20th Regular Session of the Technical and Compliance Committee: Full Annotated Agenda
1. Opening of Meeting
1.1 Welcome
The meeting will commence at 8:30am on Wednesday 25 September 2024.
TCC Chair, Mr Mat Kertesz (Australia) will open the Twentieth Regular Session of the Technical and Compliance Committee (TCC20) of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) and welcome delegations of the WCPFC Members, Cooperating Non-Members and Participating Territories (CCMs) and Observers.
1.2 Adoption of Agenda
The Chair will present the Provisional Agenda for consideration and adoption. The Rules of Procedure provide that Members may propose supplementary agenda items until 30 days before the meeting (Rule 3). The agenda, as modified, will need to be adopted by the meeting (Rule 5).
1.3 Meeting Arrangements
TCC20 will review the Indicative Schedule and consider logistical arrangements to support the meeting, including proposed meeting times, small working groups and any social events.
1.1 Welcome
2. Executive Director's Annual Report on Technical and Compliance Matters
The Executive Director will provide a report on relevant technical and compliance issues, as well as key strategic issues for discussion at WCPFC21.
3. TCC Workplan
Update to be provided by the TCC Chair on an updated and consolidated workplan for 2024.
4. IUU Vessel List
In accordance with CMM 2019-07, TCC20 will review the current WCPFC IUU list and the draft IUU list, and any suitably documented information.
5. CNM Requests
In accordance with CMM 2019-01, TCC20 will consider the applications for Cooperating Non-Member (CNM) status in 2025 and provide recommendations and technical advice to the Commission. A small working group is expected to review the applications and report back to plenary.
6. Compliance Monitoring Scheme (CMS)
6.1 Provisional CMR covering RY 2023
2024 marks the fourteenth year of implementation of the CMS. CMM 2023-04 Conservation and Management Measure for the Compliance Monitoring Scheme will apply from 2024 – 2026.
TCC20 will review:
- the assessment of the 2024 Compliance Monitoring Report (CMR) covering reporting year (RY) 2023 using audit points adopted by the Commission,
- the aggregate tables summarizing information in the WCPFC online compliance case file system (CCFS), and
- (as a trial in 2024) reports from relevant CCMs on their progress to resolve certain individual obligation implementation gaps from the previous year.
TCC20 will develop a Provisional CMR for the previous reporting period (RY2023), considering any Capacity Development Plans developed pursuant to CMM 2023-04 paragraphs 16-18, and other information described in paragraph 28(ii), any additional information provided by CCMs, and, where appropriate, any additional information provided by non-government organizations or other organizations concerned with matters relevant to the implementation of the Convention. The provisional CMR will contain the following:
- an executive summary,
- a compliance status with respect to all applicable individual obligations as well as recommendations for any corrective action(s) needed by the CCM or action(s) to be taken by the Commission, based on potential compliance issues identified in respect of that CCM or collective group of CCMs, and using the criteria and considerations for assessing Compliance Status set out in Annex 1 of CMM 2023-04 ,
- tables including aggregated data (templates attached in Annex III to CMM 2023-04 ) relating to the information provided in paragraph 11 of CMM 2023-04 , including recommendations or observations from TCC in accordance with CMM 2023-04 , and
- tables including reports by relevant CCMs on their progress to resolve certain individual obligation implementation gaps from the previous year/s, and TCC20 recommendations whether the previous year compliance status continues or if reporting now satisfies the audit point requirements.
6.2 Addressing the imbalance in the CCFS
The scheme in paragraph 15 of CMM 2023-04 is intended to address the imbalance in observer coverage between the longline and purse seine fisheries in the compliance case file system (CCFS). In support of the approach, the Secretariat is tasked in subparagraph (b) to develop and utilize, in consultation with the Scientific Services Provider (SSP), a scheme for randomly sampling observer-related cases from the online compliance case file system for the purse seine fishery on a trip basis designed to achieve the level of coverage in the CMR for ROP purse seine trips determined for the longline fishery by the SSP for the most recent year for which this data is available.
The Secretariat will provide an update on this task, and TCC20 is invited to discuss and as appropriate, provide advice and recommendations in support of the future use of this scheme in the CMS.
6.3 Addressing outstanding CCFS cases
At WCPFC20, the Commission requested CCMs to provide to the Secretariat information on the domestic statute of limitations, the allowable period to bring a prosecution, for various types of cases: fisheries offences and criminal offences (TCC19 Summary Report paragraph 170 (b)). Noting that TCC has previously expressed a preference to address the issue of cases older than 24 months in the CCFS in a systematic way, TCC20 will consider the information provided by CCMs and provide advice and recommendations to WCPFC20.
Suggested way forward: With a view to supporting TCC20’s further consideration of the ongoing CCFS case matters, it is suggested that each flag CCM consider submitting into the TCC20 Online Discussion Forum (ODF), summary information on their domestic statute of limitations, the allowable period to bring a prosecution, for various types of cases: fisheries offences and criminal offences.
6.4 Provisional list of obligations for assessment in 2025 CMS
TCC20 is tasked in CMM 2023-04 paragraph 6, to prepare a provisional list of obligations to be assessed in the following year’s CMS, using a risk-based approach as a possible guidance. In completing this task, TCC20 may also provide advice and recommendations related to
- additional audit points needed to inform next year’s CMS process, and
- the experience from this years trial streamlining approach which is intended to support tracking progress by CCMs to resolve their implementation gaps from previous year/s.
6.5 Future work to enhance the CMS
The Commission has through the various CMS CMM’s committed to a multi-year workplan of tasks to enhance the CMS, with the aim of making it more efficient and effective by streamlining processes, including through the development of guidelines and operating procedures. Paragraph 48 of CMM 2023-04 identifies a non-exhaustive list, which includes:
(i) explore investment in technology solutions to facilitate improvements to the CCFS.
(ii) the development of corrective actions to encourage and incentivise CCMs’ compliance with the Commission’s obligations, where non-compliance is identified.
(iii) the development of the guidelines for participation of observers in closed meetings of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies which consider the Compliance Monitoring Report.
At WCPFC20, the Commission has agreed to postpone the work on the development of corrective actions until sometime in the future (WCPFC20 Summary report paragraph 760). In accordance with paragraph 48 of CMM 2023-04 TCC20 will provide advice and recommendations related to workplan and resourcing requirements to facilitate the work of the Secretariat in support of future work to enhance the CMS.
6.1 Provisional CMR covering RY 2023
7. Status of Fisheries Presentation and Updates on the Impacts of Climate Change
The Commission at WCPFC20 tasked SC and TCC to include, as part of the standing agenda item on climate change, a review of available data to inform the Commission on climate change impacts to stocks and ecosystems in the WCPO, and the potential effects of climate change on related fishing activities (WCPFC20 Summary Report paragraph 220). In this regard, TCC20 is expected to:
- Receive brief updates from the SSP on the status of the WCPO tuna and billfish stocks and climate change impacts.
- Review the Ecosystem and Climate Indicator Report Card (WCPFC20 Summary Report paragraph 218).
- Review a preliminary assessment of selected CMMs for their vulnerability to climate change impacts and consider the need for further work prepared by the Secretariat and SSP (WCPFC20 Summary Report paragraph 222).
- Review and provide input to the Commission's DRAFT Climate Change Workplan, under development through intersessional work led by RMI and United States (WCPFC20 Summary Report paragraph 223).
TCC20 will, as appropriate, provide advice and recommendations to the Commission.
8. Supporting Science-based Management
8.1 CMMs with interpretation issues identified through the CMS
TCC20 will provide advice to the Commission related to CMMs that need revision to improve compliance and monitoring, including those where interpretation issues have been identified from the CMS process (CMM 2023-04 paragraph 40)
8.2 Review of CMM 2015-02 SP Albacore
Update to be provided by the SP Albacore Roadmap Chair Mr. Moses Mataika (Fiji) which is leading the intersessional process to review CMM 2015-02 Conservation and Management Measure for South Pacific albacore
8.3 Tropical tuna CMM and FAD Management Options IWG
Based on WCPFC20 outcomes there are three matters that TCC20 is expected to consider:
- the development of audit points to support future reviews of the requirements for increased observer coverage in longline fisheries as set out in CMM 2023-01 Attachment 1, Table 3.
- A task from the Commission to provide recommendations regarding the type of vessels that should be allowed to deploy and service FADs in the WCPFC Convention Area (WCPFC20 Summary Report, paragraph 74), and
- An update from the FAD Management Options IWG Chair Mr Jamel James (FSM).
TCC20 may, as appropriate, provide advice and recommendations to the Commission to improve compliance and monitoring of this CMM.
8.4 Development of Monitoring Strategy for Skipjack Tuna
Update to be provided by SC and TCC Chairs on the progress of developing a monitoring strategy for skipjack tuna for adoption at WCPFC21.
8.5 Review of CMM 2018-03 Seabirds
Update to be provided by New Zealand on the Informal Intersessional Process to review CMM 2018-03 Conservation and Management Measure to mitigate the impact of fishing for highly migratory fish stocks on seabirds
8.6 Review alternative measures to shark finning prohibition (CMM 2022-04)
The Commission directed CCMs who utilize alternative measures to the prohibition on finning in paragraph 7 of CMM 2022-04, to provide detailed information on the implementation and monitoring of those alternative measures in advance of TCC20, as directed in paragraph 11 of CMM 2022-04. The Commission also encourages CCMs to report to TCC20 any enforcement difficulties that they encountered in the case of the alternative measures and how they have addressed risks such as monitoring at sea, species substitution, etc. The Commission tasks the Secretariat to compile information with regards to the application of the provisions in paragraphs 8 and 9 of CMM 2022-04. The information provided shall be used by TCC20 and WCPFC21 to review the implementation of alternative measures (WCPFC20 Summary Report, paragraph 713).
8.7 Review of CMM 2011-03 Cetaceans
TCC20 is invited to review a proposal from the United States and Republic of Korea to amend CMM 2011-03 Conservation and Management Measure for Protection of Cetaceans from Purse Seine Fishing
8.1 CMMs with interpretation issues identified through the CMS
9. WCPFC's Monitoring Programmes
9.1 CMM 2018-05 Regional Observer Programme
Based on WCPFC20 outcomes there are two matters that TCC20 is expected to consider:
- How CCMs can monitor their vessels compliance with CMM 2018-05 15 (g) (WCPFC20 Summary Report, paragraph 754 (d))
- An update on the IWG-ROP intersessional activities.
9.2 Development of E-Monitoring Standards
Update to be provided by the ER and EM IWG Chair, Dr Shelton Harley.
9.3 CMM 2009-06 Regulation of Transhipment
Update to be provided by the TS-IWG Co-Chairs, Dr Alex Kahl (USA) and Mr Felix Ngwango (Vanuatu).
9.4 CMM 2014-02 Commission VMS
Based on WCPFC20 outcomes there are three matters that TCC20 is expected to consider:
- whether any amendments are required to VMS SSPs 7.2.4 to provide clearer language in relation to this reporting requirement (i.e. protocol for inspecting States to inspect ALCs/MTU of other CCMs vessels at sea, includes reporting requirements for inspecting States) (WCPFC20 Summary Report, paragraph 754(c)).
- ongoing work to enhance CCM’s and Secretariat’s practices to integrate and facilitate ongoing monitoring and compliance with CMM 2014-02, and
- a routine update of the VMS Standard Operating Procedures to reflect the continual improvements made by the Secretariat to relevant WCPFC online systems and taking into consideration WCPFC20 outcomes.
9.5 CMM 2017-02 Port State Minimum Standards
TCC20 is to review CMM 2017-02 Port State Minimum Standards taking into account current Commission implementation of the measure, other RFMOs’ experience, the UN FAO’s Port State Measures and the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency regional PSM framework (TCC19 Summary Report, paragraph 332)
9.6 Review data access and data exchange arrangements
Update to be provided by the Secretariat on the progress to establish transhipment activity, observer reports, and carrier vessel data exchange arrangements with the following RFMOs: IATTC, IOTC, CCSBT, SPRFMO and NPFC (WCPFC20 Summary Report, paragraph 597)
The Secretariat requests that TCC20 also consider reviewing the WCPFC’s Rules for Data Protection, Access and Dissemination to check that they adequately supports relevant CCMs in their implementation of CMM 2017-02 Port State Minimum Standards (or its replacement) and/or the FAO Port State Measures Agreement.
9.7 Scientific data gaps and relevant SC20 outcomes
Based on WCPFC20 outcomes there is one matter that TCC20 is expected to consider:
- review the SciData requirements to capture turtle interaction reporting requirements under CMM 2018-04, paragraphs 5c and 7e (WCPFC20 Summary Report, paragraph 754 (e))
TCC20 will also consider relevant SC20 outcomes related to scientific data gaps and WCPFC’s Monitoring Programmes.
9.8 CMM 2006-08 High Seas Boarding and Inspection Scheme
At the request of China, TCC20 is invited to review CMM 2006-08 Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Boarding and Inspection Procedures,
9.9 CMM 2021-04 Charter Notification Scheme
TCC20 is invited to review CMM 2021-04 Charter Notification Scheme, noting the expiry of the measure on 28 February 2025 unless renewed by the Commission.
9.1 CMM 2018-05 Regional Observer Programme
10. Available Data for Verifying Compliance
At WCPFC19, the Commission endorsed TCC18 recommendations which noted that compliance with some obligations cannot be independently verified from available data sources, and tasked the Secretariat to develop a paper, which identifies those obligations for which there is a lack of independently verifiable data, as well as potential sources of data that could provide independent verification of those obligations. TCC19 reviewed this paper, and at WCPFC20 the Commission endorsed the TCC19 recommendation that noted the paper’s value in guiding and enhancing the work of TCC and the Commission, as well as relevant intersessional working groups, and tasked the Secretariat with providing this paper as a standing paper and agenda item for TCC in the future (TCC19 Summary Report, paragraphs 222 – 223).
TCC20 is tasked to consider whether any adopted audit points for Quantitative Limit obligations require additional verification sources or processes to better facilitate compliance assessments (WCPFC20 Summary Report paragraph 754 (f)).
11. Labour Standards
Update to be provided by the Co-Chairs, Ms Putuh Suadela (Indonesia) and Ms Heather Ward (NZ).
12. Supporting CCMs with Monitoring and Evaluation and Implementation of Cooperative MCS tools
TCC has previously identified that a priority task is the continued development of training resources and learning aids for the IMS, and the Secretariat has been tasked to explore the development of training videos. Recent upgrades of key IT-related systems and associated guidelines and training resources have focused on supporting CCMs reporting.
The Secretariat will provide an update on the TCC19 recommendation that the Secretariat update and maintain the Annual Reporting guidance (Annex 2 of WCPFC-TCC19-2023-19 Resources to assist CCM reporting and implementation of obligations) to provide CCMs clarity on their reporting requirements for further discussion at future TCC meetings. TCC20 is to consider relevant information and updates and make recommendations to the Commission.
TCC20 will also consider and provide advice about additional support aids (eg guidelines, training resources and learning aids, and update of documentation) that the Secretariat should explore to better support CCMs implementation of cooperative MCS activities.
13. Special Requirements of Developing States
13.1 Capacity Assistance Needs
Consideration of the Special Requirements of Developing States pursuant to Part VIII of the Convention is a standing agenda item on the provisional agenda (see Rule 2(h) of the WCPFC Rules of Procedure).
The TCC Workplan 2022-2024 contains a list of possible areas of support to build capacity of SIDS: TCC20 will consider relevant information and make recommendations to the Commission.
TCC20 will review requests for capacity development assistance from developing states and territories, that have been identified through annual reporting and the CMS, for inclusion into the WCPFC Strategic Investment Plan.
13.2 Implementation of CMM 2013-06
TCC is tasked, as a standing agenda item relating to the Special Requirements of Developing States, to review and assess the Commission’s implementation of, and compliance with, CMM 2013-06 Conservation and Management Measure on the criteria for the consideration of conservation and management proposals for the previous calendar year (WCPFC20 Summary Report, paragraph 754 (a)).
13.1 Capacity Assistance Needs
14. Administrative Matters
14.1 WCPFC Information and Network Security Framework
At WCPFC19, the Commission approved the TCC18 recommendations to expand the annual VMS Security Audit, to include a more dynamic and continual assessment of the WCPFC information management systems and annual penetration testing of the WCPFC information management systems. In 2023, TCC19 noted the Secretariat's plans to continue the ongoing, expanded security review work, which includes completing work on the development of an IT Systems Risk Register and conduct of routine penetration testing, and efforts to continue to improve the Secretariat's IT security score. Updates will be provided by the Secretariat on the status of the WCPFC’s Information and Network Security Framework and provide advice and recommendations related to relevant workplan and resourcing requirements to facilitate the work of the Secretariat.
14.2 Required resources
TCC20 is invited to discuss and provide advice and recommendations to FAC18 and the Commission on the resources required to support TCC20 outcomes, including tasks set out in the TCC Workplan for 2025 and subsequent years, taking into consideration the views of the Secretariat.
14.3 Election of Officers
TCC20 will recommend a Technical and Compliance Committee Chair and Vice-Chair for election at WCPFC21. The TCC Chair and TCC Vice-Chair shall hold office for two years and shall be eligible for re-election.
14.4 Next Meeting
TCC20 is invited to recommend that TCC21 be held on Wednesday 24th September – Tuesday 30th September 2025, and to confirm the venue is in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.
14.1 WCPFC Information and Network Security Framework
15. Other matters for TCC advice from the TCC20 ODF
This agenda item is intended to provide a limited opportunity for TCC20 to consider outcomes on other topics from the TCC20 online discussion forum (ODF). TCC20 may also consider, as appropriate, advice and recommendations related to NC20, SC20 and SMD-02 outcomes.
16. Clearance of TCC20 Recommendations
TCC20 will adopt an Outcomes Document that reflects decisions and recommendations with the full summary report to be cleared intersessionally.
17. Close of Meeting
Members and the Chair may wish to provide closing remarks, after which the Chair will close the meeting.