(MOW4) Harvest Strategy Workshop

Stones Hotel, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
More Information

This is the fourth workshop in a series of workshops run by the Commission to facilitate the development and implementation of a comprehensive management framework for WCPFC tuna fisheries.

• The first Management Objectives Workshop (MOW1) in 2012, sought to increase the understanding of the use and application of management objectives, indicators and reference points and had preliminary discussions on a range of management objectives for key fisheries

• In 2013  MOW2  considered  a ‘Strawman’ consisting of a candidate list of management objectives, performance indicators, and target reference points for each major fishery. It also provided advice to the Commission on  maintaining viable fisheries across the extent of the stocks; management strategies for skipjack and albacore tuna; options to address bigeye tuna overfishing; and a future workplan for the development of a management framework.

• In 2014 MOW3 generated general support for the development of harvest strategy-based approach management framework as outlined in the CMM proposed by FFA. The workshop provided preliminary advice on a proposal for a TRP for skipjack tuna and the need to implement an effective management framework/ harvest strategy for the south pacific albacore fishery that meets management objectives.

The title of this 2015 workshop (Harvest Strategy Workshop (MOW4)) reflects the increased emphasis that will be placed on providing advice to the Commission on the further development of the harvest strategy approach for key fisheries. The workshop will consider and provide advice to the Commission on:

• Lessons learned from examples of the practical use of harvest strategies and management strategy evaluation (MSE) in other RFMOs, supported by presentations on the development and application of harvest strategies in ICCAT, IOTC and SBT.

• The role of MSE in the development harvest strategies for WCPFC fisheries and associated resource implications.

• Management implications of setting acceptable levels of risk (possibly in terms of numerical values).

• Proposals for elements of harvest strategies (including TRPs) for skipjack and South Pacific albacore.

• The WCPFC harvest strategy workplan, including consideration of resource implications and processes for review and amendment.

• How best to give effect to harvest strategies through Commission instruments and measures.

• Options for progressing harvest strategy work, including use of existing WCPFC bodies (TCC/SPC)


Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC12-2015-23 Harvest Strategy Workshop Summary Report
Ian Cartwright
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
HSW-WINF-01 Meeting Notice
HSW-WINF-02 Provisional Agenda
HSW-WINF-03 Provisional Agenda with Indicative Schedule Rev2 (29 Nov 2015)
HSW-WINF-04 Provisional List of Documents
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
HSW-PPT-02.a Recap HS approach
John Hampton
HSW-PPT-02.b.1 Harvest Strategies ICCAT NA Albacore
Gorka Merino
HSW-PPT-02.b.2 CCSBT Harvest Strategy
John Annala
HSW-PPT-02.b.3 Cross tRFMO wrap up HS
V Restrepo
HSW-PPT-03.a NP Albacore MSE
John Holmes
HSW-PPT-03.b MSE Overview
Robert Scott
HSW-PPT-05 Acceptable levels of risk breaching LRP
Rob Scott
HSW-PPT-06.a FFA Proposal SKJ TRP
Les Clark
HSW-PPT-06.b CPUE-abundance dynamics PS
Rob Scott
HSW-PPT-06.c HCR SKJ focus
Graham Pilling
HSW-PPT-07.a Bioeconomics SPA TRP
Graham Pilling
HSW-PPT-07.b Selecting a TRP for SPA
Wez Norris
HSW-PPT-07.c HCR for SPA
Graham Pilling
HSW-PPT-08.a.1 MSE where does it fit
Rob Scott
Gorka Merino
HSW-PPT-08.b Harvest Strategy Work Plan
Kelly Buchanan
HSW-PPT-09 Links Harvest Strategies and CMMs
Bubba Cook
HSW-PPT-10 HSW where to from here
WCPFC ED and Chair
HSW-PPT-Break out group SKJ Break out group Skipjack
Ian Cartwright
HSW-PPT-Break out group SPA Break out group South Pacific Albacore
Victor Restrepo
HSW-PPT-Presentation to WCPFC12 HSW Presentation to WCPFC12
Ian Cartwright
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
Recommendations from the Pew Charitable Trusts
Fishing within Limits.
WWF Factsheet

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