Second Science Management Dialogue

Agenda Item 2. Objectives of the SMD02


The objectives of the SMD01 were to achieve a consistent understanding among members of the harvest strategy approach (WCPFC-SMD01-2022/BP-01). Likewise, the purpose of the SMD02 could be considered as a continuation of these efforts, possibly focusing on further refining the harvest strategies based on the outcomes and feedback from the WCPFC20 and SC20. It might involve evaluating the effectiveness of the strategies implemented, discussing new scientific data, and making necessary adjustments to the management procedures.

Therefore, the purpose of the SMD02 is multifaceted and crucial to advance harvest strategies within the WCPFC:

  1. Consistent Understanding among all members of harvest strategy's structure, function, and how it is to be implemented; 

  2. Beginning discussions to prioritize and identify a subset of candidate management procedures, and determining additional work required for further analysis; and 

  3. Discussing both short-term and long-term processes that will aid the Commission's decision-making regarding management procedures and developing a detailed implementation plan and schedule to guide these processes. 

SMD02 notes that WCPFC20 has outlined a focused agenda for the SMD02 in 2024 (Para 263, WCPFC20 Summary Report). The key areas of focus will be:

  1. South Pacific albacore management procedures, including a review of the iTRP

  2. Development of TRPs for bigeye and yellowfin tuna

  3. Application of the skipjack management procedure

  4. Capacity building for CCMs, facilitated by the SSP, which will be included throughout the whole SMD02.