Second Science Management Dialogue

Agenda Item 6. Application of the Skipjack Tuna Management Procedure–Monitoring Strategy


WCPFC19 adopted a management procedure for WCPO skipjack tuna (CMM 2022-01), and WCPFC20 noted the successful running of the skipjack Management Procedure.  WCPFC20 noted that a re-evaluation of the skipjack estimation method within the MP needs to be undertaken prior to the next implementation of the Management Procedure in 2026. 

WCPFC20 also reviewed a draft monitoring strategy for skipjack tuna and agreed that:

313. The Commission noted that it was not yet in a position to adopt a monitoring strategy for skipjack tuna at this time but there was a need for intersessional work, led by the SC and TCC Chairs, to facilitate the development by SSP of a monitoring strategy for adoption at WCPFC21, using the information in Attachment B of WCPFC20-2023-14 as a reference.

The SSP presented SC20-MI-WP-02 (WCPFC Skipjack Tuna Monitoring Strategy Report), which updates the skipjack MP monitoring strategy to reflect recent Commission discussions and highlights key issues for SC20 to review.

In response, SC20 requested the SSP to analyze the impact of FAD closure duration changes and the representativeness of CPUEs on the interim skipjack MP, recommended reviewing the monitoring strategy in non-assessment years, and proposed two updates to the monitoring strategy Table 1 for further consideration by SMD, TCC, and the Commission.

Noting the observations within the monitoring strategy on the decline in pole-and-line fishing effort and implications for the estimation method within the skipjack interim management procedure, SC20 recommended that the SSP evaluate potential modifications to the estimation method for the WCPO skipjack interim MP, considering changes to CPUE indices and alternative assessment approaches, and report the findings to SC21 for further review and recommendations before the next implementation of the MP.

SMD-02 will review the outcomes of MP discussions and the monitoring strategy from SC20 and provide recommendations to the Commission for adoption at WCPFC21. 

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SMD02-BP-05 Re-evaluation of the Skipjack Management Procedure Estimation Method – Planned Approach (SC20-MI-WP-01)
R. Scott, G. Pilling, F. Scott, P. Hamer, and N. Yao
SMD02-BP-06 WCPFC Skipjack Tuna Monitoring Strategy Report (SC20-MI-WP-02 Updated)
R. Scott, F. Scott, N. Yao, P. Hamer, and G.M. Pilling