21st Regular Session of the Commission

Agenda Item 8. Introduction of New Proposals


CCMs with new proposals (not covered under Agenda Item 7) will be invited to present them to the Commission. The Chair will provide an opportunity for limited discussion on clarifying questions, and the Commission will determine a way forward for each proposal, including establishing additional small working groups (SWGs). 

CCMs with new proposals or amendments to existing proposals are required to complete an Audit Points Checklist and a CMM 2013-06 Evaluation.

Decisions on new proposals will be taken under Agenda Item 9. 

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC21-2024-DP01 FFA Members' Positions on Key Issues for WCPFC21
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC21-2024-DP03 Longline EM Minimum Data Fields Standard
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC21-2024-DP04_Rev01 Proposed Amendments to CMM 2017-04 (Marine Pollution) - Rev01
WCPFC21-2024-DP05_Rev01 Proposed Amendments to CMM 2022-04 (Sharks)_Rev01
WCPFC21-2024-DP06 Proposed Amendments to CMM 2018-05 (Regional Observer Programme)
WCPFC21-2024-DP07 Proposal to revise CMM 2023-01 related to the high seas purse seine effort limit adjustment for Indonesia
WCPFC21-2024-DP08_Rev03 Proposed Amendments to Conservation and Management Measure for the North Pacific Striped Marlin (CMM 2010-01)_Rev03
United States
WCPFC21-2024-DP09_Rev01 Proposed Amendments to Conservation and Management Measure for Protection of Cetaceans from Purse Seine and Longline Fishing Operations (CMM 2011-03)_Rev01
United States and Korea
WCPFC21-2024-DP10 Intersessional process to develop voluntary regional guides and best practices for the use of tools in conducting high seas boarding and inspections
WCPFC21-2024-DP11_Rev01_Updated Proposed Conservation and Management Measure on a Management Procedure for South Pacific Albacore_Rev01 (Updated)
South Pacific Group CCMs and Australia
WCPFC21-2024-DP12_Rev01 Draft Outline for a South Pacific Albacore CMM that Implements the Management Procedure_Rev01
South Pacific Group CCMs
WCPFC21-2024-DP13 Proposal for Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Measures for Pacific Bluefin Tuna
European Union
WCPFC21-2024-DP14 Discussion Paper for a WCPFC-IATTC Joint Working Group on South Pacific Albacore
United States
WCPFC21-2024-DP14a_Rev01 Draft Terms of Reference for a WCPFC-IATTC Joint Working Group on South Pacific Albacore_Rev01
United States

WCPFC21-2024-DP14b DRAFT Recommendation for the Process to Establish a Joint Working Group Between IATTC and WCPFC for the Management of South Pacific Albacore Fishery
United States
WCPFC21-2024-DP15 Informing the Commission for Trial Authorization-Pilot Program for Freezer Carrier Use in High Seas Pocket No.1 Special Management Area (HSP-1 SMA)
WCPFC21-2024-DP16 Implementation Report for CMM 2022-04 (Sharks)
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC21-2024-OP01 WWF Position Statement
World Wide Fund for Nature
WCPFC21-2024-OP03 Earth Island Institute Position Statement for WCPFC21
Earth Island Institute