21st Regular Session of the Commission

Suva, Fiji
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
More Information

Instructions and online support for registrations and using Zoom is available from Online Meeting Resources.

For NGO observers attending in person, the fee is US$500 for the first two, and US$350 for each subsequent attendee. For those observers attending virtually, the fee is US$250 for the first two and US$150 for each subsequent virtual attendee.

The HOD meeting will be held at the meeting venue (Vodafone Arena) on the 27th November at 4:00pm (Fiji time UTC+12). A Provisional Agenda for the HOD meeting can be found here.

A separate registration is required to participate in the 18th Session of the Finance and Administration Committee.

Please send any document submissions or meeting inquiries to: WCPFC21@wcpfc.int.

Screen shared from: https://screenleap.com/wcpfc 

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Circ 2024-63 WCPFC21 Provisional Agenda
WCPFC21-2024-01 Provisional List of Documents
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Document Template for WCPFC21
Circ 2024-55 Arrangements for WCPFC21 and Associated Meetings
HoD Agenda Provisional Agenda for Heads of Delegation
Ind. Sched. Indicative Schedule (as of 31 October 2024)
Opening Programme WCPFC21 Official Opening Programme | 28 November
OrderSpeakers Order of Speakers for Opening Statements
SWGs Provisional List of SWGs
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC21-2024-02 2024 Annual Report of the Executive Director
Executive Director
WCPFC21-2024-03 Status of the Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
Government of New Zealand
WCPFC21-2024-05 Co-operating Non-Member Requests for 2025
WCPFC21-2024-06 Updated Strategic Investment Plan 2024
WCPFC21-2024-07 Report from the Intersessional Working Group on the Special Requirements Fund
FAC Co-Chairs
WCPFC21-2024-08 WPEA-SPF Project Update
Lars Olsen - WPEA Project Manager
WCPFC21-2024-09_Rev01 Reference Paper for Recommendations from the 20th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee, including 2024 Stock Status Summaries_Rev01
WCPFC21-2024-10 Reference Paper Covering SC20/SMD02/TCC20 Recommendations relating to Harvest Strategies
WCPFC21-2024-11 Reference Paper for Recommendations from the 20th Regular Session of the Technical and Compliance Committee
WCPFC21-2024-11a WCPFC IUU Vessel List for 2025
WCPFC21-2024-11b Routine Updates to WCPFC’s VMS Standard Operating Procedures (TCC20 Recommendations)
WCPFC21-2024-11c TCC Workplan 2025 - 2027
TCC Chair and Secretariat
WCPFC21-2024-11d Draft Audit Points for consideration and adoption by WCPFC21
TCC Vice Chair
WCPFC21-2024-11e Synoposis of pCMR updates
WCPFC21-2024-11f Review of Expiry Date for CMM 2021-04 Charter Notification Scheme
WCPFC21-2024-12a_Rev01 Terms of Reference for a CMM Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment_Rev01
Co-Leads of the WCPFC Climate Change Workplan
WCPFC21-2024-12_Rev01 WCPFC Climate Change Workplan 2024 - 2027_Rev01
Co-Leads of the WCPFC Climate Change Workplan
WCPFC21-2024-13_Rev01 A Review of the Scope and Feasibility of an Assessment of CMM Susceptibility to Climate Change Impacts_Rev01
Secretariat and the Scientific Services Provider
WCPFC21-2024-14 Updates on Climate Change Activities at WCPFC and Other International and Regional Fishery Bodies
WCPFC21-2024-15 Reference Paper Covering Outcomes from NC20/SC20/SMD02/TCC20 Relating to Climate Change
WCPFC21-2024-16 Update from the ROP-IWG
Nominee Chair of the ROP-IWG
WCPFC21-2024-17 Report on the Development of Electronic Monitoring Minimum Standards
Chair of the ER and EM IWG
WCPFC21-2024-18 Update from the Transhipment IWG
Co-Chairs of the TS-IWG
WCPFC21-2024-19 Progress of the FAD Management Options IWG on Priority Tasks and Discussions for 2024
FADMO-IWG Chair and Secretariat
WCPFC21-2024-20_rev01 Development of a Crew Labour Standards Conservation and Management Measure_rev01
Crew Labour Standards IWG Co-Chairs
WCPFC21-2024-21 Review of Conservation and Management Measure to Mitigate the Impact of Fishing for Highly Migratory Fish Stocks on Seabirds (CMM 2018-03)
New Zealand
WCPFC21-2024-22_Rev01 Update on the South Pacific Albacore Roadmap IWG_Rev01
SPA-RM-IWG Chair Moses Mataika
WCPFC21-2024-23 Update on the Review of Port State Minimum Standards
Submitted by Fiji
WCPFC21-2024-24 Updates on Cooperation with Other Organizations
WCPFC21-2024-25 International Developments and Implications for WCPFC
WCPFC21-2024-27a_Rev02 Overview of Tuna Fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, including Economic Conditions – 2023_Rev02
Tiffany Vidal, Peter Williams, and Thomas Ruaia
WCPFC21-2024-27_Rev02 Overview of Fisheries and Stock Status of Tuna, Billfish, and Sharks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean_Rev02
WCPFC21-2024-29 Recalibration of the Adopted South Pacific Albacore Interim Target Reference Point and Review of WCPFC20 Requested Options
WCPFC21-2024-30a Supplementary Management Procedure Evaluations for South Pacific Albacore
WCPFC21-2024-30_Rev01 Evaluation of Candidate Management Procedure for South Pacific Albacore_Rev01
WCPFC21-2024-31 Analyses to Inform Discussions on Candidate Bigeye and Yellowfin Target Reference Points
WCPFC21-2024-32 WCPFC Skipjack Tuna Monitoring Strategy Report
WCPFC21-2024-33_Rev03 DRAFT Conservation and Management Measures Recommended by NC20_Rev03
Northern Committee
WCPFC21-2024-34 Evaluation of CMM 2023-01: Tropical Tuna Measure
WCPFC21-2024-35 Information on a project: Monitoring drifting FADs outside fishing grounds (for ISSF lunch seminar, 29Nov24)
WCPFC21-2024-36 Future projection of Pacific bluefin tuna with catch limit increase scenarios
NC Chair Masa Miyahara
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC21-2024-DP01 FFA Members' Positions on Key Issues for WCPFC21
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC21-2024-DP02_rev01 Ensuring Sustainable Funding for the Special Requirements Fund (SRF)_Rev01
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC21-2024-DP03 Longline EM Minimum Data Fields Standard
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC21-2024-DP04_Rev01 Proposed Amendments to CMM 2017-04 (Marine Pollution) - Rev01
WCPFC21-2024-DP05_Rev01 Proposed Amendments to CMM 2022-04 (Sharks)_Rev01
WCPFC21-2024-DP06 Proposed Amendments to CMM 2018-05 (Regional Observer Programme)
WCPFC21-2024-DP07 Proposal to revise CMM 2023-01 related to the high seas purse seine effort limit adjustment for Indonesia
WCPFC21-2024-DP08_Rev03 Proposed Amendments to Conservation and Management Measure for the North Pacific Striped Marlin (CMM 2010-01)_Rev03
United States
WCPFC21-2024-DP09_Rev01 Proposed Amendments to Conservation and Management Measure for Protection of Cetaceans from Purse Seine and Longline Fishing Operations (CMM 2011-03)_Rev01
United States and Korea
WCPFC21-2024-DP10 Intersessional process to develop voluntary regional guides and best practices for the use of tools in conducting high seas boarding and inspections
WCPFC21-2024-DP11_Rev01_Updated Proposed Conservation and Management Measure on a Management Procedure for South Pacific Albacore_Rev01 (Updated)
South Pacific Group CCMs and Australia
WCPFC21-2024-DP12_Rev01 Draft Outline for a South Pacific Albacore CMM that Implements the Management Procedure_Rev01
South Pacific Group CCMs
WCPFC21-2024-DP13 Proposal for Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Measures for Pacific Bluefin Tuna
European Union
WCPFC21-2024-DP14 Discussion Paper for a WCPFC-IATTC Joint Working Group on South Pacific Albacore
United States
WCPFC21-2024-DP14a_Rev01 Draft Terms of Reference for a WCPFC-IATTC Joint Working Group on South Pacific Albacore_Rev01
United States

WCPFC21-2024-DP14b DRAFT Recommendation for the Process to Establish a Joint Working Group Between IATTC and WCPFC for the Management of South Pacific Albacore Fishery
United States
WCPFC21-2024-DP15 Informing the Commission for Trial Authorization-Pilot Program for Freezer Carrier Use in High Seas Pocket No.1 Special Management Area (HSP-1 SMA)
WCPFC21-2024-DP16 Implementation Report for CMM 2022-04 (Sharks)
WCPFC21-2024-DP17 Report of the European Union on Article 30 of the WCPFC Convention
European Union
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC21-2024-OP01 WWF Position Statement
World Wide Fund for Nature
WCPFC21-2024-OP02 Update on FAO Common Oceans Tuna Project II
Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
WCPFC21-2024-OP03 Earth Island Institute Position Statement for WCPFC21
Earth Island Institute
WCPFC21-2024-OP04 Te Ipukarea Society Position Statement for WCPFC21
Te Ipukarea Society
WCPFC21-2024-OP05 BirdLife International Position Statement to WCPFC21
BirdLife International
WCPFC21-2024-OP06 ISSF Position Statement to WCPFC21
International Seafood Sustainability Foundation
WCPFC21-2024-OP07 Conservation International - Position Statement to WCPFC21
Conservation International
WCPFC21-2024-OP08 The Pew Charitable Trusts and The Ocean Foundation Position Statement to WCPFC21
The Pew Charitable Trusts and The Ocean Foundation
WCPFC21-2024-OP09 Global Tuna Alliance Position Statement to WCPFC21
Global Tuna Alliance
WCPFC21-2024-OP10 Views of 22 Organizations of Japan which support sustainable production and consumption of tunas
Various Industry and NGO Representatives
WCPFC21-2024-OP11 Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (SBMI) Position Statements and Recommendations to WCPFC21
Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (SBMI)
WCPFC21-2024-OP12 Views of 2 Organisations on Harvest Control Rules and Strategies for Yellowfin and Bigeye Tuna
Industry Representatives from the Philippines
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
A 6.5 Recommendations from TCC20 - WCPFC21-2024-11 and 11a - f
A6.1 Evaluation of CMM 2023-01 (Tropical Tuna CMM) WCPFC21-2024-34
A6.1 Overview of fisheries and stock status of tuna, billfish and sharks in the NPO
A6.1_Rev02 Overview of fisheries and stock status of tuna, billfish and sharks in the WCPO_Rev02
A6.2 Outcomes of NC20
NC Chair Masa Miyahara 

A6.3 SC20 Recommendations (Not covered under other agenda items)
SC Chair Emily Crigler
A6.4 South Pacific albacore iTRP progress (WCPFC21-2024-29)
A6.4 WCPO Bigeye and Yellowfin TRPs (WCPFC21-2024-31)
A6.4 South pacific albacore management procedure evaluations (WP30)
A6.4 WCPO skipjack MP monitoring strategy
A6.6 Climate Change Presentation
A6.6 Climate and Ecosystem Indicators Update
A8 Proposal for a Management Procedure for SPA in the WCPFC Area
SPG and Australia
A8 Draft Outline for a SPA CMM that Implements the Management Procedure
South Pacific Group
SideEvent-ISSF FAD retrieval issues and initiatives in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
SideEvent-MSC Explaining MSC Fisheries Standard
SideEvent-WWF WWF Electronic Monitoring Side Event

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