21st Regular Session of the Commission

Agenda Item 12.2 Future Meetings


The Commission will consider and agree to indicative dates and venues for its 2025 regular annual session, subsidiary body meetings, and other intersessional activities.


 Proposed Dates

Venue (or Virtual)

21st Regular Session of the Northern Committee (NC21)

14 -15 July 2025 

(to be preceded by the 10th Joint Working Group between IATTC and WCPFC-NC)

21st Regular Session of the Scientific Committee (SC21)

13 - 20/21 August 2025 

(duration pending scheduling of a 3rd Science-Management Dialogue in 2025)

21st Regular Session of the Technical and Compliance Committee (TCC21) 24 - 30 September 2025 Pohnpei
3rd Science-Management Dialogue (SMD03) To be confirmed at WCPFC21 Virtual
Intersessional Working Group on the Regional Observer Programme (IWG-ROP) To be held immediately prior to TCC21 Pohnpei
Intersessional Working Group on FAD Management Options (FAD MO-IWG) To be held immediately prior to SC21 and TCC21 Tonga and Pohnpei
Intersessional Working Group on Electronic Reporting and Electronic Monitoring (ER&EM IWG) To be held immediately prior to TCC21 and virtually on another date to be confirmed at WCPFC21 Virtual and Pohnpei
22nd Regular Session of the Commission (WCPFC22) To be confirmed at WCPFC21 TBC