3rd Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Honolulu, Hawaii
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
AR WP-1 Amercian Samoa
AR WP-10 Guam
AR WP-14 Republic of Kiribati
AR WP-20 Niue
AR WP-21 Northern Marianas
AR WP-26 Solomon Islands
AR WP-29 Kingdom of Tonga
AR WP-9 France
AR-WP-11 French Polynesia
AR-WP-12 Indonesia (cooperating non-member)
AR-WP-13 Japan
AR-WP-15 Republic of Korea
AR-WP-16 Republic of Marshall Islands
AR-WP-17 Republic of Nauru
AR-WP-18 New Caledonia
AR-WP-19 New Zealand
AR-WP-2 Australia
AR-WP-22 Republic of Palau
AR-WP-23 Independent State of Papua New Guinea
AR-WP-24 Republic of Philippines
AR-WP-25 Independent State of Samoa
AR-WP-27 Chinese Taipei
AR-WP-28 Tokelau
AR-WP-3 Canada
AR-WP-30 Tuvalu
AR-WP-31 United States of America (revised)
AR-WP-32 Republic of Vanuatu
AR-WP-33 Wallis and Futuna (part 1)
AR-WP-4 China
AR-WP-5 Cook Islands
AR-WP-6 European Union
AR-WP-7 Federated States of Micronesia (rev. 2)
AR-WP-8 Fiji Islands
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
BI-SWG-01 Provisional agenda (rev.1)
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EB-IP-1 Interactions between Sea Turtles and Pelagic Longline Fisheries.
Beverly, S. and L. Chapman.
EB-IP-10 Guide for Complying with Regulations to Reduce Interactions between Seabirds and Hawaii-Based Longline Vessels.
EB-IP-11 FFA Update on the Application of the Ecosystem-Based Approach to managing Tuna Fisheries amongst FFA Member Countries and Territory in the WCPO: specific to lessons from stakeholder consultations in countries.
EB-IP-12 CLIOTOP/PFRP Workshop: The Role of Squid in Pelagic Marine Ecosystems.
Olson, R. and J. Young.
EB-IP-13 A Summary of the Korean Tuna Fishery Observer Programme for the Pacific Ocean in 2006.
Kim, S.S., D.H. An, D.Y. Moon and S.J. Hwang.
EB-IP-14 Examination of tori-pole configuration in middle-sized longline vessels.
Minami, H., K. Yokota and M. Kiyota.
EB-IP-15 Shark capture and disposition in the Hawaii pelagic longline swordfish and tuna fisheries.
Gilman, E.
EB-IP-16 Review of measures taken by intergovernmental organizations to address sea turtle and seabird interactions in marine capture fisheries (Draft, not yet formally cleared by FAO).
Gilman, E.[1] and T. Moth-Poulsen[2].
EB-IP-17 Distribution of albatrosses and petrels in the WCPFC Convention Area and overlap with WCPFC longline fishing effort
BirdLife International.
EB-IP-18 Estimation of fisheries bycatch and risk assessment for short-tailed albatross using a Bayesian State-Space Model.
Okamura, H.[1], M. Kiyota[1], H. Kurota[1], and T. Kitakado[2].
EB-IP-19 Commonly captured sharks and rays for consideration of the Ecosystem and Bycatch SWG at SC3.
Molony, B.
EB-IP-2 Specification of a Database System to manage and facilitate access of information covering (i) By-catch and (ii) By-catch mitigation on behalf of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC).
Williams, P.
EB-IP-3 IATTC Research on Reducing Shark Bycatch in the Tuna Purse-Seine Fishery in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
Scott, M.
EB-IP-4 Quantifying the impact of longline fisheries on adult survival in the black-footed albatross. Journal of Applied Ecology 2007
Véran, S., O. Gimenez, E. Flint, W.L. Kendall, P.F. Doherty Jr., and J-D. Lebreton.
EB-IP-5 Status and Genetic Structure of Nesting Populations of Leatherback Turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the Western Pacific.
Dutton, P.H. et al.
EB-IP-6 Assessment of the impact of ICCAT fisheries on seabirds: proposed methodology and framework for discussion.
Phillips, R.A., G. Tuck and C. Small.
EB-IP-7 Studies of distribution, population dynamics and bycatch rates of seabirds in the Atlantic.
Phillips, R.A., C. Small and E. Howgate.
EB-IP-8 An Ecopath with Ecosim model of the WCPO warm pool pelagic ecosystem.
Allain, V., T. Essington, R. Olson, T. Okey, J. Dambacher, D. Kirby and S. Nicol.
EB-IP-9 Enhanced seamount location database for the western and central Pacific Ocean: screening and cross-checking of 20 existing datasets.
Allain,V. [1], J.-A. Kerandel [1], S. Andréfouët [2], F. Magron [1], M. Clark [3], and F. Muller-Karger [4]
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
EB WP-10 North Pacific blue shark stock assessment.
Kleiber, P. [1], S. Clarke[2], K. Bigelow[1], M. McAllister[3].
EB-WP-1 Ecological Risk Assessment for species caught in the WCPO tuna fishery: updated Productivity-Susceptibility Analysis.
Kirby, D. et al.
EB-WP-11 Comparison of circle hook and J hook catch rate for target and bycatch species taken in the Korean tuna longline fishery during 2005-2006.
Kim, S.-S., D.H. An, D.-Y. Moon and S.-J. Hwang.
EB-WP-12 Status of the regional observer programme intersessional working group.
EB-WP-13 Effective factors of tori-poles in reducing incidental catch of seabirds in the Japanese longline fishery.
Yolota, K., H. Minami, M. Kiyota.
EB-WP-14 Seabird bycatch mitigation: minimum standards for pelagic longline fishing and priorities for further research.
EB-WP-2 Regime shifts in the western and central Pacific Ocean.
Kirby, D. et al.
EB-WP-3 Ecological Risk Assessment Research Planning Workshop Report.
Kirby, D. et al.
EB-WP-4 A Review of Fin-weight Ratios for Pelagic Sharks.
Hindmarsh, S.
EB-WP-5 Large-scale experiment shows that banning wire leaders helps pelagic sharks and longline fishers.
Ward, P., E. Lawrence, R. Darbyshire and S. Hindmarsh.
EB-WP-6 Recording seabird bycatch in longline observer programmes.
Black, A., C. Small and B. Sullivan.
EB-WP-7 Developments (2006-2007) in scientific research on the use of modified fishing gear to reduce longline bycatch of sea turtles.
Boggs, C.H. and Y. Swimmer.
EB-WP-8 TCC Draft Report and Information Paper of the Voluntary Small Working Group on Seabird Bycatch Mitigation.
Norris, W. and S. Brouwer
EB-WP-9 Bayesian hazard regression modelling of factors affecting post-release mortality of loggerheads caught in pelagic longline fisheries
Swimmer, Y. [1], M. Chaloupka[2], L. McNaughton[3], M. Musyl[3].
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EB-SWG-01 Provisional agenda (rev. 1)
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FT-IP-1 Effects of gear characteristics on the presence of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the catches of the purse-seine fishery of the eastern Pacific Ocean.
Lennert-Cody, C.E.[1], J.J. Roberts [2], and R.J. Stephenson [3].
FT-IP-10 Recalculation of the Philippine tuna production from the WCPO.
Babaran, R.P.
FT-IP-11 An assessment of independent fishery tuna data collected from tuna landings from purse seine vessels in Madang for the year 1999 and 2005.
Koren, L.N.H.
FT-IP-2 The potential use of time-area closures to reduce catches of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the purse-seine fishery of the eastern Pacific Ocean.
Harley, S.J.[1] and J.M. Suter [2].
FT-IP-3 Compilation of TDR longline studies and coverage in the WCPO region.
Itano, D.
FT-IP-4 A summary of operational, technical and fishery information on WCPO purse seine fisheries operating on floating objects.
Itano, D.
FT-IP-5 Handbooks for the identification of yellowfin and bigeye tunas in (a) Fresh, (b) Frozen and (c) Fresh but Less than Ideal Condition - English version (Revised on 30Apr2013)
Itano, D. [1] and S. Fukofuka [2].
FT-IP-6 Photographic identification guide for billfish, sharks, rays, tuna-like and non-tuna finfish taken in WCPO pelagic longline fisheries (v1).
McAuliffe, J.A. [1], D.G. Itano [2], and S. Arceneaux [3].
FT-IP-7 Photographic identification guide for non-target fish species taken in WCPO purse seine fisheries
Fukofuka, S.[1] and D.G. Itano [2].
FT-IP-8 Gathering relevant information on pelagic ecosystem, tuna resources and related fisheries, for widespread local diffusion:
Chavance, P.N.
FT-IP-9 Socio Economic Factors Affecting Exploitation and Management of Top Predators.
Miyake, P.M.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
FT WP-1 Use of TDRs and hook-timers to ascertain fishing depths and times of capture in the Australian Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery.
Campbell, R.
FT-WP-2 Acoustic imaging, visual observations, and other information used for classification of tuna aggregations associated with floating objects in the Pacific Ocean.
Schaefer, K.M. and D.W. Fuller.
FT-WP-3 An examination of FAD-related gear and fishing strategies useful for data collection and FAD-based management.
Itano, D.
FT-WP-4 Preliminarily results of the relationship between catch ratio of bigeye tuna to total catch and length of underwater structures.
Keisuke, S., Ta. Matsumoto, H. Okamoto, K. Watanabe, H. Saito, K. Uosaki, K. Ikehara and H. Honda.
FT-WP-5 Fish behaviour from fishermen knowledge: the case study of tropical tuna around drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs).
Moreno, G.[1], L. Dagorn [2], G. Sancho [3], D. Itano [4].
FT-WP-6 Bait loss and its potential effects on fishing power in pelagic longline fisheries.
Ward, P.[1] and R.A. Myers [2].
FT-WP-7 Observation of Chinese Purse Seine Fishery in the WCPFC Waters during 2006-2007.
Ye, X. and L. XU.
FT-WP-8 Catch information from the FAD-based domestic tuna purse seine fishery in Papua New Guinea.
Kumoru, L.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
GN WP-1 Overview of tuna fisheries in the western and central Pacific Ocean, including economic conditions - 2006.
GN WP-10 Regional tuna tagging: Phase 2 proposal.
GN WP-11 Cooperation with other organizations.
GN WP-12 The Coordinating Working Party on Fisheries Statistics (FAO-CWP).
GN WP-13 The Fishery Resources Monitoring System (FAO-FIRMS).
GN WP-14 Report on the 2007 Stock Assessment Workshops for the Oceanic Fisheries Management Project.
GN WP-15 Independent review of the Commission’s transitional science structure and functions.
GN WP-2 The fishery for tunas and billfishes in the eastern Pacific Ocean in 2006.
GN WP-3 Discussion paper for the inclusion of northern striped marlin as a “northern stock” in accordance with Annex 1 of the Commission’s Rules of Procedure.
GN WP-4 The relationship between the International Scientific Committee, the Northern Committee and the Scientific Committee in respect to the northern stocks.
GN WP-5 Report of the Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) Workshop, 6-9 August 2007, Honolulu, USA.
GN WP-6 WCPFC data standards for regional observer programme.
GN WP-7 Report of the Fourth Steering Committee on IPDCP, 14-15 August 2007, Honolulu, USA.
GN WP-8 Report of the Eastern Indonesia Tuna Fishery Data Collection Workshop, 30-31 January 2007, Jakarta, Indonesia
GN WP-9 PNG tagging project: progress report.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-SC-2007 / 01 Notice of meeting & meeting arrangements (rev 3)
WCPFC-SC-2007 / 02 Provisional agenda
WCPFC-SC-2007 / 03 Provisional annotated agenda
WCPFC-SC-2007 / 04 Indicative schedule
WCPFC-SC-2007 / 05 Registration Form
WCPFC-SC-2007 / 06 List of documents (Rev. 10)
WCPFC-SC-2007 / 07 Guidelines in submitting Specialist Working Group (SWG) papers
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
ME-SWG-01 Provisional agenda (rev. 1)
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ME WP-5 Application of a harvest strategy evaluation approach to the Australian swordfish fishery.
Kolody, D. et al.
ME-WP-1 Regional weighting factors for yellowfin tuna in WCP-CA stock assessments
Hoyle, S. and A. Langley.
ME-WP-2 Reducing parameter complexity in MULTIFAN-CL stock assessments: catch conditioning.
Hampton, J.[1], P. Kleiber[2] and D. Fournier[3].
ME-WP-3 A brief review of the use of the precautionary approach and the role of target and limit reference points and Management Strategy Evaluation in the management of highly migratory fish stocks.
Davies, C. and T. Polacheck.
ME-WP-4 Development of an Empirical-Indicator based Harvest Strategy for the Australian Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery.
Campbell, R.[1], J. Prince[2], C. Davies[1], D. Kolody[1], N. Dowling[1], P. Ward[3] and K. McLoughlin[3].
ME-WP-6 Comparison of South Pacific albacore stock assessments using MULTIFAN-CL and STOCK SYNTHESIS 2
Hoyle, S. and A. Langley.
Ward, P.
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SA-SWG-01 Provisional Agenda
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SA-IP-1 Trends in size composition of longline-caught albacore in the South Pacific.
Molony, B.
SA-IP-2 South-West Pacific Swordfish Stock Assessment work-plan proposal for 2008
Kolody, D.[1], R. Campbell[2] and N. Davies[3].
SA-IP-3 Economic and management implications of stock assessments on key tuna stocks in the WCPO.
Reid, C., S. Sauni and L. Clark.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SA WP-2 Structural uncertainty in the yellowfin tuna assessment.
Hoyle, S. and A. Langley.
SA WP-7 North Pacific blue shark stock assessment.
Kleiber, P.[1], S. Clarke[2], K. Bigelow[1], M. McAllister[3].
SA-WP-1 Stock assessment of yellowfin tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean, including an analysis of management options.
Langley, A.[1], J. Hampton[1], P. Kleiber[2], and S. Hoyle[1].
SA-WP-3 Multi-fishery management options analyses for bigeye and yellowfin tuna.
Langley, A. and J. Hampton.
SA-WP-4 Spatio-temporal patterns of purse seine catches of skipjack and juvenile bigeye and yellowfin tuna caught in association with floating objects.
Langley, A.[1] and S. Harley[2].
SA-WP-5 Influence of oceanographic variability on recruitment of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares in the western and central Pacific Ocean (Abstract only).
A. Langley [1], K. Briand[1], D. Kirby[1], and R. Murtugudde[2].
SA-WP-6 Analysis of yellowfin and bigeye catch and effort data from the Japanese and Korean longline fleet collected from regional logsheets.
Langley, A

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