13th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
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Working Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC13-ST-WP-01 Scientific data available to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
Williams P.
SC13-ST-WP-02 Better purse seine catch composition estimates: recent progress and future work plan for Project 60
Peatman T, N. Smith, T. Park and S. Caillot
SC13-ST-WP-03 Improving the quality of Japanese purse seine catch composition estimates: a Project 60 collaboration
Peatman T[1], K. Satoh[2], T. Matsumoto[2], S. Caillot[1] and N. Smith[1]
SC13-ST-WP-04 Species composition in the USA purse seine fishery as estimated by Regional Purse Seine logsheets and Cannery Receipts NOAA Approved (31 July 2017)
Bigelow K[1], M. Iwane[2], H. Wang[2] and V. Post[3]
SC13-ST-WP-05 Summary of purse seine fishery bycatch at a regional scale, 2003-2016
Peatman T., V. Allain, S. Caillot, P. Williams and N. Smith
SC13-ST-WP-06 FAD Data To Be Provided By Observers
SC13-ST-WP-07 Clarification of WCPFC Shark Designations and Observer Data Collection Requirements in Response to WCPFC13 Decisions regarding Manta and Mobulid (Devil) Rays
Clarke S.[1], K. Staisch[2] and L. Manarangi-Trott[2]
SC13-ST-WP-08 Analyses and projections of economic conditions in WCPO fisheries
Skirtun M. and C. Reid.
SC13-ST-WP-09 Development of Guidelines for the Voluntary Submission of Economic data to the Commission
Reid C and M. Skirtun
Information Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC13-ST-IP-01 Estimates of annual catches in the WCPFC Statistical Area
SC13-ST-IP-02 Status of observer data management
Williams P, I. Tuiloma and A. Panizza
SC13-ST-IP-03 Annual Estimates of Purse Seine Catches by Species based on Alternative Data Sources
Hampton J. and P. Williams.
SC13-ST-IP-04 An update on cannery data with potential use to the WCPFC
Williams P.
SC13-ST-IP-05 Pilot Study of the Potential for using Non-ISSF Associated Cannery Receipt Data for the work of the WCPFC
Lewis A.
SC13-ST-IP-06 Withdrawn
SC13-ST-IP-07 A brief update on ER and EM progress in the region
Hosken M., P. Williams and N. Smith
SC13-ST-IP-08 Withdrawn
SC13-ST-IP-09 Automated visual detection of captures from EM video
Tuck G.
SC13-ST-IP-10 Group Seine Operations of Philippine Flagged Vessels in High Seas Pocket 1 (HSP1)
Tanangonan I., M. Demo-os, J. S. Jara and R. V. Ramiscal.
SC13-ST-IP-11 Test of MARLIN (Electronic Logsheet) in Philippine-flagged Vessels in High Seas Pocket 1
Tanangonan I., M. Demo-os, J. S. Jara and R. V. Ramiscal.
SC13-ST-IP-12 Purse Seine Fishing Activity in PNA Waters
Clark S.
SC13-ST-IP-13 Resolution C-16-01: Amendment of Resolution C-15-03 on the Collection and Analyses of Data on Fish-Aggregating Devices Rev 1(22 July 2017)
Working Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC13-SA-WP-01 Project 35: Age, growth and maturity of bigeye tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean Rev 1 (28 March 2018)
Farley J[1]., P. Eveson[1], K. Krusic-Golub[2], C. Sanchez[3], F. Roupsard[3], S. McKechnie[3], S. Nicol[3,4], B. Leroy[3], N. Smith[3] and S-K Chang[5].
SC13-SA-WP-02 A compendium of fisheries indicators for tuna stocks
Pilling G., R. Scott, P. Williams, S. Brouwer and J Hampton
SC13-SA-WP-03 Exploratory geostatistical analyses of Pacific-wide operational longline CPUE data for WCPO tuna assessments
Tremblay-Boyer L, S. McKechnie, G.M. Pilling and J. Hampton
SC13-SA-WP-04 Use of operational vessel proxies to account for vessels with missing identifiers in the development of standardised CPUE time series
Tremblay-Boyer L, and G.M. Pilling
SC13-SA-WP-05 Stock assessment of bigeye tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean Rev 1 (23 July 2017)
McKechnie S, G. Pilling, and J. Hampton
SC13-SA-WP-06 Stock assessment of yellowfin tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean Rev 1 (26 July 2017)
Tremblay-Boyer L., S. McKechnie, G. Pilling and J. Hampton
SC13-SA-WP-07 Impacts of Recent High Catches of Skipjack on Fisheries on the Margins of the WCPFC Convention Area Rev 1 (21 July 2017)
Senina I[1]., P. Lehodey[1], H. Kiyofuji [2], M. Masujima[2], J. Hampton [3], N. Smith [3] and P. Williams [3]

SC13-SA-WP-08 Trends in the south Pacific albacore longline and Troll Fisheries
Brouwer S[1]., G. Pilling[1], P. Williams[1] and the WCPFC Secretariat.
SC13-SA-WP-08a Excel: SPA Vessel Number Latitude Flag
Brouwer S., G. Pilling and P. Williams
SC13-SA-WP-08b Excel: SPA Catch Proportion Latitude Flag
Brouwer S., G. Pilling, and P. Williams
SC13-SA-WP-09 Stock Assessment of Albacore in the North Pacific Ocean in 2017 Rev 2(approved version) (29 July 2017)
Report of the Albacore Working Group

SC13-SA-WP-10 Stock Assessment and Future Projections of Blue Shark in the North Pacific Ocean through 2015
Report of the Shark Working Group

SC13-SA-WP-11 Pacific-wide sustainability risk assessment of bigeye thresher shark (Alopias superciliosus) Rev 3 (12 August 2017)
Common Oceans (ABNJ) Tuna Project
SC13-SA-WP-12 Southern Hemisphere porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) stock status assessment Rev 2 (1 August 2017)
Common Oceans (ABNJ) Tuna Project

SC13-SA-WP-13 Stock assessment of swordfish in the SW Pacific
Takeuchi Y, G. Pilling and J. Hampton.
Information Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC13-SA-IP-01 Report of the workshop on analysis of CPUE for Stock Assessments, Noumea, April 2017
Pilling G. and S. Brouwer
SC13-SA-IP-02 Report from the SPC pre-assessment workshop, Noumea, April 2017
Pilling G. and S. Brouwer
SC13-SA-IP-03 Connectivity of tuna and billfish species targeted by the Australian Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery with the broader Western Pacific Ocean.
Karen Evans, K., P. Grewe, R. Gunaskera and M. Lansdell.
SC13-SA-IP-04 Summary report of tag data for yellowfin and bigeye tuna by Japanese tagging programs
Matsumoto, T. and K. Satoh
SC13-SA-IP-05 Developments in the MULTIFAN-CL software 2016-2017
Davies N.[1], D. Fournier[2], Y. Takeuchi[3], F. Bouyé[3] and J. Hampton[3]
SC13-SA-IP-06 Background analyses for the 2017 stock assessments of bigeye and yellowfin tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean
McKechnie S., L. Tremblay-Boyer and G. Pilling
SC13-SA-IP-07 Relative abundance of yellowfin tuna for the purse seine and handline fisheries operating in the Philippines Moro Gulf (Region 12) and High Seas Pocket #1 NOAA Approved (26 July 2017)
Bigelow K.[1], E. Garvilles[2] and L. Emperua[3]
SC13-SA-IP-08 Reconsideration of skipjack otolith microstructural analysis for age and growth estimates in the WCPO.
Tanaka F., S. Ohashi, Y. Aoki and H. Kiyofuji.
SC13-SA-IP-09 Skipjack migration in the western central Pacific Ocean estimated from the particle tracking simulation with dynamic energy budget model.
Aoki Y., M. Masujima and H. Kiyofuji.
SC13-SA-IP-10 Impacts of misspecification of spawner-recruitment relationship on stock assessment: An example of South Pacific albacore tuna.
Wang J.[1][3], X. Chen[1][2], J. Zhua[1,2], J. Cao[3] and Y. Chen[1,3].
SC13-SA-IP-11 Age and growth of North Pacific albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) based on sectioned fin ray.
Jiang J.[1], L Xu[1][2][3], G. Zhu[1][2][3] and W. Zhu[1].
SC13-SA-IP-12 Summary of progress on data preparation for an updated, Pacific-wide silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) assessment
Clarke S.
SC13-SA-IP-13 Updated abundance indicators for New Zealand blue, porbeagle and shortfin mako sharks.
Francis M. P. and K. Large.
SC13-SA-IP-14 Aspects of porbeagle shark bycatch in the Argentinean surimi fleet operating in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean (50 – 57º S) during 2006-2014
Cortés, F.[1], J.A. Waessle[1], A.M. Massa[1] and S. D. Hoyle[2],
SC13-SA-IP-15 Development of Southern Hemisphere porbeagle shark stock abundance indicators using Japanese commercial and survey data
Hoyle, S.D[1]., Y. Semba[2], M. Kai[2] and H. Okamoto[2].
SC13-SA-IP-16 Recalculation of historical landings of porbeagle shark
Francis M. P.
SC13-SA-IP-17 Population indicators for porbeagle sharks in the Chilean swordfish fishery
Hoyle, S.[1], J. C. Quiroz[2], P. Zarate[2], D. Devia[2] and J. Azocar[2]
SC13-SA-IP-18 Standardized CPUE of porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) caught by the Uruguayan pelagic longline fleet in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean (1982-2012).
Forselledo R[1]., F. Mas[1], A. Domingo[1]. and S. Hoyle[2]
SC13-SA-IP-19 Original title redundant [info provided in SA-WP-13]
SC13-SA-IP-20 Summary of major changes in the 2017 tropical tuna Assessments
Pilling G.M., S. McKechnie, L. Tremblay-Boyer and J. Hampton
SC13-SA-IP-21 Summary of Additional PBF Projections
Report from the International PBF Stakeholders Meeting
SC13-SA-IP-22 Stochastic status quo projections for bigeye tuna
Scott R. G.M. Pilling and S. McKechnie
Working Papers
Information Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC13-MI-IP-01 Operationalising the monitoring strategies for tropical purse seine and southern longline fisheries: Information requirements and data availability.
Scott R[1]., G. Pilling[1], C. Reid[2], P. Williams[1] and N. Smith[1]
SC13-MI-IP-02 Generating pseudo data in MFCL
Scott, R[1]., N. Davies[2], G.M. Pilling[1], and J. Hampton[1].
SC13-MI-IP-03 Chair Report of the 1st Joint Tuna RFMO FAD Working Group Meeting
Depypere S.
SC13-MI-IP-04 Updating indicators of effort creep in the WCPO purse seine fishery.
Pilling G[1]., the PNA Office[2] and J. Hampton[1]
SC13-MI-IP-05 Evaluation of the consequences of size-based limits and catch retention.
Brouwer, S.
SC13-MI-IP-06 Analysis of purse seine set times and school association using observer data.
Brouwer S. and G.. Pilling
SC13-MI-IP-07 Yellowfin tuna catch by gear and flag, 2010-2016
SC13-MI-IP-08 Bigeye tuna catch by gear and flag, 2010-2016
SC13-MI-IP-09 Report of the 1st Joint Tuna RFMO Management Strategy Evaluation Working Group
Kobe MSE Working Group
Working Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC13-EB-WP-01 Modelling the impact of climate change including ocean acidification on Pacific yellowfin tuna.
Lehodey P.[1], I. Senina[1], B. Calmettes[1], M. Dessert[2], S. Nicol[3], J. Hampton[3], N. Smith[3], T. Gorgues[4], O. Aumont[2], M. Lengaigne[4], C. Menkes[4] and M. Gehlen[5]
SC13-EB-WP-02 Review of research into drifting FAD designs to reduce bycatch entanglement and bigeye/yellowfin interactions
Pilling G.M.[1], N. Smith[1], G. Moreno[2], C. van der Geest[2], V. Restrepo[2] and J. Hampton[1]
SC13-EB-WP-03 Prediction of shooting trajectory of tuna purse seine fishing
Lee C-W. [1], J. Lee[2] and S. Park[3]
SC13-EB-WP-04 Initiatives to reduce tropical tuna FAD fishery ecological impacts: from traditional to non-entangling and biodegradable FADs
Lopez J[1], J. Murua[2], N. Goñi[1], J. Santiago[2], H. Murua[1], I. Arregi[1], I. Zudaire[1][3], J. Ruiz[2], I. Krug[4] and G. Moreno[5]

SC13-EB-WP-05 Project proposals related to purse seine FAD use within the WCPO, as requested by the WCPFC FAD Intersessional Working Group
Pilling G[1], N. Smith[1], B. Kumasi[2], WCPFC Secretariat and J. Hampton[1]
SC13-EB-WP-06 Development of a comprehensive shark conservation and management measure for the WCPFC
Clarke, S.
SC13-EB-WP-07 DRAFT Progress Report for Project 78: Analysis of Observer and Logbook Data Pertaining to Key Shark Species in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean Rev1 (2 November 2017)
Rice J.
SC13-EB-WP-08 Tori line designs and specifications for small pelagic longline vessels Rev 1 (22 July 2017)
Goad D[1]. and I. Debski[2].
SC13-EB-WP-09 Redevelopment of the Bycatch Management Information System (BMIS): status and future work plan including integrating regional bycatch data summaries
Fitzsimmons L[1]., S. Caillot[2], S. Clarke[3] and N. Smith[2].
SC13-EB-WP-10 Joint Analysis of Sea Turtle Mitigation Effectiveness
Common Oceans [ABNJ] Tuna Project
Information Papers
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC13-EB-IP-01 Review of effects of pelagic longline hook and bait type on sea turtle catch rate, anatomical hooking position and at-vessel mortality rate
Gilman, E. [1] and H-W. Huang [2]
SC13-EB-IP-02 Ecological data from observer programmes underpin ecosystem-based fisheries management
Gilman E [1], M. Weijerman [2] and P. Suuronen [3]
SC13-EB-IP-03 Removed at the request of the main author
SC13-EB-IP-04 Effects of Ringnet and Purse Seine Net Depth Reduction on the Catch of Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus obesus).
Dela Cruz W.S. , M.B. Demoos , I.C. Tanangonan and R. V. Ramiscal
SC13-EB-IP-05 Comparison of condition factor between FADs-associated and unassociated schools of skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis on the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
Wang X.[1][[2], L. Xu[1][[2], Y. Chen[1][[2], C. Zhou[1][[2] and H. Tang [1][[2]
SC13-EB-IP-06 Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Shark Post-Release Mortality Tagging Studies
Common Oceans (ABNJ) Tuna Project.
SC13-EB-IP-07 2016 Implementation report of the Management Plan for Longline Fisheries Targeting Sharks
SC13-EB-IP-08 Developing best handling practice guidelines to safely release mantas and mobulids captured in commercial fisheries
Hutchinson M.[1], F. Poisson[2] and Y. Swimmer[3]
SC13-EB-IP-09 Progress on the WPCFC stock assessments and shark research plan (summary table)
WCPFC Secretariat, SPC-OFP, ABNJ and ISC
SC13-EB-IP-10 Report of the Joint Meeting of tuna RFMOs on the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management
SC13-EB-IP-11 Conservation concern for Antipodean wandering albatross Rev 1 [24 July 2017]
Walker K. and G. Elliott.
SC13-EB-IP-12 Protected rays – occurrence and development of mitigation methods in the New Zealand tuna purse seine fishery
Jones E. and M. Francis.
SC13-EB-IP-13 Assessment of the risk of southern hemisphere surface longline fisheries to ACAP species
Abraham E[1]., M-Julie Roux[2], Y. Richard[1] and N. Walker[3]
SC13-EB-IP-14 Update on the seabird component of the Common Oceans Tuna Project – Seabird Bycatch Assessment Workshops
Maree B.
SC13-EB-IP-15 Bycatch data exchange protocol
Williams P., N. Smith, I. Tuiloma, and A. Panizza
SC13-EB-IP-15a Excel: BDEP summary tables Rev 1 (31 July 2017)
SC13-EB-IP-16 An evaluation of differences in habitat quality between FADs-associated and unassociated schools of skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis using quantile regressions.
Wang X [1][2[, L. Xu[1][2], Y. Chen[1][2], C. Zhou[1][2] and H. Tang[1][2].
SC13-EB-IP-17 An at-sea trial of seabird mitigation gears including three weighted branch line specifications for tuna longline fisheries Rev 1 (21 July 2017)
Ochi D., N. Katsumata and K. Oshima
SC13-EB-IP-18 A short note on the development of WCPFC seabird bycatch estimates for Project 68
Peatman T., N. Smith and S. Caillot
SC13-EB-IP-19 Request for consultation from the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS)
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC13-AR-CCM-01 Australia
SC13-AR-CCM-02 Canada
SC13-AR-CCM-03 China
SC13-AR-CCM-04 Cook Islands Rev 1 (12 July 2017)
SC13-AR-CCM-05 European Union Addendum Submitted ( 7 July 2017)
SC13-AR-CCM-06 Federated States of Micronesia Rev 2 (9 July 2017)
SC13-AR-CCM-07 Fiji
SC13-AR-CCM-08 French Polynesia
SC13-AR-CCM-09 Indonesia
SC13-AR-CCM-10 Japan Rev 2 (5 July 2017)
SC13-AR-CCM-11 Kiribati Rev 3 (10 July 2017)
SC13-AR-CCM-12 Korea Rev 1 (10July2017)
SC13-AR-CCM-13 Republic of the Marshall Islands Rev 1 (10 July 2017)
SC13-AR-CCM-14 Nauru
SC13-AR-CCM-15 New Caledonia
SC13-AR-CCM-16 New Zealand
SC13-AR-CCM-17 Niue Rev 1 (20 July 2017)
SC13-AR-CCM-18 Palau Rev 1 (9 July 2017)
SC13-AR-CCM-19 Papua New Guinea Rev 1 (27 September 2017)
SC13-AR-CCM-20 Philippines Rev 1 (29 June 2017)
SC13-AR-CCM-21 Samoa
SC13-AR-CCM-22 Solomon Islands
SC13-AR-CCM-23 Chinese Taipei
SC13-AR-CCM-24 Tokelau
SC13-AR-CCM-25 Tonga
SC13-AR-CCM-26 Tuvalu Rev 4 (10 July 2017)
SC13-AR-CCM-27 United States of America Rev2 (7 July 2017)
SC13-AR-CCM-28 Vanuatu Rev 1 (10 July 2017)
SC13-AR-CCM-29 Wallis and Futuna
SC13-AR-CNM-30 Ecuador
SC13-AR-CNM-31 El Salvador
SC13-AR-CNM-32 Liberia Rev 2 (29 June 2017)
SC13-AR-CNM-33 Mexico
SC13-AR-CNM-34 Panama
SC13-AR-CNM-35 Thailand
SC13-AR-CNM-36 Vietnam
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC13-RP-ABNJ-01 Update on the Common Oceans (ABNJ) Tuna Project’s Shark and Bycatch Components, 2016-2017
Clarke S.[1] and N. Smith[2]

SC13-RP-JTF-01 Japan Trust Fund Status Report (2017)
SC13-RP-JTF-02 Japan Trust Fund Steering Committee Meeting Report (2017)
SC13-RP-P35-01 Project 35: Bigeye biology, and Project 35b: WCPFC Tuna Tissue
SC13-RP-P35b-02 Developing a Pacific Community Marine Specimen Bank
Smith N[1], C. Donato-Hunt[2], V. Allain[1], S. McKechnie[1], B. Moore[3] and I. Bertram [3]

SC13-RP-PTTP-01 Report of the Pacific Tuna Tagging Programme Steering Committee
SC13-RP-PTTP-02 Project 42: Pacific Tuna Tagging Project Report and Workplan for 2017-2020
SC13-RP-WPEA-01 WPEA Project Progress Report
SC13-RP-WPEA-02 Midterm review report on WPEA-SM Project
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue

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