Second Science Management Dialogue

Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
More Information

This meeting will be held at 10:00am Pohnpei time (UTC+11) for five (5) hours on Tuesday, 10 to Thursday, 12 September 2024.

List of corresponding times at various world locations -

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Letter from SMD02 co-Chairs
Circular 2024-46 Meeting Announcement for the 2nd Science Management Dialogue Meeting (SMD02) and Provisional Annotated Agenda
Circular 2024-56 Revised Provisional Annotated Agenda and Meeting Notice, and other meeting information for SMD02
WCPFC-SMD02-2024-01 Meeting notice (Rev.01)
WCPFC-SMD02-2024-02 (Rev.02) Provisional annotated agenda (Rev02)
WCPFC-SMD02-2024-03 Meeting Schedule (Rev.01)
WCPFC-SMD02-2024-04 List of documents (Rev.01)
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SMD02-BP-01 Recalibration of the Adopted South Pacific Albacore Interim Target Reference Point and Review of WCPFC20 Requested Options
G. Pilling, R. Scott, P Hamer, F. Scott, and N. Yao
SMD02-BP-02 Evaluation of candidate management procedures for South Pacific albacore (Rev.01)
F. Scott, R. Scott, N. Yao, P. Hamer, and G.M. Pilling
SMD02-BP-03 Outputs from the SC20 Management Issues Theme Session
Emily Crigler
SMD02-BP-04 Analyses to Inform Discussions on Candidate Bigeye and Yellowfin Target Reference Points
G. Pilling, R. Scott, P. Hamer, and F. Scott
SMD02-BP-05 Re-evaluation of the Skipjack Management Procedure Estimation Method – Planned Approach (SC20-MI-WP-01)
R. Scott, G. Pilling, F. Scott, P. Hamer, and N. Yao
SMD02-BP-06 WCPFC Skipjack Tuna Monitoring Strategy Report (SC20-MI-WP-02 Updated)
R. Scott, F. Scott, N. Yao, P. Hamer, and G.M. Pilling
SMD02-BP-07 Commission’s Climate Change Work Plan and TOR for the Assessment of CMMs Susceptible to Climate Change Impacts
K. Kryc and B. Muller (Climate Co-Leads)
SMD02-BP-08 Reporting Template for Stock Status and Management Advice to the Commission

* Secure documents are not included in the zip file

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