20th Regular Session of the Commission

Rarotonga, Cook Islands (Hybrid)
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Submissions Due:
Observer Fees:
More Information

Instructions and online support for registrations and using Zoom is available from Online Meeting Resources

For NGO observers attending in person, the fee is US$500 for the first two, and US$350 for each subsequent attendee. For those observers attending virtually, the fee is US$250 for the first two and US$150 for each subsequent virtual attendee.

Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
Circ 2023/100 Information from Cook Islands re: Arrival Preparation
Circ 2023/69 Meeting Notice
Circ 2023/82 WCPFC20 Provisional Agenda
WCPFC20-2022-template WCPFC20 Document Template
WCPFC20-2023-01 Provisional Agenda
WCPFC20-2023-01A_Rev01 Indicative Schedule as at 6 December 2023
WCPFC20-2023-01B Chair's Approach to Agenda 10
WCPFC20-2023-02 Provisional Annotated Agenda
Updated with hyperlinks to relevant documents
WCPFC20-2023-04 Meeting Logistics and Hybrid Meeting Protocols
WCPFC20-2023-HOD Provisional Agenda - Heads of Delegation Meeting
Date: 3 December 2023 I Time: 4:00 pm I Venue: Cook Islands National Auditorium

Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC20-2023-03 Request for Observer Status from an Intergovernmental Organisation
WCPFC20-2023-05 2023 Annual Report of the Executive Director
Executive Director
WCPFC20-2023-06 Status of the Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
New Zealand, the Depositary
WCPFC20-2023-07 Update on Status of Observers
WCPFC20-2023-08_Rev01 Cooperating Non-Member Requests for 2024
WCPFC20-2023-09 WCPFC IUU Vessel List for 2024
WCPFC20-2023-10 Updated Strategic Investment Plan 2023
WCPFC20-2023-11 Western Pacific East Asia - Improved Tuna Monitoring (WPEA-ITM) Project Update
Lars Olsen (Project Consultant)
WCPFC20-2023-12 Incorporating Climate Change Considerations into Conservation and Management of WCPO Fisheries and Ecosystems
WCPFC20-2023-13 Review of CMM 2015-02: South Pacific Albacore
WCPFC20-2023-14_Rev1 Harvest Strategy Development for SP Albacore, Skipjack, Bigeye, and Yellowfin Tunas
Secretariat and SPC
WCPFC20-2023-15_Rev01 Evaluation of CMM 2021-01: Tropical Tuna Measure
WCPFC20-2023-16_Rev01 Results of SPC Analyses Requested by TTMW4 and Summary of the Results of SPC Analyses Requested by TTMW3
Oceanic Fisheries Programme (SPC)
WCPFC20-2023-17 Process to Develop an Allocation Framework under CMM 2021-01
Commission Chair
WCPFC20-2023-18 Information and Data Requirements to Support Management Decisions for SP Albacore, Skipjack, Bigeye and Yellowfin Tunas
WCPFC20-2023-19 Review of North Pacific Albacore and Pacific Bluefin Tuna CMMs
WCPFC20-2023-20 Review of Billfish Conservation and Management Measures
WCPFC20-2023-21 Review of CMMs on Non-Target and Associated or Dependent Species in the WCPO
WCPFC20-2023-22 Recommendations related to the CMS not covered by Other Agenda Items
WCPFC20-2023-23 Audit Points Development and Adoption
CMS-IWG Audit Points lead
WCPFC20-2023-23_Rev01 Updated Audit Points Development and Adoption
CMS-IWG Audit Points Lead
WCPFC20-2023-24 Draft Terms of Reference for the Development of Corrective Actions
WCPFC20-2023-25_rev1 PUBLIC rev1 Synopsis of Updates to Compliance Status of CCMs in the Provisional CMR recommended by TCC19
WCPFC20-2023-26 List of Obligations to be Reviewed by the CMS in 2024
WCPFC20-2023-27 Recommendations from TCC19 not Covered by Other Agenda Items
WCPFC20-2023-28 Consideration of Changes to Scheduling of SC and TCC
WCPFC20-2023-29 Secretariat Corporate Plan
WCPFC20-2023-30 Memoranda of Understanding with North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC) and South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO)
WCPFC20-2023-31 Relations with the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC )
WCPFC20-2023-32 Indicative Dates for WCPFC Meetings in 2024
WCPFC20-2023-33_Rev07 Chair's Consultative Draft for a Revised Tropical Tuna Measure (Rev07)_onscreen adopted version
Commission Chair
WCPFC20-2023-34 Update on TCC Priority Work
TCC Chair
WCPFC20-2023-35 SPC evaluation of potential long-term outcomes for bigeye tuna depletion of proposed purse seine FAD closure periods and longline Table 3 catch limit changes
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC20-2023-TCC19 TCC19 Summary Report
WCPFC20-2023-ERandEM IWG-01 Updates from the ER and EM IWG Chair (WCPFC Circular 2023-65)
Circular 2023-65
WCPFC20-2023-ERandEM IWG-02 Update and Proposed Work Priorities for the ER and EM IWG
ER and EM IWG Chair
WCPFC20-2023-FAC17 FAC17 Summary Report
WCPFC20-2023-FADMOIWG Progress of FADMO-IWG Priority Tasks for 2023 including SC19 and TCC19 Outcomes Related to FADMO-IWG Work
FADMO-IWG Chair and the Secretariat
WCPFC20-2023-IWGROP Update from the Intersessional Working Group for the Regional Observer Programme
IWG-ROP Chair, Secretariat and SPC-OFP
WCPFC20-2023-LabourStdsIWG Update from Co-Chairs on Intersessional Work to Improve Crew Labour Standards
Labour Standards IWG Co-Chairs
WCPFC20-2023-NC19 NC19 Summary Report (10Jul2023) - Rev.01
WCPFC20-2023-SC19 SC19 Summary Report
WCPFC20-2023-TS-IWG-01_rev1 TS-IWG Proposed Amendments to CMM 2009-06 - revision 1
TS-IWG Co-Chairs
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC20-2023-IP01 Summary from 2023 Part 2 CMM 2013-07 Annual Reports RY 2022 - issued 5 Sept 2023
WCPFC20-2023-IP02 2023 Tuna Fisheries Assessment Report
WCPFC20-2023-IP03 Overview of the Tuna Fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean including Economic Conditions - 2022
WCPFC20-2023-IP04 A Compendium of Fisheries Indicators for Target Tuna Stocks in the WCPFC Convention Area
WCPFC20-2023-IP05 Trends in the South Pacific Albacore Longline and Troll Fisheries
SPC-OFP and Secretariat
WCPFC20-2023-IP06 WCPO Skipjack Management Procedure Dry-run Re-run
WCPFC20-2023-IP07 Catch and Effort Data Summaries to Support Discussions on the TROPICAL TUNA CMMs
WCPFC20-2023-IP08 Summary of the Reports Received under Tropical Tuna CMMs from 2021 to 2023
WCPFC20-2023-IP09 Group Seine Operations of Philippine Flagged Vessels in High Seas Pocket Number 1 (HSP1)
WCPFC20-2023-IP10 Annual Report on WCPFC Transhipment Reporting
WCPFC20-2023-IP11 Available Data for Verifying Compliance in the Compliance Monitoring Scheme
WCPFC20-2023-IP12 Annual Report on the Regional Observer Programme
WCPFC20-2023-IP13 Status of Observer Data Management
WCPFC20-2023-IP14 Use of ROP Data in the Compliance Monitoring Scheme (CMS)
WCPFC20-2023-IP15 Scientific Data Available to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
WCPFC20-2023-IP16 Tables of Coverage Levels for Operational Data Fields Submitted to the WCPFC
WCPFC20-2023-IP17 Enhanced Data Analysis and Interpretation: Experiences and Opportunities
WCPFC20-2023-IP18 Annual Report on the Performance of the E-Reporting Standards
Secretariat and SPC - OFP
WCPFC20-2023-IP19 Updated Information on North Pacific Albacore Fishing Effort
WCPFC20-2023-IP20 Compiled Information on Pacific Bluefin Tuna (Fishing Effort and Catch in the WCPO)
WCPFC20-2023-IP21 Updated Information on North Pacific Swordfish Catch and Fishing Effort
WCPFC20-2023-IP22 Availability of Catch Estimates from the Other Commercial Fisheries in Indonesia
Indonesia and SPC-OFP
WCPFC20-2023-IP23 An assessment of available information to address the WCPFC17 recommendation on the Tropical Tuna CMM para 51 (other commercial fisheries)
WCPFC20-2023-IP24 An update on the options for a baseline of the “large-fish” Handline fishery fishing in Indonesia’s EEZ (IEEZ) with vessels >30GT for the WCPFC Tropical Tuna Measure
Indonesia and SPC-OFP
WCPFC20-2023-IP25 WCPO Tropical Tuna Longline Fishery Management Workshops Report
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC20-2023-DP01 FFA Members’ Position on key issues for WCPFC20
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC20-2023-DP02 FFA Members’ comments on Chairs Consultative Draft CMM 2023-01
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC20-2023-DP03_Rev01 FFA Members proposal to address the definition of the term “actively fishing for” in CMM 2015-02 paragraph 4
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC20-2023-DP04 PNA and Tokelau Submission on proposed language to amend the CMM 2021-01
PNA and Tokelau
WCPFC20-2023-DP05_Rev01 PNA and Tokelau Proposal to Revise the CMS CMM with Explanatory Note
PNA and Tokelau
WCPFC20-2023-DP05_Rev3 PNA and Tokelau Proposal to Revise the CMS CMM_Rev3
PNA and Tokelau
WCPFC20-2023-DP05_Rev4 PNA and Tokelau Proposal to Revise the CMS CMM_Rev4
PNA and Tokelau
WCPFC20-2023-DP05_Rev5 PNA and Tokelau Proposal to Revise the CMS CMM_Rev5
PNA and Tokelau
WCPFC20-2023-DP06 Proposed changes to CMM 2021-01
Republic of Korea
WCPFC20-2023-DP07 Proposal for a Revised Target Reference Point for South Pacific Albacore
South Pacific Group CCMs and Australia
WCPFC20-2023-DP08_Rev02 An Option for Addressing Climate Change at TCC
United States of America and Chinese Taipei
WCPFC20-2023-DP09_Rev01 The Tropical Tuna Measure and Supporting American Samoa's Economic Development
American Samoa
WCPFC20-2023-DP10 CMM 2013-06 analysis of United States’ proposed revisions to the Tropical Tuna Measure in the Chairs Consultative Draft
United States of America
WCPFC20-2023-DP11_Rev01 Letter to WCPFC re: VMS-100Si (Update)
WCPFC20-2023-DP12 Harvest Strategies for Tropical Tuna in Archipelagic Waters of Indonesia: Update
WCPFC20-2023-DP13 Implementing the Proposed Footnote by American Samoa and the United States: Attachment 1, Table 2 of Tropical Tuna Measure
United States and American Samoa
WCPFC20-2023-DP14 Report of the European Union on Article 30 of the Convention and Resolution 2008-01 of WCPFC
European Union
WCPFC20-2023-DP15 FFA Members' Additional Proposal to Amend the Tropical Tuna Measure
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC20-2023-DP16 2024 Climate Change Workplan Drafting Group I Draft Recommendations and Draft Terms of Reference
United States of America
WCPFC20-2023-DP17_Rev01 Recommendation related to CMM 2022-04 (Sharks)_Rev01
United States of America and Canada
WCPFC20-2023-DP18 New Zealand-led process for the review of WCPFC CMM 2018-03
New Zealand
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC20-2023-DP19 Ecuador Statement Supporting their Request for CNM Status in 2024
WCPFC20-2023-OP01 Book – Cooperation, Conservation, Development and Equity in the World’s Largest Tuna Fishery
Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS)University of Wollongong

WCPFC20-2023-OP02 Position Statement to WCPFC20
International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF)
WCPFC20-2023-OP03 Common Oceans Tuna Project 2022-2027 - Update
Food and Agriculture Organization
WCPFC20-2023-OP04 Position Statement for WCPFC20
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
WCPFC20-2023-OP05 Port-Based Outreach to improve mitigation of impacts to ecologically related species from WCPO fisheries
BirdLife International
WCPFC20-2023-OP06 Statement to WCPFC20
The Pew Charitable Trusts and The Ocean Foundation
WCPFC20-2023-OP07 Untangling the Net of Bycatch in Commercial Shark Fisheries
Sharkproject International
WCPFC20-2023-OP08 2023 WCPFC Position Statement
Global Tuna Alliance
WCPFC20-2023-OP09 Views of 17 Organizations of Japan that Support Sustainable Production and Consumption of Tropical Tunas
WWF Japan
WCPFC20-2023-OP10 18 Environmental Organizations and 48 Supply Chain Companies Call for Progress at the Upcoming WCPFC Meeting
Birdlife International, Conservation International, International Pole and Line Foundation, Monterey Bay Aquarium, The Ocean Foundation, Ocean Outcomes, Pew Charitable Trust, Sharkproject, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, World Wide Fund for Nature
WCPFC20-2023-OP11 Joint Civil Society Organizations (CSO) Statement to the 20th Regular Session of the WCPFC
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
WCPFC20-2023-OP12 Position Statement to WCPFC20
Advocates for Public Interest Law
WCPFC20-2023-OP13 Statement to the 20th Regular Session of WCPFC20
Accountability Fish
WCPFC20-2023-OP14 Information Paper by Te Ipukarea Society
Te Ipukarea Society
WCPFC20-2023-OP15 Appeal for the development of Harvest Strategies for Yellowfin and Bigeye tunas from fresh frozen seafood association of the Philippines (FFSAPI) and the Sargen Fishport Tuna Handline Fishing Association Inc (SARGEN Handline)
WCPFC20-2023-OP16 Video – The Importance of Harvest Strategies in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
The Ocean Foundation
WCPFC20-2023-OP17 Joint Statement on Blue Sharks for WCPFC20
WCPFC20-2023-OP18 Statement of Appreciation to WCPFC20 for Granting Observer Status to OSPESCA
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
BRP 2023 – 2027 Billfish Research Plan 2023 – 2027
FADMO-IWG Work Plan 2022 - 2023 WCPFC FAD Management Options IWG Work Plan 2022 - 2023
IWG-ROP Workplan 2023-2025 Work priorities and Method of Communication for the IWG-ROP
LabourStandards Workplan Update on 2023 Intersessional Workplan
SPARM-IWG Work Plan 2023 -2026 WCPFC South Pacific Albacore Roadmap IWG Work Plan 2023 - 2026
SRP 2021-2025 Shark Research Plan 2021-2025
suppl_CMM 2022-03 Updated workplan for the adoption of Harvest strategies under CMM 2022-03 (formerly CMM 2014-06)
WCPFC19 Summary Report Attachment M
TARP 2023-2026 Tuna Assessment Research Plan for ‘key’ tuna species assessments in the WCPO, 2023-2026
TCC-01 TCC Workplan 2022 - 2024
WCPFC19 Summary Report Attachment V
TS-IWG 2023 workplan WCPFC19 Endorsed TS-IWG 2023 Workplan
WCPFC19 Summary Report paragraph 468 (Attachment Y)

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