Second Science Management Dialogue

Agenda Item 3.1 WCPFC approach to Harvest Strategies


The SSP will provide an introductory presentation on the general concepts and progress in the development of WCPFC Harvest Strategies to guide the decision-making in fisheries management to ensure the long-term sustainability of fish stocks. The general overview of the WCPFC's approach to harvest strategies includes developing management objectives, identifying reference points and harvest control rules, monitoring and assessment, stakeholder engagement, adaptative management, precautionary approach, capacity building among CCMs, and collaboration with other RFMOs.

Additional reference documents that may be useful for this agenda item include:

  1. Updated workplan for the adoption of Harvest strategies under CMM 2022-03 (formerly CMM 2014-06)

  2. Harvest Strategy Development for SP Albacore, Skipjack, Bigeye, and Yellowfin Tunas (WCPFC20-2023-14_Rev1)

  3. Information and Data Requirements to Support Management Decisions for SP Albacore, Skipjack, Bigeye, and Yellowfin Tunas (WCPFC20-2023-18)