8th Regular Session of the Commission

Hyatt Regency Hotel, Guam, United States of America
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
More Information

Hotel Reservation

The meeting venue will be at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, 1155 Pale San Vitores Road, Tumon, Guam 96913, Telephone: +1 671-647-1234; Fax: +1 671-647-1235. (http://guam.regency.hyatt.com/hyatt/hotels/index.jsp). 

Guam has many excellent hotels from 5 star resorts to very good medium range hotels at reasonable rates. Most of these can be found on the internet. Participants are asked to make their own accommodation arrangements.

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC8-2011-DP-01 PNA Proposed CMM to close Purse Seine Fishing in Additional High Seas Areas
WCPFC8-2011-DP-02 New Zealand Transshipment Exemption
WCPFC8-2011-DP-03 FFA Members Draft Amendments to the CMM for South Pacific Albacore
WCPFC8-2011-DP-04 FFA Members Comments on Catch Documentation Scheme
WCPFC8-2011-DP-05 (Rev 1) FFA Members Draft Proposal for Amendment to CMM for Charter Notification (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-DP-06 FFA Members Comments on Development and Implementation of the WCPFC CMS Provisional CMR and Operation of TCC
WCPFC8-2011-DP-07 FFA Members Comments on European Union Port States Measures Proposal
WCPFC8-2011-DP-08 FFA Members Comments on the TCC Work Plan
WCPFC8-2011-DP-09 FFA Members Proposal for a CMM for Bigeye, Skipjack and Yellowfin Tunas
WCPFC8-2011-DP-10 FFA Members Submission on Implementing Article 24(8) of the Convention - VMS
WCPFC8-2011-DP-11 (Rev 2) US Proposal for Conservation and Management Measure for Oceanic Whitetip Shark (Rev 2)
WCPFC8-2011-DP-12 US Proposed Conservation and Management Measure for the Regional Observer Programme
WCPFC8-2011-DP-13 US Proposal on Charter Notification Scheme
WCPFC8-2011-DP-14 USA Proposal Respecting the Operation of Paragraph 46 of CMM 2008-01
WCPFC8-2011-DP-15A (Rev 1) Australia Proposals to Address the Impact of Purse Seine Fishing Activity on Whale Sharks
WCPFC8-2011-DP-15B (Rev 2) Australia Proposals to Address the Impact of Purse Seine Fishing Activity on Cetaceans (Rev 2)
WCPFC8-2011-DP-16 A Guideline for safe and live release of encircled cetaceans during purse seine fishing operation
WCPFC8-2011-DP-17 A Guideline for safe and live release of encircled whale sharks during purse seine fishing operation
WCPFC8-2011-DP-19 Implementation of an EEZ Entry and Exit Notification Scheme
WCPFC8-2011-DP-20 WCPFC CDS Working Group - Terms of Reference
WCPFC8-2011-DP-21 WCPFC IUU Listing Process
WCPFC8-2011-DP-23 Vessel Day Scheme (VDS) Report to the Eighth Regular Session of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC8)
WCPFC8-2011-DP-24 EU Proposal for a CMM for the conservation and management of tropical tunas (bigeye yellowfin and skipjack) in the WCPFC convention area
WCPFC8-2011-DP-25 Explanatory note on EU Proposal for a CMM for the conservation and management of tropical tunas (bigeye yellowfin and skipjack) in the WCPFC convention area
WCPFC8-2011-DP-26 EU Proposal for a CMM on port state measures to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
WCPFC8-2011-DP-27 Explanatory note on EU Proposal for a CMM on port state measures to prevent deter and eliminate illegal unreported and unregulated fishing
WCPFC8-2011-DP-28 EU Proposal for a CMM on a WCPFC yellowfin bigeye skipjack and swordfish catch certification scheme
WCPFC8-2011-DP-29 Explanatory note on EU Proposal for a CMM on a WCPFC yellowfin bigeye skipjack and swordfish catch certification scheme
WCPFC8-2011-DP-30 (Rev 3) USA paper Article 24(8) - VMS Template Agreement (Rev 3)
WCPFC8-2011-DP-31 Revised CMM 2007-02 (VMS)
WCPFC8-2011-DP-32 Review of CMM 2010-03 establishing the Compliance Monitoring Scheme
WCPFC8-2011-DP-33 (Rev 1) Conservation and Management Measure for Compliance Monitoring Scheme (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-DP-34 Responses to Non-Compliance under the WCPFC Compliance Monitoring Scheme
WCPFC8-2011-DP-35 (Rev 1) Japan Comments on Chairman Proposed Way Forward Regarding CMM 2008-01 (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-DP-36 China EU Japan Korea Chinese Taipei Proposal on Ensuring the Opportunity for Vessel Captains and Operators to review and comment on the COMMISSION ROP Report
WCPFC8-2011-DP-37 El Salvador Letter in Support of their Renewal of CNM Status
WCPFC8-2011-DP-38 EU Response to Circular 2011-30 on Conservation and Management of Skipjack Bigeye and Yellowfin Tuna
WCPFC8-2011-DP-39 RMI paper: Implementations of Purse Seine Capacity Limits in the WCPFC for Small Island Developing States
WCPFC8-2011-DP-40 RMI paper: Coastal States (FFA) VMS and the Commission VMS
WCPFC8-2011-DP-41 Joint VMS Review-VMS Attributes
WCPFC8-2011-DP-42 Proposed CMM on High Seas Pocket # 1 (2)
WCPFC8-2011-DP-43 Panama further information on the Sun Fu Fa - formerly Senta
WCPFC8-2011-DP-43 Panama information on Sun Fu Fa_ formerly Senta (SECURE SECTION ONLY)
WCPFC8-2011-DP-44 Panama additional information for CNM application response to TCC7
WCPFC8-2011-DP-44 Panama additional information for CNM application response to TCC7 (SECURE SECTION ONLY)
WCPFC8-2011-DP-46 Tokelau Opening Statement to WCPFC8
WCPFC8-2011-DP-47 Japan Edits - TORs for the Management Issues Theme
WCPFC8-2011-DP-48 FFA Rationalisation of WCPFC related meetings
WCPFC8-2011-DP-49 Additional Information for Draft Compliance Monitoring Scheme Report For 2010 – INDONESIA - WCPFC-TCC7-2011-18 –CMR-32
WCPFC8-2011-DP-49 Additional Information for Draft Compliance Monitoring Scheme Report For 2010 – INDONESIA - WCPFC-TCC7-2011-18 –CMR-32 (SECURE SECTION ONLY)
WCPFC8-2011-DP-50 Report of the European Union on Article 30 of the Convention and Resolution 2009-01 of WCPFC
WCPFC8-2011-DP-51 Provisional 2010 Compliance Assessment Kiribati
WCPFC8-2011-DP-51 Provisional 2010 Compliance Assessment Kiribati (SECURE SECTION ONLY)
WCPFC8-2011-DP-52 Proposal by the European Union Japan and the United States on the Management of Purse Seine Fishing in the WCPFC Convention Area
WCPFC8-2011-DP-53 United States Assistance Provided to SIDs as related to Article 30 and other relevant activities related to Resolution 2008-01 in 2011
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC8-2011-FAC5-01 Provisional Agenda
WCPFC8-2011-FAC5-02 Provisional Annotated Agenda
WCPFC8-2011-FAC5-03 (Rev 1) Indicative Schedule (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-FAC5-04 Auditor's Report for 2010 and General Account Fund Financial Statement for 2010
WCPFC8-2011-FAC5-05 (Rev 1) Report on General Account Fund Contributions and Other Income for 2011 (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-FAC5-06 (Rev 1) Report on the Status of Other Funds for 2011 (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-FAC5-07 Draft Strategic Plan
WCPFC8-2011-FAC5-08 Business Plan
WCPFC8-2011-FAC5-09 Headquarters Matters
WCPFC8-2011-FAC5-10 (Rev 1) GNI Contribution Calculation Information Paper (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-FAC5-11 Recommended Requirements for Hosting the Scientific Committee or Annual Commission Meetings of the WCPFC
WCPFC8-2011-FAC5-12 (Rev 5) Proposed Budget for the Commission's Work Programme for 2012 and Indicative Budgets for 2013 and 2014 (Rev 5)
WCPFC8-2011-FAC5-13 (Rev 1) Education Allowance (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-FAC5-14a (Rev 1) Construction of Permanent Housing for the Executive Director (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-FAC5-14b (Rev 1) Housing for Professional Staff (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-FAC5-15 (Rev 2) Proposed Revisions to Regulations (Rev 2)
WCPFC8-2011-FAC5-16 Data Entry for Noumea and Pohnpei
WCPFC8-2011-FAC5-17 Draft TCC Work Programme 2012-2014
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC8-2011-IP-01 (Rev 1) Summary Information on Whale Shark and Cetacean Interactions in the Tropical WCPFC Purse Seine Fishery (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-IP-02 The Western and Central Pacific Tuna Fishery: 2010 Overview and Status of Stocks
WCPFC8-2011-IP-03 WCPFC-IATTC Cross Endorsement of Observers
WCPFC8-2011-IP-03A Report on WCPFC-IATTC Secretariats Meeting of the Cross Endorsement of Observers (Update to WCPFC8-2011-IP-03)
WCPFC8-2011-IP-04 (Rev 1) South Pacific Albacore Fishery (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-IP-05 A Proposal for a Process for Designating WCPFC Key Shark Species for Data Provision and Assessment
WCPFC8-2011-IP-06 Plan for Improvement of the Availability and Use of Purse Seine Catch Composition Data
WCPFC8-2011-IP-07 Review of Data Integrity and Security
WCPFC8-2011-IP-08 Development of Guidelines for High Seas Transshipment from Fishing Vessels to Other than Purse Seine Vessels (CMM 2009-06 Para 37)
WCPFC8-2011-IP-10 (Rev 1) EU Request PS EEZ Catch 2007 - 2010 (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-IP-11 (Rev 1) WCPFC CMM 2008-01 Background Stats (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-IP-12 Agreement for the Provision of Scientific Services to the Commission - SPC
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC8-2011-01 (Rev 3) Notice of Meeting (Rev 3)
WCPFC8-2011-02 (Rev 13) Provisional Agenda and References (Rev 13)
WCPFC8-2011-03 (Rev 2) Provisional Annotated Agenda (Rev 2)
WCPFC8-2011-04 (Rev 4) Draft Indicative Schedule (Rev 4)
WCPFC8-2011-05 (Rev 17) Provisional List of Documents (Rev 17)
WCPFC8-2011-06 Agenda for Heads of Delegations Meeting
WCPFC8-2011-07 Key Issues Arising from WCPFC7
WCPFC8-2011-08 Status of the Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks
WCPFC8-2011-09 (Rev 2) Observers to the Commission (Rev 2)
WCPFC8-2011-10 Cooperating Non-Member Applications
WCPFC8-2011-12 Review of the Performance of the WCPFC
WCPFC8-2011-13 (Rev 1) Cost Recovery and the Optimization of Commission Service Costs (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-14 Summary Report of the Seventh Regular Session of the Scientific Committee
WCPFC8-2011-15 KOBE III Workshop Recommendations Science and Bycatch
WCPFC8-2011-16 Summary Report of the Seventh Regular Session of the Northern Committee
WCPFC8-2011-17 (Rev 1) Summary Report Seventh Regular Meeting of the Technical Compliance Committee (Adopted before Professional Editing) (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-17 (Rev 2) Summary Report Seventh Regular Meeting of the Technical Compliance Committee (Adopted before Professional Editing) (Rev 2)
WCPFC8-2011-18 (Rev 1) Proposed WCPFC IUU Vessel List for 2012 (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-19 Summary of Annual Reports Parts 1 and 2
WCPFC8-2011-20 Compliance Monitoring Reports - Status
WCPFC8-2011-21 (Rev 3) Summary of CMM Implementation of, and Compliance with Conservation and Management Measures Not Included in Compliance Monitoring Scheme (former WCPFC-TCC7-2011-17A) (Rev 3)
WCPFC8-2011-22 Updated Streamlining of Part 2 Annual Report
WCPFC8-2011-23 Catch Attribution Study
WCPFC8-2011-24 3rd Annual Report for the Regional Observer Programme
WCPFC8-2011-25 Draft Terms of Reference for the ROP Technical Advisory Group
WCPFC8-2011-26 Annual Report for the Vessel Monitoring System
WCPFC8-2011-27 Joint WCPFC-FFA Review of the WCPFC VMS
WCPFC8-2011-28 (Rev 1) VMS ALC/MTU Audit Checklist (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-29 KOBE III Recommendations Capacity and IUU Listing
WCPFC8-2011-30 Revised Draft TCC Work Programme 2012-2014
WCPFC8-2011-31 Letter from the Chairman on Conservation and Management of Skipjack, Bigeye and Yellowfin Tuna
WCPFC8-2011-32 Implementation of the ROP by Vessels Fishing for Fresh Fish in the North of 20 Degrees North
WCPFC8-2011-33 (Rev 1) Charter Notification Scheme (CMM 2009-08) (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-34 Annual Report on the Work of the Commission
WCPFC8-2011-35 Cooperation with Other Organisations
WCPFC8-2011-36 Small Working Group - VMS Review
WCPFC8-2011-37 Standards, Specifications and Procedures for the WCPFC Record of Fishing Vessels
WCPFC8-2011-38 MOU Between WCPFC and ISC
WCPFC8-2011-39 (Rev 2) WCPFC Management Objectives Workshop Draft Terms of Reference and Structure (Rev 2)
WCPFC8-2011-40 Proposed Conservation and Management Measure for the Commission Vessel Monitoring System
WCPFC8-2011-43 (Rev 1) Review of the Implementation and Effectiveness of CMM 2008-01 (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-43a Projections recent av-recruitment
WCPFC8-2011-43b Projections - SRR recruitment
WCPFC8-2011-44 Circular 2011-37 Pertaining to Inter-sessional Decisions
WCPFC8-2011-45 Circular 2011-38 Pertaining to Inter-sessional Decisions
WCPFC8-2011-46 (Rev 1) Chairman Draft CMM FOR BIGEYE YELLOWFIN AND SKIPJACK TUNA in the WCPO (Rev 1)
WCPFC8-2011-47 CMM 2008-01 Legal Analysis
WCPFC8-2011-48 (Rev 2) CNM Draft Report Language on Participatory Rights for CNMs for 2012 (Final)
WCPFC8-2011-49 Provisional Agenda and References Prioritised with Comments
WCPFC8-2011-50 (Rev 3) Summary Report and Recommendations of the Fifth Session of the Finance and Administration Comittee (FAC5) (Rev 3)
WCPFC8-2011-51 Draft Final Compliance Monitoring Report for 2010
WCPFC8-2011-52 Draft Final Compliance Monitoring Report with CCM names (SECURE SECTION ONLY)
WCPFC8-2011-52 Draft Final Compliance Monitoring Report with CCM names
WCPFC8-2011-53 Draft Decision on CMM 2008-01 (2)
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC8-2011-OP-01 OFAD Request for Amendments to the WCPFC8
WCPFC8-2011-OP-02 Performance Assessment of RFMO Bycatch Governance: Criteria Suite Design and Results for Assessment of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
WCPFC8-2011-OP-03 ISSF Position Statement
WCPFC8-2011-OP-04 PEW Policy Paper and Covering Letter
WCPFC8-2011-OP-05 Greenpeace WCPFC Briefing Paper 2012
WCPFC8-2011-OP-06 WWF Position Statement WCPFC8 (Final)
WCPFC8-2011-OP-07 Greenpeace position on Rights Based Management -2012_02_29
WCPFC8-2011-OP-08 Changing Tuna Markets Progress 2012 Report Greenpeace
WCPFC8-2011-OP-09 Greenpeace 2011 SHIP TOUR REPORT
WCPFC8-2011-OP-10 WWF-SPA-Policy Brief
WCPFC8-2011-OP-11 Shark statement to WCPFC8 from Shark Advocate International, Humane Society International and Project Aware Foundation- 2012
WCPFC8-2011-OP-12 El Salvador FAD Management Plan
WCPFC8-2011-OP-13 El Salvador re Vessel Operations 2010-2011 in WCPFC
WCPFC8-2011-OP-13 EL Salvador re Vessel Operations 2010-2011 in WCPFC (SECURE SECTION ONLY)
WCPFC8-2011-OP-14 Republic of Panama Annual Report 2011
WCPFC8-2011-OP-15 Annual Report Part 1 Vietnam for 2010
WCPFC8-2011-OP-15 Annual Report Part 1 Vietnam for 2010 (SECURE SECTION ONLY)
WCPFC8-2011-OP-16 Annual Report Part 2 Vietnam for 2009
WCPFC8-2011-OP-16 Annual Report Part 2 Vietnam for 2009 (SECURE SECTION ONLY)
WCPFC8-2011-OP-17 Annual Report Part 2 Vietnam for 2010 (SECURE SECTION ONLY)
WCPFC8-2011-OP-17 Annual Report Part 2 Vietnam for 2010
WCPFC8-2011-OP-18 Annual Report Part 1Vietnam for 2009 (SECURE SECTION ONLY)
WCPFC8-2011-OP-18 Annual Report Part 1 Vietnam for 2009
WCPFC8-2011-OP-19 Closing Statement of the American Fishermens Research Foundation

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