7th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
AR-CCM-01 Australia
AR-CCM-02 Canada
AR-CCM-03 China
AR-CCM-04 Cook Islands (Rev.1 - 05August2011)
AR-CCM-05 European Union
AR-CCM-06 Federated States of Micronesia
AR-CCM-07 Fiji
AR-CCM-08 French Polynesia
AR-CCM-09 Japan (Rev.1 - 06August2011)
AR-CCM-10 Kiribati
AR-CCM-11 Korea
AR-CCM-12 Marshall Islands
AR-CCM-13 Nauru
AR-CCM-14 New Caledonia
AR-CCM-15 New Zealand (Rev.1 - 26July2011)
AR-CCM-16 Niue
AR-CCM-17 Palau
AR-CCM-18 Papua New Guinea (Rev.1 - 24August2011)
AR-CCM-19 Philippines
AR-CCM-20 Samoa
AR-CCM-21 Solomon Islands
AR-CCM-22 Chinese Taipei (Rev.1 - 11August2011)
AR-CCM-23 Tokelau
AR-CCM-24 Tonga
AR-CCM-25 Tuvalu
AR-CCM-26 United States of America (Rev.3 - 06September2011)
AR-CCM-27 Vanuatu
AR-CCM-28 Wallis and Futuna
AR-CCM-29 Belize (Rev.1 - 03Aug2011)
AR-CCM-30 Ecuador
AR-CCM-31 El Salvador
AR-CCM-32 Indonesia
AR-CCM-33 Mexico
AR-CCM-34 Panama
AR-CCM-35 Senegal
AR-CCM-36 Thailand
AR-CCM-37 Viet Nam
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
ST-IP-01 Estimates of annual catches in the WCPFC Statistical Area (Revision 1 - 22September2011)
ST-IP-02 Purse-Seine length frequencies corrected for selectivity bias in grab samples collected by observers
T. Lawson
ST-IP-03 Issues with Chinese longline fleet data submitted to the WCPFC
P. Williams
ST-IP-04 South Pacific swordfish data available for stock assessments
Peter Williams [1], Shelton Harley [1] and Robert Campbell [2]
ST-IP-05 Pacific Tuna Tagging Project progress report and workplan for 2011-2012.
S. Nicol[1], B. Leroy[1], S. Caillot[1], J. Hampton[1], A. Lewis[1], A. Williams[1], T. Usu[2], B. Kumasi[2], L. Kumoru][2].
ST-IP-06 Status of observer data management
P. Williams
ST-IP-07 Fisheries Observers Preliminary Assessment of Purse Seine / Ring Net Fishing in Phillipine Major Fishing Grounds During the FAD Fishing Closure CY 2010
Rafael V.Ramiscal [1], Alma C. Dickson [1], Marlo Demoos[1], William S. de la Cruz [1], Isidro Tanangonan [1], Ronald Begonia [1] and Jonathan O. Dickson [2].
ST-IP-08 Summary of regional observer programme audits
WCPFC Secretariat
ST-IP-09 Pilot research on species composition of Korean purse seine catch at cannery sites
S. I. Lee, Z. G. Kim, J. T. Yoo, D. W. Lee, D. N. Kim, D. Y. Moon and H. S. Sohn
ST-IP-10 ISC Data Exchange with WCPFC
Working Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
ST-WP-01 Scientific data available to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
P. Williams
ST-WP-02 Misreporting of purse seine catches of skipjack and yellowfin-bigeye on logsheets
J. Hampton and P. Williams
ST-WP-03 Report on Project 60: Collection and evaluation of purse seine species composition data
T. Lawson and P. Sharples
ST-WP-04 Report of the PTTP Steering Committee (Rev.1)
PTTP Steering Committee
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
EB-IP-01 A progress report on the shark research plan
S. Clarke, S. Harley, L. Protoy and P. Williams
EB-IP-02 Estimation of Catch Rates and Catches of Key Shark Species in Tuna Fisheries of the Western and Central Pacific Ocean Using Observer Data
T. Lawson
EB-IP-03 Bycatch Mitigation Information System
L. Fitzsimmons
EB-IP-04 Report of the international workshop on opportunities for ecosystem approaches to fisheries management in the Pacific Ocean tuna fisheries
Valerie Allain [1], Simon Nicol [1], Jeffrey Polovina [2], Marta Coll [3], Robert Olson 4], Shane Griffiths [5], Jeffrey Dambacher [6], Jock Young [6], Jesus Jurado Molina [1], Simon Hoyle [1], Tim Lawson [1], Johann Bell [1].
EB-IP-05 Developing a spatially adjusted CPUE for the albacore fishery in the South Pacific
J. Jurado-Molina[1], K. Bigelow[2], S. Hoyle[1], S. Nicol[1], K. Briand[1].
EB-IP-06 SEAPODYM perspectives as management tool for albacore (Thunnus alalunga) in the South Pacific Ocean
J. Jurado-Molina[1], P. Lehodey[2], I. Senina[2], S. Nicol[1].
EB-IP-07 Application of the SEAPODYM model to swordfish in the Pacific Ocean. (Rev.1 - 11August2011)
Melanie Abecassis[1], Patrick Lehodey[2], Inna Senina[2], Jeffrey Polovina[3], Beatriz Calmettes[2], Peter Williams[4].
EB-IP-08 Report of the ISC's shark working group workshop, 19-21 April 2011
ISC Shark Working Group
Working Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
EB-WP-01 An indicator-based analysis of key shark species based on data held by SPC-OFP
S. Clarke, S. Harley and S. Hoyle
EB-WP-02 Analysis of North Pacific Shark Data from Japanese Commercial Longline and Research/Training Vessel Records
Shelley Clarke [1], Kotaro Yokawa [2], Hiroaki Matsunaga [2], and Hideki Nakano[2]
EB-WP-03 Analyses of Catch Data for Oceanic Whitetip and Silky Sharks reported by Fishery Observers in the Hawaii-based Longline Fishery in 1995-2010
W. Walsh [1] and S. Clarke [2]
EB-WP-04 A status snapshot of key shark species in the western and central pacific and potential mitigation options
S. Clarke
EB-WP-05 A Proposal for a Process for Designating WCPFC Key Shark Species for Data Provision and Assessment
Shelley Clarke
EB-WP-06 SEAPODYM working progress and applications to Pacific skipjack tuna population and fisheries (Rev.1 - 05August2011)
P. Lehodey[1], I. Senina[1], B. Calmettes[1], John Hampton[2], Simon Nicol[2], Peter Williams[2], J. Jurado Molina[2], M. Ogura[3], H. Kiyofuji[3], and S. Okamoto[3].
EB-WP-07 Distribution of seabird bycatch at WCPFC and the neighboring area of the southern hemisphere (Rev.1 - 05August2011)
Y. Inoue, K. Yokawa, H. Minami, D. Ochi, N. Sato and N. Katsumata
EB-WP-08 Preliminary Report of 2010 Weighted Branch-line Trials in the Tuna Joint Venture Fishery in the South African EEZ
E. Melvin [1], T. Guy [1] and N. Sato [2]
EB-WP-09 A comparison of two blue-dyed bait types for reducing incidental catch of seabirds in the experimental operations of the Japanese southern bluefin tuna longline (Rev.1-08August2011)
H. Minami, D. Ochi and N. Sato
EB-WP-10 Seabird interaction rates estimated from observer data (2004-2011) in the Hawaii-based shallow and deep-set longline fisheries
K. Bigelow
EB-WP-11 Status of the Purse Seine Bycatch Mitigation Project and research cruises funded by the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation with notes on the development of best practices for the live release of encircled animals
D. Itano [1] and V. Restrepo [2].
EB-WP-12 Review of Chinese scientific observer programme in the Pacific Ocean in 2010
Chen Yan, Dai Xiaojie, Zhu Jiang Feng and Chu Xiaolin
EB-WP-13 An Overview of The 2011 ISSF/IATTC Research Cruise for Investigating Potential Solutions for Reducing Fishing Mortality on Undesirable Sizes of Bigeye And Yellowfin Tunas, and Sharks, in Purse-Seine Sets on Drifting FADs
K. M. Schaefer and D.W. Fuller
EB-WP-14 Report of the First Meeting of the Kobe Process Joint Technical Working Group on Bycatch, La Jolla, CA, July 11, 2011 (Rev.1-10August2011)
WCPFC Secretariat
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
GN-IP-01 Intersessional activities of the Scientific Committee
WCPFC Secretariat
GN-IP-02 Status report of the Japan Trust Fund as of August 2011
Z. Suzuki
GN-IP-03 Cooperation with other organizations
WCPFC Secretariat
GN-IP-04 WPEA OFM Project Steering Committee
WCPFC Secretariat
GN-IP-05 Summary of 2010-2011 WPEA OFM Project Report
WCPFC Secretariat
GN-IP-06 WPEA OFM Project Financial Statement
WPEA Secretariat
GN-IP-07 WPEA OFM Project - Progress Report [Indonesia]
GN-IP-08 WPEA OFM Project - Progress Report [Philippines]
GN-IP-09 WPEA OFM Project - Progress Report [Vietnam]
GN-IP-10 Conservation and management measures
WCPFC Secretariat
GN-IP-11 Report of the 11th Meeting of the International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific Ocean
GN-IP-12 Report of the third session of the WPEA OFM Project Steering Committee
GN-IP-13 Report of Steering Committee Meeting of Japan Trust Fund
JTF Coordinator
Working Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
GN-WP-01 Overview of tuna fisheries in the western and central Pacific Ocean, including economic conditions – 2010
Williams, P. [1] and P. Terawasi [2]
GN-WP-02 Tunas and billfishes in the Eastern Pacific Ocean in 2010
GN-WP-03 Issues arising from the Commission
WCPFC Secretariat
GN-WP-04 Background information on peer review of the 2011 stock assessment of bigeye tuna
WCPFC Secretariat
WCPFC Secretariat
GN-WP-06 Work Programme of the Scientific Committee
WCPFC Secretariat
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
MI-IP-01 TUMAS: a tool to allow analysis of management options using WCPFC stock assessments
S. Hoyle, F. Bouyé, and S. Harley
MI-IP-02 Convener’s Draft Terms of Reference for Management Issues Theme
Robert Campbell
MI-IP-03 Draft Objectives for the Workshop on Management Objectives
WCPFC Secretariat
Working Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-SC7-2011-01 Meeting Notice and Information
WCPFC-SC7-2011-02 Provisional agenda
WCPFC-SC7-2011-03 Provisional Annotated Agenda
WCPFC-SC7-2011-04 Indicative Schedule (rev.1-21July2011)
WCPFC-SC7-2011-05 Registration form
WCPFC-SC7-2011-06 Guidelines for submitting meeting papers
WCPFC-SC7-2011-07 Provisional List of Documents (Rev.6 - 08August2011)
WCPFC-SC7-2011-09 Provisional agenda for Heads of Delegation meeting
WCPFC-SC7-2011-11 Provisional agenda of the WPEA OFM Project Steering Committee
WCPFC-SC7-2011-12 Provisional agenda for the JTF Steering Committee
WCPFC-SC7-2011-13 Provisional Agenda for the TUTORIAL SESSION OF TUMAS
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Greenpeace Brief
Shark Sanctuary
Pacific Islands Tuna Industry Association
Information Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SA-IP-01 Analysis of Japanese longline operational catch and effort for bigeye and yellowfin tuna in the WCPO
S. Hoyle [1] and H. Okamoto [2]
SA-IP-02 Report from the SPC pre-assessment workshop, Noumea, April 2011
Oceanic Fisheries Programme
SA-IP-03 Changes to the data available for stock assessments
Peter Williams
SA-IP-04 Update of recent developments in MULTIFAN-CL software for stock assessment
Nick Davies[1], Dave Fournier[2], John Hampton[1], Pierre Kleiber[3], Simon Hoyle[1], Fabrice Bouyé[1], and Shelton Harley[1].
SA-IP-05 SPC-OFP response to the CIE review of the 2009 yellowfin tuna assessment
SA-IP-06 Research outline for size data in WCPO length-based stock assessments
S. Hoyle
SA-IP-07 Research outline for longline catch per unit effort data
S. Hoyle
SA-IP-08 Preliminary examination of steepness in tunas based on stock assessment results
Shelton J Harley
SA-IP-09 Spatial size data stratification for length-based stock assessments
S. Hoyle and A. Langley
SA-IP-10 Tag reporting rate prior distributions for the 2011 bigeye, yellowfin, and skipjack stock assessments
S. Hoyle
SA-IP-11 Standardizations of Taiwanese distant-water longline CPUE up to 2010 for yellowfin and bigeye tunas in Region 6 of WCPO.
Shui-Kai Chang [1], Tzu-Lun Yuan [1] and Simon Hoyle[2] .
SA-IP-12 CPUE analyses for skipjack caught by coastal troll fishery around Wakayama prefecture in Japan (Rev.1-01Aug2011)
H. KIYOFUJI [1], H. ASHIDA [1], S. OKAMOTO [1], T. GOSHO [2] and Y. TAKEDA[2]
SA-IP-13 Up-to-date CPUE for skipjack caught by Japanese distant and offshore pole and line in the western central Pacific Ocean
H. KIYOFUJI [1], K. UOSAKI [1] and S. HOYLE [2]
Working Papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SA-WP-01 Bigeye tuna age, growth and reproductive biology (Project 35) - Rev.1 (03August2011)
S. Nicol [1], S. Hoyle [1], J. Farley [2], B. Muller [3], S. Retalmai [4], K. Sisior [5], A. Williams [1].
SA-WP-02 Stock assessment of bigeye tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean
Nick Davies [1], Simon Hoyle [1], Shelton Harley [1], Adam Langley [2], Pierre Kleiber [3], and John Hampton [1]
SA-WP-03 Stock assessment of yellowfin tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean (Rev.1 - 03August2011)
Adam Langley [1], Simon Hoyle [2], and John Hampton[2]
SA-WP-04 Stock assessment of skipjack tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean (Rev.1 - 04August2011)
Simon Hoyle [1], Pierre Kleiber [2], Nick Davies [1], Adam Langley [3], and John Hampton [1].
SA-WP-05 Regional study of South Pacific albacore population biology: Year 3 – Biological sampling and analysis
J. Farley [1], A. Williams [2], C. Davies [1] and S. Nicol [2]
SA-WP-06 Stock assessment of albacore tuna in the South Pacific Ocean
S. Hoyle
SA-WP-07 A preliminary analysis of VMS data from the equatorial purse-seine fleet – the potential application of VMS data in the analysis of purse-seine catch and effort data (Rev.1 - 01Aug2011)
Adam Langley
SA-WP-08 Biological inputs and structural assumptions for future stock assessments: a discussion
S. Hoyle et al
SA-WP-09 CPUE of skipjack for the Japanese offshore pole and line using GPS and catch data (Rev.1 - 01Aug2011)
Suguru OKAMOTO [1] and Hidetada KIYOFUJI [1]
SA-WP-10 Stock assessment of albacore tuna in the North Pacific Ocean in 2011
ISC Albacore Working Group
SA-WP-11 Implications and Recommendations taken from the Peer Review of the Bigeye 2011 Stock Assessment

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