8th Regular Session of the Technical and Compliance Committee

Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-01_rev2 TCC8 Notice of Meeting and Meeting Arrangements (rev 2)
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-02_rev3 TCC8 Provisional Agenda with Indicative Schedule (rev 3)
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-03_rev2 TCC8 Provisional Annotated Agenda (rev 2)
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-04 Provisional Heads of Delegation Agenda - TCC8
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-05_rev8 List of Documents for TCC8_rev8
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-06 rev1 Provisional Proposed list of TCC8 Information Papers to be discussed by exception (rev1)
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-07 Proposed Process for Developing Provisional CMRs at TCC8 - By TCC Chair
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-08 Items of Importance from the Executive Director
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-09 Draft IUU list and Current WCPFC IUU List
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-10 Compilation and Analysis of IUU listing procedures from other RFMOs
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-10 Att Attachment to WCPFC-TCC8-2012-10 - copies of other tuna RFMO IUU listing procedures
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-12 MTU/ALC Inspection Template and Proposed Reporting Format
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-14 ROP-TAG Report to TCC8
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-15 4th Annual Report of the Regional Observer Programme
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-16_rev1 Report on Status of ROP Data Management_rev1
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-17 Att_rev1 Attachment to WCPFC-TCC8-2012-17 - list of vessels reported to have been involved in high seas transshipments June 2010 to 19 Sept 2012_rev1
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-17_rev2 Report on WCPFC High Seas Transshipment Reporting for activities of non-purse seine fishing vessels, and suggested approach towards a review of high seas transshipment rules and guidelines in 2013_rev2
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-18_rev2 Report on the development of an online interface for Annual Report Part 2, and suggested refinements to future reporting requirements for CMR_rev2
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-19 Review of dCMR development in 2012 and consideration of anticipated future resourcing requirements for CMS
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-20_rev1 WCPFC Performance Review Recommendations_rev1 (updated version of the table that was previously circulated to CCMs as Circular 2012-54)
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-21 Report by Secretariat on Implementation of the 2012 Work Plan, and Proposed TCC Work Plan and Budget 2013-2015
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-23_rev1 Best Practice Procedures in RFMOs (rev 1)
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-24 Standards, Specifications and Procedures for the Record of Fishing Vessels (from TCC7)
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-25 draft Catch Documentation Scheme Working Group Terms of Reference (from TCC7)
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-26 Cooperating Non-Member Applications for 2013
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-27 CMM for Bigeye, Yellowfin and Skipjack Tuna (replacement for CMM 08-01 and CMM 11-01)
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-29 final TCC Workplan and budget_final as agreed by TCC8
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-30 Proposal for provisional amendment of the VMS Standards, Specifications and Procedures on manual reporting - outcomes of small working group
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP01 New Zealand Application for Exemption to Transship at sea within NZ EEZ
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP02 Philippines proposal on review of Conservation and Management Measure for Bigeye, Yellowfin and Skipjack
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP03 EHSP report
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP04 Explanatory Note on Australias Proposal to address impacts of purse seine fishing on Whale Sharks
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP05 Australias Proposal to address impacts of purse seine fishing on Whale Sharks
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP06_rev1 South Pacific Albacore: Paper from Niue on behalf of TVM Participants (Cook Islands, New Zealand, Niue, Samoa, Tokelau and Kingdom of Tonga)
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP07 Japans Proposal on Response to Reported Fishing Gear Damages
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP08_rev3 United States of America: Application of Commission VMS to the national waters of members (Article 24(8))_rev3
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP09 Proposal on ensuring the opportunity for vessel captains/operators to review and comment on the Commission’s ROP Report (WCPFC8-2011-DP36)
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP10 Japan: Conceptual Proposal on Purse Seine Management in WCPO
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP11 Philippines request for recognition of transshipment exemption under CMM 2009-06 for Philippine flagged vessels that will operate in HSP1
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP12 Explanatory Note: European Union Proposal for a CMM on WCPFC Scheme For Minimum Standards For Inspection In Port
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP13 European Union Proposal for a CMM on WCPFC Scheme For Minimum Standards For Inspection In Port
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP14 Explanatory Note: European Union Proposal for a Conservation And Management Measure on a WCPFC Yellowfin, Bigeye And Skipjack Tunas And Swordfish Catch Certification Scheme
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP15 European Union Proposal for a Conservation And Management Measure on a WCPFC Yellowfin, Bigeye And Skipjack Tunas And Swordfish Catch Certification Scheme
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP16 FFA members: Discussion Paper on South Pacific Albacore
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP17_rev1 EU opinion on Application of the Commission VMS to the National Waters of Members WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP08_rev1 - withdrawn
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP18 New Zealand Proposal to revised CMM 2007-04 seabirds
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP01_rev1 Issues from TCC7, WCPFC8, SC8 and NC8
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP02_rev1 Annual Report on the Commission VMS_rev1
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP03_rev8 Summary of Submissions of Annual Report Part 1 and Part 2 with dates of dCMR finalisation rev8
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP04 AttA_rev1 Attachment A to WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP04 - Catch and Effort tables on CMM 2005-03 – prepared by NC8_Rev1
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP04 AttB_rev1 Attachment B to WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP04 - Catch and Effort tables on CMM 2008-01 – prepared by SPC-OFP_rev1
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP04_rev1 Available Information on Implementation of and Compliance with CMMs_rev1
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP05 Report on the Administration of the WCPFC Data Access Rules and Procedures
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP06 Att_rev1 Attachment to WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP06 - list of vessels that are reported to have "fished" in 2011 REVISED as at 21 September
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP06_rev2 Annual Report on the Record of Fishing Vessels, including review of the Interim Register for non-CCM carrier and bunker vessels_rev2
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP07 Catch Attribution Study (from WCPFC8)
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP08 Summary of Current WCPFC Charter Notifications under CMM 2011-05 and CMM 2009-08
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP09 AHTG[DATA] Outstanding Task: Rules for Access by Chartering States to data related to their vessels
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP10 Discussion Paper on responses to non-compliance (from WCPFC8)
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP11 FFA paper on rationalisation of WCPFC-related meetings (from WCPFC8)
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP12 Cost Recovery and Optimisation of costs study (from WCPFC8)
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP13 Relations with other organisations
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP15 RE: WCPFC8 Decision regarding coverage of Niues EEZ by WCPFC VMS
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP16 Report on the WCPFC High Seas Boarding and Inspection Scheme
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP17 Plan for the improvement of the availability and use of Purse seine catch composition data (SC8 referred paper)
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP18 Scientific data available to the Western and central pacific fisheries commission (SC8 referred “data gaps paper”)
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP19 2010 Final Compliance Monitoring Report (Attachment N to WCPFC8 Summary Report)
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-IP20_rev1 Catch Estimates for the WCPO in 2011 by Species and Flag from SPC_rev1
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-OP01 Birdlife International: The scope of the updated CMM for Seabird bycatch in the Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission.
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-OP02 ACAP: Minimum Data Requirements for Monitoring Seabird Bycatch
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-OP03 Pew – Improving management of the WCPFC FAD fishery
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-OP04 ISSF - Guide for Non-Entangling FADs
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-OP05 WWF Position Statement to TCC8
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-OP06 Greenpeace paper - review of replacement measure
WCPFC-TCC8-2012-OP07 Greenpeace Position Paper TCC 2012

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