Second Meeting of the WCPFC FAD Management Options IWG

Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
More Information

The FAD Management Options IWG was established at WCPFC11.  Background information submitted for the consideration of the FAD Management Options IWG can be found here: 

Two draft papers which were circulated by the FAD Management Options IWG Chair during SC12 are provided below.  

Download Meeting Documents*18 Nov 2021ZIP - 14.45 MB
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
SC12-EB-IP-11 Evaluating potential biodegradable twines for use in the tropical tuna fishery
Lopez, J.[1], J.M. Ferarios [2], J. Santiago [2], O.G. Alvarez [3], G. Moreno [4], H. Murua [1].

SC12-SA-IP-14 Towards a Tropical Tuna Buoy-derived Abundance Index (TT-BAI)
Santiago, J [1]., J. Lopez [2], G. Moreno [2], H. Murua[2] , I. Quincoces [1] and M. Soto [3].

WCPFC-2016-FADMgmtOptionsIWG02-DP01 Comments on FAD-IWG paper on FAD data fields (ST-WP08)
PNA Office
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
WCPFC-FADMgmtOptionsIWG01-OP01 Mitigation of Silky Shark Bycatch in Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries
International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF)
WCPFC-FADMgmtOptionsIWG01-OP02 ISSF FAD-related research and the FAD IWG FAD Management Plan
International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF)
Symbol Title Files Date of Issue
3.1 SPC Presentation
3.3 PTTP Presentation
3.5 IATTC presentation
3.6 / 7.1 ISSF presentation
4.1 FAO presentation
4.2 PNA Presentation - research
4.3 Marking and Monitoring
MRAG Australia
7.2 PEW Presentation
PEW Charitable Trusts
7.3 PNA FAD Management

* Secure documents are not included in the zip file