7th Regular Session of the Commission

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
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Regular Sessions of the Commission

Seventh Regular session 06-10 December 2010

Link to Hotel Reservations

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC7-2010-DP-01 WCPFC7-2010-DP-01_Philippines Discussion Paper on CMM 2008-01
WCPFC7-2010-DP-02 WCPFC7-2010-DP-02_Japan's Proposal on Large-Scale Purse Seine Fishing Capacity and Effort
WCPFC7-2010-DP-03 Preliminary Analysis of Purse Seine Increase in the WCPFC Area
WCPFC7-2010-DP-04 Rev 1 Cook Island's Proposed CMMfor Eastern High Seas Pocket Special Management Area (CMM 2010-01) Rev 1
WCPFC7-2010-DP-05 New Zealand Paper on Possible Amendments to CMM 2007-03 on the 120 Day Rule
WCPFC7-2010-DP-06 PNA Proposed CMM to Close Additional High Seas Areas
WCPFC7-2010-DP-07 Rev 2 Final Draft Proposed CMM for North Pacific Striped Marlin Rev 2
WCPFC7-2010-DP-08 Rev 1 FFA Members’ proposed amendment to CMM 2005-02 South Pacific Albacore.pdf
WCPFC7-2010-DP-09 FFA Member's Proposed CMM to Prohibit Purse Seine Fishing Associated with Whale Sharks
WCPFC7-2010-DP-10 FFA Proposal on Reporting by CCMs Against Article 30 and Resolution 2008-01
WCPFC7-2010-DP-11 Tonga Proposed Amendment to CMM 2007-03 para 15
WCPFC7-2010-DP-12 Australia Proposed CMM on WCPFC Compliance Monitoring Scheme
WCPFC7-2010-DP-13 EU Proposed CMM on Port State Measures
WCPFC7-2010-DP-14 USA Position Paper on Article 24(8) and CMM 2007-02
WCPFC7-2010-DP-15 Rev 3 Proposal by France for the Implementation of an EEZ Entry and Exit Notification Scheme Rev 3
WCPFC7-2010-DP-16 USA Proposed CMM on the Implementation of CMM 2007-03 Para 3(j)
WCPFC7-2010-DP-16 Rev1 WCPFC7-2010-DP-16 Rev1 Procedures for Applying Paragraph 3(j) of WCPFC CMM 2007-03.pdf
WCPFC7-2010-DP-17 Rev 2 Australia's Proposed Conservation and Management Measure Mitigating Fishing Impacts on Cetaceans
WCPFC7-2010-DP-18 EU Explanatory Notes and Proposed CMM on a Catch Documentation Scheme
WCPFC7-2010-DP-19 European Union, Japan, Korea, Chinese Taipei Proposal on ROP report
WCPFC7-2010-DP-20 Rev 1 Korea Proposed CMM on Prohibition of Night Setting During FAD Closure Rev 1
WCPFC7-2010-DP-21 Rev 3 USA Rev 3 TORs for Consultancy Study Optimization of WCPFC Program Operational Costs
WCPFC7-2010-DP-22 Rev 1 FFA Proposed Catch Documentation Principles Rev 1
WCPFC7-2010-DP-23 PNA Vessel Day Scheme Report Rev 1
WCPFC7-2010-DP-24 Philippines Proposed Amendment to CMM 2008-01
WCPFC7-2010-DP-25 EU Proposed Observer Cross Endorsement MOC between WCPFC and IATTC Rev 2
WCPFC7-2010-DP-26 EU Proposed CMM on Conservation and Management of Tropical Tunas in the WCPFC Convention Area
WCPFC7-2010-DP-27 WCPFC7-2010-DP-27 Rev 1 US Proposal for Application of the Commission VMS to national waters of CCMs.pdf
WCPFC7-2010-DP-28 Rev 2 Australia-Draft Compliance Monitoring Scheme - Rev 1 9 December
WCPFC7-2010-DP-29 WCPFC7-2010-DP-29_EU Proposal on VMS operation_final_submitted.pdf
WCPFC7-2010-DP-31 Revised Proposed Report Language on Participatory Rights for CNMs
WCPFC7-2010-DP-32 Rev 2 FFA Members Proposed Process for Consideration of an Enhanced CMM for Tropical Tunas in the WCPO Rev 2
WCPFC7-2010-DP-33 EU Report on Article 30 of the Convention and Resolution 2008-01
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC7-2010-FAC4-15 Draft Strategic Plan 2011-2013 Rev 5
WCPFC7-2010-FAC4/01 rev. 2 Provisional Agenda Rev 2
WCPFC7-2010-FAC4/02 rev. 2 Provisional Annotated Agenda Rev 2
WCPFC7-2010-FAC4/03 Indicative Schedule
WCPFC7-2010-FAC4/04 Auditor's Report and Statements
WCPFC7-2010-FAC4/05 Report on General Account Fund for Contributions and Other Income for 2010
WCPFC7-2010-FAC4/06 Report on the Status of Other Funds 2010
WCPFC7-2010-FAC4/07 Draft Strategic Plan
WCPFC7-2010-FAC4/08 Business Plan Implementation Report
WCPFC7-2010-FAC4/09 Headquarters Matters
WCPFC7-2010-FAC4/10 CROP Salary Market Data Review
WCPFC7-2010-FAC4/11 Staff Establishment
WCPFC7-2010-FAC4/12 Proposed Budget for the Commission’s Work Programme for 2011 and Indicative Budgets for 2012 and 2013
WCPFC7-2010-FAC4/13 Other Matters – Finance and Administration Committee: Election of Co-Chairs
WCPFC7-2010-FAC4/14 Possible Contributions by Cooperating Non-Members
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC7-2010-IP-01 Summary Information on Whale Shark and Cetacean Interactions in the Tropical WCPFC Purse Seine Fishery
WCPFC7-2010-IP-02 American Albacore Fishing Association Letter
WCPFC7-2010-IP-03 MRAG Best Practices for Catch Document Schemes
WCPFC7-2010-IP-04 ACAP Proposal for Pilot Observer Research Programme for Seabird Bycatch Risk Reduction
WCPFC7-2010-IP-05 CMMs to be Addressed at WCPFC7
WCPFC7-2010-IP-06 USA SSPs for RFV
WCPFC7-2010-IP-07 Cook Islands Paper to Support WCPFC7-2010-DP-04
WCPFC7-2010-IP-08 China's Letter to WCPFC Chairman
WCPFC7-2010-IP-10 EU Comments on Science Committee Re-Structuring
WCPFC7-2010-IP-11 Science Data for the Commission
WCPFC7-2010-IP-12 Proposed Amendment to CMM 2009-04 Sharks
WCPFC7-2010-IP-13 Terms of Reference for VMS Audit
WCPFC7-2010-IP-15 Rev 1 WCPFC7 Friday Schedule of Work Rev 1
WCPFC7-2010-IP-16 Chinese Taipei's Letter to WCPFC Chairman
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC7-2010-01 Notice of Meeting
WCPFC7-2010-02 Provisional Agenda Rev 11
WCPFC7-2010-03 Provisional Annotated Agenda Rev 1
WCPFC7-2010-04 Indicative schedule
WCPFC7-2010-05 Provisional List of Documents Rev 11
WCPFC7-2010-06 Heads of Delegation Provisional Agenda
WCPFC7-2010-07 Action Items for WCPFC6 and TCC5 and Actions Taken
WCPFC7-2010-08 Status of the Convention
WCPFC7-2010-09 Observers to the Commission Rev 1
WCPFC7-2010-11 Report of the Executive Director on the Work of the Commission
WCPFC7-2010-12 Relations with Other Organizations
WCPFC7-2010-13 CMMs with Implementation Issues
WCPFC7-2010-14 The Sixth Scientific Committee Meeting - Summary Report
WCPFC7-2010-15 Review of the Implementation and Effectiveness of CMM 2008
WCPFC7-2010-15a Projection results for WCPFC-2010/15
WCPFC7-2010-16 SPC Progress Toward Shark Assessments
WCPFC7-2010-17 The Sixth Northern Committee Meeting - Summary Report
WCPFC7-2010-18 Summary Report, Recommendations of the Technical Compliance Committee
WCPFC7-2010-19 Summary of Annual Reports (Part 1 and Part 2) and Revised Template for Annual Report Part 2 for 2010 Rev 1
WCPFC7-2010-20 Rev 3 Update from TCC6 of CCMs Compliance with CMMs Rev 3
WCPFC7-2010-23 KOBE II Management and MCS Recommendations
WCPFC7-2010-25 Streamline Annual Reports Part 2
WCPFC7-2010-26 Regional Observer Programme Annual Report to the Commission
WCPFC7-2010-27 Vessel Monitoring System Report to the Commission
WCPFC7-2010-28 Draft TCC Work Program 2011-2013 (Update from TCC6)
WCPFC7-2010-29 Future Work Plan of the Ad Hoc Task Group on Data
WCPFC7-2010-30 Conservation and Management Measures
WCPFC7-2010-32 Rev 1 Finance and Administration Committee Summary Report Rev 1
WCPFC7-2010-34 Proposal for the Commission's Implementation of the RFMO Performance Review
WCPFC7-2010-35 NC6 Proposed CMM on Pacific Bluefin Tuna Rev 1
WCPFC7-2010-36 NC6 Proposed CMM on Implementation of the ROP by Vessels Fishing Fresh Fish North of 20N
WCPFC7-2010-DP-03 Preliminary Analysis of Purse Seine Increases in the WCPFC Convention Area
WCPFC7-2010-DP-30 WCPFC7-2010-DP-30_Fu Lien 1 proposal prepared and submitted by USA
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC7-2010-OP-01 Greenpeace Briefing Paper
WCPFC7-2010-OP-02 PEW Policy Brief and Documents for WCPFC7
WCPFC7-2010-OP-03 WWF Compendium of By-Catch CMMs
WCPFC7-2010-OP-04 WWF-TRAFFIC Position Statement to WCPFC 7
WCPFC7-2010-OP-05 Western Fishboat Owners Association Letter
WCPFC7-2010-OP-06 Greenpeace Statement

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