17th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Submissions Due:
More Information

Zoom Details

The SC17 will meet using the Zoom platform for four (4) hours per meeting day with a start time of 10:00am Pohnpei time (UTC+11) except Friday, 13 August 2021 and Monday, 16 August 2021, when the meeting will start at 4pm (16:00) Pohnpei time.

For a list of corresponding times at various world locations - see timeanddate.com.

SC17 Online Discussion Forum

The SC17 Online Discussion Forum (ODF) closed at 12:00 (noon) on Saturday, 14 August 2021 Pohnpei time. A summary of the ODF will be posted as a meeting document in the Online Discussion Forum section of the SC17 website on Monday, 16 August 2021.


  • SC17 adopted the SC17 Summary Report intersessionally on 12 November 2021.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-SC17-2021-01 Meeting Notice and Information
WCPFC-SC17-2021-02 Provisional Agenda (7June) - Rev.02
WCPFC-SC17-2021-03 Provisional Annotated Agenda (10June) - Rev.02
WCPFC-SC17-2021-04 Provisional Online Discussion Forum Topics (27July) - Rev.02
WCPFC-SC17-2021-05 Virtual Meeting Protocols
WCPFC-SC17-2021-06 Indicative Schedule (Rev.01)
WCPFC-SC17-2021-07 List of Documents (27July-06Aug21) - Rev.01
WCPFC-SC17-2021-08 Provisional agenda for Heads of Delegation meeting (8Aug) - Rev.01
WCPFC-SC17-2021-09 Provisional agenda of the Pacific Tuna Tagging Programme Steering Committee Meeting (Meeting date: 3 August 2021)
WCPFC-SC17-2021-10 Provisional agenda of the WCPFC Tuna Tissue Bank Steering Committee Meeting (Meeting date: 3 August 2021)
Working Papers
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC17-GN-IP-01 Overview of tuna fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, including economic conditions – 2020
P. Williams and T. Ruaia
SC17-GN-IP-02 The Tuna Fishery in the Eastern Pacific Ocean in 2020
SC17-GN-IP-03 Report of the 21st Meeting of the International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific Ocean
SC17-GN-IP-04 Cooperation with other organizations (21July2021) - Rev.01
SC17-GN-IP-05 Issues arising from the Commission
SC17-GN-IP-06 Intersessional activities of the Scientific Committee
SC17-GN-IP-07 Terms of Reference for 2022 project proposals (15Aug) - Rev.02 (18Aug)
SC17-GN-IP-08 COVID-19 related Intersessional Decisions
Working Papers
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC17-ST-IP-01 Estimates of annual catches in the WCPFC statistical area
SC17-ST-IP-02 Status of observer data management
A. Panizza, P. Williams, C. Falasi, E. Loganimoce and E. Schneiter
SC17-ST-IP-03 Placeholder
SC17-ST-IP-04 Project 60: Progress towards achieving SC16 recommendations
T. Peatman, P. Williams, S. Nicol
SC17-ST-IP-05 Project 90 update: Better data on fish weights and lengths for scientific analyses
J. Macdonald, P. Williams, C. Sanchez, E. Schneiter, S. Prasad, M. Ghergariu, M. Hosken, A. Panizza, T. Park, S.K. Chang, S. Nicol
SC17-ST-IP-06 Updated purse seine bycatch estimates in the WCPO
T. Peatman
SC17-ST-IP-07 Training observers for elasmobranch biological sampling (Project 109)
Tim Park
SC17-ST-IP-08 Estimates of annual catches of tropical tuna by the Philippines relevant to WCPFC CMM on Tropical Tunas “other commercial fisheries”
SC17-ST-IP-09 Update01: Availability of Catch Estimates from the Other Commercial Fisheries in Indonesia
MOMAF-Indonesia and SPC
SC17-ST-IP-10 An update on available data on cetacean interactions in the WCPFC longline and purse seine fisheries
P. Williams, G. Pilling, S. Nicol
SC17-ST-IP-11 Group Seine Operations of Philippine Flagged Vessels in High Seas Pocket Number 1 (HSP1)
I.C. Tanangonan, M.B. Demo-os, J.S. Jara, R.V.Ramiscal and A.C. Dickson
SC17-ST-IP-12 Electronic monitoring for improved accountability in western Pacific tuna longline fisheries
C.J. Brown, A. Desbiens, M.D. Campbell, E.T. Game, E. Gilman, R.J. Hamilton, C. Heberer, D. Itano, K. Pollock

Working Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC17-SA-WP-01 Placeholder
SC17-SA-WP-02 Stock assessment of South Pacific albacore tuna (3Aug) - Rev.02
C. Castillo Jordan, J. Hampton, N. Ducharme-Barth, H. Xu, T. Vidal, P. Williams, F. Scott, G. Pilling and P. Hamer
SC17-SA-WP-02a Stock assessment of SP albacore – results of weighted stochastic projections (15Aug-16Aug-17Aug) - Rev.02
G. Pilling and P. Hamer
SC17-SA-WP-03 Stock Assessment of Southwest Pacific Blue Shark (28July) - Rev.01
P. Neubauer, K. Large and S. Brouwer
SC17-SA-WP-04 Stock assessment of Southwest Pacific swordfish
N. Ducharme-Barth, C. Castillo-Jordán, J. Hampton, P. Williams, G. Pilling, P. Hamer
SC17-SA-WP-05 Focusing on the front end: A framework for incorporating uncertainty in biological parameters in model ensembles of integrated stock assessments
N. Ducharme-Barth and M. Vincent
SC17-SA-WP-06 Terms of Reference for an independent peer review of the 2020 WCPO yellowfin tuna assessment (Final)
SC17-SA-WP-07 Placeholder
SC17-SA-WP-08 Stock assessment report for Pacific blue marlin (Makaira Nigricans) through 2019
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC17-SA-IP-01 Development in the MULTIFAN-CL software 2020-21
N. Davies, D. Fournier, F. Bouyé, and J. Hampton
SC17-SA-IP-02 Report from the SPC Pre-assessment Workshop - March 2021
P. Hamer, C. Castillo Jordan, H. Xu, N. Ducharme-Barth, T. Vidal
SC17-SA-IP-03 Background analyses and data inputs for the 2021 South Pacific albacore tuna stock assessment
T. Vidal, C. Castillo-Jordán, T. Peatman, N. Ducharme-Barth,

H. Xu, P. Williams, P. Hamer

SC17-SA-IP-04 Trends in the South Pacific albacore longline and troll fisheries
S. McKechnie, G. Pilling, P. Williams
SC17-SA-IP-05 Updated draft research plan for ‘key’ tuna species in the WCPO, 2021-2024
SC17-SA-IP-06 Characterisation of the fisheries catching South Pacific blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
S. Brouwer, K. Large and P. Neubauer
SC17-SA-IP-07 Background analyses for the 2021 stock assessment of Southwest Pacific swordfish
N. Ducharme-Barth, T. Peatman, and P. Hamer
SC17-SA-IP-08 Biology, stock structure, fisheries, and status of swordfish, Xiphias gladius, in the Pacific Ocean - a review
B. Moore
SC17-SA-IP-09 Progress report on bomb radiocarbon age validation for bigeye and yellowfin tunas in the WCPO (Project 105)
A. Andrews, K. Okamoto, K. Satoh, F. Roupsard, J. Farley
SC17-SA-IP-10 Updating age and growth parameters for South Pacific albacore (project 106)
J. Farley, K. Krusic-Golub, P. Eveson
SC17-SA-IP-11 Southwest Pacific striped marlin population biology (Project 99)
J. Farley, P. Eveson, K. Krusic-Golub, K. Kopf
SC17-SA-IP-12 Connectivity of broadbill swordfish targeted by the Australian Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery with the broader Western Pacific Ocean
K. Evans, P. Grewe, S. Foster, R. Gunasekera, M. Lansdell, S. Meredith, S. Sarau, S. Tracey, M. Wichman
SC17-SA-IP-13 Summary of population structure of IOTC species from PSTBS-IO project and recommended priorities for future work
C. Davies, F. Marsac, H. Murua, Z. Fahmi and I. Fraile
SC17-SA-IP-14 South Pacific Albacore Close-Kin Mark-Recapture: update on design (Project 100b)
M. Bravington, S. Nicol, G. Anderson, J. Farley, J. Hampton, C Castillo-Jordan, J Macdonald
SC17-SA-IP-15 A compendium of fisheries indicators for target tuna stocks in the WCPFC Convention Area
S. Hare, G. Pilling, and P. Williams
SC17-SA-IP-16 Report of the Billfish Working Group Workshop
SC17-SA-IP-17 Broadbill swordfish movements and transition rates across stock assessment spatial regions in the western and central Pacific
T. Patterson, K. Evans, R. Hillary
SC17-SA-IP-18 Input data for the 2021 South Pacific Blue Shark (Prionace glauca) stock assessment
P. Neubauer, K. Large, S. Brouwer, M. Kai, W.P. Tasi and K.M. Liu
SC17-SA-IP-19 Characterisation and CPUE analyses of the New Zealand albacore fishery
Brouwer, S., Tornquist, M.G., Large, K.; Middleton, D.A.J., Neubauer, P., Tremblay-Boyer, L.
SC17-SA-IP-20 Preliminary report on the growth and annulus formation in otolith of bigeye and yellowfin tunas in captivity (25July21) - Rev.01
K. Okamoto, K. Kumon, T. Eba, T. Matsumoto, H. Yokoi and K. Satoh
SC17-SA-IP-21 Future Stock Projections of Oceanic Whitetip Sharks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (Project 102)
J. Rice, F. Carvalho, M. Fitchett, S. Harley and A. Ishizaki
Working Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC17-MI-WP-01 Updated WCPO bigeye and yellowfin TRP evaluations
S. Hare, G. Pilling, R. Scott
SC17-MI-WP-02 Further updates to WCPO skipjack tuna projected stock status to inform consideration of an updated target reference point (24July-16Aug) - Rev.01
G. Pilling
SC17-MI-WP-03 Recent progress in the technical development of harvest strategies for WCPFC stocks and fisheries
R. Scott, F. Scott, N. Yao, P. Hamer, G. Pilling and J. Hampton
SC17-MI-WP-04 Evaluations of candidate management procedures for skipjack tuna in the WCPO
R. Scott, F. Scott, P. Hamer, G. Pilling and J. Hampton
SC17-MI-WP-05 Mixed-fishery harvest strategy developments
F. Scott, R. Scott, N. Yao, G. M. Pilling, P. Hamer and J. Hampton
SC17-MI-WP-06 Placeholder
SC17-MI-WP-07 Appropriate reference points for WCPO elasmobranchs
S. Zhou, M. Dunn, A. Williams
SC17-MI-WP-08 Appropriate LRPs for Southwest Pacific Striped Marlin and Other Billfish (Project 104)
S. Brouwer and P. Hamer
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC17-MI-IP-01 Retrospective forecasting of CPUE for South Pacific albacore
N. Yao, R. Scott, and F. Scott
SC17-MI-IP-02 Capacity building and stakeholder engagement activities for WCPFC harvest strategies
F. Scott, R. Scott, N. Yao, G. M. Pilling, P. Hamer and J. Hampton
SC17-MI-IP-03 Updates to evaluation of CMM 2020-01
P. Hamer, G. Pilling, P. Williams
SC17-MI-IP-04 Report on analyses of the 2016/2021 PNA FAD tracking programme (24July-10Aug) - Rev.01
L. Escalle, B. Muller, T. Vidal, S. Hare, P. Hamer and the PNA Office
SC17-MI-IP-05 Project 88 final report: FAD acoustics analysis (24July) - Rev.01
L. Escalle, T. Vidal, B.V. Heuvel, R. Clarke, S. Hare, P. Hamer and G. Pilling
SC17-MI-IP-06 Effort creep within the WCPO purse seine fishery
T. Vidal, M. Wichman, P. Hamer, G. Pilling, PNAO
SC17-MI-IP-07 Incorporating industry knowledge to understand purse seine effort creep and evolution of fishing strategies in the WCPO
M. Wichman and T. Vidal
SC17-MI-IP-08 Report of the North Pacific Albacore Tuna Management Strategy Evaluation
ISC-Albacore Working Group
SC17-MI-IP-09 Chair's Summary Report of the South Pacific Albacore Roadmap IWG Meeting
SPA-RM-IWG Chair (Neomai Ravitu, Fiji)
SC17-MI-IP-10 An updated review of potential options for managing swordfish taken as bycatch in longline fisheries
Australia (D. Bromhead, J. Larcombe, T. Timmiss, M. Kertesz)
SC17-MI-IP-11 Catch and effort data summaries to support discussions on the TROPICAL TUNA CMMS
Secretariat and SPC-OFP
SC17-MI-IP-12 Catch and effort data summaries to support discussions on the new SWORDFISH CMM
SC17-MI-IP-13 The harveststrategies.org website
The Ocean Foundation
SC17-MI-IP-14 Harvest Strategies for Tropical Tuna in Archipelagic Waters of Indonesia: Update (Rev.01)
F. Satria, L. Sadiyah, I.G.B. Sedana, T. Yunanda, P. Suadela
Working Papers
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC17-EB-IP-01 Overview of ongoing work on FADs
L. Escalle, S. Hare, G. Moreno, and P. Hamer
SC17-EB-IP-02 Progress against the 2021-2025 Shark Research Plan (Rev.01)
Secretariat and SPC-OFP
SC17-EB-IP-03 Report of Project 110: Non-entangling and biodegradable FAD trial in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
L. Escalle, G. Moreno and P. Hamer
SC17-EB-IP-04 Placeholder
SC17-EB-IP-05 Tori lines mitigate seabird bycatch in a pelagic longline fishery
E. Gilman, M. Chaloupka, A. Ishizaki, M. Carnes, H. Naholowaa, C. Brady, S. Ellgen, and E. Kingma
SC17-EB-IP-06 Highest risk abandoned, lost and discarded fishing gear
E. Gilman, M. Musyl, P. Suuronen, M. Chaloupka, S. Gorgin, J. Wilson, and B. Kuczenski
SC17-EB-IP-07 Guidelines for Non-entangling and Biodegradable FAD Materials (FADMO-IWG-04-2020-WP-02)
WCPFC FAD Management Options IWG
SC17-EB-IP-08 Reference model of bigeye tuna using SEAPODYM with catch, length and conventional tagging data
Senina, I., Briand, G., Lehodey, P., Nicol, S., Hampton, J. and Williams, P.
SC17-EB-IP-09 WCPO Ecosystem and Climate Indicators from 2000 to 2020
SC17-EB-IP-10 Applying rapid risk assessment methods to bycatch in the WCPO
B. Phillips, J. Potts, C. Rigby, V. Allain, S. Nicol, S. Griffiths
SC17-EB-IP-11 Tuna fisheries bycatch and climate change in the western tropical Pacific Ocean
Allain, V., Griffiths, S., MacDonald, J., Wabnitz, C., Pilling, G.M., Nicol, S.
SC17-EB-IP-12 Standard Operating Procedures for sampling (by observers and port samplers) and handling of tissue for genetic analyses in WCPFC fisheries
G. Anderson, J. Macdonald, S. Nicol
SC17-EB-IP-13 Improving on deck best handling and release practices for sharks in tuna purse seiners using hopper with ramp devices
Murua, J., Ferarios, J.M., Grande, M., Onandia, I., and Santiago, J.
SC17-EB-IP-14 New assessment on accidentally captured silky shark post-release survival in the Indian Ocean tuna purse seine fishery
I. Onandia, M. Grande, J. Galaz, J. Uranga, N. Lezama-Ochoa, J. Murua, J. Ruiz, I. Arregui, H. Murua, J. Santiago
SC17-EB-IP-15 Seabird Mitigation Measures on Small-Scale Longline Vessels North of 23⁰ North
SC17-EB-IP-16 Effects of net depth on the reduction of juvenile bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) catch
I.C. Tanangonan, R.V. Ramiscal, M.B. Demo-os, and A.C. Dickson
SC17-EB-IP-17 Pacific dFAD retrieval feasibility study
L. Escalle, S. Hare, P. Hamer, and G. Pilling
SC17-EB-IP-18 Assessing and addressing cetacean bycatch in tuna fisheries – A collaborative project proposed to Common Oceans ABNJ Tuna Phase II
Secretariat of the International Whaling Commission
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
AR-CCM-01 Australia
AR-CCM-02 Canada
AR-CCM-03 China (12July) - Rev.02
AR-CCM-04 Cook Islands
AR-CCM-05 European Union
AR-CCM-06 Federated States of Micronesia
AR-CCM-07 Fiji (9July) - Rev.01
AR-CCM-08 French Polynesia
AR-CCM-09 Indonesia (29 April) - Rev.01
AR-CCM-10 Japan (10July) - Rev.02
AR-CCM-11 Kiribati
AR-CCM-12 Republic of Korea (12July) - Rev.01
AR-CCM-13 Republic of Marshall Islands
AR-CCM-14 Nauru
AR-CCM-15 New Caledonia
AR-CCM-16 New Zealand
AR-CCM-17 Niue
AR-CCM-18 Palau
AR-CCM-19 Papua New Guinea
AR-CCM-20 Philippines (12 July) - Rev.01
AR-CCM-21 Samoa
AR-CCM-22 Solomon Islands
AR-CCM-23 Chinese Taipei (12 July) - Rev.01
AR-CCM-24 Tokelau
AR-CCM-25 Tonga
AR-CCM-26 Tuvalu
AR-CCM-27 United States of America
AR-CCM-28 Vanuatu
AR-CCM-29 Wallis and Futuna
AR-CCM-30 Placeholder
AR-CCM-31 Curacao
AR-CCM-32 Ecuador
AR-CCM-33 El Salvador
AR-CCM-34 Liberia
AR-CCM-35 Nicaragua
AR-CCM-36 Panama (11 July) - Rev.01
AR-CCM-37 Thailand
AR-CCM-38 Vietnam
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC17-RP-JTF-01 Japan Trust Fund Status Report (2021)
Cook Islands, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Secretariat
SC17-RP-JTF-02 Japan Trust Fund Steering Committee Meeting Report (2021)
SC17-RP-P35b-01 Project 35b: WCPFC Tuna Tissue Bank
SC17-RP-P35b-02 Report of the Tuna Tissue Bank Steering Committee
TTB Steering Committee
SC17-RP-PTTP-01 Project 42: Pacific Tuna Tagging Project Report and Work Plan for 2021-2024
SC17-RP-PTTP-02 Project 42: Report of the Pacific Tuna Tagging Project Steering Committee
SC17-RP-SS-2021-01 Proposal for conducting a scientific survey by Chinese fishery research vessel "Song Hang" in the WCPFC area
Z. Geng, C. Zhou, X. Dai, F. Wu, J. Zhu
SC17-RP-WPEA-01 WPEA-ITM Project Update (26July2021) - Rev.01
Alice McDonald, WPEA-ITM Project Manager
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
A2.1 (SC17-ST-WP-01) Scientific data available to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission - Rev.01
A2.2 (SC17-ST-WP-02) An assessment of available information to address the WCPFC17 recommendation on the Tropical Tuna CMM para 51 (other commercial fisheries) - Rev.01
A3.0 (SC17-SA-WP-00) Stock Assessment Theme Session - Schedule (Rev.02) - 16Aug2021
SA Theme Co-Conveners
A3.1.1 (SC17-SA-WP-02) Stock assessment of South Pacific albacore tuna (10Aug) - Final version - Rev.01 on 12Aug21 - Added updated version on 14Aug21
C. Castillo Jordan, J. Hampton, N. Ducharme-Barth, H. Xu, T. Vidal, P. Williams, F. Scott, G. Pilling and P. Hamer
A3.3.1 (SC17-SA-WP-04) Stock assessment of Southwest Pacific swordfish
N. Ducharme-Barth, C. Castillo-Jordán, J. Hampton, P. Williams, G. Pilling, P. Hamer
A3.3.1 (SC17-SA-WP-05) Focusing on the front end: A framework for incorporating uncertainty in biological parameters in model ensembles of integrated stock assessments
N. Ducharme-Barth and M. Vincent
A3.3.2 (SC17-SA-WP-08) Stock assessment report for Pacific blue marlin (Makaira Nigricans) through 2019
A3.3.2 (SC17-SA-WP-08)a Stock assessment of Southwest Pacific blue shark - Response to comments about the BSH grid
Philipp Neubauer, Kath Large, Stephen Brouwer
A3.4 (SC17-SA-WP-06) Draft Terms of Reference for an independent peer review of the 2020 WCPO yellowfin tuna assessment
A4 (SC17-MI-WP-00) Management Issues Theme Session
A4.1 (SC17-MI-IP-08) North Pacific albacore - MSE work (voice recorded)
Desiree Tommasi
A4.1.2.1 (SC17-MI-WP-01) Updated WCPO bigeye and yellowfin TRP evaluations (10Aug) - Rev.01
S. Hare, G. Pilling, R. Scott
A4.1.2.2 (SC17-MI-WP-02) Further updates to WCPO skipjack tuna projected stock status to inform consideration of an updated target reference point
G. Pilling
A4.1.3 (SC17-MI-WP-03) Recent progress in the technical development of harvest strategies for WCPFC stocks and fisheries
R. Scott, F. Scott, N. Yao, P. Hamer, G. Pilling and J. Hampton
A4.1.4 (SC17-MI-WP-04) Evaluations of candidate management procedures for skipjack tuna in the WCPO
R. Scott, F. Scott, P. Hamer, G. Pilling and J. Hampton
A4.1.5 (SC17-MI-WP-05) Mixed-fishery harvest strategy developments
F. Scott, R. Scott, N. Yao, G. M. Pilling, P. Hamer and J. Hampton
A4.2.1 (SC17-MI-WP-07) Appropriate limit reference points for WCPO elasmobranchs (Project 103)
S. Zhou, M. Dunn, A. Williams
A4.2.2 (SC17-MI-WP-08) Appropriate LRPs for Southwest Pacific Striped Marlin and Other Billfish (Project 104)
S. Brouwer and P. Hamer
A5.1 (SC17-EB-WP-01) Review of potential mitigation measures to reduce fishing-related mortality on silky and oceanic whitetip sharks (Project 101)
Keith Bigelow and Felipe Carvalho
A5.2 (SC17-EB-IP-18) Assessing and addressing cetacean bycatch in tuna fisheries – A collaborative project proposed to Common Oceans ABNJ Tuna Phase II
IWC Secretariat
A6-9 (SC17-WP&B-00) SC17 Agenda 6 - 9 - Indicative Schedule
A6.1 (SC17-WP&B-00) SC17 - Future Work Program and Budget - Compiled priority scores (Rev.03) - Average Score and Tonga, French Polynesia included - 10:40am
SC17-SA-WP-03 Stock Assessment of Southwest Pacific Blue Shark
P. Neubauer, K. Large and S. Brouwer

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