9th Regular Session of the Commission

Philippines International Convention Center, Manila, Philippines
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
More Information

Hotel Reservation

Participants are asked to make their own accommodation arrangements.  Information on conference room rates which the Philippines has provided is included in the latest version of the WCPFC9 Meeting Notice (WCPFC9-2012-01) and its supplementary documents (see Meeting Documents below).  

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC9-2012-IP01 WCPFC8 paper on WCPFC- IATTC overlap area options
WCPFC9-2012-IP02 4th Annual Report of the Regional Observer Programme
WCPFC9-2012-IP03 Annual Report on the Commission VMS
WCPFC9-2012-IP04 (Rev 1) Summary of Current WCPFC Charter Notifications under CMM 2011-05 and CMM 2009-08 (Rev 1)
WCPFC9-2012-IP05 Report on the Administration of the WCPFC Data Access Rules and Procedures
WCPFC9-2012-IP06 Annual Report on the Record of Fishing Vessels, including review of the Interim Register for non-CCM carrier and bunker vessels
WCPFC9-2012-IP06 Att Attachment to Annual Report on RFV - list of vessels that fished in 2011
WCPFC9-2012-IP07 Information Paper on South Pacific Albacore
WCPFC9-2012-IP08 Joint WCPFC and FFA Secretariat paper on possible cost savings for WCPFC VMS
WCPFC9-2012-IP09 (Rev 3) Data summaries in support of discussion on the new CMM on tropical tunas (Rev 3)
WCPFC9-2012-IP10 Update of progress towards a stock assessment for swordfish in the southern WCPO
WCPFC9-2012-IP10A Addendum to WCPFC9-2012-IP10
WCPFC9-2012-IP11 Projection analysis of alternative management options for south Pacific albacore
WCPFC9-2012-IP12 Information Paper Supplement to WCPFC9-2012-IP11
WCPFC9-2012-IP13 Progress on the updated silky shark stock assessment in the WCPO
WCPFC9-2012-IP14 Preliminary analysis of the potential impacts of wire traces on shark catches in WCPO tuna longline fisheries
WCPFC9-2012-IP15 (Rev 1) An assessment of the Chairmans draft CMM for tropical tunas (Rev 1)
WCPFC9-2012-IP16 EHSP Report (tabled at TCC8 as WCPFC-TCC8-2012-DP03)
WCPFC9-2012-IP17 Eastern High Seas Pocket – Special Management Area
WCPFC9-2012-IP18 Future Projections of the Western and Central North Pacific Striped Marlin Stock
WCPFC9-2012-IP20 Order of Business for 6 December 2012
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC9-2012-FAC6-01 (Rev 2) Provisional Agenda (Rev 2)
WCPFC9-2012-FAC6-02 (Rev 2) Provisional Annotated Agenda (Rev 2)
WCPFC9-2012-FAC6-03 (Rev 2) Indicative Schedule (Rev 2)
WCPFC9-2012-FAC6-04 Auditor Report for 2011 and General Account Fund Financial Statement for 2011
WCPFC9-2012-FAC6-05 Report on General Account Fund Contributions and Other Income for 2012
WCPFC9-2012-FAC6-06 Report on the Status of Other Funds for 2012
WCPFC9-2012-FAC6-07 Draft Strategic Plan
WCPFC9-2012-FAC6-08 Headquarters Matters
WCPFC9-2012-FAC6-09 Staff Establishment
WCPFC9-2012-FAC6-10 (Rev 1) Alternative Calculations for the Wealth Component of Annual Contributions (Rev 1)
WCPFC9-2012-FAC6-11 Commission Funding for Developing Countries and SIDS to attend the Northern Committee Meetings
WCPFC9-2012-FAC6-12 (Rev 1) Proposed Budget for the Commission Work Programme for Financial Period 01-Jan to 31-Dec 2013 and Indicative Budgets for 2014 and 2015 (Rev 1)
WCPFC9-2012-FAC6-13 Recommended Requirements for Hosting the Scientific Committee or Annual Commission Meetings of the WCPFC
WCPFC9-2012-FAC6-15 TCC8 Recommendations and TCC Workplan and Budget 2013-2015
WCPFC9-2012-FAC6-16 Proposed enhancements to the Information Management System and WCPFC website 2013-2015
WCPFC9-2012-FAC6-17 (Rev 1) Solar Power for WCPFC Headquarters (Rev 1)
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC9-2012-01 (Rev 1) WCPFC9 Meeting Notice (Rev 1)
WCPFC9-2012-01_suppl Supplement to Meeting Notice for WCPFC9_latest version of hotel rates as at 18 October 2012
WCPFC9-2012-02 (Rev 4) WCPFC9 Provisional Agenda (Rev 4)
WCPFC9-2012-03 (Rev 1) WCPFC9 Provisional Annotated Agenda (Rev 1)
WCPFC9-2012-04 (Rev 6) List of Documents for WCPFC9 (Rev 6)
WCPFC9-2012-05 (Rev 6) WCPFC9 Revised Draft Provisional Agenda with Indicative Schedule and Papers (Rev 6)
WCPFC9-2012-06 Provisional Heads of Delegation Agenda - WCPFC9
WCPFC9-2012-07 Provisional CMR - cover only (as draft and Provisional CMRs are non-public domain)
WCPFC9-2012-08 Status of the Convention 2012
WCPFC9-2012-09 List of Observers
WCPFC9-2012-10 CNM Applications for 2013
WCPFC9-2012-11 Executive Directors Annual Report on the Work of the Commission
WCPFC9-2012-12 Chairmans draft for consideration_CMM for bigeye yellowfin and skipjack
WCPFC9-2012-13 Matrix of recommendations from the WCPFC Performance Review
WCPFC9-2012-14 Report of the Management Objectives Workshop
WCPFC9-2012-15 (Rev 1) Revised Purposes and Principles of the WCPFC VMS (Rev 1)
WCPFC9-2012-16 (Rev 1) Joint Management Arrangement with IATTC for the overlap area (Rev 1)
WCPFC9-2012-17 SC8 Summary Report (Edited Final Version) - 21Nov2012
WCPFC9-2012-18 NC8 Summary Report (Edited Final Version)
WCPFC9-2012-19 TCC8 Summary Report
WCPFC9-2012-20 Recommendations on WCPFC IUU list
WCPFC9-2012-21 Best Practice Procedures in RFMOs (regarding WCPFC Meeting structure)
WCPFC9-2012-22 Report on the Finance and Administration Committee Sixth Session
WCPFC9-2012-23 Cooperation with other Organisations
WCPFC9-2012-24 GEF-ABNJ project proposal endorsement
WCPFC9-2012-25 Northern Committee recommendation on Pacific Bluefin
WCPFC9-2012-26 Northern Committee recommendation on Regional Observer Programme in area north of 20N
WCPFC9-2012-27 Election of Officers and 2013 Meeting Dates and Venues
WCPFC9-2012-28 Key recommendations from the Scientific Committee
WCPFC9-2012-29 Matrix of TCC8 Summary Report Recommendations and Proposed Process for Consideration at WCPFC9
WCPFC9-2012-30 Funding for Northern Committee
WCPFC9-2012-31 AHTG Data Outstanding Task - Rules for Access by Chartering States
WCPFC9-2012-32 (Rev 1) Provisional Compliance Monitoring Report for the activities in 2011 - Executive Summary (Rev 1)
WCPFC9-2012-33 WCPFC Decision on the WCPFC-IATTC Overlap Area
WCPFC9-2012-34 Participatory Rights for Cooperating Non-Members - Report by Small Working Group
WCPFC9-2012-35 Draft - Conservation and Management Measure 2012-01
WCPFC9-2012-36 Report of the AHTG
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC9-2012-OP01 WWF Position Statement to WCPFC9
WCPFC9-2012-OP02 (Rev 1) Greenpeace - Position paper to WCPFC9 (Rev 1)
WCPFC9-2012-OP03 Association for Professional Observers (APO) Position Paper to WCPFC9
WCPFC9-2012-OP04 PEW Position Paper to WCPFC9
WCPFC9-2012-OP05 Greenpeace recommendations for reference points
WCPFC9-2012-OP06 ISSF Position Statement to WCPFC9
WCPFC9-2012-OP07 Harvest Control Rules (HCRS) and Reference Points
WCPFC9-2012-OP08 Greenpeace international findings at sea - November
WCPFC9-2012-OP09 American Fishermans Research Foundation Statement
WCPFC9-2012-OP10 Earth Island Statement Dolphin Safe and Tuna Sustainability
WCPFC9-2012-OP11 Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals re whale sharks
WCPFC9-2012-OP12 Opening Statement to WCPFC9 by PEW Charitable Trusts
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC9-2012-DP01 European Union - letter regarding Rule 20 on submission of proposals to WCPFC9
WCPFC9-2012-DP02 FFA members - comments on WCPFC9 provisional agenda
WCPFC9-2012-DP03 FFA members - comments on CMM for bigeye, yellowfin and skipjack
WCPFC9-2012-DP04 Philippines - position paper on proposal for CMM for bigeye yellowfin and skipjack
WCPFC9-2012-DP05 Philippines - proposal for CMM for bigeye, yellowfin and skipjack
WCPFC9-2012-DP06 FFA members - comments on analysis of reporting requirements and CMR
WCPFC9-2012-DP07 FFA members - comments on application of WCPFC VMS to national waters of Members
WCPFC9-2012-DP08 (Rev 2) Application of Commission VMS to National Waters of Members (Rev 2)
WCPFC9-2012-DP09 Japan - proposal on response to reported fishing gear damage
WCPFC9-2012-DP10 (Rev 1) ROP Report Proposal on Ensuring the Opportunity for Vessel Captains and Operators to Review and Comment on the Commission ROP Report (Rev 1)
WCPFC9-2012-DP11 (Rev 1) EU Proposal for a CMM on WCPFC Scheme for Minimum Standards for Inspection in Port (Rev 1)
WCPFC9-2012-DP12 (Rev 2) Australia - Proposal from Australia and Japan for Protection of Whale Sharks from purse seine fishing operations (Rev 2)
WCPFC9-2012-DP13 Australia - Explanatory Note whale shark proposal
WCPFC9-2012-DP14 FFA EU Proposal on CDS proposed IWG operations and TOR
WCPFC9-2012-DP15 (rev 1) United States- EU- Proposal for CMM for the Management of FADS in the WCPFC Convention Area (Rev 1)
WCPFC9-2012-DP16_rev2 NZ delegation paper draft revised CMM 2007-04 (Rev 2)
WCPFC9-2012-DP17 FFA members - proposed revisions to CMM for Charter Notification Scheme
WCPFC9-2012-DP18 FFA members - proposed revisions to CMM for Sharks
WCPFC9-2012-DP19 United States - proposed revisions to CMM 2007-01 Regional Observer Programme
WCPFC9-2012-DP20 Unassigned
WCPFC9-2012-DP21 FFA members - south Pacific Albacore
WCPFC9-2012-DP22 Tonga - WCPFC IUU
WCPFC9-2012-DP23 (Rev 1) Japan - conceptual proposal on Bigeye Yellowfin and Skipjack Management (Rev 1)
WCPFC9-2012-DP24 (Rev 1) EU Proposal for a CMM on a WCPFC Yellowfin Bigeye and Skipjack and Swordfish Catch Certification Scheme (Rev 1)
WCPFC9-2012-DP25 Unassigned
WCPFC9-2012-DP26 (Rev 1) EU Proposal for a Conservation and Management Measure on Fisheries and Access Agreements Information (Rev 1)
WCPFC9-2012-DP27 Unassigned
WCPFC9-2012-DP28 (Rev 1) EU Proposal for a Resolution on the Best Available Science (Rev 1)
WCPFC9-2012-DP29 Unassigned
WCPFC9-2012-DP30 Proposal by the European Union Japan and the United States on the Management of Purse Seine Fishing Capacity in the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) Convention Area
WCPFC9-2012-DP31 Japan comments on Chairs draft CMMs
WCPFC9-2012-DP32 Special Requirements of SIDS
WCPFC9-2012-DP33 (Rev 2) Background Paper for Discussion Proposal (Regarding Agenda 3.1.2) (Rev 2)
WCPFC9-2012-DP34 Japan Delegation Paper revised CCM for CMS

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