1st Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

New Caledonia
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
BI-AGENDA (prov) Provisional Agenda for the Biology SWG (13k)
BI-TOR (prov) Convener's Draft Terms of Reference (11k)
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
BI WP-2 Diet of large pelagic predators of the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.
Allain, V.
BI WP-2 PowerPoint presentation (631k)
BI WP-3 The influence of the environment on horizontal and vertical bigeye tuna movements investigated by analysis of archival tag records and ecosystem model outputs
Allain, G
BI WP-3 Powerpoint Presentation
BI WP-4 The use of FADs to monitor the behaviour and movements of tuna, billfish and pelagic sharks.
Itano, D.G., Dagorn, L., & K.N. Holland.
BI WP-5 Behavioural study of small bigeye and yellowfin tunas aggregated with floating object using ultrasonic coded transmitter.
Matsumoto, T., N. Miyabe, H. Okamoto, M., Toyonaga and T. Oshimatano
BI WP-6 Movement of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) determined from archival tag light-levels and sea surface temperatures.
Clear, N.P., K. Evans, J. S. Gunn, J. Hampton, S. Bestley, K. Hartmann, T. Patterson & J. Sibert
BI WP-7 Behaviour and habitat preferences of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) tagged in the western Coral Sea
Evans, K., N. P. Clear, T. Patterson, J. S. Gunn & J. Hampton
BI-WP-1 Reproductive biology of yellowfin tuna in the Central and Western Pacific Ocean.
Sun, Chi-lu, Wei-Ren Wang and Suzan Yeh.
Download all Working papers available below up to the 3rd of August (6,947k) Download all Working papers available below up to the 3rd of August (6,947k)
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
EB-AGENDA v3 (prov.) Provisional Agenda for the Ecosystems and Bycatch SWG (28k)
EB-TORs v2 (prov) Convener's Draft Terms of Reference (94k)
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Download all Working papers available below up to the 3rd of August (27,698k) Download all Working papers available below up to the 3rd of August (27,698k)
EB WP-01 Estimates of the mortality of non-target species with an initial focus on seabirds, turtles and sharks.
Molony, B.
EB WP-01 (PPS) PowerPoint presentation (1,835k)
EB WP-02 Summary of the biology, ecology and stock status of billfishes in the WCPFC, with a review of major variables influencing longline fishery performance.
Molony, B.
EB WP-02 (PPS) PowerPoint presentation (1,771k)
EB WP-03 A Fish lost at sea: the effect of soak time on pelagic longline catches.
Ward, P., R. Myers & W. Blanchard.
EB WP-03 (PPT) PowerPoint presentation (3,681k)
EB WP-04 Prey consumption estimates for tunas in the WCPO.
Kirby, D.
EB WP-05 Potential ecosystem indicators for the WCPO.
Kirby, D., V. Allain & B. Molony.
EB WP-06 Ecosystem boundaries and indicators: getting started with the ecosystem approach.
Sibert, J.
EB WP-07 Shifts in open-ocean fish communities coinciding with the commencement of commercial fishing.
Ward, P. & R. Myers.
EB WP-07 (PPT) PowerPoint presentation (1,981k)
EB WP-08 Application of SEAPODYM to the Pacific Pelagic Ecosystem. Recent results and perspectives.
Lehodey, P
EB WP-08 (PPS) PowerPoint presentation (2,081k)
EB WP-09 By-product: catch, economics and co-occurence in the AustraliaĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s Eastern tuna and billfish longline fishery.
Bromhead, D. & B. Wise
EB WP-10 Ecopath model of the pelagic ecosystem of the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.
Allain, V.
EB WP-10 (PPS) PowerPoint presentation (552k)
EB WP-11 Long-term changes in CPUE of sharks and size of blue sharks caught by tuna longlines in the Western North Pacific Ocean.
Matsunaga, H., H. Shono, M. Kiyota & Z. Suzuki.
EB WP-12 Inferring the depth distribution of catchability for pelagic fishes and correcting for variations in the depth of longline fishing gear.
Ward, P. & R. Myers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Download all Fisheries Reports available below up to the 3rd of August (11,584k) Download all Fisheries Reports available below up to the 3rd of August (11,584k)
FR WP-01 NEW ZEALAND. New Zealand domestic tuna fisheries in 2003 and 2004.
Kendrick, T., Harley, S. and Murray, T.
FR WP-02 KOREA. Korean tuna fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.
Moon, D-Y, Soon-Song Kim and J-R Koh.
FR WP-03 IATTC. Tunas and billfishes in the Eastern Pacific Ocean in 2004.
FR WP-04 CANADA. Canadian albacore tuna fisheries in the North and South Pacific Ocean in 2004.
Stocker, M. & W. Shaw.
FR WP-05 JAPAN. National tuna fisheries report of Japan as of 2005 (1,459k)
Uosaki, K., Okamoto, H., Sato H., and Miyabe, N
FR WP-06 CHINESE TAIPEI. Tuna fisheries status report of Chinese Taipei in the Western and Central Pacific region.
Fisheries Agency & Overseas Fisheries Development Council.
National Oceanic Resource Management Authority (NORMA)
FR WP-08 PHILLIPINES. Philippines fishery report.
Barut, N. & E. Garvilles.
FR WP-09 TONGA. Tonga tuna fishery status report.
Likiliki, P., S.V. Matoto & U. FaĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢anunu
FR WP-10 PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Tuna fishery report - Papua New Guinea.
Kumoro, L.
FR WP-11 VANUATU. Vanuatu tuna fisheries report.
Naviti, W.
FR WP-12 FIJI. Fiji tuna and billfish fisheries.
Amoe, J.
FR WP-13 AUSTRALIA. Australia tuna fishery report.
Ward, P. & D. Bromhead.
FR WP-14 MARSHALL ISLANDS. Tuna fisheries report for the Marshall Islands.
Joseph, G.
FR WP-15 NEW CALEDONIA. New Caledonia - Annual report on tuna fishing and related activities.
FR WP-16 EU-SPAIN. Fisheries report of EU-Spain for the year 2004.
Instituto EspaƃĀ±ol de OceanografƃĀ­a.
FR WP-17 US. Summary of US Fisheries for highly migratory species in the Western-Central Pacific, 2000-2004.
Ito, R., D. Hamm, A. Coan Jr. and J. Childers.
FR WP-18 NAURU. Nauru tuna fishery report.
Amram, T.
FR WP-19 SOLOMON ISLANDS. National tuna status report for Solomon Islands for 2004
Diake, S
FR WP-20 COOK ISLANDS. Cook Islands fishery report.
Mitchell, J.
FR WP-21 FRENCH POLYNESIA. Tuna fisheries in French Polynesia in 2004.
Ponsonnet, C.
FR WP-22 SAMOA. Samoa tuna fisheries report 2005.
Imo, R. A. Mulipola, S.Time and U. Faasili Jr.
FR WP-23 KIRIBATI. Kiribati fisheries report.
Riinga, T.
FR WP-24 NIUE. Country fisheries report - Niue.
Pasisi, B.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
GN IP-1 Report of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Standing Committee on Tuna and Billfish (SCTB17), 9-18 August 2004, Majuro, Marshall Islands
GN IP-2 Summary of New Zealand research into tunas and tuna-related species
Harley, S, and Smith, N
GN IP-3 Report of the Nineteenth North Pacific Albacore Workshop
Stocker, M. (editor)
GN IP-4 Report of the Plenary Session of the Fifth Meeting of the Interim Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific
GN IP-5 Pacific Islands Marine Resources Bibliography. (A list of bibliographic references held at the SPC-Noumea Library).
Gilbert, A. & J–P Gaudechoux.
GN IP-6 Project on the management of tuna fishing capacity: conservation and socio-economics: proposal - methodological workshop on the management of tuna fishing capacity on the basis of stock status, data envelopment analysis and industry survey.
GN IP-7 Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee of the FAO Project "Management of tuna fishing capacity: conservation and socio-economics".
GN IP-8 Greenpeace Position Paper on the conservation and management of highly migratory fish stocks in the Western and Central Pacific.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-SC-2005/01 Notice of Meeting (17k)
WCPFC-SC-2005/02 Provisional Agenda (18k)
WCPFC-SC-2005/03 Indicative Schedule (56k)
WCPFC-SC-2005/04 Meeting Arrangements & Registration form (125k)
WCPFC-SC-2005/05 Guidelines for the preparation of Fisheries Reports (42k)
WCPFC-SC-2005/06 Provisional List of Working Papers (53k)
WCPFC-SC-2005/07 Annotated Provisional Agenda (69k)
WCPFC-SC-2005/08 Depository Statement (59k)
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
ME-AGENDA v2 (prov) Provisional Agenda for the Methods SWG (95k)
ME-TORs (prov) Convener's Draft Terms of Reference (113k)
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Download all Information papers available below up to the 3rd of August (2,240k) Download all Information papers available below up to the 3rd of August (2,240k)
ME IP-1 Reference manual for the Spatial Ecosystem and Populations Dynamics Model SEAPODYM.
Lehodey P.
ME IP-2 Withdrawn
ME IP-3 Theoretical development of Schaefer model and its application.
Wang, C-H & S-B Wang.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Download all Working papers available below up to the 3rd of August (3,576k) Download all Working papers available below up to the 3rd of August (3,576k)
ME WP-2 SEAPODYM on a mixed-resolution spatial scale.
Senina, I.N., Sibert, J.R. and P. Lehodey.
ME WP-3 Why are there still large pelagic predators in the oceans? Evidence of severe hyper-depletion in longline catch-per-effort.
Ahrens, R. & C. Walters.
ME-WP-1 First application of SEAPODYM to Pacific bigeye tuna.
Lehodey P.
ME-WP-1 PowerPoint presentation (1,730k)
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SA-AGENDA (prov.) Provisional Agenda for the Stock Assessment SWG
SA-TOR (prov) Convener's Draft Terms of Reference (13k)
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Download all Information papers available below up to the 3rd of August (10,420k) Download all Information papers available below up to the 3rd of August (10,420k)
SA IP-1 Catch monitoring of the New Zealand albacore troll fishery
Griggs, L.
SA IP-2 An overview of yellowfin tuna stocks, fisheries and stock status worldwide.
Fonteneau, A.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Download all Working papers available below up to the 3rd of August (16,313k) Download all Working papers available below up to the 3rd of August (16,313k)
SA WP-10 Estimates of sustainable catch and effort levels for target species and the impacts on stocks of potential management measures.
Hampton, J., A. Langley, S. Harley, P. Kleiber, Y. Takeuchi & M. Ichinokawa
SA WP-10 Estimates of sustainable catch and effort levels for target species and the impacts on stocks of potential management measures (633k)
SA WP-2 PowerPoint Presentation
SA WP-2 Stock assessment of bigeye tuna in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.
Hampton, J., P. Kleiber, A. Langley, Y. Takeuchi & M. Ichinokawa.
SA WP-2-SUP Comparison of Pacific-wide, Western and Central Pacific, and Eastern Pacific assessments of bigeye tuna.
Hampton, J. & M. Maunder.
SA WP-3 Stock assessment of albacore tuna in the South Pacific Ocean.
Langley, A. & J. Hampton.
SA WP-3 PowerPoint Presentation (569k)
SA WP-4 Stock assessment of skipjack tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean (1,803k)
Langley, A., J. Hampton & M. Ogura.
SA WP-4 PowerPoint Presentation
SA WP-5 Standardized CPUE for the New Zealand albacore troll and longline fisheries.
Unwin, M., K. Richardson, M. Uddstrom, L. Griggs, N. Davies & F. Wei.
SA WP-6 Annual indices of swordfish availability in the Southwest Pacific.
Campbell, R.
SA WP-7 Southwest Pacific swordfish assessment: 2005-6 objectives and preliminary results.
Kolody, D., R. Campbell, P.Jumppanen & N. Davies.
SA WP-8 Longline CPUE indices for yellowfin and bigeye in the Pacific Ocean using GLM and statistical habitat standardization mLongline CPUE indices for yellowfin and bigeye in the Pacific Ocean using GLM and statistical habitat standardisation methods (1,407k)
Langley, A., K. Bigelow, N. Miyabe, & M. Maunder.
SA WP-8 PowerPoint Presentation (560k)
SA WP-9 Nonequilibrium production model of bigeye tuna in the Central and Western Pacific - WITHDRAWN
SA-WP-1 Stock assessment of yellowfin tuna in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.
Hampton, J., P. Kleiber, A. Langley, Y. Takeuchi & M. Ichinokawa.
SA-WP-1 PowerPoint presentation (1,316k)

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