4th Regular Session of the Scientific Committee

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
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  Scientific Committee

Fourth Regular session 11-22 August 2008 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea


Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
AR-WP-1 American Samoa
AR-WP-10 Guam
AR-WP-11 French Polynesia
AR-WP-12 Indonesia (cooperating non-member)
AR-WP-13 Japan
AR-WP-14 Republic of Kiribati
AR-WP-15 Republic of Korea
AR-WP-16 Republic of the Marshall Islands
AR-WP-17 Republic of Nauru
AR-WP-18 New Caledoni
AR-WP-19 New Zealand
AR-WP-2 Australia
AR-WP-20 Niue
AR-WP-21 Northern Marianas
AR-WP-22 Republic of Palau
AR-WP-23 Independent State of Papua New Guinea
AR-WP-24 Republic of the Philippines
AR-WP-25 Independent State of Samoa
AR-WP-26 Solomon Islands
AR-WP-27 Chinese Taipei
AR-WP-28 Tokelau
AR-WP-29 Kingdom of Tonga
AR-WP-3 Canada
AR-WP-30 Tuvalu
AR-WP-31 United States of America
AR-WP-32 Republic of Vanuatu
AR-WP-33 Wallis and Futuna
AR-WP-34 Belize (cooperating non-member)
AR-WP-4 China
AR-WP-5 Cook Islands
AR-WP-6 European Union
AR-WP-7 Federated States of Micronesia
AR-WP-8 Fiji Islands
AR-WP-9 France
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BI-SWG-01 Provisional agenda (rev1)
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BI-IP-1 Preliminary study of age, growth, and spawning activity of albacore in Australia’s eastern tuna & billfish fishery.
Farley, J. and N. Clear.
BI-IP-2 Comparison of maturity and ageing of swordfish from Hawaiian and Australian waters.
Young, J [1], R. Humphreys [2], J. Uchiyama [2], and N. Clear [1].
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BI-WP-1 Age and growth of swordfish (Xiphias ladius) in the North Pacific.
Valeiras, X. [1], J. Mejuto [2] and M. Ruíz [1]
BI-WP-2 Origin of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Hawaiian Islands: Preliminary assessment of natal signatures in otoliths.
Itano, D. [1], R.J. David Wells [2] and J.R. Rooker [2].
BI-WP-3 Note on the stock structure of Pacific bigeye tuna to be used in stock assessments.
Fonteneau, A [1] and J. Ariz [2].
BI-WP-4 Stock structure of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the Pacific Ocean using microsatellite DNA markers.
Kasapidis, P. [1], A. Magoulas, [1], B. García-Cortés, [2] and J. Mejuto [2].
BI-WP-5 Overview of Japanese tagging project on tropical tunas in the temperate area of Japanese water.
Matsumoto, T. and H. Okamoto.
BI-WP-6 Reproductive activity of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the Pacific Ocean on the basis of different macroscopic indicators.
Mejuto, J., B.García-Cortés and A. Ramos-Cartelle
BI-WP-7 A research plan for a pacific-wide study of bigeye reproductive and growth biology.
Nicol, S [1], S. Hoyle [1], B. Molony [2], D. Itano [3], K. Schaefer [4], A. Aires-Da-Silva [4], C. Sun [5], H. Honda [6], M. Maunder [4], A. Langley [1], V. Allain [1], A. Williams [1], P. Williams [1], J. Hampton [1], C. Millar [1].
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EB-SWG-01 Provisional agenda
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EB-IP-1 CCAMLR process of risk assessment to minimise the effects of longline fishing mortality on seabirds
Waugh, S. [1], G.B. Baker [2], R. Gales [3], J.P. Croxall [4].
EB-IP-2 Draft New Zealand NPOA Sharks.
Ministry of Fisheries, New Zealand.
EB-IP-3 Use of light streamer lines and line weighting on longline vessels and the implications for seabird bycatch
Brouwer, S. and N. Walker.
EB-IP-4 A summary of the Korean tuna fishery observer program for the Pacific Ocean in 2007
An, D-H, S-S Kim, D-Y Moon, S-J Hwang, and Y-J Kwon
EB-IP-5 Preliminary overall estimations of bycatch landed by the Spanish surface longline fleet targeting swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the Pacific Ocean and interaction with marine turtles and sea birds: Years 1990-2005.
Mejuto, J., B. García-Cortés, A. Ramos-Cartelle and J. Ariz.
EB-IP-6 Fisheries biology and ecology of highly migratory species that commonly interact with industrialised longline and purse-seine fisheries in the western and central Pacific Ocean.
Molony, B.
EB-IP-7 Estimates of seabird population sizes and trends.
EB-IP-8 Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) Action Plan for Sea Turtle Mitigation.
Cameron, D.S. [1] and G.L Preston [2].
EB-IP-9 Species composition and size frequency data based on Chinese observer program in central Pacific Ocean in 2008.
X-J Dai and J-F Zhu
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
EB-WP-1 Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) Progress Report (2007/8) & Work Plan (2008/9)
Kirby, D
EB-WP-10 SEAPODYM. V2: A Spatial ecosystem and Population dynamics model with parameter optimization providing a new tool for tuna management.
Lehodey, P. [1], I. Senina [1], J. Sibert [2] and J. Hampton [3].
EB-WP-2 Preliminary results of an ecological risk assessment for New Zealand fisheries interactions with seabirds and marine mammals.
Waugh, S. [1], D. Filippi [1], N. Walker [2], D. Kirby [3].
EB-WP-3 Albatross and petrel distribution within the WCPFC area.
EB-WP-4 Stages in the process of managing seabird mortality in RFMO fisheries.
Waugh, S.
EB-WP-5 Overview of the interaction between seabird and Taiwanese longline fisheries in the Pacific Ocean.
Chung, K-N.
EB-WP-6 Overview of Taiwanese observers program for large scale tuna longline fisheries in Pacific Ocean from 2002 to 2006.
Chung, K-N.
EB-WP-7 Direct comparison of seabird avoidance effect between two types of tori-lines in experimental longline operations
Yokota, K., H. Minami, and M. Kiyota.
EB-WP-8 Seabird bycatch rates in WCPFC fisheries.
Black, A.
EB-WP-9 Implementation of bycatch mitigation measures in Australia's pelagic longline fisheries: The effects of circle hooks on target and non-target catches.
Ward, P., S. Epe, D. Kreutz, C. Robins and A. Sands
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FT-SWG-01 Provisional Agenda
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FT WP-4 Catch of small-sized tuna by set types of Korean tuna purse seine fishery in the WCPO.
Moon, Dae-Yeon, Doo-Hae An, Seon-Jae Hwang and Soon-Song Kim.
FT-WP-1 Effects of depth of underwater structures of FADs on catch of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the tropical waters of the western Pacific Ocean.
Satoh, K., H. Okamoto, Y. Takeuchi, H. Shono, T. Matsumoto, K. Watanabe, N. Miyabe and H. Honda
FT-WP-2 Research on acoustic selectivity on FAD associated tropical purse-seine fisheries.
Morón, J. [3, and presenter].
FT-WP-3 The use of underwater video to characterize the species, size composition and vertical distribution of tunas and non-tuna bycatch around floating objects.
Itano, D.
FT-WP-5 Catch of small-sized tuna by set types of Korean tuna purse-seine fishery in the WCPO.
An, D-H [1], D-Y Moon [1], S-J Hwang [1], S-S Kim [1] and Y-J Kwon [2].
FT-WP-6 The development of Industry-related technical solutions to reduce bycatch and fishing mortality of STFO
Itano, D.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
GN IP-1 Hawaii Tuna Tagging Project II: Project description.
GN-IP-1 Itano, D. [1], K. Holland [2], K. Weng [3]
GN IP-10 Summary Report of the Fifth Steering Committee on the IPDCP, 12-13 August 2008.
GN-IP-10 Secretariat.
GN IP-11 Report of the marlin and swordfish working group joint workshop.
GN-IP-11 ISC Marlin and Swordfish Working Group.
GN IP-12 Cooperation with other organizations
GN IP-2 Pacific Tuna Tagging Programme, Summary Report - Phase 2 (Central Pacific), Cruise 1: 5 May-3 June 2008.
GN-IP-2 Itano, D
GN IP-3 PTTP Summary Report: Review Phase 1.
GN-IP-3 Leroy, B. [1], B. Kumasi [1], A. Lewis [1], D. Itano [2], T. Usu [3], J. Hampton [1], S. Nicol [1].
GN IP-4 PTTP operational plans for 2008-09.
GN-IP-4 Hampton, J. [1], S. Nicol [1], B. Leroy [1], B. Kumasi [1], A. Lewis [1], D. Itano [2].
GN IP-5 PTTP tag recovery issues.
GN-IP-5 Kumasi, P. [1], B. Leroy [1], J. Hampton [1], S. Nicol [1], A. Lewis [1], D. Itano [2].
GN IP-6 Intersessional activities of the Scientific Committee
GN-IP-6 Secretariat.
GN IP-7 Brief review of the methods for the future projections of Pacific bluefin tuna stock assessment.
GN-IP-7 Ichinokawa, M. [1], M. Kai [1], Y. Takeuchi [1], and R. Conser [2].
GN IP-8 Maximum sustainable yield-based reference points for North Pacific striped marlin, Tetrapturus audax.
GN-IP-8 Brodziak, J. [1], K. Piner [2].
GN IP-9 Estimation of striped marlin biomass above 20°N in the central and western North Pacific Ocean.
GN-IP-9 ISC Billfish Working Group
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
GN WP-1 Overview of tuna fisheries in the western and central Pacific Ocean, including economic conditions - 2007.
GN-WP-1 Williams, P. [1] and P. Terawasi [2].
GN WP-10 Approaches for identification of appropriate reference points and implementation of MSE within the WCPO.
GN-WP-10 Davies, C. and M. Basson.
GN WP-2 The fishery for tunas and billfishes in the Eastern Pacific Ocean in 2007
GN WP-3 Guidelines outlining the process for formulating the work programme and budget of the Scientific Committee
GN-WP-3 Secretariat.
GN WP-4 IPDCP progress report [Indonesia]
GN-WP-4 Indonesia.
GN WP-5 IPDCP progress report [Philippines]
GN-WP-5 Philippines.
GN WP-6 Report of the 2008 Tuna Stock Assessment Training Workshops
GN WP-8 Summary of 2007/2008 IPDCP activities supported by the Secretariat
GN-WP-8 Secretariat.
GN WP-9 IPDCP Financial Report
GN-WP-9 Secretariat.
GN-WP-10 Approaches for identification of appropriate reference points and implementation of MSE within the WCPO (re-loaded)
Davies, C. and M. Basson
SC4-2008-GN-WP-07 Report of the PTTP Steering Committee.
PTTP Steering Committee
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-SC-2008-01 Meeting Notice and Information
WCPFC-SC-2008-02 Provisional Agenda
WCPFC-SC-2008-03 Provisional Annotated Agenda - rev1
WCPFC-SC-2008-04 Indicative Schedule - rev1
WCPFC-SC-2008-05 Registration Form
WCPFC-SC-2008-06 Guidelines in submitting Specialist Working Group (SWG) papers
WCPFC-SC-2008-07 List of documents
WCPFC-SC-2008-08 Provisional agenda for the Steering Committee [IPDCP] Meeting
WCPFC-SC-2008-09 Provisional agenda for the Steering Committee [PTTP] Meeting
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
ME-SWG-01 Provisional Agenda
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Time and Tuna are running out
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
GN IP-1 Hawaii Tuna Tagging Project II: Project description.
GN-IP-1 Itano, D. [1], K. Holland [2], K. Weng [3]
GN IP-2 Pacific Tuna Tagging Programme, Summary Report - Phase 2 (Central Pacific), Cruise 1: 5 May-3 June 2008.
GN-IP-2 Itano, D
GN IP-3 PTTP Summary Report: Review Phase 1.
GN-IP-3 Leroy, B. [1], B. Kumasi [1], A. Lewis [1], D. Itano [2], T. Usu [3], J. Hampton [1], S. Nicol [1].
GN IP-4 PTTP operational plans for 2008-09.
GN-IP-4 Hampton, J. [1], S. Nicol [1], B. Leroy [1], B. Kumasi [1], A. Lewis [1], D. Itano [2].
GN IP-5 PTTP tag recovery issues.
GN-IP-5 Kumasi, P. [1], B. Leroy [1], J. Hampton [1], S. Nicol [1], A. Lewis [1], D. Itano [2].
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ST-SWG-01 Provisional Agenda
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SA-SWG-01 Provisional Agenda (rev1)
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SA-IP-1 Report of the Southern WCPO Swordfish Assessment Workshop.
SA-IP-2 Spatial structure in South Pacific swordfish stocks and assessment models.
Kolody, D. [1] and N. Davis [2].
SA-IP-3 Data summary pertaining to the catch of swordfish by longline fleets operating in the southern WCPO.
Campbell, R.
SA-IP-4 Swordfish CPUE trends across the southern WCPO.
Campbell, R. [1], M. Unwin [1], N. Davis [2] and N. Miyabe [3].
SA-IP-5 Report from the stock assessment preparatory workshop, Noumea, February 2008.
Langley, A. and S. Hoyle.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SA-WP-1 Stock assessment of bigeye tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean, including an analysis of management options.
Langley, A. [1], J. Hampton [1], P. Kleiber [2] and S. Hoyle [1].
SA-WP-2 ]. A preliminary stock assessment of bigeye tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean using stock synthesis 3 (SS3); A comparison with MULTIFAN-CL.
Langley, A. [1] and R. Methot [2].
SA-WP-3 General structural sensitivity analysis for the bigeye tuna stock assessment
Hoyle, S., A. Langley, and J. Hampton.
SA-WP-4 Stock assessment of skipjack tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean.
Langley, A. and J. Hampton.
SA-WP-5 Standardized catch rates in biomass for the south central and western Pacific swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from the Spanish longline fleet for the period 2004-2006
Mejuto, J., B. García-Cortés, and A. Ramos-Cartelle.
SA-WP-6 Multifan-CL Stock Assessment of Southern Western-Central Pacific Swordfish 1952-2007.
Kolody, D. [1], R. Campbell [1] and N. Davies [2].
SA-WP-7 CASAL stock assessment for southwest-central Pacific broadbill swordfish 1952-2007.
Davies, N. [1], R. Bian [2], D. Kolody [3] and R. Campbell.[4].
SA-WP-8 Stock assessment of Albacore tuna in the south Pacific Ocean.
Hoyle, S., A. Langley and J. Hampton.
SA-WP-9 Compendium of fishery indicators for target tuna species
Hampton, J. and P. Williams.

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