16th Regular Session of the Commission

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Agenda 10.3 List of Obligations to be reviewed in 2020 Compliance Monitoring Reports (covering 2019 activities)
draft Summary Report Attachment R*
Agenda 11 WCPFC IUU Vessel List for 2020
draft Summary Report Attachment S*
Agenda 13.2A.2 Memorandum of Understanding between the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) and the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC)
draft Summary Report Attachment W*
Agenda 5.2 Strategic Investment Plan 2019
draft Summary Report Attachment G*
Agenda 7.6.1 Harvest Strategy for North Pacific Swordfish fisheries
draft Summary Report Attachment K*
Agenda 7.7.2 Interim Rebuilding Plan for North Pacific Striped Marlin
draft Summary Report Attachment L*
CMM 2019-xx Provisional copies of recently agreed CMMs can be found at:- https://www.wcpfc.int/conservation-and-management-measures
CMM 2019-01 - CMM 2019-08, Resolution 2019-01 (climate change), suppl_CMM 2018-03 (seabirds), suppl_CMM 2014-06 (Harvest Strategy Workplan)
fCMR_adopted 2019 Final Compliance Monitoring Report (covering 2018 activities)
draft Summary Report Attachment P*
WCPFC16-2019-FAC13 Summary Report and Recommendations of the Thirteenth Session of the Finance and Administration Committee (FAC13)
draft Summary Report Attachment U*
WCPFC16-2019-outcomes WCPFC16 Provisional Outcomes document
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Circ 2019-45 Meeting Notice for WCPFC16
Circ 2019-56 Update on Meeting Arrangements for WCPFC16 and Associated Meetings
Circ 2019-57 Notice of WCPFC16 Provisional Agenda
Circ 2019-76 WCPFC16 Priorities
Circ 2019-77 Change of Meeting Venue for WCPFC16 in Port Moresby, PNG
Circ 2019/45 WCPFC16 Meeting Notice
cWCPFC16-2019-HOD_rev1 Provisional Agenda for Heads of Delegation Meeting - revision 1
4pm Wednesday 4th December 2019 at the Sir John Guise Indoor Stadium
WCPFC16-2019-01 Provisional Agenda
WCPFC16-2019-01A Indicative Schedule
WCPFC16-2019-01A_DAY4 Indicative Schedule – Day 4-6
WCPFC16-2019-02 Provisional Annotated Agenda
WCPFC16-2019-03_rev8 Provisional List Documents - revision 8
WCPFC16-2019-04 2019 Annual Report of the Executive Director
WCPFC16-2019-05 Status of the Convention
Depositary, New Zealand
WCPFC16-2019-06 List of Observers
WCPFC16-2019-07 Cooperating Non-Member requests for 2020
WCPFC16-2019-08 Updated Strategic Investment Plan
WCPFC16-2019-09 An overview of progress in developing WCPFC Harvest Strategies
WCPFC16-2019-10 Using performance indicators to select a management procedure for skipjack
WCPFC16-2019-11 Using the PIMPLE software to explore skipjack performance indicators
WCPFC16-2019-12 Reference Document on Terms of Reference for Science-Management Dialogue
WCPFC16-2019-13 Reference Document for the Review of CMM 2018-01 and Development of Harvest Strategies (Bigeye, Yellowfin and Skipjack Tunas)
WCPFC16-2019-14 Current and projected stock status of WCPO skipjack tuna to inform consideration of an updated target reference point
WCPFC16-2019-15 Minimum Target Reference Points for WCPO yellowfin and bigeye tuna consistent with alternative LRP risk levels, and multispecies implications (update of SC15-MI-WP01)
WCPFC16-2019-16 Results of Initial Evaluations of Management Procedures for Skipjack (SC15-2019-MIWP05)
WCPFC16-2019-17 Evaluation of CMM 2018-01 (update of SC15-MI-WP11)
WCPFC16-2019-18 Reference Document for the Review of CMM 2015-02 and Development of Harvest Strategies (South Pacific Albacore)
WCPFC16-2019-19 Alternative Trajectories to achieve the South Pacific albacore interim TRP (Update SC15-2019/MI-WP-02)
WCPFC16-2019-20 Performance indicators for comparing management procedures for South Pacific albacore using the MSE modelling framework (SC15-2019-MI-WP03)
WCPFC16-2019-21 South Pacific albacore management strategy evaluation framework (SC15-MI-WP08)
WCPFC16-2019-22 Reference Document for the Review of CMM 2018-02 and Development of Harvest Strategies (Pacific Bluefin Tuna)
WCPFC16-2019-23 Reference Document for the Review of CMM 2005-03 (North Pacific Albacore)
WCPFC16-2019-24 Reference Document for the Review of CMM 2010-01 (North Pacific Striped Marlin)
WCPFC16-2019-25 Reference Document for the Review of CMM 2006-04 (Southwest Pacific Striped Marlin)
WCPFC16-2019-26 Reference Document for the Review of CMM on Bycatch Mitigation
WCPFC16-2019-27 Reference Document on Other Recommendations from SC15 (Agenda Item 9.1)
WCPFC16-2019-28 Reference Document on TCC15 Recommendations for Agenda 9.3
WCPFC16-2019-29 Synopsis of Updates to Compliance Status of CCMs in the Provisional CMR recommended by TCC15_public version
WCPFC16-2019-30 Reference document on TCC15 recommendations for Agenda Item 10
WCPFC16-2019-31 WCPFC IUU List
WCPFC16-2019-32 Draft WCPFC Secretariat Corporate Plan 2020-2023
WCPFC16-2019-33 Report to WCPFC on Progress of the Project Sustainable Management of Tuna Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation in the ABNJ
WCPFC16-2019-34 Report of the Pacific Tuna Tagging Project Steering Committee 2019
WCPFC16-2019-35 Report of the Tuna Tissue Bank Steering Committee
WCPFC16-2019-36 Update on the West Pacific East Asia (WPEA) Project
Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam and the Secretariat
WCPFC16-2019-37 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between WCPFC and SPRFMO
WCPFC16-2019-39_rev1 Proposed revision to CMM 2009-11 Cooperating Non-Members
WCPFC16-2019-40 Proposed revision to CMM 2010-06 WCPFC IUU Vessel List
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC16-2019-DP01 FFA key priorities for WCPFC16
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC16-2019-DP02_rev1 Proposal for a Conservation and Management Measure on Mobulid Rays caught in association with fisheries in the WCPFC Convention Area
WCPFC16-2019-DP02_rev4 Conservation and Management Measure on Mobulid Rays caught in association with fisheries in the WCPFC Convention Area
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC16-2019-DP03 FFA Member Proposal on CMM 2018-07, Section IX: Future Work, paragraph 46(i): development of a process for assessing CCM actions in accordance with para 7(ii)(b) to replace para 27
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC16-2019-DP04 Climate Change
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC16-2019-DP04_ SUPP_rev3 Resolution on Climate Change as it relates to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
WCPFC16-2019-DP05 South Pacific Albacore Roadmap and Harvest Strategy
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC16-2019-DP06 Views on High Seas limits and Allocation in the Tropical Tuna CMM
FFA Member CCMs
WCPFC16-2019-DP07 Proposal on guidelines for the safe-handling and release of seabirds
New Zealand
WCPFC16-2019-DP08_rev1 Proposal to amend CMM 2010-06 (WCPFC IUU Vessel List)
European Union
WCPFC16-2019-DP09 Joint T-RFMO FAD Working Group Recommendations for consideration by WCPFC16
European Union
WCPFC16-2019-DP10 Proposals on Conservation and Management Measures on Tropical Tunas
United States of America
WCPFC16-2019-DP11 Rules of procedure relating to the Northern Committee
United States of America
WCPFC16-2019-DP12_rev1 Rebuilding plan for North Pacific Striped Marlin
United States of America
WCPFC16-2019-DP13 Proposal for conservation and management measure for charter notification scheme
United States of America
WCPFC16-2019-DP14 Draft Guidelines for participation of observers in closed meetings of the commission and its subsidiary bodies which consider the compliance monitoring report
United States of America
WCPFC16-2019-DP15_rev2 Proposed Amendments to Conservation and Management Measure for Protection of Cetaceans from Purse Seine Fishing Operations (CMM 2011-03) - revision 2
Republic of Korea
WCPFC16-2019-DP16_rev1 Proposed changes to the Rules for the FAD Closure - revision 1
Republic of Korea
WCPFC16-2019-DP17 A proposed research project to compare WCPFC aggregated historical VMS data with AIS data on the WCPFC high seas
WCPFC16-2019-DP18 Report of the European Union on Article 30 of the Convention and Resolution 2008-01 of WCPFC
European Union
WCPFC16-2019-DP19 Strengthening the Management of South Pacific Broadbill Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
WCPFC16-2019-DP20_rev1 Harvest Strategies for Tropical tuna in Archipelagic waters of Indonesia: Update
WCPFC16-2019-DP21 Improvement on data collection for shark as bycatch in tuna fisheries
WCPFC16-2019-DP22 Information on database of Indonesian vessels authorized to fish for tuna
WCPFC16-2019-DP23 Information paper on labour rights in the fishing industry (the case of unpaid salary disputes on fishing vessels)
WCPFC16-2019-DP24 Vessel Monitoring System in Indonesia
WCPFC16-2019-DP25 Advice on Purse Seine EEZ Limits for Philippines EEZ
WCPFC16-2019-DP26_rev2 EU Proposal for two WCPFC16 Decisions on Seabirds (rev 2)
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC16-2019-ERandEMWG-01 Revised Concept Paper on Electronic Monitoring in the WCPFC
ERandEM WG Chair
WCPFC16-2019-FAC13 Summary Report and Recommendations of the Thirteenth Session of the Finance and Administration Committee (FAC13)
draft Summary Report Attachment U*
WCPFC16-2019-IWGSharks-01 Draft CMM for Sharks for WCPFC16 discussion
Chair of Shark IWG
WCPFC16-2019-IWGtranshipment Update from the IWG to review CMM 2009-06
Review of Transhipment CMM Co-Chairs
WCPFC16-2019-IWG_CMSAuditPoints-01 Report from the IWG to develop CMS Audit Points
Chair of IWG to develop CMS Audit Points
WCPFC16-2019-NC15 NC15 Summary Report
WCPFC16-2019-SC15 SC15 Summary Report
WCPFC16-2019-TCC15 TCC15 Summary Report_issued 1 December
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC16-2019-IP01 Summary from Part 2 CMM 2013-07 paragraph 19 annual reports (WCPFC-TCC15-2019-11)
WCPFC16-2019-IP02 Agreed workplan for the adoption of Harvest Strategies under CMM 2014-06
WCPFC15 Summary Report Attachment I
WCPFC16-2019-IP03_rev1 The Western and Central Pacific Tuna Fishery: 2018 Overview and Status of Stocks
WCPFC16-2019-IP04 Summary of the reports received under tropical tuna CMMs from 2018 to 2019 (update of WCPFC-TCC15-2019-IP07)
WCPFC16-2019-IP05_rev1 Catch and effort tables on tropical tuna CMMs (update of TCC15-2019-IP07 and SC15-2019-MI-IP06)
Secretariat and SPC-OFP
WCPFC16-2019-IP06 Report of the analyses of the 2016_2019 PNA FAD Tracking Programme (SC15-2019-MI-WP12)
WCPFC16-2019-IP07 Report on preliminary analyses of FAD acoustic data (SC15-2019-MI-WP-13)
WCPFC16-2019-IP08 Trends in the South Pacific Albacore Longline and Troll Fisheries (update of SC15-SA-WP08)
WCPFC16-2019-IP09 Summary of reporting received by WCPFC under CMM 2010-05 and CMM 2015-02: south Pacific albacore (update of TCC15-2019-IP09)
Secretariat and SPC-OFP
WCPFC16-2019-IP10 Compiled Information on Pacific Bluefin Tuna (Fishing effort and catch) - latest version of NC15-WP-02
WCPFC16-2019-IP11 Updated information on North Pacific albacore effort data (latest version of NC15-WP01)
WCPFC16-2019-IP12 11th Annual Report for the Regional Observer Programme (TCC15-2019-RP02)
WCPFC16-2019-IP13 Summary of Notifications to WCPFC of Charter, Lease or other mechanisms
WCPFC16-2019-IP14 National Harvest Strategy Capacity Building Workshops for WCPO tuna fisheries
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC16-2019-FAC13- Draft Text for Financial Regulations Draft Text for Changes to the Financial Regulations
WCPFC16-2019-FAC13-01 Provisional Agenda
WCPFC16-2019-FAC13-02 Provisional Annotated Agenda
WCPFC16-2019-FAC13-03 Indicative Schedule
WCPFC16-2019-FAC13-04 Auditor’s Report for 2018 and General Account Fund Financial Statements for 2018
WCPFC16-2019-FAC13-05 Rev1 Report on Assessed Member Contributions and Other Incomes for 2019
WCPFC16-2019-FAC13-06 Rev1 Report on the Status of Other Funds for 2019
WCPFC16-2019-FAC13-07 Headquarters Matters
WCPFC16-2019-FAC13-08 Triannual Salary Market Data Review
WCPFC16-2019-FAC13-10 Rev2 Proposed Budget for the Commission’s Work Programme For 2020 and Indicative Budgets for 2021 and 2022
WCPFC16-2019-FAC13-11 Draft Summary Report and Recommendations FAC13
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC16-2019-OP01 Position Statement
International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF)
WCPFC16-2019-OP02 Statement to WCPFC16
Organization for the Promotion of Responsible Tuna Fisheries (OPRT)
WCPFC16-2019-OP03 A Review of Transshipment Trends in the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Convention Area and Recommendations for Management
Pew Charitable Trusts
WCPFC16-2019-OP04 Transhipment in the Western and Central Pacific
Pew Charitable Trusts
WCPFC16-2019-OP05 Position Statement to WCPFC16
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
WCPFC16-2019-OP06 Seafood and Fisheries Emerging Technologies (SAFET) Conference, 2019
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
WCPFC16-2019-OP07 Observer reporting of transhipments in the WCPFC
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
WCPFC16-2019-OP08 ACAP statement on reducing seabird bycatch in pelagic longline fisheries
Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP)
WCPFC16-2019-OP09 A checklist for Fisheries Management in the Western and Central Pacific
Pew Charitable Trusts
WCPFC16-2019-OP10 A comparative analysis of AIS data with WCPFC reported transhipment activity in 2017
Pew Charitable Trusts
WCPFC16-2019-OP11 Position Statement to WCPFC16
International Pole and Line Foundation
WCPFC16-2019-OP12 Statement to WCPFC16
North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC)
WCPFC16-2019-OP13 NGO Comments on the US Proposal 14: Draft Guidelines for Participation of Observers in Closed Meetings of the Commission and its Subsidiary Bodies which Consider the Compliance Monitoring Report (WCPFC16-2019-DP14)
WCPFC16-2019-OP14 Defining Confidentiality Data and the Public Domain
WCPFC16-2019-OP15 Harvest Strategies and Allocation - Preliminary Paper
WCPFC16-2019-OP16 Joint Civil Society Organisations (CSO) statement to the 16th regular session of the Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPFC)
WCPFC16-2019-OP17 Recommendations to the 16th Session of WCPFC
WCPFC16-2019-OP18 Global Sustainability Appeal NGO Tuna Forum
WCPFC16-2019-OP19 PITIA Position Statement WCPFC16

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