward for each proposal, including establishing additional small working groups (SWGs). 

    CCMs with new proposals or amendments to existing proposals are required to complete an Audit Points Checklist and a CMM 2013-06 Evaluation.

    Decisions on new proposals will be taken under Agenda Item 9. 

    Day 2, morning

  • 9. Adoption of Decisions and Tasks


    Indicative Schedule

    The Commission will consider the outcomes of small working groups and plenary discussions requiring adoption at WCPFC21. 

    This will include:

    1. Adoption of new or revised CMMs/obligations/audit points/standards (Agenda items 6, 7, and 8).
    2. Adoption of Harvest Strategies and Workplan (SPA, SKJ, BET, YFT) (Agenda Item 6).
    3. Adoption of a Climate Change Workplan (Agenda Item 6).
    4. Adoption of the 2025 IUU Vessel List (Agenda Item 6).
    5. Adoption of the final CMR and List of Obligations for 2025 CMS (Agenda Item 6).
    6. Adoption of CNM participatory rights for 2025 (Agenda Item 4.3).
    7. Adoption of future tasks to subsidiary bodies, IWGs, and any other intersessional activities for 2025 (Agenda items 6, 7, and 8).
    8. Adoption of NC20, SC20, and TCC20 reports including recommendations (Agenda Item 6). 

    Day 4, afternoon

    Day 5

  • 10. Report from the 18th Finance and Administration Committee


    Indicative Schedule

    The Commission will consider the report of the 18th Session of the Finance and Administration Committee (FAC18), which will begin its meeting on 27 November and continue in the margins of WCPFC21. The Commission will consider FAC18’s recommendation on the proposed 2025 Budget, and indicative budgets for 2026 and 2027, for adoption.

    Day 5, afternoon

  • 11. Cooperation with Other Organizations


    Indicative Schedule

    The Commission will review its 2024 activities with other organizations such as the IATTC, CCSBT, NPFC, and other regional fishery bodies with which the WCPFC has formal MOUs in place. 

    The Commission will also consider information and updates on global ocean agreements and activities that may have linkages with WCPFC’s work. This will include updates on the UN Fish Stocks Agreement Review Conference Process[1] and the Treaty on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction[2] (BBNJ), and the 2025 UN Oceans Conference[3].

    The Commission will consider seeking Observer status from the International Seabed Authority (ISA). 

    [1]Overview - Convention & Related Agreements (un.org)

    [2]BBNJ Agreement | Agreement on Marine Biodiversity of Areas beyond National Jurisdiction (un.org)

    [3]UN 2025 Ocean Conference | Department of Economic and Social Affairs

    Day 5

  • 12. Administrative Matters
    • 12.1 Election of Officers


      Indicative Schedule

      CCMs will be invited to nominate officials to fill the following roles, for confirmation by the Commission:

      1. NC Chair
      2. NC Vice Chair 
      3. SC Vice Chair
      4. TCC Chair 
      5. TCC Vice Chair
      6. Commission Chair
      7. Commission Vice Chair


      The Commission will confirm leads for the following intersessional activities and working groups: 

      1. IWG-ROP
      2. EM and ER IWG
      3. Others (e.g. port State, HSBI)

      Day 5, afternoon

    • 12.2 Future Meetings


      Indicative Schedule

      The Commission will consider and agree to indicative dates and venues for its 2025 regular annual session, as well as those of its subsidiary bodies.

      Day 5, afternoon



       Proposed Dates

      Venue (or Virtual)

      21st Regular Session of the Northern Committee (NC21)

      14 -15 July 2025 

      (to be preceded by the 10th Joint Working Group between IATTC and WCPFC-NC)

      21st Regular Session of the Scientific Committee (SC21)

      13 - 20/21 August 2025 

      (duration pending scheduling of a 3rd Science-Management Dialogue in 2025)

      21st Regular Session of the Technical and Compliance Committee (TCC21)24 - 30 September 2025Pohnpei
      3rd Science-Management Dialogue (SMD03)To be confirmed at WCPFC21Virtual
      Intersessional Working Group on the Regional Observer Programme (IWG-ROP)To be held immediately prior to TCC21Pohnpei
      Intersessional Working Group on FAD Management Options (FAD MO-IWG)To be held immediately prior to SC21 and TCC21Tonga and Pohnpei
      Intersessional Working Group on Electronic Reporting and Electronic Monitoring (ER&EM IWG)To be held immediately prior to TCC21 and virtually on another date to be confirmed at WCPFC21Virtual and Pohnpei
      22nd Regular Session of the Commission (WCPFC22)To be confirmed at WCPFC21TBC
  • 13. Other Matters


    Indicative Schedule

    The Commission will consider other matters that may be raised when the agenda is considered under Agenda Item 1.1: Adoption of Agenda. 

    Day 5, afternoon

  • 14. Close of Meeting


    Indicative Schedule

    The Chair will invite closing statements before declaring WCPFC21 as closed.

    Day 5, afternoon