15th Regular Session of the WCPFC

Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Download Meeting Documents*4 Jun 2021ZIP - 169.2 MB
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
Circular 2018-56 WCPFC15 Meeting Notice
Circular 2018-62 Meeting arrangements for WCPFC15 and associated meetings
Circular 2018-63 WCPFC15 Provisional Agenda - circular
Circular 2018-72 WCPFC15 Priorities
Circular 2018-74 High Seas Boarding and Inspection Scheme (CMM 2006-08): Authorities of the Fishing Vessel
cWCPFC15-2018-HOD Provisional Agenda for Heads of Delegation Meeting - 4pm Sunday 9th December at Room 325 of the HCC
WCPFC15-2018-01 Provisional Agenda
WCPFC15-2018-01A Indicative Schedule
WCPFC15-2018-02_rev1 Provisional Annotated Agenda - revision 1
WCPFC15-2018-03_rev3 Provisional List of Documents - revision 3
WCPFC15-2018-04 2018 Annual Report of the Executive Director
WCPFC15-2018-05 Status of the Convention
New Zealand
WCPFC15-2018-06 List of Observers
WCPFC15-2018-07 Cooperating Non-Member requests for 2019
WCPFC15-2018-08 Reference document for the review of CMM 2015-02 and development of harvest strategies under CMM 2014-06 (south Pacific albacore tuna)
WCPFC15-2018-09 Technical aspects of a potential SP Albacore harvest strategy
Graham Pilling, Robert Scott, Finlay Scott and John Hampton

WCPFC15-2018-10_rev1 Potential target reference points for South Pacific albacore
WCPFC15-2018-11 Reference document for the review of CMM 2017-01 and development of harvest strategies under CMM 2014-06 (bigye, yellowfin and skipjack tuna)
WCPFC15-2018-12_rev2 Evaluation of CMM 2017-01 for bigeye tuna, with additional evaluations for skipjack and yellowfin tuna
WCPFC15-2018-13_rev1 Minimum TRPs for WCPO yellowfin and bigeye tuna consistent with alternative LRP risk levels
WCPFC15-2018-14 Selecting and Conditioning the Operating Models for WCPO Skipjack
Scott R.[1], F. Scott [1], G. M. Pilling[1], J. Hampton[1] and N. Davies[2]

[1] SPC-OFP [2] Te Takina Ltd.
WCPFC15-2018-15 Performance indicators for comparing management procedures using the MSE modelling framework
Scott F[1], R. Scott[1], N. Davies[2], G. M. Pilling[1] and J. Hampton[1]

[1] SPC-OFP [2] Te Takina Ltd.
WCPFC15-2018-16 Reference document for review of CMM 2017-08
WCPFC15-2018-17 Reference document for review of CMM 2005-03
WCPFC15-2018-18 Reference document for the scientific information and development of Harvest Strategies for North Pacific Striped Marlin (Kajikia audax)
WCPFC15-2018-19 {placeholder}
WCPFC15-2018-20 Key decisions for managers and scientists under the harvest strategy approach for WCPO tuna stocks and fisheries
WCPFC15-2018-21 Terms of reference for a science management dialogue
WCPFC15-2018-22 Reference document for bycatch mitigation CMM reviews
WCPFC15-2018-23 Synopsis of SC14 Summary Report for Agenda 9.1
WCPFC15-2018-24_rev1 Reference paper for TCC14 recommendations for Agenda 9.3 - revision 1
WCPFC15-2018-25 Synopsis of additional information submitted by CCMs as a reply to TCC14 provisional CMR
WCPFC15-2018-26 Final Report from the Independent Panel to review the Compliance Monitoring Scheme [with Executive Summary]
Don MacKay, Andrew Wright and Christopher Rogers

WCPFC15-2018-27A Summary of CMS IWG Comments on the Report from the Independent Panel to Review the CMS
WCPFC15-2018-27B Complilation of CMS IWG Comments on the "Draft list of principles document"
WCPFC15-2018-28 WCPFC IUU vessel list for 2019
WCPFC15-2018-29 Draft Medium-Term Corporate Plan
WCPFC15-2018-30 The Kobe Process
WCPFC15-2018-31 Report to WCPFC on Progress of the Project Sustainable Management of tuna fisheries and biodiversity conservation in the ABNJ
UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
WCPFC15-2018-32 Pacific Tuna Tagging Programme
SPC-OFP and Secretariat
WCPFC15-2018-33 Project 35b: WCPFC Tuna Tissue Bank
SPC-OFP and Secretariat
WCPFC15-2018-34 Update on the WPEA Project
Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam and Secretariat
WCPFC15-2018-35 Reference paper for ERandEMWG3 recommendations for Agenda Item 9.4
WCPFC15-2018-36 Provisions of CMM 2017-01 requiring review at WCPFC15
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC15-2018-DP01_rev1 Proposal for amending Conservation and Management Measure 2017-01 for the use of non-entangling FADs in WCPFC Fisheries (Rev 1)
European Union
WCPFC15-2018-DP02 Discussion paper - possible future amendments to WCPFC Conservation and Management Measure on Marine Pollution (CMM 2017-04)
WCPFC15-2018-DP03 Proposal for definition of Fish Aggregating Device
United States of America
WCPFC15-2018-DP04 Proposal on bigeye longline catch limits in longline fisheries: Conservation and Management Measure on Tropical Tunas
United States of America
WCPFC15-2018-DP05 Amendment to CMM 2017-05 to expand the requirement for IMO Numbers
United States of America
WCPFC15-2018-DP06_rev3 Revisions to CMM 2008-03 Conservation and Management Measure of Sea Turtles_rev3
United States of America
WCPFC15-2018-DP07 Amendments to the WCPFC Regional Observer Programme Minimum Standard Data Fields
United States of America
WCPFC15-2018-DP08 Views on Tropical Tuna CMM
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC15-2018-DP09 Views on paragraphs 28 and 44 of CMM 2017-01
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC15-2018-DP10 Proposal for establishing a target reference point for south Pacific albacore
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC15-2018-DP11_rev1 Comments on the Working Draft Text for the Compliance Monitoring Scheme - revision 1
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC15-2018-DP12_rev1 Views on the implementation of CMM 2013-06 (CMM Criteria for the Consideration of Conservation and Management Measures) - revision 1
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC15-2018-DP13_rev1 Draft Resolution on Labour Standards for Crew on Fishing Vessels (Rev 1)
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC15-2018-DP14 Transhipment regulation: Review of CMM 2009-06
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC15-2018-DP15 Considerations for SIDS to host WCPF Commission Meetings
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC15-2018-DP16_rev2 Seabird Interaction Mitigation: Amendment of CMM 2017-06 (Rev 2)
New Zealand
WCPFC15-2018-DP17 Proposed changes to Conservation and Management Measure 2009-02 on the application of high seas FAD closures and catch retention
Republic of Korea
WCPFC15-2018-DP18 Purse seine fishing activity in PNA waters
Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA)
WCPFC15-2018-DP19_rev1 TCC WORK PLAN 2019 - 2021_rev1
TCC Vice-Chair
WCPFC15-2018-DP20 Letter regarding implementation of CMM 2017-01 paragraph 29
United States of America
WCPFC15-2018-DP21 Report of the European Union on Article 30 of the Convention and Resolution 2008-01 of WCPFC
European Union
WCPFC15-2018-DP22 RE: Letter regarding implementation of CMM 2017-01 paragraph 29
WCPFC15-2018-DP23 Supplementary letter regarding implementation of CMM 2017-01 paragraph 29
United States of America
WCPFC15-2018-DP24 Notification regarding WCPFC/IATTC overlap area choice
WCPFC15-2018-DP25 Proposal for amending Conservation and Management Measure for Pacific Bluefin Tuna (CMM2017-08)
WCPFC15-2018-DP26 Proposal to amend the financial Regulations for the effective participation of SIDS
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC15-2018-DP27 Proposal to amend the Rules of Procedures – Rule 36
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC15-2018-DP28 Information paper on Interim Harvest Strategies for Tropical Tuna in Archipelagic waters of Indonesia - update
WCPFC15-2018-DP29 Indonesia Bigeye Tuna Catch Limits in Longline Fisheries
WCPFC15-2018-DP30_rev1 FFA Members proposed recommendation under Agenda item 1-3-2 (Rev 1)
WCPFC15-2018-DP31 High Seas Boarding and Inspection - Authorities of the Fishing Vessel
WCPFC15-2018-DP32 Language for the South Pacific Albacore TRP Report
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC15-2018-IP01 Summary from Part 2 of CMM 2013-07 para 19 annual report - RY2017 (also TCC14-2018-11 Secure Section))
WCPFC15-2018-IP02 Trends in the South Pacific Albacore Longline and Troll Fisheries
Brouwer S [1], G. Pilling[1], P. Williams[1] and the WCPFC Secretariat [1] SPC-OFP
WCPFC15-2018-IP03 Summary of CCM reporting under south Pacific albacore CMMs
Secretariat and SPC-OFP
WCPFC15-2018-IP03 Summary of reporting received by WCPFC under CMM 2010-05 and CMM 2015-02: South Pacific Albacore
Secretariat and SPC-OFP
WCPFC15-2018-IP04_rev1 An assessment of the number of vessels fishing for south Pacific albacore south of 20S
Stephen Brouwer, Graham Pilling, Peter Williams

WCPFC15-2018-IP05 Summary of the Reports received under Tropical Tuna CMMs - from 2017 to 2018 Secretariat
Secretariat - update of WCPFC-TCC14-2018-IP07
WCPFC15-2018-IP06 Catch and effort tables on tropical tuna CMMs
Secretariat and SPC-OFP (update of WCPFC-TCC14-2018-IP08)
WCPFC15-2018-IP07 Compiled information on Pacific bluefin tuna - fishing effort and catch
WCPFC15-2018-IP08 Updated information on north Pacific Albacore catch and effort data as reported by CCMs
WCPFC15-2018-IP09 Agreed workplan for the adoption of Harvest Stategies under CMM 2014-06
WCPFC14 Summary Report Attachment L
WCPFC15-2018-IP10 10th Annual Report of the Regional Observer Programme (TCC14-2018-RP02)
WCPFC15-2018-IP11 Summary of Notifications to WCPFC of Charter, Lease or other mechanisms
WCPFC15-2018-IP12 The western and central Pacific tuna fishery: 2017 Overview and status of stocks
Stephen Brouwer, Graham Pilling, John Hampton, Peter Williams, Laura Tremblay-Boyer, Matthew Vincent, Neville Smith and Thomas Peatman

WCPFC15-2018-IP13 Information to support the Commission's review of funding mechanisms for IATTC/WCPFC cross endorsement training
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC15-2018-FAC12-01 Provisional Agenda
WCPFC15-2018-FAC12-02 Provisional Annotated Agenda
WCPFC15-2018-FAC12-03 Indicative Schedule
WCPFC15-2018-FAC12-04 Auditor’s Report for 2017 and General Account Fund Financial Statements for 2017
WCPFC15-2018-FAC12-05 Rev1 Report on Assessed Member Contributions and Other Incomes for 2018
WCPFC15-2018-FAC12-06 Report on the Status of Other Funds for 2018
WCPFC15-2018-FAC12-07 Rev2 Headquarters Matters
WCPFC15-2018-FAC12-08 Rev1 Appointment of an Auditor
WCPFC15-2018-FAC12-09 Headquarters Building Survey and Maintenance Plan
WCPFC15-2018-FAC12-10 Proposed Budget for the Commission’s Work Programme For 2019 and Indicative Budgets for 2020 and 2021
WCPFC15-2018-FAC12-10 Rev1 Proposed Budget for the Commission’s Work Programme For 2019 and Indicative Budgets for 2020 and 2021
WCPFC15-2018-FAC12-11 Supplementary Retirement Plan for Support Staff
WCPFC15-2018-FAC12-12 Environmental Policy for the WCPFC Secretariat
WCPFC15-2018-FAC12-13 Terms of Reference for a Review of the Draft Corporate Plan
WCPFC15-2018-FAC_SRF IWG Report from the Chair of the Special Requirements Fund Intersessional Working Group (SRF IWG) to the Finance and Administration Committee (FAC) of WCPFC
Chair of the SRF IWG of the FAC
WCPFC15-2018-FAC_SRF IWG Rep Lang Draft Language for Special Requirements Fund Funding
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC15-2018-OP01 Position statement to WCPFC15
WCPFC15-2018-OP02 Position statement to WCPFC15
International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF)
WCPFC15-2018-OP03 Information paper - Alternative options to enable SIDS to host WCPFC meetings
Pew, WWF, Birdlife, EDF, IELP, ANCORS and IPNLF
WCPFC15-2018-OP04 Position statement to WCPFC15
Pew Charitable Trusts
WCPFC15-2018-OP05 Letter to WCPFC on sustainability of tuna stocks
Submission by International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF)
WCPFC15-2018-OP06 Position Statement to WCPFC15
International Game Fish Association
WCPFC15-2018-OP07 Position statement to WCPFC15
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
WCPFC15-2018-OP08 Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs): Definitions, Obligations and Responses
Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS)

WCPFC15-2018-OP09 Position statement to WCPFC15
International Pole and Line Foundation
WCPFC15-2018-OP10 A global analysis of allocation in transboundary tuna fisheries management
Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS)
WCPFC15-2018-OP11 Tracking Purse Seine Transshipment in the WCPO: Preliminary Findings
Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS)
WCPFC15-2018-OP12 ISSF FAD Research and Best Practices Infographic
WCPFC15-2018-OP13 ISSF FAD Research Presentation
WCPFC15-2018-OP14 WWF Communique of a Civil Society Organisations Round Table on Pacific Tuna Fisheries
WCPFC15-2018-OP15 ISSF FAD Presentation
WCPFC15-2018-OP16 OFAD Report on Pacific Albacore Troll Fishery 2018
WCPFC15-2018-OP17 New Method Using AIS Data to Obtain Independent Compliance Data to determine Mitigation Use at Sea
WCPFC15-2018-OP18 WCPFC_GFW-Birdlife night assessment
WCPFC15-2018-OP19 CNM Information Submitted by Nicaragua
WCPFC15-2018-OP20 Statement to WCPFC15
North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC)
WCPFC15-2018-OP21 Industry Letter to the WCPFC on Swordfish and Mahi Mahi
WCPFC15-2018-OP22 WTPO Statement for WCPFC15

* Secure documents are not included in the zip file