First Science-Management Dialogue

Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Submissions Due:
More Information

This meeting will be held at 10:00am Pohnpei time (UTC+11) for four (4) hours on Friday, 19 August and Monday, 22 August 2022.

List of corresponding times at various world locations -

Self-tutorial within PIMPLE

It is recommended that meeting attendees become familiar with the 'PIMPLE' software, which will be used during the SMD01 to examine the latest results for candidate WCPO skipjack management procedures (Agenda item 4.1.1). There are two information sheets referenced at the top of the Introduction page that will provide members with a guide to the software -

Videos for PIMPLE Introduction
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC19-2022-SMD01 SMD01 Summary Report (06Oct2022) - Rev.01
WCPFC19-2022-SMD01-01 SMD01 Outcomes Document
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-SMD01-2022-01 Meeting notice and arrangements
WCPFC-SMD01-2022-02 Provisional annotated agenda (13May) - Rev.01
WCPFC-SMD01-2022-03 Meeting Schedule (16Aug) - Rev.01
WCPFC-SMD01-2022-04 List of documents
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SMD01-BP-01 Objectives of the First Science-Management Dialogue Meeting (SMD01)
Secretariat and the SSP
SMD01-BP-02 Progress in developing harvest strategies for WCPFC stocks and fisheries
SMD01-BP-03 Overview of the harvest strategy development for skipjack tuna
SMD01-BP-04 Management procedures for South Pacific albacore
SMD01-BP-05 Pathways to Improving the Commission Decision-making
WCPFC Secretariat
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SMD01-IP-01 (SC18-MI-WP-02) Evaluations of candidate management procedures for skipjack tuna in the WCPO
R. Scott, F. Scott, N. Yao, P. Hamer, and G. Pilling
SMD01-IP-02 (SC18-MI-WP-03) WCPO skipjack management procedure: dry run
R. Scott, N. Yao, F. Scott, T. Teears, T. Peatman, J. Hampton, P. Hamer, and G. Pilling
SMD01-IP-03 (SC18-MI-WP-04) Further analyses to inform discussions on South Pacific albacore objectives and the TRP
Graham Pilling
SMD01-IP-04 (SC18-MI-WP-05) Progress update and technical challenges for the South Pacific albacore MSE framework
R. Scott, N. Yao, F. Scott P. Hamer, and G. Pilling
SMD01-IP-05 (SC18-MI-WP-06) Mixed fishery harvest strategy update
F. Scott, R. Scott, N. Yao, G. M. Pilling and P. Hamer
SMD01-IP-06 (SC18-MI-IP-03) Key decisions for the WCPFC Commission and Scientific Committee under the harvest strategy approach for WCPO tuna stocks and fisheries (UPDATE to SC14-MI-WP-05)
G. Pilling, R. Scott, P. Hamer, J. Hampton, F. Scott, and N. Yao
SMD01-IP-07 (SC18-MI-IP-10) Update on capacity building and stakeholder engagement activities for WCPFC harvest strategies
F. Scott, R. Scott, N. Yao, G. M. Pilling and P. Hamer
SMD01-IP-08 (SC18-MI-IP-13) Functions of the monitoring strategy for WCPO skipjack tuna
SMD01-IP-09 (SC18-MI-IP-14) Data collection programme to support a management procedure for WCPO skipjack tuna
SMD01-IP-10 SC18 Management Issues Theme Recommendations (adopted)
Management Issues Theme Co-Convener Robert Campbell
SMD01-IP-11 Videos for PIMPLE Introduction
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
SMD01-OP-01 WCPFC Position Statement
Global Tuna Alliance
SMD01-OP-02 PEW Statement to the WCPFC Science-Management Dialogue
The Pew Charitable Trusts

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