3rd Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Honolulu, Hawaii
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
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Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
AR WP-1 Amercian Samoa
AR WP-10 Guam
AR WP-14 Republic of Kiribati
AR WP-20 Niue
AR WP-21 Northern Marianas
AR WP-26 Solomon Islands
AR WP-29 Kingdom of Tonga
AR WP-9 France
AR-WP-11 French Polynesia
AR-WP-12 Indonesia (cooperating non-member)
AR-WP-13 Japan
AR-WP-15 Republic of Korea
AR-WP-16 Republic of Marshall Islands
AR-WP-17 Republic of Nauru
AR-WP-18 New Caledonia
AR-WP-19 New Zealand
AR-WP-2 Australia
AR-WP-22 Republic of Palau
AR-WP-23 Independent State of Papua New Guinea
AR-WP-24 Republic of Philippines
AR-WP-25 Independent State of Samoa
AR-WP-27 Chinese Taipei
AR-WP-28 Tokelau
AR-WP-3 Canada
AR-WP-30 Tuvalu
AR-WP-31 United States of America (revised)
AR-WP-32 Republic of Vanuatu
AR-WP-33 Wallis and Futuna (part 1)
AR-WP-4 China
AR-WP-5 Cook Islands
AR-WP-6 European Union
AR-WP-7 Federated States of Micronesia (rev. 2)
AR-WP-8 Fiji Islands
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
EB-IP-1 Interactions between Sea Turtles and Pelagic Longline Fisheries.
Beverly, S. and L. Chapman.
EB-IP-10 Guide for Complying with Regulations to Reduce Interactions between Seabirds and Hawaii-Based Longline Vessels.
EB-IP-11 FFA Update on the Application of the Ecosystem-Based Approach to managing Tuna Fisheries amongst FFA Member Countries and Territory in the WCPO: specific to lessons from stakeholder consultations in countries.
EB-IP-12 CLIOTOP/PFRP Workshop: The Role of Squid in Pelagic Marine Ecosystems.
Olson, R. and J. Young.
EB-IP-13 A Summary of the Korean Tuna Fishery Observer Programme for the Pacific Ocean in 2006.
Kim, S.S., D.H. An, D.Y. Moon and S.J. Hwang.
EB-IP-14 Examination of tori-pole configuration in middle-sized longline vessels.
Minami, H., K. Yokota and M. Kiyota.
EB-IP-15 Shark capture and disposition in the Hawaii pelagic longline swordfish and tuna fisheries.
Gilman, E.
EB-IP-16 Review of measures taken by intergovernmental organizations to address sea turtle and seabird interactions in marine capture fisheries (Draft, not yet formally cleared by FAO).
Gilman, E.[1] and T. Moth-Poulsen[2].
EB-IP-17 Distribution of albatrosses and petrels in the WCPFC Convention Area and overlap with WCPFC longline fishing effort
BirdLife International.
EB-IP-18 Estimation of fisheries bycatch and risk assessment for short-tailed albatross using a Bayesian State-Space Model.
Okamura, H.[1], M. Kiyota[1], H. Kurota[1], and T. Kitakado[2].
EB-IP-19 Commonly captured sharks and rays for consideration of the Ecosystem and Bycatch SWG at SC3.
Molony, B.
EB-IP-2 Specification of a Database System to manage and facilitate access of information covering (i) By-catch and (ii) By-catch mitigation on behalf of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC).
Williams, P.
EB-IP-3 IATTC Research on Reducing Shark Bycatch in the Tuna Purse-Seine Fishery in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
Scott, M.
EB-IP-4 Quantifying the impact of longline fisheries on adult survival in the black-footed albatross. Journal of Applied Ecology 2007
Véran, S., O. Gimenez, E. Flint, W.L. Kendall, P.F. Doherty Jr., and J-D. Lebreton.
EB-IP-5 Status and Genetic Structure of Nesting Populations of Leatherback Turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the Western Pacific.
Dutton, P.H. et al.
EB-IP-6 Assessment of the impact of ICCAT fisheries on seabirds: proposed methodology and framework for discussion.
Phillips, R.A., G. Tuck and C. Small.
EB-IP-7 Studies of distribution, population dynamics and bycatch rates of seabirds in the Atlantic.
Phillips, R.A., C. Small and E. Howgate.
EB-IP-8 An Ecopath with Ecosim model of the WCPO warm pool pelagic ecosystem.
Allain, V., T. Essington, R. Olson, T. Okey, J. Dambacher, D. Kirby and S. Nicol.
EB-IP-9 Enhanced seamount location database for the western and central Pacific Ocean: screening and cross-checking of 20 existing datasets.
Allain,V. [1], J.-A. Kerandel [1], S. Andréfouët [2], F. Magron [1], M. Clark [3], and F. Muller-Karger [4]
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
EB WP-10 North Pacific blue shark stock assessment.
Kleiber, P. [1], S. Clarke[2], K. Bigelow[1], M. McAllister[3].
EB-WP-1 Ecological Risk Assessment for species caught in the WCPO tuna fishery: updated Productivity-Susceptibility Analysis.
Kirby, D. et al.
EB-WP-11 Comparison of circle hook and J hook catch rate for target and bycatch species taken in the Korean tuna longline fishery during 2005-2006.
Kim, S.-S., D.H. An, D.-Y. Moon and S.-J. Hwang.
EB-WP-12 Status of the regional observer programme intersessional working group.
EB-WP-13 Effective factors of tori-poles in reducing incidental catch of seabirds in the Japanese longline fishery.
Yolota, K., H. Minami, M. Kiyota.
EB-WP-14 Seabird bycatch mitigation: minimum standards for pelagic longline fishing and priorities for further research.
EB-WP-2 Regime shifts in the western and central Pacific Ocean.
Kirby, D. et al.
EB-WP-3 Ecological Risk Assessment Research Planning Workshop Report.
Kirby, D. et al.
EB-WP-4 A Review of Fin-weight Ratios for Pelagic Sharks.
Hindmarsh, S.
EB-WP-5 Large-scale experiment shows that banning wire leaders helps pelagic sharks and longline fishers.
Ward, P., E. Lawrence, R. Darbyshire and S. Hindmarsh.
EB-WP-6 Recording seabird bycatch in longline observer programmes.
Black, A., C. Small and B. Sullivan.
EB-WP-7 Developments (2006-2007) in scientific research on the use of modified fishing gear to reduce longline bycatch of sea turtles.
Boggs, C.H. and Y. Swimmer.
EB-WP-8 TCC Draft Report and Information Paper of the Voluntary Small Working Group on Seabird Bycatch Mitigation.
Norris, W. and S. Brouwer
EB-WP-9 Bayesian hazard regression modelling of factors affecting post-release mortality of loggerheads caught in pelagic longline fisheries
Swimmer, Y. [1], M. Chaloupka[2], L. McNaughton[3], M. Musyl[3].
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
FT-IP-1 Effects of gear characteristics on the presence of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the catches of the purse-seine fishery of the eastern Pacific Ocean.
Lennert-Cody, C.E.[1], J.J. Roberts [2], and R.J. Stephenson [3].
FT-IP-10 Recalculation of the Philippine tuna production from the WCPO.
Babaran, R.P.
FT-IP-11 An assessment of independent fishery tuna data collected from tuna landings from purse seine vessels in Madang for the year 1999 and 2005.
Koren, L.N.H.
FT-IP-2 The potential use of time-area closures to reduce catches of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the purse-seine fishery of the eastern Pacific Ocean.
Harley, S.J.[1] and J.M. Suter [2].
FT-IP-3 Compilation of TDR longline studies and coverage in the WCPO region.
Itano, D.
FT-IP-4 A summary of operational, technical and fishery information on WCPO purse seine fisheries operating on floating objects.
Itano, D.
FT-IP-5 Handbooks for the identification of yellowfin and bigeye tunas in (a) Fresh, (b) Frozen and (c) Fresh but Less than Ideal Condition - English version (Revised on 30Apr2013)
Itano, D. [1] and S. Fukofuka [2].
FT-IP-6 Photographic identification guide for billfish, sharks, rays, tuna-like and non-tuna finfish taken in WCPO pelagic longline fisheries (v1).
McAuliffe, J.A. [1], D.G. Itano [2], and S. Arceneaux [3].
FT-IP-7 Photographic identification guide for non-target fish species taken in WCPO purse seine fisheries
Fukofuka, S.[1] and D.G. Itano [2].
FT-IP-8 Gathering relevant information on pelagic ecosystem, tuna resources and related fisheries, for widespread local diffusion:
Chavance, P.N.
FT-IP-9 Socio Economic Factors Affecting Exploitation and Management of Top Predators.
Miyake, P.M.
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
GN WP-1 Overview of tuna fisheries in the western and central Pacific Ocean, including economic conditions - 2006.
GN WP-10 Regional tuna tagging: Phase 2 proposal.
GN WP-11 Cooperation with other organizations.
GN WP-12 The Coordinating Working Party on Fisheries Statistics (FAO-CWP).
GN WP-13 The Fishery Resources Monitoring System (FAO-FIRMS).
GN WP-14 Report on the 2007 Stock Assessment Workshops for the Oceanic Fisheries Management Project.
GN WP-15 Independent review of the Commission’s transitional science structure and functions.
GN WP-2 The fishery for tunas and billfishes in the eastern Pacific Ocean in 2006.
GN WP-3 Discussion paper for the inclusion of northern striped marlin as a “northern stock” in accordance with Annex 1 of the Commission’s Rules of Procedure.
GN WP-4 The relationship between the International Scientific Committee, the Northern Committee and the Scientific Committee in respect to the northern stocks.
GN WP-5 Report of the Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) Workshop, 6-9 August 2007, Honolulu, USA.
GN WP-6 WCPFC data standards for regional observer programme.
GN WP-7 Report of the Fourth Steering Committee on IPDCP, 14-15 August 2007, Honolulu, USA.
GN WP-8 Report of the Eastern Indonesia Tuna Fishery Data Collection Workshop, 30-31 January 2007, Jakarta, Indonesia
GN WP-9 PNG tagging project: progress report.
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC-SC-2007 / 01 Notice of meeting & meeting arrangements (rev 3)
WCPFC-SC-2007 / 02 Provisional agenda
WCPFC-SC-2007 / 03 Provisional annotated agenda
WCPFC-SC-2007 / 04 Indicative schedule
WCPFC-SC-2007 / 05 Registration Form
WCPFC-SC-2007 / 06 List of documents (Rev. 10)
WCPFC-SC-2007 / 07 Guidelines in submitting Specialist Working Group (SWG) papers

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