Hokkaido, Japan
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
All Documents
Meeting Arrangements
Symbol | Title | Date of Issue | Last Updated Sort descending |
Circular 2023-80 | Meeting Notice: The IATTC and WCPFC/NC JWG-09 and the NC20 Secretariat |
Circular 2024-07 | Meeting Notice (Update): Meeting dates and venue for the IATTC and WCPFC/NC JWG-09 and the NC20 Secretariat |
JWG09-01 | Meeting Notice and Arrangements (visa for Japan) Secretariat |
2024.06.08 JWG Co-Chairs' Letter | IATTC-NC JWG Co-Chairs' Letter to ISC Chair JWG Co-Chairs |
JWG09-02 | Provisional agenda (10Apr2024) - Rev.01 Secretariat |
JWG09-03 | Indicative Schedule Secretariat |
JWG09-01.1 | Reception for the JWG09 and NC20 (6pm on Monday, 15 July2024) Japan |
5th CDS Technical Meeting
Symbol | Title | Date of Issue | Last Updated Sort descending |
CDS05-03 | Suggested Elements to be Included in a Conservation and Management Measure for Pacific Bluefin Tuna CDS Republic of Korea |
CDS05-01 | Meeting Notice and Provisional Agenda CDSTM Chair Shingo Ota |
CDS05-02 | Options for Budgetary and Administrative Consideration for the Development of CDS Japan and CDSTM-SWG |
CDS05-04 | Working Draft CMM/Resolution for Pacific bluefin tuna Catch Documentation Scheme CDSTM-SWG |
CDS05-05 | Results of the 4th Technical Meeting and intersessional work thereafter CDSTM Chair Shingo Ota |
CDS05-06 | DRAFT Agreement between SPC, IATTC, and WCPFC CDSTM-SWG |
CDS05-00 | Chair's Summary of the 5th CDS Technical Meeting (Final) Shingo Ota |
Working Papers
Symbol | Title | Date of Issue | Last Updated Sort descending |
JWG09-WP-01 | Compiled information on Pacific bluefin tuna - fishing effort and catch in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (Rev.01) Secretariat |
JWG09-WP-02 | Need for Timely Adjustment of Catch Limits of Pacific Bluefin Tuna Japan |
JWG09-WP-03 | Key Issues for a New Conservation and Management Measure for Pacific Bluefin Tuna JWG09 Co-Chairs |
JWG09-WP-04 | DRAFT Agreement between the SPC and the IATTC and the WCPFC CDS-TM |
Information Papers
Delegation Proposals and Papers
Observer Papers
* Secure documents are not included in the zip file