2nd Meeting of the Electronic Reporting and Electronic Monitoring Intersessional Working Group

Stones Hotel, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC-TCC12-2016-17 Summary Report for ERandEMWG2
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
WCPFC Circular 2016/10 Letter from ERandEM-WG Chair on dates for the 2nd ERandEM-WG meeting
WCPFC-2016-ERandEMWG2-01 Meeting Notice and Provisional Agenda
WCPFC-2016-ERandEMWG2-02 Provisional Agenda and Indicative Schedule
WCPFC-2016-ERandEMWG2-03 Review of 2015/16 activities - ERandEMWG
WCPFC-2016-ERandEMWG2-04 Draft WCPFC E-monitoring process standard data fields for operational longline observer data
WCPFC-2016-ERandEMWG2-05 Agreed outcomes from ERandEMWG2
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
ERandEMWG2 - 2.1 ER and EM process slides
ERandEMWG2 - 2.2 Australian ETBF e-monitoring
ERandEMWG2 - 2.2 Korea Fisheries Monitoring Centre and progress to date with ER and EM
ERandEMWG2 - 2.2 Philippines E-reporting system supporting HSP1 activities
ERandEMWG2 - 2.3 Report on the Monitoring (Longline) Process Standards Workshop
ERandEMWG2 - 2.3 Report of the first strategy meeting of the tuna Data Collection Committee (DCC)
ERandEMWG2 - 3 Progress on testing draft E-reporting standards (observer and logbook)
ERandEMWG2 - 4 Report of E-Monitoring How Workshop

* Secure documents are not included in the zip file

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