14th Regular Session of the Technical and Compliance Committee

Majuro, Republic of Marshall Islands
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
More Information

A Preparatory Meeting for the Heads of Delegation will be held at the International Convention Center (ICC), (at the same venue as CMS-IWG face-to-face meeting) on Tuesday 25th September at 4.30pm.

NOTE: The face-to-face CMS-IWG meeting will be commencing on Tuesday 25th September at 8.00am.

TCC14 will be held from Wednesday 26th September to Tuesday 2nd October at the International Conference Center (ICC), Majuro, Marshall Islands. 

Download Meeting Documents*4 Jun 2021ZIP - 60.21 MB
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC15-2018-TCC14 Summary Report for TCC14
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-outcomes TCC14 Outcomes Document - Agreed
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
c WCPFC-TCC14-2018-HOD_rev1 Provisional Heads of Delegation Agenda - revision 1
Circular 2018-48 Meeting notice
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-01_rev1 Indicative Schedule (Rev 1)
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-02 Adopted Agenda
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-03_rev1 Provisional Annotated Agenda - revision 1
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-04_rev5 Provisional List of Documents - revision 5
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-05 Annual report of the Executive Director - Operational issues with WCPFC MCS and Compliance
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-06_rev1 Draft IUU Vessel List and current WCPFC IUU Vessel List - revision 1
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-07 Cooperating Non-Member requests for 2019
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-08A Overview of CMS matters for TCC14
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-08B List of Capacity Assistance requests and Capacity Development Plan
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-09 TCC14 CMR Review Process
TCC Chair
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-10A_rev1 Draft Conservation and Management Measure for Compliance Monitoring Scheme - CMS IWG Working Draft Text - revision 2
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-10B Comments CMS IWG participants have submitted on the Final Report from the Independent Panel to Review the CMS
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-10C Final Report from the Independent Panel to review the Compliance Monitoring Scheme [with Executive Summary]
MacKay D., Rogers C., and Wright A.
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-10D Compilation of CMS IWG comments on the "Draft list of principles document"
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-11 (secure) Summary from Part 2 of CMM 2013-07 para 19 annual report - RY2017 (Secure Section)
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-12 Intersessional activity report from Special Requirements IWG of the FAC
Chair of the SRF-IWG of the FAC
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-13A Requests for new inclusions of ALCs to the WCPFC approved ALC/MTU list
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-13A_supplement_rev1 Requests for new inclusions of ALCs to the WCPFC approved ALC/MTU list -Supplement (Rev 1)
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-13B_rev1 Proposed Revisions to Commission VMS Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) (Rev 1)
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-14 Provision of Observer Reports To CMMs And Observer Conduct
Report from TCC Working Group on the flow of observer reports and observer conduct
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-14A Provision of Observer Reports to CCMs and Observer Conduct
Proposed revisions of the Agreed Minimum Standards and Guidelines of the Regional Observer Program
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-15A Information that could by usefully gathered around bycatch mitigation equipment and their application, during high seas transhipment processes
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-15B Update on Transhipment Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) with the CCSBT
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-16 Current status of the E-reporting of high seas transhipment declarations and transhipment notices project
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-17 Update on consideration of minimising duplicative reporting and enhancing accessibility of scientific data by the Secretariat
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-18 Summary Report of ERandEMWG3
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-19 {placeholder} Intersessional activity report from CDS-IWG Chair
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-20 Draft Guidelines for Biodegradable and Non-Entangling FADs
FADMgmtOptions-IWG Chair
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-21A Intersessional activity report to TCC14 from south Pacific albacore roadmap virtual IWG
Chair of south Pacific albacore roadmap virtual IWG
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-21B Reference Document for evaluation of Monitoring and Reporting Gaps in the south Pacific Albacore fishery
Chair of south Pacific albacore roadmap virtual IWG
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-22 5th draft comprehensive shark CMM for review by TCC14
IWG-Shark Chair
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-IP01 Summary of submissions of Annual Report Part 1 and Annual Report Part 2
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-IP02 Final CMR covering 2016 activities as agreed at WCPFC14
WCPFC14 Summary Report Attachment U
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-IP03 Scientific Data available to the WCPFC
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-IP04 Status of Observer Data Management - update for TCC14
Peter Williams, Icanus Tuiloma and Aurélien Panizza

WCPFC-TCC14-2018-IP05 Overview of Tuna Fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, including Economic Conditions - 2017 Rev 1 (22 July 2018)
Williams P. [1] and C.Reid [2] [1] SPC-OFP [2] FFA
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-IP06 Agreed workplan for the adoption of Harvest Stategies under CMM 2014-06
WCPFC14 Summary Report Attachment L
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-IP07 Summary of the Reports received under Tropical Tuna CMMs - from 2017 to 2018
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-IP08 Catch and effort tables on tropical tuna CMMs
Secretariat and SPC-OFP
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-IP09 Trends in the South Pacific Albacore Longline and Troll Fisheries
Brouwer S [1], G. Pilling[1], P. Williams[1] and the WCPFC Secretariat

WCPFC-TCC14-2018-IP10 Summary of CCM reporting under south Pacific albacore CMMs
Secretariat and SPC-OFP
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-IP11 Updated information on north Pacific Albacore catch and effort data as reported by CCMs
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-IP12_rev1 Compiled Information on Pacific Bluefin tuna - fishing effort and catch (Rev 1)
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-IP13 TCC Workplan for 2016 - 2018
WCPFC13 Summary Report Attachment S
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-IP14 Assessment of the number of vessels fishing for South Pacific Albacore south of 20S
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-OP01 withdrawn
Birdlife International
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-OP02 Position statement to TCC14
Pew Charitable Trusts
WCPFC-TCC14-2018-OP03 A Review of Management and Reporting Trends Related to Transshipment Occurring within the WCPFC

* Secure documents are not included in the zip file