20th Regular Session of the Technical and Compliance Committee

Agenda Item 7. Status of Fisheries Presentation and Updates on the Impacts of Climate Change


The Commission at WCPFC20 tasked SC and TCC to include, as part of the standing agenda item on climate change, a review of available data to inform the Commission on climate change impacts to stocks and ecosystems in the WCPO, and the potential effects of climate change on related fishing activities (WCPFC20 Summary Report paragraph 220).  In this regard, TCC20 is expected to:

  • Receive brief updates from the SSP on the status of the WCPO tuna and billfish stocks and climate change impacts. 
  • Review the Ecosystem and Climate Indicator Report Card (WCPFC20 Summary Report paragraph 218).
  • Review a preliminary assessment of selected CMMs for their vulnerability to climate change impacts and consider the need for further work prepared by the Secretariat and SSP (WCPFC20 Summary Report paragraph 222).
  • Review and provide input to the Commission's DRAFT Climate Change Workplan, under development through intersessional work led by RMI and United States (WCPFC20 Summary Report paragraph 223).

TCC20 will, as appropriate, provide advice and recommendations to the Commission.

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-TCC20-2024-12 A Review of the Scope and Feasibility of an Assessment of CMM Susceptibility to Climate Change Impacts
Secretariat and Scientific Services Provider
WCPFC-TCC20-2024-13_rev1 Update of the work by the Co-leads of the WCPFC climate change workplan
WCPFC climate change workplan Co-Leads
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
NC20-WP-01 Updated information on North Pacific albacore effort data (Rev.01)
NC20-WP-02 Compiled information on Pacific bluefin tuna - fishing effort and catch (Rev.01)
NC20-WP-03 Updated information on North Pacific swordfish catch and fishing effort
WCPFC-TCC20-2024-IP01 Overview of tuna fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, including economic conditions – 2023
WCPFC-TCC20-2024-IP02 Ecosystem and Climate Indicators
WCPFC-TCC20-2024-IP08 A Compendium of fisheries indicators for target tuna stocks in the WCPFC Convention Area
WCPFC-TCC20-2024-IP10 The Tuna Fishery in the Eastern Pacific Ocean in 2023
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-TCC20-2024-P01 Status of the WCPFC Tuna Fisheries and Stocks