6th Regular Session of the Technical and Compliance Committee

Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
More Information


All participants are invited to a buffet function at the Commission Headquarters on 29 September from 6.30 to 9.00pm. As registrations have been slow it may not be possible to issue timely individual invitations from the Chair of TCC, Mr Noan Pakop of Papua New Guinea, so it is hoped that this general invitation is acceptable in the circumstances and will be accepted.

Download Meeting Documents*5 Jun 2021ZIP - 11.87 MB
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-01 Control Of Nationals - New Zealand
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-02 New Zealand Purse Seine Exemption (with Attachment)
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-03 EU Port State Measures
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-04 Tonga For FFA Members CMM 2007-03
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-05 USA Proposal to Apply CMM 2007-03 Para 3(j)
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-05 Rev 2 WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-05 REV 2 USA Paper on CMM 2007-03 Para 3(j)
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-06 European Union CMM Proposal on Catch Certification
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-07 Canadian Proposal Compliance Information
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-08 Japan CDS Proposal
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-09 PNG Catch Documentation Scheme
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-10 FFA Members'Proposed Amendments to CMM 2007-03
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-11 USA Proposal for RFV SSPs
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-12 France CMM Proposal for Zone Entry-Exit Scheme
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-14 Draft Proposed Recommendation Text_ Data Gaps
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-15 Draft template for advice and recommendations on CNM applications
Kiribati and Tuvalu
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-16 Cook Islands Eastern HS Pockets Concept Paper
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-17 USA Contributions to SIDS
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-18 RMI Statement on Additional High Seas Closures on behalf of PNA
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-19 RMI Statement on FAD closure on behalf of PNA
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-20 RMI Statement on Prohibition of Setting on Whale Sharks on behalf of PNA
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-DP-21 RMI Statement on Review of CMM 2008-1HS VDS on behalf of PNA
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-OP-01 Greenpeace Briefing FAD Final
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-OP-02 Greenpeace Final TCC 2010 Full FAD Brief
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-OP-03 PEW Port State Study and Documents
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-07 WCPFC-TCC6-2010-07_Cost Recovery
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-08 WCPFC-TCC6-2010-08_Annual Report Regional Observer Programme
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-09 WCPFC-TCC6-2010-09 2009_ FAD Closure Report
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-09a WCPFC-TCC6-2010-09a_SPC Supplemental Information on 2009 FADs Closure
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-11 WCPFC-TCC6-2010-11_Annual Report VMS
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-13 WCPFC-TCC6-2010-13_Annual Report RFV
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-20 WCPFC-TCC6-2010-20_Summary of CCM Annual Reports Part 2 and Revised Template
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-21 WCPFC-TCC6-2010-21_Committee on Compliance with CMMs - Australia
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-22 WCPFC-TCC6-2010-22_CCMs Implementation and Compliance with CMMs
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-30 WCPFC-TCC6-2010-30_Draft Work Programme and Budget 2011-2013 Rev 1
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-31 WCPFC-TCC6-2010-13_SC6 Issues for TCC6
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-33 WCPFC-TCC6-2010-33_Cooperation With Other Organizations
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-34 WCPFC-TCC6-2010-34_KOBE II MCS Recommendations
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-35 Draft_Cost_Recovery_TOR.10.4.10
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-36 WCPFC-TCC6-2010-36_Streamlinging Part 2 Annual Reports
WCPFC-TCC6-2010-37 WCPFC-TCC6-2010-28_SWG Report on 120 Day Transmittal Notice

* Secure documents are not included in the zip file