4th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
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  Scientific Committee

Fourth Regular session 11-22 August 2008 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea


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Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
AR-WP-1 American Samoa
AR-WP-10 Guam
AR-WP-11 French Polynesia
AR-WP-12 Indonesia (cooperating non-member)
AR-WP-13 Japan
AR-WP-14 Republic of Kiribati
AR-WP-15 Republic of Korea
AR-WP-16 Republic of the Marshall Islands
AR-WP-17 Republic of Nauru
AR-WP-18 New Caledoni
AR-WP-19 New Zealand
AR-WP-2 Australia
AR-WP-20 Niue
AR-WP-21 Northern Marianas
AR-WP-22 Republic of Palau
AR-WP-23 Independent State of Papua New Guinea
AR-WP-24 Republic of the Philippines
AR-WP-25 Independent State of Samoa
AR-WP-26 Solomon Islands
AR-WP-27 Chinese Taipei
AR-WP-28 Tokelau
AR-WP-29 Kingdom of Tonga
AR-WP-3 Canada
AR-WP-30 Tuvalu
AR-WP-31 United States of America
AR-WP-32 Republic of Vanuatu
AR-WP-33 Wallis and Futuna
AR-WP-34 Belize (cooperating non-member)
AR-WP-4 China
AR-WP-5 Cook Islands
AR-WP-6 European Union
AR-WP-7 Federated States of Micronesia
AR-WP-8 Fiji Islands
AR-WP-9 France
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
BI-WP-1 Age and growth of swordfish (Xiphias ladius) in the North Pacific.
Valeiras, X. [1], J. Mejuto [2] and M. Ruíz [1]
BI-WP-2 Origin of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Hawaiian Islands: Preliminary assessment of natal signatures in otoliths.
Itano, D. [1], R.J. David Wells [2] and J.R. Rooker [2].
BI-WP-3 Note on the stock structure of Pacific bigeye tuna to be used in stock assessments.
Fonteneau, A [1] and J. Ariz [2].
BI-WP-4 Stock structure of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the Pacific Ocean using microsatellite DNA markers.
Kasapidis, P. [1], A. Magoulas, [1], B. García-Cortés, [2] and J. Mejuto [2].
BI-WP-5 Overview of Japanese tagging project on tropical tunas in the temperate area of Japanese water.
Matsumoto, T. and H. Okamoto.
BI-WP-6 Reproductive activity of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the Pacific Ocean on the basis of different macroscopic indicators.
Mejuto, J., B.García-Cortés and A. Ramos-Cartelle
BI-WP-7 A research plan for a pacific-wide study of bigeye reproductive and growth biology.
Nicol, S [1], S. Hoyle [1], B. Molony [2], D. Itano [3], K. Schaefer [4], A. Aires-Da-Silva [4], C. Sun [5], H. Honda [6], M. Maunder [4], A. Langley [1], V. Allain [1], A. Williams [1], P. Williams [1], J. Hampton [1], C. Millar [1].
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
EB-IP-1 CCAMLR process of risk assessment to minimise the effects of longline fishing mortality on seabirds
Waugh, S. [1], G.B. Baker [2], R. Gales [3], J.P. Croxall [4].
EB-IP-2 Draft New Zealand NPOA Sharks.
Ministry of Fisheries, New Zealand.
EB-IP-3 Use of light streamer lines and line weighting on longline vessels and the implications for seabird bycatch
Brouwer, S. and N. Walker.
EB-IP-4 A summary of the Korean tuna fishery observer program for the Pacific Ocean in 2007
An, D-H, S-S Kim, D-Y Moon, S-J Hwang, and Y-J Kwon
EB-IP-5 Preliminary overall estimations of bycatch landed by the Spanish surface longline fleet targeting swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the Pacific Ocean and interaction with marine turtles and sea birds: Years 1990-2005.
Mejuto, J., B. García-Cortés, A. Ramos-Cartelle and J. Ariz.
EB-IP-6 Fisheries biology and ecology of highly migratory species that commonly interact with industrialised longline and purse-seine fisheries in the western and central Pacific Ocean.
Molony, B.
EB-IP-7 Estimates of seabird population sizes and trends.
EB-IP-8 Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) Action Plan for Sea Turtle Mitigation.
Cameron, D.S. [1] and G.L Preston [2].
EB-IP-9 Species composition and size frequency data based on Chinese observer program in central Pacific Ocean in 2008.
X-J Dai and J-F Zhu
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
EB-WP-1 Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) Progress Report (2007/8) & Work Plan (2008/9)
Kirby, D
EB-WP-10 SEAPODYM. V2: A Spatial ecosystem and Population dynamics model with parameter optimization providing a new tool for tuna management.
Lehodey, P. [1], I. Senina [1], J. Sibert [2] and J. Hampton [3].
EB-WP-2 Preliminary results of an ecological risk assessment for New Zealand fisheries interactions with seabirds and marine mammals.
Waugh, S. [1], D. Filippi [1], N. Walker [2], D. Kirby [3].
EB-WP-3 Albatross and petrel distribution within the WCPFC area.
EB-WP-4 Stages in the process of managing seabird mortality in RFMO fisheries.
Waugh, S.
EB-WP-5 Overview of the interaction between seabird and Taiwanese longline fisheries in the Pacific Ocean.
Chung, K-N.
EB-WP-6 Overview of Taiwanese observers program for large scale tuna longline fisheries in Pacific Ocean from 2002 to 2006.
Chung, K-N.
EB-WP-7 Direct comparison of seabird avoidance effect between two types of tori-lines in experimental longline operations
Yokota, K., H. Minami, and M. Kiyota.
EB-WP-8 Seabird bycatch rates in WCPFC fisheries.
Black, A.
EB-WP-9 Implementation of bycatch mitigation measures in Australia's pelagic longline fisheries: The effects of circle hooks on target and non-target catches.
Ward, P., S. Epe, D. Kreutz, C. Robins and A. Sands
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
GN IP-1 Hawaii Tuna Tagging Project II: Project description.
GN-IP-1 Itano, D. [1], K. Holland [2], K. Weng [3]
GN IP-10 Summary Report of the Fifth Steering Committee on the IPDCP, 12-13 August 2008.
GN-IP-10 Secretariat.
GN IP-11 Report of the marlin and swordfish working group joint workshop.
GN-IP-11 ISC Marlin and Swordfish Working Group.
GN IP-12 Cooperation with other organizations
GN IP-2 Pacific Tuna Tagging Programme, Summary Report - Phase 2 (Central Pacific), Cruise 1: 5 May-3 June 2008.
GN-IP-2 Itano, D
GN IP-3 PTTP Summary Report: Review Phase 1.
GN-IP-3 Leroy, B. [1], B. Kumasi [1], A. Lewis [1], D. Itano [2], T. Usu [3], J. Hampton [1], S. Nicol [1].
GN IP-4 PTTP operational plans for 2008-09.
GN-IP-4 Hampton, J. [1], S. Nicol [1], B. Leroy [1], B. Kumasi [1], A. Lewis [1], D. Itano [2].
GN IP-5 PTTP tag recovery issues.
GN-IP-5 Kumasi, P. [1], B. Leroy [1], J. Hampton [1], S. Nicol [1], A. Lewis [1], D. Itano [2].
GN IP-6 Intersessional activities of the Scientific Committee
GN-IP-6 Secretariat.
GN IP-7 Brief review of the methods for the future projections of Pacific bluefin tuna stock assessment.
GN-IP-7 Ichinokawa, M. [1], M. Kai [1], Y. Takeuchi [1], and R. Conser [2].
GN IP-8 Maximum sustainable yield-based reference points for North Pacific striped marlin, Tetrapturus audax.
GN-IP-8 Brodziak, J. [1], K. Piner [2].
GN IP-9 Estimation of striped marlin biomass above 20°N in the central and western North Pacific Ocean.
GN-IP-9 ISC Billfish Working Group
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
GN IP-1 Hawaii Tuna Tagging Project II: Project description.
GN-IP-1 Itano, D. [1], K. Holland [2], K. Weng [3]
GN IP-2 Pacific Tuna Tagging Programme, Summary Report - Phase 2 (Central Pacific), Cruise 1: 5 May-3 June 2008.
GN-IP-2 Itano, D
GN IP-3 PTTP Summary Report: Review Phase 1.
GN-IP-3 Leroy, B. [1], B. Kumasi [1], A. Lewis [1], D. Itano [2], T. Usu [3], J. Hampton [1], S. Nicol [1].
GN IP-4 PTTP operational plans for 2008-09.
GN-IP-4 Hampton, J. [1], S. Nicol [1], B. Leroy [1], B. Kumasi [1], A. Lewis [1], D. Itano [2].
GN IP-5 PTTP tag recovery issues.
GN-IP-5 Kumasi, P. [1], B. Leroy [1], J. Hampton [1], S. Nicol [1], A. Lewis [1], D. Itano [2].
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SA-WP-1 Stock assessment of bigeye tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean, including an analysis of management options.
Langley, A. [1], J. Hampton [1], P. Kleiber [2] and S. Hoyle [1].
SA-WP-2 ]. A preliminary stock assessment of bigeye tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean using stock synthesis 3 (SS3); A comparison with MULTIFAN-CL.
Langley, A. [1] and R. Methot [2].
SA-WP-3 General structural sensitivity analysis for the bigeye tuna stock assessment
Hoyle, S., A. Langley, and J. Hampton.
SA-WP-4 Stock assessment of skipjack tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean.
Langley, A. and J. Hampton.
SA-WP-5 Standardized catch rates in biomass for the south central and western Pacific swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from the Spanish longline fleet for the period 2004-2006
Mejuto, J., B. García-Cortés, and A. Ramos-Cartelle.
SA-WP-6 Multifan-CL Stock Assessment of Southern Western-Central Pacific Swordfish 1952-2007.
Kolody, D. [1], R. Campbell [1] and N. Davies [2].
SA-WP-7 CASAL stock assessment for southwest-central Pacific broadbill swordfish 1952-2007.
Davies, N. [1], R. Bian [2], D. Kolody [3] and R. Campbell.[4].
SA-WP-8 Stock assessment of Albacore tuna in the south Pacific Ocean.
Hoyle, S., A. Langley and J. Hampton.
SA-WP-9 Compendium of fishery indicators for target tuna species
Hampton, J. and P. Williams.

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