15th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
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Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC16-2019-SC15 SC15 Summary Report
WCPFC16-2019-SC15-01 Outcomes Document (29Aug) - Rev.02
Working Papers
Information Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC15-ST-IP-01 Estimates of annual catches in the WCPFC statistical area
SC15-ST-IP-02 Status of observer data management
Williams, P., Panizza, A., Falasi, C., Loganimoce, E., Hosken, M. and Schneiter, E.
SC15-ST-IP-03 An update on cannery data with potential use to the WCPFC
Williams, P.
SC15-ST-IP-04 Purse seine fishing activities in PNA waters
Sangaalofa Clark
SC15-ST-IP-05 Group Seine Operations of Philippine Flagged Vessels in High Seas Pocket 1 (HSP1)
Tanangonan, I., Demo-os, M., Jara, J., Dickson, A. and Ramiscal, R.
SC15-ST-IP-06 Progress of MARLIN (Electronic Logsheet) Operation in High Seas Pocket 1
Working Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC15-SA-WP-01 A compendium of fisheries indicators for tuna stocks (18July) - Rev.01
Brouwer, S. and Pilling, G.
SC15-SA-WP-02 Project 94: Workshop on yellowfin and bigeye age and growth
Farley, J., Krusic-Golub, K., Clear, N., Eveson, P., Smith, N. and Hampton, P.
SC15-SA-WP-03 Progress on yellowfin tuna age and growth in the WCPO (Project 82)
Farley, J., Krusic-Golub, K., Clear, N., Eveson, P., Roupsard, F., Sanchez, C. and Smith, N.
SC15-SA-WP-04 Simulation analysis of pole and line CPUE standardization approaches for skipjack tuna in the WCPO
Ducharme Barth, N., Vincent, M., Pilling, G. and Hampton, J.
SC15-SA-WP-05 Stock assessment of skipjack tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean (25July) - Rev.02
Vincent, M., G. Pilling and J. Hampton
SC15-SA-WP-06 Stock assessment for oceanic whitetip shark in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
Tremblay-Boyer, L., Carvalho, F., Neubauer, P. and Pilling, G.
SC15-SA-WP-07 Stock assessment of SW Pacific striped marlin in the WCPO
Ducharme Barth, N., Pilling, G. and Hampton, J.
SC15-SA-WP-08 Trends in the South Pacific Albacore Longline and Troll Fisheries
Brouwer, S., Pilling, G., Williams, P. and the WCPFC Secretariat.
SC15-SA-WP-08a Excel: SPA vessel number latitude flag
SC15-SA-WP-08b Excel: SPA catch proportion latitude flag
SC15-SA-WP-09 Stock Assessment Report for Striped Marlin (Kajikia audax) in the Western and Central North Pacific Ocean through 2017
SC15-SA-WP-10 Reproductive traits of female skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis in the western central Pacific Ocean (WCPO)
Ohashi, S., Aoki, Y., Tanaka, F., Fujioka, K., Aoki, A. and Kiyofuji, H.
SC15-SA-WP-11 A conceptual model of skipjack tuna in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) for the spatial structure configuration
Kiyofuji, H., Aoki, Y., Kinoshita, J., Ohashi, S. and Fujioka, K.
SC15-SA-WP-12 Evaluation of changes in model settings focusing on the maturity schedule in the reference case model of the 2016 skipjack stock assessment
Aoki, Y., Ohashi, S. and Kiyofuji, H.
SC15-SA-WP-13 Alternative Assessment Methods for Oceanic Whitetip Shark
Neubauer, P., Richard, Y. and Tremblay-Boyer, L.
SC15-SA-WP-14 Standardized catch per unit effort (CPUE) of skipjack tuna of the Japanese pole-and-line fisheries in the WCPO from 1972 to 2018
SKinoshita, J., Aoki, Y., Ducharme-Barth, N. and Kiyofuji, H.
Information Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC15-SA-IP-01 Report from the SPC Pre-assessment Workshop, Noumea, April 2019
Pilling, G. and Brouwer, S.
SC15-SA-IP-02 Developments in the MULTIFAN-CL software 2018-2019
Davies, N., Fournier, D, Takeuchi, Y., Bouyé, F. and Hampton, J.
SC15-SA-IP-03 Stock structure considerations for Pacific Ocean tunas
MacDonald, J., Moore, B. and Smith, N.
SC15-SA-IP-04 Background analyses for the 2019 stock assessment of skipjack tuna
M. Vincent, Y. Aoki, H. Kiyofuji, J. Hampton and G. Pilling
SC15-SA-IP-05 Standardized CPUE for skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis from the Papua New Guinea archipelagic purse seine fishery
Vidal, T., Pilling, G., Tremblay-Boyer, L. and Usu, T.
SC15-SA-IP-06 Analysis of tag seeding data and reporting rates
T. Peatman, J. Scutt Phillips, F. Roupsard, C. Sanchez, B. Leroy, N. Smith
SC15-SA-IP-07 Background analyses for the 2019 stock assessment of SW Pacific striped marlin
Ducharme-Barth, N. and Pilling, G.
SC15-SA-IP-08 Relative abundance of skipjack tuna for the purse seine fishery operating in the Philippines Moro Gulf (Region 12) and High Seas Pocket #1
Bigelow, K., Garvilles. E, Bayate, D. and Cecilio, A.
SC15-SA-IP-09 Summary of fisheries structures for the 2019 stock assessment of skipjack tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean
Vincent, M., Ducharme-Barth, N. and McKechnie, S.
SC15-SA-IP-10 Impacts of distribution of adult skipjack in tropical areas on the abundance of recruited juveniles in the water around Japan inferred from the framework of Individual Based Model with Dynamic Energy Budget Model.
Aoki, Y., Masujima, M. and Kiyofuji, H.
SC15-SA-IP-11 Quarterly catch data of skipjack caught by coastal troll and coastal pole-and-line fisheries in the Japanese coastal waters
Fujioka, K. and Kiyofuji, H.
SC15-SA-IP-12 Overview of historical skipjack length and weight data collected by the Japanese pole-and-line fisheries and Research vessel (R/V) from 1953 to 2017
Kiyofuji, H., Ohashi, S., Kinoshita, J. and Aoki, Y.
SC15-SA-IP-13 Connectivity of tuna and billfish species targeted by the Australian Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery with the broader Western Pacific Ocean
Evans, K., Grewe, P., Foster. S, Gosselin, T., Gunasekera, R. and Lansdell, M.
SC15-SA-IP-14 Data preparation for Southeast Pacific blue and shortfin mako sharks
Quiroz. J. and Hoyle, S.
SC15-SA-IP-15 Population Structure and Connectivity of Tropical Tuna Species across the Indo-Pacific Ocean Region
P.M. Grewe, Wudianto, C.H. Proctor, M.S. Adam, A.R. Jauhary, K. Schafer, D. Itano, K. Evans, A. Killian, S. Foster, T. Gosselin, P. Feutry, J. Aulich, R. Gunasekera, M. Lansdell and C.R. Davies.
SC15-SA-IP-16 Characterisation and catch per unit effort of striped marlin in New Zealand
J. C. Holdsworth, T. H. Kendrick and M. Domeier
SC15-SA-IP-17 Historical catch reconstruction and CPUE standardization for the stock assessment of oceanic whitetip shark in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
Tremblay-Boyer, L. and Neubauer, P.
SC15-SA-IP-18 Preliminary ageing of striped marlin in the southwest Pacific using otoliths
Farley, J. Krusic-Golub, K. and Kopf, K.
SC15-SA-IP-19 Report of the Workshop on Age and Growth of Bigeye and Yellowfin Tunas in the Pacific Ocean.
SC15-SA-IP-20 Report of the Pacific Bluefin Tuna Working Group Intersessional Workshop (ISC19 – ANNEX 08)
Working Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC15-MI-WP-01 Minimum Target Reference Points for WCPO yellowfin and bigeye tuna consistent with alternative LRP risk levels, and multispecies implications
Pilling, G., Scott, F and Hampton, J.
SC15-MI-WP-02 Alternative trajectories to achieve the South Pacific albacore interim TRP (17July) - Rev.01
Pilling, G.
SC15-MI-WP-03 Performance indicators for comparing management procedures for South Pacific albacore using the MSE modelling framework
N. Yao, F. Scott, R. Scott, G. M. Pilling and J. Hampton
SC15-MI-WP-04 Mixed fishery and multi-species issues in harvest strategy evaluations
Scott, F., R. Scott, N. Yao, G. Pilling and J. Hampton
SC15-MI-WP-05 Results of Initial Evaluations of Management Procedures for Skipjack
Scott, R., F. Scott, N. Yao, G. Pilling and J. Hampton.
SC15-MI-WP-06 Considering Uncertainty When Testing and Monitoring WCPFC Harvest Strategies
Scott, F.,, R. Scott, N. Yao, G. Pilling and J. Hampton
SC15-MI-WP-07 CPUE analysis for South Pacific albacore
N. Yao, R. Scott, F. Scott, G. M. Pilling and J. Hampton
SC15-MI-WP-08 South Pacific albacore management strategy evaluation framework
R. Scott, N. Yao, F. Scott and G. Pilling
SC15-MI-WP-09 Harvest strategy engagement tools
F. Scott1, R. Scott, N. Yao, G. Pilling and J. Hampton

SC15-MI-WP-10 (Combined with MI-WP-04)
SC15-MI-WP-11 Evaluation of CMM 2018-01 for tropical tuna
Pilling, G., Williams, P. and Hampton, J.
SC15-MI-WP-12 Report on analyses of the 2016/2019 PNA FAD tracking programme
Escalle, L., Muller, B., Scutt-Phillips, J., Brouwer, S., Pilling, G. and the PNA Office
SC15-MI-WP-13 Report on preliminary analyses of FAD acoustic data
Escalle, L., Vanden Heuvel, B., Clarke, R., Brouwer, S. and Pilling, G.
SC15-MI-WP-14 Reference points, harvest control rules and management strategy evaluation in tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (24July) - Rev.01
Wakeford, R., Merino, G., Apostolaki, P., Skerritt, D. and Davies, T.
Information Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC15-MI-IP-01 Workplan for the adoption of harvest strategies under CMM 2014-06
SC15-MI-IP-02 The WCPO Skipjack MSE Modeling Framework
Scott, R., F. Scott, N. Yao, G. Pilling, J. Hampton and N. Davies
SC15-MI-IP-03 Report of the Second Expert Consultation Workshop on Management Strategy Evaluation
F. Scott, R. Scott, N. Yao, R. Hillary, T. Kitakado, N. Davies, G. Pilling and J. Hampton
SC15-MI-IP-04 Identifying appropriate reference points for elasmobranchs within the WCPFC (Project 57)
Zhou, S., Deng, R., Hoyle, S. and Dunn, M.
SC15-MI-IP-05 Evaluation of effort creep indicators in the WCPO purse seine fishery
Vidal, T., Muller, B., Pilling, G. and the PNAO.
SC15-MI-IP-06 Catch and effort tables on tropical tuna CMMs
Secretariat and SPC-OFP
SC15-MI-IP-07 Improving communication: the key to more effective MSE processes
Miller, S., Anganuzzi, A., Butterworth, D., Davies, C., Donovan, G., Nickson, A., Rademeyer, R. and Restrepo, V.
SC15-MI-IP-08 Terms of reference for science-management dialogue
SC15-MI-IP-09 Current and projected stock status of skipjack tuna to inform consideration of Target Reference Points (MOW3-WP/03, 14 Nov 2014)
SC15-MI-IP-10 Report of the First North Pacific Albacore Management Strategy Evaluation (ISC19 – ANNEX 12)
SC15-MI-IP-11 Harvest Strategies for Tropical Tuna in Archipelagic Waters of Indonesia: Update
Satria, F., Sadiyah, L., Yunanda, T. and Suadela, P.
Working Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC15-EB-WP-01 Report of the Workshop on Joint Analysis of Shark Post-Release Mortality Tagging Results
Common Oceans (ABNJ) Tuna Project
SC15-EB-WP-02 Progress on the WCPFC stock assessments and shark research plan (Summary Table)-23Jun2019 (Rev.01)
WCPFC Secretariat, SPC-OFP, ABNJ and ISC
SC15-EB-WP-03 Project 68: Estimation of seabird mortality across the WCPFC Convention Area
T. Peatman, E. Abraham, D. Ochi, D. Webber and N. Smith.
SC15-EB-WP-04 Quantifying post release mortality rates of sharks incidentally captured in Pacific tuna longline fisheries and identifying handling practices to improve survivorship (25July) - Rev.01
Hutchinson, M. and Bigelow, K.
SC15-EB-WP-05 Overview of recent research cruises in the WCPO and Indonesian archipelagic water by the R/V Shunyo-Maru of NRIFSF
Kiyofuji, H., Ohashi, S., Aoki, Y., Masujima, M., Tanaka, F., Fujioka, K., Okazaki, M., Aoki, A., Satoh, K., Fayakun, S., Priatna, A. and Taufik, M.
SC15-EB-WP-06 Research update about the effective design of tori-line for Japanese small-scale fleet in the North Pacific (26July) - Rev.01
Katumata, N., Okamoto, K., Oshima, K. and Ochi, D.
SC15-EB-WP-07 Report of the Final Global Seabird Bycatch Assessment Workshop
Birdlife International
SC15-EB-WP-08 Electronic tagging for the mitigation of bigeye and yellowfin tuna juveniles by purse seine fisheries
Scutt Phillips, J., Leroy, B., Peatman, T., Escalle, L. and Smith, N.
SC15-EB-WP-09 (Re-numbered as SC15-EB-IP-04)
SC15-EB-WP-10 Safe handling and release guidelines for seabirds
Debski, I., and Ayrton, H.
SC15-EB-WP-11 Preliminary results of the BIOFAD Project: Testing designs and identify options to mitigate impacts of drifting fish aggregation devices non the ecosystem (24July) - Rev.01
Zudaire, I., Tolotti, M., Murua, J., Capello, M., Andrés, M., Cabezas, O., Krug, I., Grande, M., Arregui, I., Uranga, J. Goñi, N., Ferarios, J., Ruiz, J., Baidai, Y., Ramos, M., Báez, J., Abascal, F., Moreno, G., Santiago, J., Dagorn, L., Arrizabalaga, H. and Murua, H.
SC15-EB-WP-12 Selecting ecosystem indicators for fisheries targeting highly migratory species: An EU project to advance the operationalization of the EAFM in ICCAT and IOTC
Juan-Jordá, M., Murua, H., Apostolaki, P., Lynam, C., Rodriguez, A., Barrionuevo, J., Abascal, F., Coelho, R., Todorovic, S., Billet, N., Uyarra, M., Andonegi, E. and Lopez, J.
SC15-EB-WP-13 Report of the 2nd Meeting of the Joint Tuna RFMOs Working Group on FADs
Joint t-RFMO FAD Working Group
Information Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC15-AR-CCM-01 Australia
SC15-AR-CCM-02 Canada
SC15-AR-CCM-03 China (12July2019) - Rev.01
SC15-AR-CCM-04 Cook Islands
SC15-AR-CCM-05 European Union
SC15-AR-CCM-06 Federated States of Micronesia (13July2019) - Rev.02
SC15-AR-CCM-07 Fiji
SC15-AR-CCM-08 French Polynesia
SC15-AR-CCM-09 Indonesia (13July) - Rev.01
SC15-AR-CCM-10 Japan
SC15-AR-CCM-11 Kiribati (12July) - Rev.01
SC15-AR-CCM-12 Korea
SC15-AR-CCM-13 Marshall Islands
SC15-AR-CCM-14 Nauru
SC15-AR-CCM-15 New Caledonia
SC15-AR-CCM-16 New Zealand
SC15-AR-CCM-17 Niue
SC15-AR-CCM-18 Palau (14July) - Rev.01
SC15-AR-CCM-19 Papua New Guinea
SC15-AR-CCM-20 Philippines
SC15-AR-CCM-21 Samoa
SC15-AR-CCM-22 Solomon Islands
SC15-AR-CCM-23 Chinese Taipei (12July) - Rev.01
SC15-AR-CCM-24 Tokelau
SC15-AR-CCM-25 Tonga (11July) - Rev.01
SC15-AR-CCM-26 Tuvalu (12July) - Rev.02
SC15-AR-CCM-27 United States of America (11July) - Rev.01
SC15-AR-CCM-28 Vanuatu (13July) - Rev.02
SC15-AR-CCM-29 Wallis and Futuna Islands
SC15-AR-CNM-30 Ecuador
SC15-AR-CNM-31 El Salvador
SC15-AR-CNM-32 Liberia (25June) - Rev.01
SC15-AR-CNM-34 Panama
SC15-AR-CNM-35 Thailand
SC15-AR-CNM-36 Viet Nam

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