WCPFC Management Objectives Workshop 2

Convention Centre, Cairns, AUSTRALIA
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
More Information

Cairns Convention Centre (http://www.cairnsconvention.com.au/ )

Led by the same expert panel and following on from the first WCPFC Management Objectives Workshop (MOW) in Manila, Philippines in November 2012   (Report: http://www.wcpfc.int/node/3560), the second workshop, MOW2, will build on the outcomes of the first, to identify and refine potential target reference points to present at WCPFC 10 which convenes three days later.

The first MOW provided an opportunity for participants to consider more fully the importance of a fisheries management framework for the WCPO, and focused primarily on developing a list of reasonable and considered fishery management objectives to inform the Commission and guide the expert panel. The panel met again in May 2013 to draft a consultative document (strawman), which elicited feedback from WCPFC Committees, regional bodies and stakeholders. Participants at MOW2 will have an opportunity to review the strawman which may be refined before submission with external comments to WCPFC 10. MOW2 will focus on four topics:

  • Target  MEY-based reference points and HCRs for skipjack (purse seine fishery)
  • Target MEY-based reference points for albacore  (southern longline fishery)
  • Yellowfin: spatial issues and fishery interactions/ trade-offs
  • To be announced


Discussion will be informed by information papers that are being prepared by SPC,  which will be available prior to the workshop. The deadline for submissionn of papers is 14th November 2013.

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
MOW2 Summary Report Final
Ian Cartwright
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
MOW2-WINF-01 Workshop Notice and Information
MOW2-WINF-02 Provisional Agenda
Secretariat and Expert Group
MOW2-WINF-03 Provisional Agenda with Indicative Schedule and Papers
Secretariat and Expert Group
MOW2-WINF-04 Provisional List of Documents Rev 1 (28 November 2013)
Secretariat and Expert Group
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
MOW2-PPT-01 MOW2 Introduction
MOW2-PPT-02 Potential target reference points that consider profitability of fleets: south Pacific albacore longlining as an example
MOW2-PPT-03 Potential Target Reference Points that consider fisheries across the extent of the stock: Yellowfin fisheries as an example
MOW2-PPT-04 Management strategies (objectives, indicators, reference points and harvest control rules): the equatorial skipjack purse seine fishery as an example
MOW2-PPT-05 Trade-offs in multi-species, multi-gear fisheries
MOW2-PPT-06 Supplementary presentation for PPT 04 management strategies
MOW2-PPT-07 Presentation by WG1 Potential objectives and reference points that consider economic profitability of the South Pacific albacore longline fishery
MOW2-PPT-08 Presentation by WG2 Maintaining viable fisheries across the extent of the stock: yellowfin and bigeye longline fisheries
MOW2-PPT-09 Presentation by WG3 Management strategies (objectives, indicators, reference points and harvest control rules) Skipjack example
MOW2-PPT-10 Presentation by WG4 Managing impacts on a key tuna species across gear types; Options for addressing bigeye tuna overfishing
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
MOW2-IP-01 Rev 1 Report of the Expert Working Group: Management objectives, performance indicators and reference points Rev 1
Ian Cartwright [1], Jim Ianelli [2] and Robin Allen [3]

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