WCPFC Management Objectives Workshop

Philippines International Convention Center, Room # 12, 3rd Floor, Manila, Philippines
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
More Information

 Management Objectives Workshop

28-29 November, 2012

Manila, Philippines

Welcome to the WCPFC Management Objectives Workshop (MOW) web-page. The MOW terms of reference approved at WCPFC8 draw attention to WCPFC Convention text [docicon:213], including Articles 5, 6, 7, 10, and 30, and further recommends consideration of UNCLOS and UNFSA (e.g. Annex 2 Guidelines). In addition you may wish to review the Australian DAFF Commonwealth Fisheries Harvest Strategy, Policy and Guidelines.

Outcomes from the Management Objectives Workshop were detailed in the Report of the Management Objectives Workshop (posted below), and were accepted by WCPFC 9. Within the agreed roadmap for future actions, the expert group in consultation with relevant parties will finalise development of Management Objectives, Performance Indicators and Reference Points. The resulting strawman document will be reviewed by the WCPFC Science Committee (SC9 August 2013), refined and presented to the follow up workshop ‘Management Objectives Workshop 2' (MOW2). That Workshop will provide a further forum for feedback by Commission Members, subsidiary bodies and other stakeholders. MOW2 will then report to WCPFC 10 (December 2013), which it immediately precedes.

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
MOW1-WINF-01 Workshop Notice and Information
MOW1-WINF-02 Provisional Agenda Rev 3 (19 Nov 2012)
MOW1-WINF-03 Provisional Agenda with Indicative Schedule and Papers Rev 1 (27 Nov 2012)
MOW1-WINF-04 Placeholder
MOW1-WINF-05 Glossary of Terms
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
MOW1-PRES-01 Workshop Introduction
Ian Cartwright
MOW1-PRES-02 Management Framework and Management Objectives (1)
MOW1-PRES-03 Relevant sections of WCPFC Convention,and other international instruments
MOW1-PRES-04 Management Objectives in Other RFMOs
Robin Allen and Jim Ianelli
MOW1-PRES-05 Stock Assessment
MOW1-PRES-06 Management Framework and Management Objectives (2) and Indicators
MOW1-PRES-07 Reference Points
MOW1-PRES-08 Reference Points in Practice
MOW1-PRES-09 Developing Harvest Control Rules for PNA
MOW1-PRES-10 Management Objectives in Australia's Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fisheries
Trent Timmiss
MOW1-PRES-11 Management Objectives in US Fisheries
Tom Graham
MOW1-PRES-12 Characteristics of historical population dynamics of temperate tunas in the north Pacific and implications for management
Hiroyuki Kurotai [1] and Mikihiko Kai [2]
MOW1-PRES-13 Applicability of historically-based limit reference points to North Pacific tuna stocks
Mikihiko Kai [1], Hiroshi Okamura [2], Momoko Ichinokawa [1][2], and Hiroyuki Kurota [1][3]
MOW1-PRES-14 The estimation strategy of ABC and management rule of TAC for Japanese waters.
Minoru Kanaiwa [1]
MOW1-PRES-15 Placeholder
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
MOW1-WP-01 Placeholder
MOW1-WP-02 Placeholder
MOW1-WP-03 What are Stock Assessments? And their role in Fisheries Management
MOW1-WP-04 Management Framework
MOW1-WP-05 Measuring Success: Indicators of Management Performance
MOW1-WP-06 Guiding Principles: Development of Reference Points for WCPO Fisheries
MOW1-WP-07 Evaluating Options: Rules to Guide Harvest Management Decisions
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
MOW1-IP-01 WCPFC Management Objectives Workshop Terms of Reference and Structure
MOW1-IP-02 Approaches for Identification of Appropriate Reference Points and Implementation of MSE within the WCPO
Davies C. and M. Basson
MOW1-IP-03 Identification of Candidate Limit Reference Points for the Key Target Species in the WCPFC
Preece A, R Hillary and C Davies
MOW1-IP-04 Evaluation of Stock Status of South Pacific Albacore, Bigeye, Skipjack and Yellowfin Tunas and Southwest Pacific Striped Marlin against Potential Limit RPs
S J Harley, A M Berger, G M Pilling, N Davies, and J Hampton
MOW1-IP-05 Consideration of Target Reference Points for WCPO Stocks with an Emphasis on Skipjack Tuna
Graham M. Pilling, Shelton J. Harley, Aaron M. Berger, Nick Davies and John Hampton
MOW1-IP-06 Introduction to Harvest Control Rules for WCPO Tuna Fisheries
A M Berger, S J Harley, G M Pilling, N Davies, J Hampton
MOW1-IP-07 Developing a Fishery Management Regime for Stocks Managed by the Northern Committee
MOW1-IP-08 Workshop on Biological Reference Points
Northern Committee
MOW1-IP-09 Paper withdrawn
MOW1-IP-10 Paper withdrawn
MOW1-IP-11 Paper withdrawn

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