2nd Regular Session

Manila, Phillipines
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
BI WP-1 Reproductive Biology of bigeye tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean.
Chi-Lu Sun, Su-ling Chu, Su-zan Yeh.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
EB IP-1 Analyses of observer data for the Hawaii-based longline swordfish fishery.
Gilman, E., D. Kobyashi, T. Swenarton, P. Dalzell, I. Kinan, and N. Brothers.
EB IP-10 Interactions of fisheries in the eastern Pacific Ocean and marine turtles.
EB IP-11 Check list and catch rate data by hook type and bait for bycatch species caught by Spanish experimental longline cruises in the southwestern Indian Ocean during 2005.
J. Ariz, A. Delgado de Molina, Mª L. Ramos and J. C. Santana.
EB IP-2 Measurement-points examination of circle hooks for pelagic longline fishery to evaluate effects of hook design.
K. Yokota, H. Minami & M. Kiyota,
EB IP-3 A summary of the Korean tuna fishery observer program for the Pacific Ocean in 2005.
Doo-Hae An, Soon-Song Kim, Dae-Yeon Moon, and Seon-Jae Hwang.
EB IP-4 Bycatch mitigation approaches in Australia’s Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery: seabirds, turtles, marine mammals, sharks and non-target fish.
Stobutzki, I.
EB IP-5 Seamount Research Planning Workshop Report. 20-21 March 2006.
Allain,V., Kirby, D.S. and Kerandel, J. A.
EB IP-6 Ecosystem Monitoring and Analysis: stomach sampling overview of the GEF-SAP project 200-2005 and stomach sampling strategy of the GEF-OFM project 2005-2010.
Allain,V., and B. Leroy.
EB IP-7 EB IP-7 Coverpage
EB IP-7 Review of Seabird Status and Incidental Catch in Eastern Pacific Ocean Fisheries.
EB IP-8 The Sea Turtle Bycatch Mitigation Program for the Coastal Longline Fleets and Preliminary Results of Circle Hook Experiments.
EB IP-8 EB IP-8 Cover Page
EB IP-9 Interactions Between Seabirds and Pacific Islands' Fisheries, Particularly the Tuna Fisheries
Watling, R.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
EB WP-1 An ecological risk assessment for species caught in WCPO longline and purse seine fisheries.
Kirby, D. S., Molony, B.
EB WP-10 Analysis of longline CPUE of major pelagic shark species collected by Japanese research and training vessels in the Pacific Ocean.
H. Matsunaga & H. Shono. M.
EB WP-11 (withdrawn) Predicting non-target species catch rates for in the absence of observer data: a statistical approach for Flesh Footed Shearwaters in Australia's Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery.
Wilcox, C.
EB WP-12 Comparison of circle hooks and J hooks in the catch rate of target and bycatch species taken in the Korean tuna longline fishery.
Soon-Song Kim, Dae-Yeon Moon, Doo-Hae An and Jeong-Rack Koh.
EB WP-13 Turtle bycatch mitigation in the Hawaii longline fishery.
Dalzell, P & E. Gilman.
EB WP-14 Ecological risk assessment for the effects of fishing: methodology.
Hobday, A. J., A. Smith, H. Webb, R. Daley, S. Wayte, C. Bulman, J. Dowdney, A. Williams, M. Sporcic, J. Dambacher, M. Fuller, T. Walker.
EB WP-15 Preliminary report of side-setting experiments in a large sized longline vessel.
Yokota K & M. Kiyota.
EB WP-16 Shark catch in a pelagic longline fishery: comparison of circle and conventional tuna hooks.
Yokota K, M. Kiyota & H. Minami.
EB WP-2 Multivariate indicators for ecosystem regime shifts and links with long-term recruitment variability for target species.
Kirby, D. S., Briand, K.
EB WP-3 Characterization of sea turtle bycatch in New Zealand’s tuna fisheries
S. J. Harley and T. Kendrick
EB WP-4 Additional information on the distribution of seabirds in the WCPF Convention area.
Waugh, S.
EB WP-5 A review of methodologies aimed at avoiding and/or mitigating incidental catch of protected seabirds
Bull, L.S.
EB WP-6 (moved to NGO papers folder) Summary of seabird bycatch rates recorded in the Western and Central Pacific.
Small, C.
EB WP-7 (moved to NGO papers folder) Distribution of albatrosses and petrels in the WCFPC Convention Area and overlap with WCPFC longline fishing effort.
BirdLife International.
EB WP-8 (Withdrawn) Seabird bycatch mitigation measures in pelagic longline fisheries: opportunities for WCPFC.
ACAP (Warren Papworth).
EB WP-9 Japanese research activities to reduce incidental mortality of sea turtles in tuna longline fishery
Minani, H., K. Yokota & M. Kiyota.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
FR WP-1 Australia
FR WP-10 Japan
FR WP-11 Kiribati
FR WP-12 Korea
FR WP-13 Marshall Islands
FR WP-14 Nauru
FR WP-15 New Caledonia
FR WP-16 New Zealand
FR WP-17 Niue
FR WP-18 Palau
FR WP-19 Papua New Guinea
FR WP-2 Canada
FR WP-20 Philippines
FR WP-21 Samoa
FR WP-22 Solomon Islands
FR WP-23 Chinese Taipei
FR WP-24 Tonga
FR WP-25 Tuvalu
FR WP-27 Vanuatu
FR WP-3 China
FR WP-4 Cook Islands
FR WP-6 Federated States of Micronesia
FR WP-7 Fiji
FR WP-8 French Polynesia
FR WP-9 Indonesia
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
FT IP-1 Pelagic longline gear depth and shoaling
Bigelow, K., Musyl, M.K., Poisson, F., and P. Kleiber.
FT IP-2 Factors affecting on recent development in tuna longline fishing capacity and possible options for management of longline capacity.
Miyake, P.M.
FT IP-3 Marine species identification manual for horizontal longline fishermen.
Chapman, L., Sharples, P., Brogan, D., Desurmont, A., Beverly, S., and W. Sokimi.
FT IP-4 Handbooks for the identification of yellowfin and bigeye tunas in fresh, frozen and fresh but less than ideal condition -
Itano, D and S. Fukofuka,. with development and translation assistance from M. de Beer, Yamasaki, G., Lewis, A.D., Taquet, M., Merta, G.S., Andamari, R., Proctor, C., Sarralde, R., Matsumoto, T., Kwoh, J.-R., Moon, D-Y, Choi, Y., Lu-Chen, JY, and the Interpretation and Translation Section of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community.
FT IP-5 Photographic identification guide for billfish, sharks, tuna-like, and non-tuna finfish taken in WCPO pelagic longline fisheries.
Itano, D., J. McGregor and S. Arceneaux.
FT IP-6 Study of Alternative Models of Artificial Floating Objects for Tuna Fishery (Experimental Purse-seine Campaign in the Indian Ocean).
Delgado de Molina, A.1, J. Ariz, J.C. Santana and S. Déniz.
FT IP-7 Behavioural study of small bigeye, yellowfin and skipjack tunas associated with drifting FADs using ultrasonic coded transmitter in the central Pacific Ocean.
Matsumoto, T.1, H. Okamoto1 and M. Toyonaga2.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
FT WP-1 An overview of historical changes in the fishing gear and practices of pelagic longliners.
Ward, P. and Hindmarsh, S.
FT WP-2 Measuring effective longline effort in the Australian Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery.
Campbell, R. and J. Young.
FT WP-3 FADIO (Fish Aggregating Devices as Instrumented Observatories of pelagic ecosystems): a European Union funded project on development of new observational instruments and the behaviour of fish around drifting FADs.
Dagorn L., Holland K., Puente E., Taquet M., Ramos A., Brault P., Nottestad L., Georgakarakos S., Deneubourg J.-L., Aumeeruddy R., Josse E., Dalen J.
FT WP-4 Behaviour of yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) and bigeye tuna (T. obesus) in a network of anchored Fish Aggregation Devices.
Itano, D., Holland, K. and L. Dagorn.
FT WP-5 Standardized fishery terms to facilitate communication within the Scientific Committee and with the WCPFC.
Itano, D. and D. Kirby.
FT WP-6 An examination of vessel, gear and operational details useful for fishery-specific effort standardization, including FAD-related gear and fishing strategies.
Itano, D.
FT WP-7 FAD Fishing and its Effects on Tuna Stocks.
Babaran, R.
FT WP-8 Acoustic Selectivity in Tropical Tuna (Experimental Purse-seine Campaign in the Indian Ocean).
J. Miquel2 , A. Delgado de Molina1 , J. Ariz1 , R. Delgado de Molina1 , S. Déniz, N. Díaz2 , Iglesias2 , J.C. Santana1 y P. Brehmer3.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
GN IP-1 Consolidated terms of reference of the Specialist Working Groups.
GN IP-2 Steering Committee report on the progress of IPDCP.
GN IP-3 Information on seabird mitigation measures of other RFMOs.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
GN WP-1 Overview of the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) tuna fisheries, including economic conditions - 2005.
Williams, P. & C. Reid
GN WP-10 Rules and procedures for the security of data held by the WCPFC.
GN WP-11 Regional tuna tagging project, Phase 1: Papua New Guinea.
GN WP-12 Tunas and billfishes in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
GN WP-2 Draft rules of procedure for WCPFC subsidiary bodies.
GN WP-3 Draft terms of reference: Independent review of transitional science structure and functions.
GN WP-4 Draft research plan.
GN WP-5 Draft publication policy for publications of the Commission.
GN WP-6 Cooperation with other organizations.
GN WP-7 A summary of requests to the Scientific Committee from WCPFC-2.
Harley, S.
GN WP-8 The Commission’s regional observer program. REMOVED.
GN WP-9 Principles and procedures for dissemination of compliance and science data by the Commission.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-SC-2006 / 01 Notice of meeting & meeting arrangements
WCPFC-SC-2006 / 02 Registration form
WCPFC-SC-2006 / 03 Provisional agenda (Rev 1)
WCPFC-SC-2006 / 04 Provisional annotated agenda (Rev 1)
WCPFC-SC-2006 / 05 Indicative schedule
WCPFC-SC-2006 / 06 List of documents (Rev 5)
WCPFC-SC-2006 / 07 Chair's Briefs
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
ME WP-1 Summary report from yellowfin and bigeye stock assessment workshop.
Langley, A
ME WP-2 Incorporation of other oceanographic factors into CPUE Standardizations.
Bigelow, K.
ME WP-3 Multifan-CL Stock Assessment for South-West Pacific Broadbill Swordfish 1952-2004.
Kolody, D., R. Campbell, and N. Davies
ME WP-4 CASAL Stock Assessment for South-West Pacific Broadbill Swordfish 1952-2004.
Davies, N., R. Campbell, and D. Kolody.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
ST IP-1 Estimates of annual catches in the WCPFC Statistical Area.
Oceanic Fisheries Programme.
ST IP-2 Scientific data available to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission.
Oceanic Fisheries Programme.
ST IP-3 Observer coverage rates and reliability of CPUE estimates for purse seiners in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.
Lawson, T
ST IP-4 Catches of bigeye and yellowfin tuna in other fisheries.
Oceanic Fisheries Programme.
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SA WP-1 Stock assessment of yellowfin tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean, including an analysis of management options.
Hampton, J., Langley, A., Kleiber, P.
SA WP-2 Stock assessment of bigeye tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean, including an analysis of management options.
Hampton, J., A. Langley, A., and P. Kleiber.
SA WP-3 The South Pacific albacore fishery: a summary of the status of the stock and fishery management issues of relevance to Pacific Island countries and territories.
Langley, A.D.
SA WP-4 An update of the stock assessment for South Pacific albacore tuna, including an investigation of the sensitivity to key biological parameters included in the model.
Langley, A., and J. Hampton.
SA WP-5 Potential impact on catches of skipjack by the WCPO purse-seine fishery of various WCPFC conservation and management measures considered for bigeye and yellowfin.
Langley, A., and J. Hampton
SA WP-6 Stock assessment of striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) in the southwest Pacific Ocean.
Langley, A., B. Molony, D. Bromhead, K. Yokawa, and B Wise..
SA WP-7 SW Pacific Swordfish Stock Status Summary from multiple assessment models.
Kolody, D., N. Davies, and R. Campbell.

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