Second Meeting of the WCPFC FAD Management Options IWG

Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
More Information

The FAD Management Options IWG was established at WCPFC11.  Background information submitted for the consideration of the FAD Management Options IWG can be found here: 

Two draft papers which were circulated by the FAD Management Options IWG Chair during SC12 are provided below.  

Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC12-ST-WP-06 A proposal for a research plan to inform FAD management options for the WCPFC
Kumasi B
SC12-ST-WP-08 A proposal for data to inform FAD data collection through fishing vessel catch logsheets
Brian Kumasi
WCPFC-2016-FADMgmtOptionsIWG02-01_rev1 Provisional Agenda - revision 1
WCPFC-2016-FADMgmtOptionsIWG02-02 Review of activities 2015/16 - FAD Management Options IWG
WCPFC-2016-FADMgmtOptionsIWG02-04 Report on marking and monitoring of FADs consultancy
MRAG Australia
WCPFC-2016-FADMgmtOptionsIWG02-06 FAO and the Committee on Fisheries - An update on the work towards the development of international guidelines on the marking of fishing gear
Francis Chopin, Petri Suuronen and Joanna Toole


WCPFC-FADMgmtOptionsIWG02-05 A discussion paper on management options
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC10-ST-IP-09 Preliminary analysis of the Regional Observer Programme data on FAD design
Abascal, F., S. Fukofuka, C. Falasi, P. Sharples and P. Williams.
SC12 Agenda 3.6 Fad Management Options IWG - presentation to SC12
WCPFC11-2014-Summary Report Att E FADMgmtOptions IWG TOR
WCPFC12-2015-22_rev3 Summary Report of First meeting of FAD Management Options Intersessional Working Group rev3
WCPFC12-2015-Summary Report Att V Agreed FADMgmtOptions IWG workplan and prospectus for one of two proposed consultancies
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SC12-EB-IP-11 Evaluating potential biodegradable twines for use in the tropical tuna fishery
Lopez, J.[1], J.M. Ferarios [2], J. Santiago [2], O.G. Alvarez [3], G. Moreno [4], H. Murua [1].

SC12-SA-IP-14 Towards a Tropical Tuna Buoy-derived Abundance Index (TT-BAI)
Santiago, J [1]., J. Lopez [2], G. Moreno [2], H. Murua[2] , I. Quincoces [1] and M. Soto [3].

WCPFC-2016-FADMgmtOptionsIWG02-DP01 Comments on FAD-IWG paper on FAD data fields (ST-WP08)
PNA Office
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-FADMgmtOptionsIWG01-OP01 Mitigation of Silky Shark Bycatch in Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries
International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF)
WCPFC-FADMgmtOptionsIWG01-OP02 ISSF FAD-related research and the FAD IWG FAD Management Plan
International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF)
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
3.1 SPC Presentation
3.3 PTTP Presentation
3.5 IATTC presentation
3.6 / 7.1 ISSF presentation
4.1 FAO presentation
4.2 PNA Presentation - research
4.3 Marking and Monitoring
MRAG Australia
7.2 PEW Presentation
PEW Charitable Trusts
7.3 PNA FAD Management

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