Intersessional Meeting to progress the draft Bridging CMM on Tropical Tuna - Commission Special Session

Honolulu, Hawaii
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC Circular 2017-27 Meeting Notice
WCPFC Circular 2017-48 WCPFC Circular 2017-48 Update_Logistics Intersessional meeting Draft TT 19 July 2017
WCPFC Circular 2017-51 Chairs Letter for Rev4 Draft Bridging Measure TT - WCPFC Circular 2017-51
WCPFC-SS2-2017-01 Provisional Agenda
WCPFC-SS2-2017-01A_rev2 Provisional Meeting Schedule - revision 2
WCPFC-SS2-2017-02_rev1 Provisional Annotated Agenda - revision 1
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-SS2-2017-03 Rev4 of the Chair’s Consultative Draft on the Tropical Tuna Bridging CMM
WCPFC-SS2-2017-03A Status of CMM 2016-01 in relation to Rev4 of the Draft Bridging Measure on Tropical Tunas
WCPFC-SS2-2017-03B Additional proposals to Rev.4 of the Draft Bridging Measure
Cook Islands, Fiji, Niue, Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu
WCPFC-SS2-2017-04 MCS and other provisions of CMM 2016-01 - WCPFC Circular 2017-31
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Agenda 5 - Longline Fishery Working draft document for Agenda 5_Longline Fishery
Agenda 5 - Purse Seine Fishery Draft Guidelines for the Working Group on FAD Management Measures - revision 1
Agenda 5 - Purse Seine Fishery Working draft document for Agenda 5_Purse Seine Fishery_rev2_day1 5pm
Agenda 5 - Longline Fishery Draft Guidelines for the Working Group on BET longline Measures
Agenda 5 - paras 1 -11 drafting changes and status of paragraphs 1 to 11 following discussion in plenary on 22 August 2017
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Agenda 2.1 Status of Tropical Tuna stocks
Agenda 2.2 Management Advice for Bigeye, Yellowfin and Skipjack Tuna
SC Chair - Berry Muller

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