19th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Koror, Palau (Hybrid)
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Submissions Due:
More Information

Instructions and online support for registrations and using Zoom is available from Online Meeting Resources.

SC19 Online Discussion Forum (ODF)

The SC19 Online Discussion Forum (ODF) commenced on Thursday 9 February 2023. The ODF closed on Saturday 19th August. SC19 participants must be registered and approved for the SC19 meeting in order to access the ODF. 

SC19 Photos from Opening Day
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-SC19-2023-01 Meeting notice and information (02May2023) - Rev.04 / Bus Schedule - Rev.01 (16-24 Aug)
WCPFC-SC19-2023-01.1 Palau Tour Information
WCPFC-SC19-2023-02 Provisional agenda (18May2023) - Rev.01
WCPFC-SC19-2023-03 Provisional annotated agenda (18May2023) - Rev.04
WCPFC-SC19-2023-04 List of Online Discussion Forum (ODF) Topics (26July2023) - Rev.03
WCPFC-SC19-2023-05 Indicative schedule (5Jun2023) - Rev.3 with Theme schedule
WCPFC-SC19-2023-06 List of Documents (22Jul2023) - Rev.06
WCPFC-SC19-2023-07 Provisional agenda for Heads of Delegation meeting (11Aug2023) - Rev.04
WCPFC-SC19-2023-08 Provisional agenda for the WCPFC Pacific Marine Specimen Bank Steering Committee Meeting
WCPFC-SC19-2023-09 Provisional agenda for the Pacific Tuna Tagging Programme Steering Committee Meeting
WCPFC-SC19-2023-10 Provisional agenda for the Japan Trust Fund Steering Committee Meeting
Working Papers
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC19-GN-IP-01 Issues arising from the Commission
WCPFC Secretariat and SPC-OFP
SC19-GN-IP-02 Intersessional activities of the Scientific Committee
WCPFC Secretariat and SPC-OFP
SC19-GN-IP-03 Cooperation with other organizations
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC19-2022-10 Evaluations to support decisions on the WCPO skipjack tuna target reference point based upon the 2022 stock assessment
WCPFC19-2022-11A_rev1 Updates to management procedure evaluations for WCPO skipjack and PIMPLE since SMD01
WCPFC19-2022-11B WCPO Skipjack management procedure dry run (SC18-MI-WP03) - Information Paper
WCPFC19-2022-11C SSP response to EU request at the SKJ SWG of WCPFC19 v3
WCPFC19-2022-12 WCPO bigeye and yellowfin TRP evaluations (with updated 2022 skipjack assessment results)
WCPFC19-2022-13_rev1 Evaluation of CMM 2021-01: tropical tuna measure
WCPFC19-2022-15 Further analyses to inform discussions on South Pacific albacore objectives and the TRP
WCPFC19-2022-16 Updates on management procedure evaluations for south Pacific albacore since SMD01
WCPFC19-2022-IP02_rev1 The western and central Pacific tuna fishery: 2021 Overview and status of stocks
WCPFC19-2022-IP06 Trends in the South Pacific albacore longline and troll fisheries (Update of SC18-2022-MI-IP01 and TCC18-202-IP08)
WCPFC19-2022-IP08 Catch and effort data summaries to support discussions on the new South-west Pacific Swordfish CMM
WCPFC19-2022-IP09 Southwest Pacific swordfish projections (WCPFC18-2021-20)
Working Papers
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC19-ST-IP-01 Estimates of annual catches in the WCPFC statistical area
SC19-ST-IP-02 Status of observer data management
A. Panizza, P. Williams, C. Falasi, E. Loganimoce and E. Schneiter
SC19-ST-IP-03 Project 60: Progress towards Achieving SC18 Recommendations
T. Peatman, P. Williams and S. Nicol
SC19-ST-IP-04 Project 90 update: Better data on fish weights and lengths for scientific analyses
J. Macdonald, P. Williams, F. Roupsard, C. Sanchez, L. Bell, S-K Chang, R. Contreras, M. Ghergariu, M. Hosken, S. Hoyle, S. N. Cuu, T. Park, J. Potts, E. Schneiter, S. Nicol
SC19-ST-IP-05 Training observers for elasmobranch biological sampling (Project 109)
Tim Park
SC19-ST-IP-06 Project 114 Update: Progress in improving Cannery Receipt Data for WCPFC scientific work
SC19-ST-IP-07 Tables of coverage levels for operational data fields submitted to the WCPFC (26Jul2023) - Rev.01
SC19-ST-IP-08 Group Seine Operations of Philippine Flagged Vessels in High Seas Pocket Number 1 (HSP1)
I. C. Tanangonan, M. B. Demo-os, J. S. Jara, A. C. Dickson and R. V. Ramiscal
SC19-ST-IP-09 Work Priorities and Method of Communication for the IWG-ROP
SC19-ST-IP-10 Progress report of the research survey for 2022 by Chinese fishery research vessel "Song Hang" in the WCPFC area
Zhe Geng, Xiaodong Li, Xiaojie Dai, Feng Wu, Jiangfeng Zhu
Working Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC19-SA-WP-01 Independent review of recent WCPO yellowfin tuna assessment
André E. Punt, Mark N. Maunder, and James N. Ianelli
SC19-SA-WP-02 Review and analyses to inform conceptual models of population structure and spatial stratification of bigeye and yellowfin tuna assessments in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
P. Hamer. J. Macdonald, J. Potts, T. Vidal, T. Teears, I. Senina
SC19-SA-WP-03 CPUE analysis and data inputs for the 2023 bigeye and yellowfin tuna assessments in the WCPO (27July2023) - Rev.01
T. Teears, J. Day, J. Hampton, A. Magnusson, S. McKechnie, T. Peatman, J. Scutt-Phillips, P. Williams, P. Hamer
SC19-SA-WP-04 Stock assessment of yellowfin tuna in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean: 2023 (7Aug2023) - Final (Rev.02 on 15Sep2023)
A. Magnusson, J. Day, T. Teears, J. Hampton, N. Davies, C. Castillo Jordán, T. Peatman, R. Scott, J. Scutt Phillips, S. McKechnie, F. Scott, N. Yao, R. Natadra, G. Pilling, P. Williams, P. Hamer
SC19-SA-WP-05 Stock assessment of bigeye tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean: 2023 (6Aug2023) - Final (Rev. 02) / BETDiagnosticCompFits.zip
J. Day, A. Magnusson, T. Teears, J. Hampton, N. Davies, C. Castillo Jordán, T. Peatman, R. Scott, J. Scutt Phillips, S. McKechnie, F. Scott, N. Yao, R. Natadra, G. Pilling, P. Williams, P. Hamer
SC19-SA-WP-06 A compendium of fisheries indicators for target tuna stocks in the WCPFC Convention Area - CORRECTED
S. Hare, G. Pilling, and P. Williams
SC19-SA-WP-07 Follow up work on 2022 skipjack assessment recommendations
C. Castillo Jordán, J. Hampton, T. Teears, P. Hamer
SC19-SA-WP-08 Stock Assessment of Albacore Tuna in the North Pacific Ocean In 2023 (1Aug2023) - Rev.01
ISC Albacore Working Group
SC19-SA-WP-09 Stock Assessment Report for Swordfish (Xiphias Gladius) in the North Pacific through 2021
ISC Billfish Working Group
SC19-SA-WP-10 Project 108: Analysing potential inputs to the 2024 stock assessment of Western and Central Pacfic silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) (28July2023) - Rev.01
P. Neubauer, K. Kim, K. Large and S. Brouwer
SC19-SA-WP-11 Stock Assessment Report for Striped Marlin (Kajikia audax) in the Western and Central North Pacific Ocean through 2020
ISC Billfish Working Group
SC19-SA-WP-12 Addressing uncertainty in WCPFC stock assessments: Review and recommendations from WCPFC Project 113
P. Neubauer, K. Kim, T. A’mar and K. Large
SC19-SA-WP-13 Progress towards a Close-Kin-Mark-Recapture application to South Pacific Albacore (Project 100c)
SC19-SA-WP-14 Options to address time challenges in the review of WCPFC stock assessment inputs (7July2023) - Rev.01
G. Pilling, J. Day, P. Hamer, J. Hampton, A. Magnusson, T. Teears, P. Williams
SC19-SA-WP-15 Tuna Assessment Research Plan (TARP) for ‘key’ tuna species assessments in the WCPO, 2023-2026 (25July2023) - Rev.01
SC19-SA-WP-16 Billfish research plan 2023 - 2027 (13July2023) - Rov.01 / Supplement
S. Brouwer, M. Farthing and P. Hamer
SC19-SA-WP-17 Concept note for a new EU supported study on the reproductive biology of yellowfin tuna
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC19-SA-IP-01 Report from the SPC Pre-assessment Workshop – April 2023
Paul Hamer
SC19-SA-IP-02 Developments in the Multifan-CL software 2022-23
N. Davies, D. Fournier, F. Bouyé, J. Hampton, and A. Magnuson
SC19-SA-IP-03 Analysis of purse-seine and longline size frequency data for the 2023 bigeye and yellowfin tuna assessments
T. Peatman, J. Day, A. Magnusson, T. Teears, P. Williams, J.

Hampton, P. Hamer

SC19-SA-IP-04 Trends in the South Pacific albacore longline and troll fisheries
S. McKechnie, P. Williams, G. Pilling, and the WCPFC Secretariat
SC19-SA-IP-05 Project 115 progress update: Exploring evidence and mechanisms for a long-term increasing trend in recruitment of skipjack tuna in the equatorial Pacific and the development and modelling of defensible effort creep scenarios
P. Hamer, T. Teears, Y. Aoki, M. Nishimoto, Y. Tsuda
SC19-SA-IP-06 Spatial structure and regional connectivity of bigeye and yellowfin tuna stocks in the WCPO derived from the reference SEAPODYM models
I. Senina, J. Hampton, L. Bonnin, P. Lehodey, P. Hamer and S. Nicol
SC19-SA-IP-07 Analysis of tag seeding data and reporting rates for purse seine fleets
T. Peatman and S. Nicol
SC19-SA-IP-08 Analysis of tagging data for the 2023 bigeye and yellowfin tuna assessments: corrections to tag releases for tagging conditions
T. Peatman, J. Scutt Phillips and S. Nicol
SC19-SA-IP-09 Characterisation of the fisheries catching Silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
S. Brouwer, K. Large and P. Neubauer
SC19-SA-IP-10 Placeholder
SC19-SA-IP-11 Length-Based Proportional Sampling for Life History Research: Establishing Uniform Sampling for North Pacific Billfish Species
M. J. Kinney, Y. Chang, H. Ijima, M. Kanaiwa, E. Schemmel, J. O’Malley
SC19-SA-IP-12 Modelling seasonal growth of captive yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) using repeated measurement
T. Hasegawa, K. Okamoto, K. Satoh
SC19-SA-IP-13 A preliminarily analysis of variations in the fishing gear configurations and practices of Japanese longliners in the western and central Pacific Ocean since 2007
K. Satoh, D. Ochi, Y. Inoue, T. Matsumoto, H. Ijima, H. Yokoi, T. Hasegawa and K. Okamoto
SC19-SA-IP-14 Technological developments of the fishing devices in the Japanese pole-and-line vessel identified in past surveys
M. Nishimoto, Y. Aoki, N. Matsubara, Y. Tsuda
SC19-SA-IP-15 Size-dependent distribution for bigeye and yellowfin tuna in Pacific Ocean
H. Ijima and K. Satoh
Working Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC19-MI-WP-01 WCPO skipjack management procedure
R. Scott, T. Teears, N. Yao, F. Scott, T. Peatman, G. Pilling
SC19-MI-WP-02 Monitoring the WCPO skipjack management procedure
R. Scott, F. Scott, N.Yao, R. Natadra1, P. Williams, G. Pilling
SC19-MI-WP-03 Update to further inform discussions on South Pacific albacore objectives and the TRP
SC19-MI-WP-04 Selecting and Conditioning Operating Models for South Pacific Albacore (29July2023) - Rev.02
R. Scott, N. Yao, F. Scott, R. Natadra, G. M. Pilling
SC19-MI-WP-05 Developing Management Procedures for South Pacific albacore
R. Natadra, F. Scott, R. Scott and N. Yao
SC19-MI-WP-06 Evaluation of candidate management procedures for South Pacific albacore (27July2023) - Rev.01
F Scott, R Scott, N Yao and R Natadra.
SC19-MI-WP-07 Mixed fishery harvest strategy update (27July2023) - Rev.01
F. Scott, R. Scott, N. Yao, R. Natadra and G. M. Pilling
SC19-MI-WP-08 Updates to the evaluation of CMM 2021-01
Oceanic Fisheries Programme, SPC
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC19-MI-IP-01 Evaluations of skipjack management procedures for the robustness set
F. Scott1, R. Scott, N. Yao and R. Natadra
SC19-MI-IP-02 Testing and developing estimation models for South Pacific albacore
F. Scott, R. Scott, N. Yao and R. Natadra
SC19-MI-IP-03 An online tool for exploring the South Pacific albacore operating model grid
R. Natadra, F. Scott, R. Scott and N. Yao
SC19-MI-IP-04 Exploring Alternative CPUE Standardisation Approaches for Inclusion in South Pacific Albacore MSE Operating Models
N Yao, R. Scott, F. Scott, R. Natadra and P. Hamer
SC19-MI-IP-05 Update on capacity building and stakeholder engagement activities for WCPFC harvest strategies
F. Scott, R. Scott, N. Yao and R. Natadra
SC19-MI-IP-06 Catch and effort data summaries to support discussions on TROPICAL TUNA CMMs
WCPFC Secretariat and SPC-OFP
SC19-MI-IP-07 Examining Indicators of Effort Creep in the WCPO Purse Seine Fishery
P. Hamer, T. Teears, and the PNAO
SC19-MI-IP-08 Factors contributing to recent and projected declines in south Pacific albacore stock status
R. Scott, N. Yao, F. Scott, R. Natadra, S. Hoyle, P. Hamer, J. Hampton, G. Pilling
SC19-MI-IP-09 POSEIDON, a Tool for the Exploration of Alternative Management Scenarios for Eastern Pacific Ocean Tropical Tuna Species
IATTC Document SAC-14 INF-G
SC19-MI-IP-10 Harvest Strategies for Tropical Tuna in Archipelagic Waters of Indonesia: Update
F. Satria, L. Sadiyah, P. Suadela, Y. Hernuryadin, A. Budiarto, M. C. Pratiwi, E. Hoshino, C. Davies, R. Hillary and J. Dell
Working Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC19-EB-WP-01 Ecosystem and Climate Indicators
SC19-EB-WP-02 Progress report of Project 110: Non-entangling and biodegradable FAD trial in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
L. Escalle, G. Moreno, J. Wichman, D. David, and P. Hamer
SC19-EB-WP-03 Evaluation of the use of netting and biodegradable materials in drifting FAD construction in the WCPO
L. Escalle, J. Mourot, P. Hamer and G. Pilling
SC19-EB-WP-04 Analyses of the regional database of stranded drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (dFADs) in the Pacific Ocean
Mourot J., Escalle L., Thellier T., Lopez J., Wichman J., Royer S.J., Hood L., Bigler B., Jaugeon B., Nicholas T.R., Pollock K., Prioul F., Lercari M., Marks A., Kutan M., Jones J., Lynch J.M., Tait H., Hamer P. and the PNA Office
SC19-EB-WP-05 Spatial and temporal description of drifting FAD use in the WCPO derived from analyses of the FAD tracking programmes and observer data
Escalle L., Hamer P. and the PNA Office
SC19-EB-WP-06 Shark Research Plan 2021-2025 mid-term review (Project 97b) (15Jul2023) - REV.01
S. Brouwer and P Hamer
SC19-EB-WP-07 Terms of Reference for a project to support additional work on trialling non-entangling and biodegradable FADs in the WCPO
SPC-OFP and WCPFC Secretariat
SC19-EB-WP-08 An initial exploration of cetacean bycatch and interactions in the WCPFC
Cara Masere (Miller) and Karen Baird
SC19-EB-WP-09 Evaluating publicly available reported shark and ray catch data in industrial fisheries: A global review to inform assessment and conservation
M. R. Cronin, J T. Watson, N. Lezama-Ochoa, G. Moreno, H. Murua, A. C. Nisi, C. Price, N. G. Taylor, D. A. Croll
SC19-EB-WP-10 International Whaling Commission (IWC) focus on cetacean bycatch in the western central Pacific Ocean
IWC Secretariat
SC19-EB-WP-11 The Jelly-FAD: new results on its performance
G. Moreno, I. Zudaire , J. Uranga , M. Grande, J. Salvador , J. Murua , A. Salgado , H. Murua, J. Santiago, V. Restrepo
SC19-EB-WP-12 Guidelines to reduce the impact of drifting Fish Aggregating Devices on sea turtles
G. Moreno, J. Lopez, L. Escalle, J. Lynch, M. Roman, J. Scutt Phillips, Y. Swimmer, H. Murua, S-J Royer, J. Murua, M. Hutchinson, A. Aires-da-Silva, V. Restrepo
SC19-EB-WP-13 Progress of the FADMO-IWG Priority Tasks for 2023 (21Jul2023) - Rev.01
FAD Management Options Intersessional Working Group
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC19-EB-IP-01 Placeholder
SC19-EB-IP-02 Green Climate Fund Regional Tuna Programme Proposal – Adapting tuna-dependent Pacific Island communities and economies to climate change
SC19-EB-IP-03 A Fisheries Science Vessel for the Pacific – A tool to manage and preserve our common resources and ecosystem
SC19-EB-IP-04 Modelling drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) trajectories arriving at essential oceanic and coastal habitats for leatherback and hawksbill turtles in the Pacific Ocean
Escalle L., Scutt Phillips J., Lopez J., Lynch J.M., Murua H., Royer S.J., Swimmer Y., Murua, J., Sen Gupta A., Restrepo V., Moreno G.
SC19-EB-IP-05 Bycatch Management Information System (BMIS) Update
Larissa Fitzsimmons
SC19-EB-IP-06 Update on Antipodean albatross tracking and overlap with pelagic longline fishing effort
Bose, S., Fischer, J.H., Debski, I., Elliott, G. and Walker, K.
SC19-EB-IP-07 ISSF Workshop on Different Approaches to Limit the Number of FADs in the Oceans
SC19-EB-IP-08 Global prevalence of setting longlines at dawn highlights bycatch risk for threatened albatross
D. Kroodsma, J. Turner, C. Luck, T. Hochberg, N. Miller, P Augustyn, S. Prince
SC19-EB-IP-09 Progress in addressing key research to inform Mobulid ray conservation in the Pacific Ocean
G. Moreno, M. Cronin, J. Murua, H. Murua, J. M. Ferarios, I. Onandia, N. Lezama-Ochoa, Y. Swimmer, V. Restrepo
SC19-EB-IP-10 Supplemental information for SC18-EB-WP04: Statistical comparison of bycatch mitigation performance with and without streamers in tori-lines for small LL vessels
D. Ochi
SC19-EB-IP-11 CCSBT Multi-year Seabird Strategy and its action plan -- toward establishment of global risk assessment framework of seabird bycatch by tuna longliners
S. Tsuji and D. Ochi
SC19-EB-IP-12 Population genomics of blue shark Prionace glauca in the Pacific Ocean based on whole mitogenome sequencing and nuclear-genome-wide SNP data
M. Ibe, S. Kokubun, I. Funatogawa, K. Tsumita, S. Kuraku, J. King, J. R. Hyde, Y. Fujinami, A. Kurashima, M. Kai, K. Nohara
SC19-EB-IP-13 Update on flesh-footed shearwater tracking and potential areas of bycatch risk
Fischer, J.H., Bose, S., Taylor, G., Debski, I., Ray, S. & Lamb, S.
SC19-EB-IP-14 Placeholder
SC19-EB-IP-15 Mitigation of seabird bycatch in pelagic longline fisheries: Best practice measures, evidence and operational considerations
J. P. Pierre
SC19-EB-IP-16 Proposed purpose, scope, and process for the seabird CMM 2018-03 review
New Zealand
SC19-EB-IP-17 A novel FAD tracking device tested in the Pacific Ocean
G. Moreno, T. Crochet, H. Murua, V. Restrepo
SC19-EB-IP-18 Using electronic monitoring to verify best practices for safe handling and release of bycatch species in tuna longline fisheries
C. Heberer
SC19-EB-IP-19 Target strength measurements of ex-situ yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and frequency-response discrimination for tropical tuna species
B. Sobradillo , G. Boyra , J. Uranga and G. Moreno
SC19-EB-IP-20 Tori line experiments on Taiwanese tuna longline fishing vessels in the North Pacific Ocean
T.C. Kuo, S. Pursner, S. Prince and D. Gianuca
SC19-EB-IP-21 Updated ACAP Advice on Reducing the Bycatch of Albatrosses and Petrels in WCPFC Fisheries
Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP)
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC19-AR-CCM-01 Australia
SC19-AR-CCM-02 Canada (20June) - Rev.01
SC19-AR-CCM-03 China
SC19-AR-CCM-04 Cook Islands
SC19-AR-CCM-05 European Union
SC19-AR-CCM-06 Federated States of Micronesia (17 July) - Rev.01
SC19-AR-CCM-07 Fiji
SC19-AR-CCM-08 French Polynesia
SC19-AR-CCM-09 Indonesia (17July) - Rev.01
SC19-AR-CCM-10 Japan (18July) - Rev.02
SC19-AR-CCM-11 Kiribati (10July) - Rev.01
SC19-AR-CCM-12 Republic of Korea (11July) - Rev.02
SC19-AR-CCM-13 Republic of Marshall Islands
SC19-AR-CCM-14 Nauru
SC19-AR-CCM-15 New Caledonia
SC19-AR-CCM-16 New Zealand
SC19-AR-CCM-17 Niue
SC19-AR-CCM-18 Palau
SC19-AR-CCM-19 Papua New Guinea (17July) - Rev.01
SC19-AR-CCM-20 Philippines
SC19-AR-CCM-21 Samoa
SC19-AR-CCM-22 Solomon Islands
SC19-AR-CCM-23 Chinese Taipei (17July) - Rev.01
SC19-AR-CCM-24 Tokelau
SC19-AR-CCM-25 Tonga
SC19-AR-CCM-26 Tuvalu
SC19-AR-CCM-27 United States of America
SC19-AR-CCM-28 Vanuatu (17 July) - Rev.01
SC19-AR-CCM-29 Wallis and Futuna
SC19-AR-CCM-30 {Placeholder}
SC19-AR-CCM-31 Curacao
SC19-AR-CCM-32 Ecuador
SC19-AR-CCM-33 El Salvador
SC19-AR-CCM-34 Liberia
SC19-AR-CCM-35 Nicaragua
SC19-AR-CCM-36 Panama
SC19-AR-CCM-37 Thailand
SC19-AR-CCM-38 Vietnam
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC19-RP-JTF-01 Japan Trust Fund Status Report
Cook Islands, Kiribati, Palau, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Secretariat
SC19-RP-JTF-02 Japan Trust Fund Steering Committee Meeting Report
SC19-RP-P35b-01 Project 35b: WCPFC Pacific Marine Specimen Bank
SC19-RP-P35b-02 Report of the Pacific Marine Specimen Bank Steering Committee
PMSB Steering Committee
SC19-RP-PTTP-01 Pacific Tuna Tagging Project Report and Work-plan for 2023-2026
SC19-RP-PTTP-02 Report of the Pacific Tuna Tagging Programme Steering Committee (Project 42)
PTTP Steering Committee
SC19-RP-WPEA-01 WPEA-ITM Project Update
L. Olsen
SC19-RP-WPEA-02 WPEA-ITM: End of Project Gap Analysis Report
Barbara Hanchard

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