Ad Hoc Task Group [Data]

Manila, Philippines
Meeting Dates:
Not provisional
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
AHTG-2009-DP/01 EC Comments
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
AHTG[Data]-2006 Registration Form
AHTG[Data]-2006-01 Notice of Meeting
AHTG[Data]-2006-02 Provisional Agenda
AHTG[Data]-2006-03 List of Documents
AHTG[Data]-2006-04 Indicative Schedule
AHTG[Data]-2006-05 Draft Rules for WCPFC Data
AHTG[Data]-2006-06 Rules and Procedures for the Security of Medium Risk Data Held By the Commission
AHTG[Data]-2006-07 Draft Information Security Policy
AHTG[Data]-2006-08 Background
AHTG[Data]-2006-Report Final Report
Symbol Title Date of Issue Last Updated
AHTG [Data]-2009/02 AHTG [Data] Chair's 4th Draft, 2 September 2009
AHTG [Data]-2009/03 Fifth Draft - [09.28.09]
AHTG [Data]-2009/04 Sixth Draft - [09.29.09]
AHTG[Data]-2009/01 Provisional Agenda
WCPFC-TCC5-2009/01a Information for Participants and Bus Schedule

* Secure documents are not included in the zip file

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