14th Regular Session of the Commission

Philippines' International Convention Center (PICC), Manila, Philippines
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
More Information

The provisional agenda for the Second  Intersessional Meeting to Progress the Draft Bridging Measure for Tropical Tunas (SS3) on Friday 1 December 2017 is provided here at this link.   Copies of the substantive documents  related to the draft bridging measure on tropical tunas are provided as WCPFC14 papers below.  


Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC14-2017-outcomes WCPFC14 Provisional Outcomes Document
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
.WCPFC14-2017-HOD WCPFC14 Heads of Delegation Provisional Agenda
WCPFC Circular 2017-73 Meeting Notice Update of 29-September-2017
WCPFC14-2017-01 Provisional Agenda
WCPFC14-2017-01A Provisional Annotated Agenda
WCPFC14-2017-02_rev1 Indicative Schedule - revision 1
WCPFC14-2017-03 Provisional List of Documents
WCPFC14-2017-04 2017 Annual Report of the Executive Director
WCPFC14-2017-05 Status of the Convention
The Depositary, New Zealand
WCPFC14-2017-06 List of observers
WCPFC14-2017-07 Cooperating Non-Member requests
WCPFC14-2017-08 Rev5 of the draft Bridging Measure for Tropical Tunas (Consultative Draft) - WCPFC Circular 2017/65
WCPFC14-2017-08_suppl1 Supplement 1 Rev5 of the draft Bridging Measure for Tropical Tunas (Consultative Draft) - WCPFC Circular 2017/65
WCPFC14-2017-08_suppl2 Supplement 2 Rev5 of the draft Bridging Measure for Tropical Tunas (Consultative Draft) - WCPFC Circular 2017/65
PNA CCMs + Tokelau
WCPFC14-2017-09A Update on draft bridging measure for tropical tunas Rev.5 - Circular 2017/83
WCPFC14-2017-09B WCPFC Chair letter to FFC Chair regarding Bridging Measure on tropical tunas - Circular 2017/89
WCPFC14-2017-09C Support for the development of a bridging measure for tropical tunas - Circular 2017/92
WCPFC14-2017-10A_rev1 supporting file for An Evaluation of the Management options for purse seine and longline fisheries defined by the TT CMM Intersessional meeting - revision 1 (with FAD sets)
WCPFC14-2017-10_rev1 An Evaluation of the Management options for purse seine and longline fisheries defined by the TT CMM Intersessional meeting - revision 1
WCPFC14-2017-11 Reference document for the development of the WCPFC harvest strategy framework under CMM 2014-06
WCPFC14-2017-12 Reference document for review of CMM 2016-01 (bigeye, yellowfin, and skipjack tuna)
WCPFC14-2017-13 Reference document for review of CMM 2015-02 (South Pacific albacore tuna)
WCPFC14-2017-14_rev1 Reference document for review of CMM 2005-03 and for the development of harvest strategies under CMM 2014-06 (North Pacific albacore) - Rev.01
WCPFC14-2017-15 Reference document for review of CMM 2016-04 and for the development of harvest strategies under CMM 2014-06 (Pacific bluefin tuna)
WCPFC14-2017-16 Reference document for bycatch mitigation CMM reviews
WCPFC14-2017-17 Development of a Comprehensive Shark CMM for the WCPFC
WCPFC14-2017-18 Synopsis of SC13 Summary Report (Rev.02)
WCPFC14-2017-19 Reference paper for TCC13 recommendations
WCPFC14-2017-20_rev1 Draft standards for the E-reporting of Observer Data (Rev 1)
SPC-OFP and Secretariat
WCPFC14-2017-21 Implementing E-reporting of high seas transhipment declaration and transhipment notices
WCPFC14-2017-22 WCPFC Port Coordinators Programme Extension
WCPFC14-2017-23 Follow-up to TCC13 issue of a lack of technical updates by flag CCMs to authorisation period data on the Record of Fishing Vessels
WCPFC14-2017-24 Synopsis of Additional Information submitted by CCMs as a reply to TCC13 provisional CMR
WCPFC14-2017-25A Update on the Independent Review of the Compliance Monitoring Scheme
WCPFC14-2017-25B Independent Review of the Compliance Monitoring Scheme: Substantive Progress Report to WCPFC14
Independent Review Panel for the CMS
WCPFC14-2017-26_rev1 WCPFC IUU list for 2018 - revision 1
WCPFC14-2017-27 Strategic Plan
WCPFC14-2017-28 Update on WPEA Project
WCPFC14-2017-29 Report to WCPFC on Progress of the Project Sustainable Management of Tuna Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation in the ABNJ
UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
WCPFC14-2017-30 Draft Bridging CMM 2017-01 on Tropical Tunas (Chair’s Draft)
WCPFC14-2017-30A Tracked version of Draft Bridging CMM 2017-01 on Tropical Tunas (Chair’s Draft)
WCPFC14-2017-30B Updated SPC evaluation of draft Bridging CMM 2017-01 on tropical tunas (chairs draft)
WCPFC14-2017-30C Draft bridging CMM 2017-01 on tropical tunas (Chairs draft) proposed amendments
WCPFC14-2017-30_rev1 Draft Bridging CMM 2017-01 on Tropical Tunas (Chair’s Draft) Rev 1
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC14-2017-DP01 Proposal for a Conservation and Management Measure for Sharks caught in association with fisheries managed by WCPFC
European Union
WCPFC14-2017-DP02 Proposal for a Conservation and Management Measure on WCPFC Scheme for Minimum Standards for Inspection in Port
European Union
WCPFC14-2017-DP03 Proposal to amend Conservation and Management Measure for the Protection of WCPFC ROP observers (CMM 2016-03)
WCPFC14-2017-DP04 withdrawn
Proposal for Conservation and Management Measure on Port-based initiatives to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing - Japan
WCPFC14-2017-DP05_rev1 Proposed changes to CMM 2015-03 in regards the seabird mitigation requirements (Rev 1)
New Zealand
WCPFC14-2017-DP06 Views on Independent Audit of the Compliance Monitoring Scheme
FFA member CCMs
WCPFC14-2017-DP06_attach1 WCPFC14-2017-DP06 (Attachment 1) FFA CCM views on CMS
WCPFC14-2017-DP07 Views on Special Requirements Fund
FFA member CCMs
WCPFC14-2017-DP08 Views on Observer Safety and Korea's Proposed CMM on Observer Conduct
FFA member CCMs
WCPFC14-2017-DP09 Views on enhanced monitoring of longline vessels and transshipment activity
FFA member CCMs
WCPFC14-2017-DP10_rev3 Proposal to amend paragraph 21 of CMM 2013-10 (Rev 3)
FFA member CCMs
WCPFC14-2017-DP11 Views on the implementation of CMM 2013-06 (CMM on the criteria for the consideration of conservation and management measures)
FFA member CCMs
WCPFC14-2017-DP12_rev4 Proposal on Conservation and Management Measure for Port State Measures (Rev 4)
FFA member CCMs and Japan
WCPFC14-2017-DP13 Proposal for establishing a target reference point for south Pacific Albacore
FFA member CCMs
WCPFC14-2017-DP14 Proposal for CMM for the development of an improved SP albacore CMM
FFA member CCMs
WCPFC14-2017-DP15_rev3 Proposal for a Conservation and Management Measure to limit marine pollution from fishing vessels (Rev 3)
FFA member CCMs
WCPFC14-2017-DP16 Views on Tropical Tuna CMM
FFA member CCMs
WCPFC14-2017-DP17 Views on Bridging CMM for Tropical Tunas
PNA member CCMs and Tokelau
WCPFC14-2017-DP18 Discussion paper on Membership Process in WCPFC
United States of America
WCPFC14-2017-DP19 Proposed Conservation and Management Measure on the Standards of Conduct for ROP observers
Republic of Korea and Japan
WCPFC14-2017-DP20_rev3 Potential revisions to CMM 2008-03 Conservation and Management Measure for Sea Turtles (Rev 3)
United States of America
WCPFC14-2017-DP21_rev2 Potential revisions to ROP minimum data standards - in respect of sea turtles (Rev 2)
United States of America
WCPFC14-2017-DP22 Letter to WCPFC Chair regarding tropical tunas measure
United States of America
WCPFC14-2017-DP23 Report of the European Union on Article 30 of the Convention and Resolution 2008-01 of WCPFC
European Union
WCPFC14-2017-DP24 Proposal on Purse Seine Effort Limits
United States of America
WCPFC14-2017-DP25 Indonesia views on draft bridging CMM on tropical tuna
WCPFC14-2017-DP26 Information paper on interim harvest strategies for tropical tuna in archipelagic waters of Indonesia
WCPFC14-2017-DP27_rev2 Possible revision to Harvest Strategy Workplan (Rev 2)
WCPFC14-2017-DP28 Progress Report on the Independent Review of the Compliance Monitoring Scheme
FFA Members
WCPFC14-2017-DP29 FFA Members view on duplicate reporting
WCPFC14-2017-DP30 Performance Indicators and Monitoring Strategies for Bigeye and Yellowfin Tuna Compatible with Candidate Management Objectives for the Tropical Longline Fishery
WCPFC14-2017-DP31 Amendments to MTU list
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC13 Summary Report (WCPFC14-2017-SC13) Summary Report of the Thirteenth Regular Session of the Scientific Committee (Adopted Version)
WCPFC14-2017-FAC11 FAC11 Summary Report
WCPFC14-2017-IM-SPA1 Meeting Report - The Intersessional Meeting to Progress the FFA Consultative Draft CMM to Establish a Limit for SPA
Secretariat and Ian Cartwright [1]
WCPFC14-2017-NC13 NC13 Summary Report (Adopted)-02Sep2017
WCPFC14-2017-SS2 Meeting Report for the Intersessional Meeting to Progress the Draft Bridging Measure for Tropical Tunas
WCPFC14-2017-TCC13 TCC13 summary report final - issued 14 November 2017
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-NC14-IP-07 Summary Report of the Pacific Bluefin Tuna Management Strategy Evaluation Workshop
WCPFC14-2017-IP01 Summary from Part 2 CMM 2013-07 paragraph 19 annual reports (Secure section) - TCC13-2017-13
WCPFC14-2017-IP02 Agreed workplan for the adoption of harvest strategies under CMM 2014-06
WCPFC13 Summary Report Attachment N
WCPFC14-2017-IP03 Performance indicators and monitoring strategies for south Pacific albacore compatible with candidate management objectives for the southern longline fishery
WCPFC14-2017-IP04 Performance indicators and monitoring strategies for bigeye and yellowfin tuna compatible with candidate management objectives for the tropical longline fishery
WCPFC14-2017-IP05_rev1 Catch and effort tables on tropical tuna CMMs - prepared by SPC-OFP
WCPFC14-2017-IP06 Updated tables that summarise the reports received by WCPFC under tropical tuna CMMs from 2015 - 2017
WCPFC14-2017-IP07_rev1 Summary of reporting received by WCPFC under CMM 2010-05 and CMM 2015-02: south Pacific albacore - update
Secretariat and SPC-OFP
WCPFC14-2017-IP08 Trends in South Pacific Albacore Longline and Troll Fisheries
WCPFC14-2017-IP09 Updated information on North Pacific albacore effort data (NC13-2017-WP01)
WCPFC14-2017-IP10 Compiled information on Pacific bluefin tuna fishing effort and catch (NC13-2017-WP02)
WCPFC14-2017-IP11 9th Annual Report of the Regional Observer Programme (TCC13-2017-RP02)
WCPFC14-2017-IP12 Summary of Notifications to WCPFC of Charter, Lease or other mechanisms
WCPFC14-2017-IP13 The western and central Pacific tuna fishery: 2016 Overview and status of stocks
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC14-2017-finalCMR Final CMR covering 2016 activities as agreed at WCPFC14
WCPFC14-2017-SWG-CNM01 CNM Summary Report 2017
WCPFC14-2017-SWG_SPALB01 South Pacific Albacore Roadmap
Output for consideration by SWG on SP albacore
WCPFC14-2017-SWG_SPALB02 South Pacific Albacore Roadmap
Output for consideration by SWG on SP albacore
WCPFC14-2017-SWG_SPALB03 SP Albacore Target Reference Point
Output for consideration by SWG on SP albacore
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC14-2017-FAC11-01 Rev1 Provisional Agenda
WCPFC14-2017-FAC11-02 Provisional Annotated Agenda
WCPFC14-2017-FAC11-03 Indicative Schedule
WCPFC14-2017-FAC11-04 Auditor’s Report for 2016 and General Account Fund Financial Statements for 2016
WCPFC14-2017-FAC11-05 Rev1 Report on Assessed Member Contributions and Other Incomes for 2017
WCPFC14-2017-FAC11-06 Report on the Status of Other Funds for 2017
WCPFC14-2017-FAC11-07 Headquarters Matters
WCPFC14-2017-FAC11-08 Proposed Revisions to Regulations
WCPFC14-2017-FAC11-09 Chair’s Report of the Virtual Intersessional Special Requirements Fund Working Group
WCPFC14-2017-FAC11-10 Rev1 Proposed Budget for the Commission’s Work Programme For 2018 and Indicative Budgets for 2019 and 2020
WCPFC14-2017-FAC11-11 Supplemental Retirement Plan for Support Staff
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC14-2017-OP01 Position Statement to WCPFC14
International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF)
WCPFC14-2017-OP02 Letters to tuna RFMOs regarding sustainability of tuna stocks
International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF)
WCPFC14-2017-OP03 Position Statement to WCPFC14
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
WCPFC14-2017-OP04 A brief to WCPFC14
The Pew Charitable Trusts
WCPFC14-2017-OP05 The Authority of the Commission to revise recommendations of the Northern Committee
International Environmental Law Project
WCPFC14-2017-OP06 Non-entangling biodegradeable FADs: from research to action: SIDE EVENT: MON 4th DEC 2017 LUNCH BREAK
WCPFC14-2017-OP07 Towards global Non-entangling FAD use in tropical tuna purse seine fisheries through a participatory approach
International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF)
WCPFC14-2017-OP08 Letter to WCPFC on sustainability of tuna stocks
International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF)
WCPFC14-2017-OP09 Greenpeace Priorities at WCPFC14
WCPFC14-2017-OP10 WCPFC Position Statement - by International Game Fish Association
International Game Fish Association
WCPFC14-2017-OP11 Communique of a civil society organisations roundtable on Pacific tuna fisheries
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
WCPFC14-2017-OP12 Position Statement to WCPFC14
International Pole and Line Foundation (IPNLF)
WCPFC14-2017-OP13 World Tuna Purse seine Organization Statement for WCPFC14
WCPFC14-2017-OP14 Greenpeace- SEA Cannery Interventions to WCPFC14
WCPFC14-2017-OP15 Report of suspected IUU driftnet fleet in the North Pacific, 2017
WCPFC14-2017-OP16 Cooperating Non Member - Mexico

* Secure documents are not included in the zip file

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