18th Regular Session of the Commission

Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Observer Fees:
More Information

General guidance to online meeting arrangements is provided in our new online support platform.

As decided at WCPFC13, a fee applies for non-governmental organization (NGO) participation at Commission meetings. For WCPFC18 the fee for the first two representatives of an NGO delegation is set at US $250 and US $150 for each subsequent representative. Payment options are included in the email when registering.


On 12 November, the WCPFC Chair issued Circular 2021/99 related to the WCPFC18 Meeting Schedule (see below).  The following is the meeting schedule in Pohnpei time (UTC+11) :

  • Monday 29 November: FAC15 from 0900h - 1100h and HOD from 1130h - 1330h.
  • Tuesday 30 November:  the day is reserved for delegations to rest.*

The co-Chairs of the Review of the Transhipment CMM IWG (TS-IWG) have scheduled on the margins of WCPFC18 a meeting of the TS-IWG on Tuesday 30 November 0900h - 1100h (for further details please refer to the 27 Nov TS-IWG update which was emailed to TS-IWG participants and is posted to the WCPFC TS-IWG page (link))

  • Wednesday 1 December: Day 1 of WCPFC18 plenary from 1300h - 1700h.

CNM SWG chaired by Emily Crigler (USA) is scheduled to meet in a break-out room during the break on Day 1

  • Thursday 2 December: Day 2 of WCPFC18 plenary from 1300h - 1700h.

The WG to develop the list of obligations for the CMS chaired by Heather Ward (NZ) is scheduled to meet in a break-out room during the break on Day 2

The SWG to develop the draft final CMR chaired by TCC Chair Mat Kertesz (Australia) is scheduled to meet immediately following the close of session on Day 2.  This SWG will be held taking into account the confidentiality of information. (CMM 2019-06 para 8 and 21(i)).

  • Friday 3 December:  the day is reserved for delegations to rest.*
  • Saturday 4 December: Day 3 of WCPFC18 plenary from 0900h - 1300h(session may be extended if necessary to get all the business of the Commission done by the end of this day).

The WG to develop the list of obligations for the CMS chaired by Heather Ward (NZ) is scheduled to meet in a break-out room during the break on Day 3

The Northern Committee will have an informal meeting in plenary after the end of session on Day 3

  • Sunday 5 December:  the day is reserved for delegations to rest.*

A HOD+3 working group to discuss TTM will meet from 0900h for three hours on Sunday 5 December (refer to WCPFC18-2021-16_rev1)

  • Monday 6 December: Day 4 of WCPFC18 plenary from 0900h - 1300h(session may be extended if necessary to get all the business of the Commission done by the end of this day).

FAC15 scheduled to resume in a break-out room during the break on Day 4

The SWG to develop the draft final CMR chaired by TCC Chair Mat Kertesz (Australia) is scheduled to meet in plenary immediately following the close of session on Day 4.  This SWG will be held taking into account the confidentiality of information. (CMM 2019-06 para 8 and 21(i)).

  • Tuesday 7 December: Day 5 of WCPFC18 plenary from 0900h - 1300h (session may be extended if necessary to get all the business of the Commission done by the end of this day). 

FAC15 will resume from 0800h - 0900h in plenary before the start of session on Day 5.

* The rest days are included to allow delegations adversely affected by the meeting time to recover.  It may also provide an opportunity for delegations and the Chair to consult informally on the new tropical tuna measure or for discussion of any working groups the Commission may establish. 

WCPFC18 Online Discussion Forum (ODF)

The WCPFC18 Online Discussion Forum (ODF) commenced on Tuesday 16 November 2021 with a preliminary list of topics based on the WCPFC18 Provisional Annotated Agenda.  A list of topics for the WCPFC18 online discussion forum is under development.  As agreed at the HOD meeting, the WCPFC18 ODF will remain open during WCPFC18 meeting so that CCMs can lodge ideas and views for informal considerations not only for this annual meeting but also to feed into intersessional work.  The forum topics will close for further comments as agenda items are closed or otherwise at the conclusion of WCPFC18 meeting.

WCPFC18 participants must be registered and approved for the WCPFC18 meeting in order to participate in the ODF.  For guidance please refer to the new online support platform.

Secure content

Note that there are additional WCPFC18 meeting papers that are accessed by registered and approved CCM users, through secure CCM portal pages hosted on the WCPFC website (www.wcpfc.int), to date this includes:

  • Supporting information for CNM requests for 2022 (WCPFC18-2021-07 Att 4) 
  • Information related to the Compliance Monitoring Report (WCPFC18-2021-21_rev1 SECURE, WCPFC18-2021-fCMR_draft_rev1 Draft of final CMR as cleared by the CMR SWG on DAY 4)

Further guidance on accessing secure content is provided through this page and this page on the online support platform.  


Download Meeting Documents*18 May 2022ZIP - 96.34 MB
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
Provisional copies of recently agreed CMMs can be found at:- https://www.wcpfc.int/conservation-and-management-measures (refer to Provisional CMMs folder)
Attachment G: CMM 2021-01 Conservation and Management Measure for bigeye, yellowfin and skipjack tuna in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean

Attachment H: CMM 2021-02 Conservation and Management Measure for Pacific Bluefin Tuna

Attachment R: CMM 2021-03 Conservation and Management Measure on the Compliance Monitoring Scheme

Attachment E: CMM 2021-04 Conservation and Management Measure for Charter Notification Scheme
Agenda 1.1 Adopted Agenda
Attachment D - draft WCPFC18 Summary Report
Agenda 10.1 2021 Final Compliance Monitoring Report (covering 2020 activities)
Attachment Q - draft WCPFC18 Summary Report
Agenda 10.4 Agreed List of Obligations to guide the preparation by the Secretariat of the draft CMR in 2022, covering 2021 activities
Attachment S - draft WCPFC18 Summary Report
Agenda 11 WCPFC IUU Vessel List for 2022
Attachment T - draft WCPFC18 Summary Report
Agenda 12.2 Final Approved Budget - Annex 1 - 3
Attachment V - draft WCPFC18 Summary Report
Agenda 13.3 Timeline for recruitment of new Executive Director
Attachment W - draft WCPFC18 Summary Report
Agenda 6.2 WCPFC Strategic Investment Plan 2021
Attachment F - draft WCPFC18 Summary Report
Agenda 8.1 Indicative Workplan for the adoption of Harvest Strategies under CMM 2014-06 (2021)
Attachment I - draft WCPFC18 Summary Report
Agenda 9.2 SSPs for the Commission VMS
Attachment J - draft WCPFC18 Summary Report
Agenda 9.2 Annual Report Part 2 VMS-related template recommended to WCPFC18 as a new annex to CMM 2014-02
Attachment K - draft WCPFC18 Summary Report
Agenda 9.2 WCPFC Standard Operating Procedures for the Commission VMS
Attachment L - draft WCPFC18 Summary Report
Agenda 9.2 Guidelines for Voluntary submission of purse seine processor data by CCMs to the Commission
Attachment M - draft WCPFC18 Summary Report
Agenda 9.2 Best practice guidelines for handing and release of cetaceans
Attachment N - draft WCPFC18 Summary Report
Agenda 9.2 TCC Workplan 2022 - 2024
Attachment O - draft WCPFC18 Summary Report
Agenda 9.3 Harvest Strategy for Pacific Bluefin Fisheries
Attachment P - draft WCPFC18 Summary Report
WCPFC18-2021-outcomes WCPFC18 Provisional Outcomes Document
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC18-2021-04 The 2021 Annual Report of the Executive Director
WCPFC18-2021-05 Status of the Convention
Prepared by the Depositary, New Zealand
WCPFC18-2021-06 List of Observers
WCPFC18-2021-07_rev2 Cooperating Non-Member requests for 2022
WCPFC18-2021-08 COVID-19-related Intersessional decisions
WCPFC18-2021-09 Updated Strategic Investment Plan
WCPFC18-2021-10 Further updates to WCPO skipjack tuna projected stock status to inform consideration of an updated target reference point
WCPFC18-2021-11 Updated WCPO bigeye and yellowfin TRP evaluations
WCPFC18-2021-12 Recent progress in the technical development of harvest strategies for WCPFC stocks and fisheries (SC17-MI-WP-03)
WCPFC18-2021-13 Evaluations of candidate management procedures for skipjack tuna in the WCPO (SC17-MI-WP-04)
WCPFC18-2021-14 Reference Document for Bigeye, Yellowfin and Skipjack tuna for the Review of CMM 2020-01 and Development of Harvest Strategies under CMM 2014-06
WCPFC18-2021-15 Results of analyses requested by TTMW2 and TTMW1
WCPFC18-2021-16 Chair's November Consultative Draft of Conservation and Management Measure for Tropical Tuna
WCPFC18-2021-16_rev1 Chair's Suggested Way Forward Draft of Conservation and Management Measure for Tropical Tuna - 3 December 2021
WCPFC18-2021-17 Recalibration of the target reference point for South Pacific albacore
WCPFC18-2021-18 Reference Document for South Pacific Albacore for the Review of CMM 2015-02 and Development of Harvest Strategies under CMM 2014-06
WCPFC18-2021-19_rev1 Reference Document for Pacific Bluefin Tuna for the Review of CMM 2020-02 and HS 2017-02, and Highlights from NC17 for Agenda Item 9.3
WCPFC18-2021-20 Southwest Pacific swordfish projections
WCPFC18-2021-21 Reference document for southwest Pacific swordfish for the review of CMM 2009-03
WCPFC18-2021-22 Reference Document for North Pacific Striped Marlin for the Review of CMM 2010-01
WCPFC18-2021-23_rev1 Reference Document on the progress of the Harvest Strategy Workplan under CMM 2014-06
WCPFC18-2021-24 Options for a baseline of the “large-fish” Handline fishery fishing in Indonesia’s EEZ (IEEZ) with vessels >30GT for the WCPFC Tropical Tuna Measure
Indonesia and SPC-OFP
WCPFC18-2021-25 Reference document on TCC17 recommendations for Agenda 9.2 and 9.4
WCPFC18-2021-26 Draft best practice guidelines for handling of cetaceans
WCPFC18-2021-27_rev1 Synopsis of updates to compliance statuses of CCMs in the Provisional CMR recommended by TCC17
WCPFC18-2021-28 Reference document on TCC17 recommendations for Agenda 10
WCPFC18-2021-29 Draft CMS IWG Workplan
WCPFC18-2021-30 WCPFC IUU Vessel List for 2022
WCPFC18-2021-31 Timeline for recruitment of new Executive Director
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC18-2021-IP01 Summary from Part 2 of CMM 2013-07 annual reports - RY2020 (TCC17-2021-11_rev1)
WCPFC18-2021-IP01_suppl enclosures to Summary from Part 2 of CMM 2013-07 annual reports - RY2020
WCPFC18-2021-IP02_rev1 The western and central Pacific tuna fishery: 2020 Overview and status of stocks
WCPFC18-2021-IP03_rev1 Summary of the reports received under tropical tuna CMMs from 2018 to 2021 (update of TCC17-2021-IP04)
WCPFC18-2021-IP04 Catch and effort data summaries to support discussions on the tropical tuna CMMs (TCC17-2021-IP05)
Secretariat and SPC-OFP
WCPFC18-2021-IP05 Trends in the South Pacific Albacore Longline and Troll Fishery (SC17-2021-SA-IP04 and TCC17-2021-IP03)
WCPFC18-2021-IP06 Summary of reporting received by WCPFC under CMM 2010-05 and CMM 2015-02: South Pacific Albacore (TCC17-2021-IP06)
Secretariat and SPC-OFP
WCPFC18-2021-IP07 Compiled information on Pacific bluefin tuna - fishing effort and catch (NC17-2021-WP02)
WCPFC18-2021-IP08 Updated information on North Pacific albacore effort data (NC17-2021-WP01)
WCPFC18-2021-IP09 Annual Report of the Regional Observer Programme (TCC17-2021-RP02_rev1)
WCPFC18-2021-IP10 Desktop-study investigating high-level options for the WCPFC Secretariat’s role in at-sea transhipment Electronic-Monitoring
WCPFC18-2021-IP11_rev3 Summary of Notifications to WCPFC of charter, lease or other mechanisms
WCPFC18-2021-IP12 Update of preliminary consideration of anticipated forecast of Secretariat work commitments for TCC in 2022/23
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-DP01 Management objectives and acceptable levels of exploitation for the tropical tuna stocks - discussion paper
United States of America
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-DP02 FFA submission to the 1st WCPFC workshop on the Tropical Tuna Measure
FFA Members
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-DP03 Japan’s proposal to the first Workshop on the New Tropical Tuna Measure
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-DP04 PNA Submission to the 1st WCPFC workshop on the Tropical Tuna Measure
Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) + Tokelau
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-DP05 Discussion paper on management objectives for the new tropical tunas conservation and management measure
European Union
WCPFC-TTMW1-2021-DP06 Republic of Korea’s Views on the Tropical Tuna Measure (TTMW1)
Republic of Korea
WCPFC-TTMW2-2021-DP01 Republic of Korea’s Views on the Tropical Tuna Measure (TTMW2)
Republic of Korea
WCPFC-TTMW2-2021-DP02 FFA submission to the 2nd Workshop on the Tropical Tuna Measure
WCPFC-TTMW2-2021-DP03 American Samoa statement to TTMW2
American Samoa
WCPFC18-2021-TTM-DP01 FFA Submission on elements of the WCPFC Tropical Tuna Measure
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC18-2021-TTM-DP02 USA comments and proposals for the next CMM on Tropical Tuna - for consideration in the Chair's Consultative Draft CMM
United States of America
WCPFC18-2021-TTM-DP03 Japan's comments on the Chair's Consultative Draft CMM - 1 October
WCPFC18-2021-TTM-DP04 Chinese Taipei's comments on the Chair's Consultative Draft CMM - 1 October
Chinese Taipei
WCPFC18-2021-TTM-DP05 Republic of Korea's comments on the Chair's Consultative Draft CMM - 1 October
Republic of Korea
WCPFC18-2021-TTM-DP06 European Union's comments on the Chair's Consultative Draft CMM - 1 October
European Union
WCPFC18-2021-TTM-DP07 FFA comments on the Chair's Consultative Draft CMM - 1 October
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC18-2021-TTM-DP08 SPG Members' priorities for WCPFC Tropical Tuna CMM
Niue, Cook Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, Samoa and Tonga
WCPFC18-2021-TTM-DP09 Assessments under CMM 2013-06 for Proposed and Potential Provisions of a New Conservation and Management Measure for the Tropical Tuna Stocks
American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, United States of America
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC18-2021-OP01_rev1 Views from the Fishing Industry Participants
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
WCPFC18-2021-OP02 WCPFC18 Position Statement
International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF)
WCPFC18-2021-OP03 WCPFC Position Statement on Harvest Strategies
Global Tuna Alliance
WCPFC18-2021-OP04 KMI and ANCORS Workshop on Distant Water Fishing Crew Labour Standards
WCPFC18-2021-OP05 Position Statement to WCPFC18
Birdlife International
WCPFC18-2021-OP06 A Comparative Analysis of AIS Data with the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Reported Transshipment Activity in 2019
Pew Charitable Trusts
WCPFC18-2021-OP07 Statement to WCPFC18
Pew Charitable Trusts
WCPFC18-2021-OP08 Position Statement to WCPFC18
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
WCPFC18-2021-OP09 Slavery at Sea: Forced Labour, Human Rights Abuses, and the Need for the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission to Establish Labour Standards for Crew
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
WCPFC18-2021-OP10 Harvest strategies and allocation - A chicken and egg scenario?
Pew Charitable Trusts
WCPFC18-2021-OP11 GTA and WCPFC Roundtable Presentation Slides
The Global Tuna Alliance
WCPFC18-2021-OP12 Views of 17 Organizations of Japan which support sustainable production and consumption of tropical tunas
World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
WCPFC18-2021-OP13 Position Statement to WCPFC18
International Pole and Line Foundation (IPNLF)
WCPFC18-2021-OP14 Joint Civil Society Organisations (CSO) Statement to WCPFC18
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
WCPFC18-2021-OP15 Ecuador Delegation Statement to WCPFC18
WCPFC18-2021-OP16 Statement submitted for Agenda 9.4.3 Crew Labour Standards
Advocates for Public Interest Law (APIL)

* Secure documents are not included in the zip file